Frazier PHD RMT, Karen - Complete Reiki - The All-in-One Reiki Manual For Deep Healing and Spiritual Growth-Rockridge Press (2020)
Frazier PHD RMT, Karen - Complete Reiki - The All-in-One Reiki Manual For Deep Healing and Spiritual Growth-Rockridge Press (2020)
Frazier PHD RMT, Karen - Complete Reiki - The All-in-One Reiki Manual For Deep Healing and Spiritual Growth-Rockridge Press (2020)
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For all my Reiki students and healing partners.
About the Author
Reiki Energy
Once attuned to Reiki energy, anyone can channel it.
However, it does help to have an understanding of what
Reiki is and its benefits, how it works, and how it affects all
types of energy. To that end, in this chapter I’ll provide
some background information that will be helpful for you
on your Reiki journey. It’s also essential information for
those of you who wish to move further along in your Reiki
journey to become Reiki Master-Teachers to teach and
attune others to Reiki energy.
Mikao Usui was a Buddhist monk from a wealthy family. He had a
deep interest in medicine and in finding a form of energy healing
that could bring balance of the body, mind, and spirit. While he was
studying in the monastery, Usui Sensei ascended Mount Kurama,
where he meditated, fasted, and prayed in a cave for 21 days. On the
21st day, he had a spiritual awakening. He saw Sanskrit symbols
appear on the cave wall and was inspired to develop a system of
energy healing that we know today as Usui Ryoho Reiki. In 1922, he
founded a Reiki clinic and school in Tokyo. It was there that he
trained a number of Japanese practitioners, including Dr. Chujiro
Chujiro Hayashi was a medical doctor and naval officer who
learned Reiki at Dr. Usui’s Tokyo clinic and school. After learning
from Usui Sensei, Dr. Hayashi also developed a series of hand
positions that enhanced the Reiki treatments, and he began
teaching and practicing Reiki at a clinic in Tokyo. He trained
several Japanese Reiki practitioners, as well as a Japanese
American woman from Hawaii named Mrs. Hawayo Takata. After
visiting Mrs. Takata in Hawaii in the 1940s, Dr. Hayashi returned to
Japan. The government wanted him to share secrets from his
experiences in America and what he had learned there. Dr. Hayashi
chose seppuku (ritual suicide), which was considered an honorable
death, rather than comply with what the government was asking.
Mrs. Takata is responsible for the spread of Reiki in the West. She
further enhanced Dr. Usui’s and Dr. Hayashi’s treatments by
adding a system of hand placements she called Foundation
Treatment (the hand positions taught today). To honor the Reiki
traditions and the work of Drs. Usui and Hayashi, Mrs. Takata was
extremely careful about who she taught Reiki to and how she
taught it. She insisted Reiki be taught as an oral tradition—
humankind’s first and most ubiquitous form of communication—
and charged $10,000 to teach and attune Reiki practitioners to
honor the traditions she learned. In her lifetime, Mrs. Takata
trained and attuned 22 Reiki practitioners in the West, and all Usui
Ryoho Reiki practitioners can trace their lineage back through Mrs.
Takata to Drs. Hayashi and Usui.
Today, there are thousands of Reiki practitioners throughout the
West, and Reiki continues to expand in amazing ways. In fact, it’s
gone mainstream. Many health care practitioners—such as massage
therapists, nurses, and physical therapists—add Reiki to
complement their healing arts. Reiki is also available in some
hospitals, as well as in nursing homes and hospices.
Nontraditional Reiki
Other systems of Reiki have made it to the West as well. Although
they use the same energy and have similar principles to Usui Ryoho
Reiki, they may rely on different symbols and processes during
Reiki treatments. Some less common forms of Reiki you might
come across in the West include Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki, Karuna Ki
Reiki, Saku Reiki, Raku Reiki, and many others.
Though all traditions use the same energy, some are older
systems that come directly from Japan, and others are Reiki
systems that have been developed in the West relying on different
practices, hand positions, intentions, and more. Some are even a
hybrid of Reiki and other energy healing practices.
I urge you to find the system of Reiki that resonates most for
you; none is inherently wrong or right, as Reiki is an intelligent
energy that goes where it is needed and serves the greatest good
regardless of the system of delivery. Therefore, as a Reiki
practitioner, you are free to select the system of Reiki that makes
the most sense to you.
Whether using guided meditation, visualization, affirmation, or
mindfulness, meditation is a wonderful complement to Reiki
healing. Meditation is simply allowing a state of mindfulness. It can
be as easy as sitting and focusing on breathing, or it can be
something more complex. Prayer is a form of meditation, as is
reciting affirmations or visualizing. All allow your healing partner
to become an active participant in the process of their healing
through their own intention.
I adore working with crystals and gemstones. The different colors
and structures of the crystals cause them to vibrate at various
energetic frequencies to support different types of healing.
Although there’s a lot to learn about crystals, a simple guideline is to
work with crystals that match the color of the chakra you are
balancing. For example, if you’re working on heart chakra energy,
you may wish to place pink or green healing crystals on the heart
chakra and channel Reiki to your healing partner right through the
Plant Medicine
Plants are living beings with their own vibrational frequency. You
can have live plants present in a session to contribute to the
vibrational atmosphere of the space, or suggest your healing
partners work with the energy of certain plants (such as through
teas or in bath water). Plants allow your healing partners to actively
participate in their own energy healing process by working with
plant energy. Please note that as a Reiki healing practitioner, you
are not allowed to prescribe, so be very careful about the plants you
suggest your healing partners take orally. Instead, recommend
working with plants through activities such as burning herbs or
soaking in a bath with them.
Ayurveda is another system that works with creating balance of
the different types of elemental energies—earth, air, fire, water, and
space—through energy healing practices. Again, although you
cannot prescribe substances unless you are an Ayurvedic doctor,
you can help your healing partners participate in their own energy
healing by engaging in personal practices involving food or
movement to bring elemental energy balance.
Gassho Meditation
Dr. Usui also taught a simple form of meditation for all Reiki
practitioners that he called Gassho. Gassho meditation is
important for Reiki practitioners because it helps bring you into
the present moment and settle into the Reiki energy before you
begin to channel it to another. Usui Sensei recommended
practicing Gassho (or another form of meditation) daily, as well as
for a few moments at the beginning of a Reiki session to invite Reiki
energy to flow.
To perform Gassho:
1. Place your hands in prayer position in front of your heart.
2. Breathe naturally, focusing on the place where the tips of your
middle fingers intersect.
3. If your mind starts to wander, gently return your attention to
the intersection of your middle fingers.
4. If doing this before a Reiki session, ask for the Reiki energy to
flow. When you feel it begin to flow in your hands, begin your
Reiki session.
5. Do this (or another form of meditation) for 10 to 20 minutes
every day.
Reiki Attunements
To channel Reiki energy, a Reiki Master-Teacher must attune you
to that degree of Reiki energy. Once you are attuned to a certain
degree of Reiki energy, you will be for life. You will never need to be
reattuned to the same degree of Reiki energy again.
So, what is an attunement? In an attunement, a Reiki Master-
Teacher aligns your vibrational energy with the energetic
frequency of the degree of Reiki energy you will be channeling. I
look at the alignment as removing a filter or flipping a switch in the
practitioner to allow that degree of Reiki energy to flow in an
unrestricted manner. Attunements only take a few minutes, but
they create a profound change in the Reiki practitioner due to
changes in your personal frequency and vibration.
Because your energetic frequency changes with each successive
attunement to higher degrees of Reiki, I recommend leaving at least
21 days between attunements (the amount of time Usui Sensei
fasted and meditated on Mount Kurama) to become fully
accustomed to the vibrational changes that have occurred.
Attunements can occur either in-person or at a distance. I
prefer in-person attunements so my students have the opportunity
to practice under my supervision after attunement, but that isn’t
always possible. I have attuned many people using both methods
(in-person and distance), and both methods have always resulted in
the person receiving the attunement aligning with the degree of
Reiki energy they are now able to channel.
What to Expect
Your First Degree Reiki attunement will take just a few minutes; it
may be longer if you are part of a group of people being attuned.
During the attunement, you will sit with your eyes closed and your
hands in Gassho. Although different Reiki Master-Teachers follow
different processes for attunement, most will likely have the
following elements:
1. At the start of the attunement, the Reiki Master-Teacher will
ask you to silently affirm your desire and consent to be attuned
to First Degree Reiki energy.
2. While you sit with your eyes closed, you may hear or sense the
Reiki Master-Teacher moving around you. (When I am
attuning groups, I always gently touch the shoulder of the
person I am attuning so they know it is their turn.) Breathe
deeply and allow any sensations you notice during the
3. During the attunement, the Reiki Master-Teacher will use
Reiki symbols to align your energetic system, including your
hara line chakras, with First Degree Reiki energy.
4. At the end of the attunement, the Reiki Master-Teacher will
give thanks to Reiki and to Reiki Masters past, present, and
future for your attunement, affirming that you will move
forward as a powerful and confident First Degree Reiki
5. The Reiki Master-Teacher may also ask you to take a moment
to reflect in gratitude and to affirm your willingness to move
forward as a powerful and confident First Degree Reiki
Possible Reactions
You may experience some reactions during or immediately
following your attunement, or you may not experience anything—
all reactions are natural. The following are possible reactions to
your attunement:
To prepare for and perform a self-treatment:
1. Find a place where the session won’t be disturbed.
2. Adjust the environment for comfort by ensuring the lighting is
soft, the temperature is comfortable, and the space allows you
to sit or lie comfortably during your self-treatment.
3. Sit with your hands in Gassho and ask for the Reiki to flow.
4. When you feel the Reiki flow, use the self-treatment hand
positions (beginning here), holding your hands in each position
for three to five minutes. You can use a Reiki timer to do this—
there are many Reiki timer apps as well as YouTube videos that
play music with a discreet chime when it’s time to switch hand
positions. If you feel intuitively guided for alternative
placements, listen to this guidance and move your hands as
guided. If the guidance stops, return to the basic hand positions.
5. At the end of treatment, return your hands to Gassho and offer
thanks to the Reiki energy for flowing in ways that serve your
greatest good.
6. Run your hands under cold water to ground yourself and shut
off the flow of Reiki energy.
Ending a Session
At the conclusion of the session, have your healing partner sit up on
the table or, if seated, open their eyes.
1. Sweep their aura again, touching the ground at the bottom of
each sweep.
2. Give your healing partner a glass of cool water to ground them
and step out to run your hands under cold water to break the
energetic connection between the two of you.
3. After the session, allow your healing partner to ask questions or
share any experiences they wish to with you.
Range of Results
Your healing partner may experience a range of results. It’s always
best to suggest they drink plenty of water throughout the
remainder of the day, as water can flush out any toxins that have
been released into the body as a result of the vibrational shift that
occurred during the Reiki session.
All experiences that result from a Reiki session exist to serve
the greatest good of your healing partner. Some things your healing
partners might experience include:
♦ Emotional release, rapid emotional shifts, or slight emotional
shifts as a result of vibrational change
♦ A brief uptick in symptoms followed by a lessening of
symptoms, or sometimes just a lessening of symptoms
♦ Increased intuition
♦ Increased spiritual awareness
♦ Vivid dreams
♦ Deeper sleep or mild sleep disturbances
♦ A sense of relaxation or deep peace
♦ Sleepiness
♦ Increased energy
♦ A “buzzing” feeling throughout the body
♦ Sensations of warmth
♦ No noticeable results
Receiving Reiki
The best way to understand what it feels like to receive Reiki is to
work with another Reiki practitioner or to channel Reiki to
yourself if you’re a newly attuned practitioner. However, it’s
always helpful to understand the range of experiences people might
have during a Reiki session in order to explain to your healing
partners what they might experience while they’re on your table.
Who or What Can Receive Reiki?
Because everything is made up of the same energy that simply
takes different forms, anything or anyone can receive Reiki. Here
are some examples:
There are also a few people you should not channel Reiki to:
Getting Ready
Before a healing partner receives Reiki, they may wish to do the
Sensing Energy
During a treatment, you may sense the energy of your healing
partner, and your healing partner may sense energy from you or
from the Reiki.
After a session, I try to talk minimally to my healing partners
because I want them to have as much space as they need to
experience anything that arises as the result of energetic shifts.
However, I do typically ask if they have questions. Additionally, I
advise my healing partners to:
♦ Always work with your feet flat on the floor. If it’s feasible, have
your feet bare during the session.
♦ After the session, run your hands under cool or cold water to
ground you and break the energetic connection to your healing
partner. Ground your healing partner by sweeping their aura,
ensuring you finish by touching the ground, and offering them a
glass of cool water.
♦ After your healing partner leaves, sit or stand with your feet flat
on the floor and visualize roots growing from your feet and
extending deep into the Earth.
In hands-on Reiki healing, place your hands directly on your
healing partner (or yourself) using direct touch. This is the best
method to use if your healing partner gives permission for touch, as
many people don’t have much loving touch in their lives and Reiki
is a way to provide it. Hands-on Reiki also generates a gentle,
healing warmth that is calming and relaxing. You can use the Reiki
hand positions (here) or place your hands intuitively depending on
what you feel guided to do.
If you don’t receive permission to touch, or you don’t have a license
to touch when you’re practicing professionally, hover your hands
between one and four inches above your healing partner’s body
using the Reiki hand positions or hand positions you are intuitively
guided to take. Although this isn’t as intimate as hands-on touch, in
some cases it may feel safer or more comfortable for your healing
Intuitive Healing
Even though First Degree Usui Ryoho Reiki provides a system of
hand positions, I always encourage my students to work with their
intuition as much as possible during a Reiki session. If you feel
intuitively guided to place your hands in a certain spot, listen to
that guidance. Your intuition exists to guide you as a Reiki
practitioner. Following this guidance can help direct the Reiki
energy quickly and efficiently to where it is most needed.
I understand that it can be difficult or stressful to rely on
intuition during a Reiki healing session with a healing partner,
particularly when you’re new to the practice, but it doesn’t have to
be. It’s actually simple: If you’re guided to place your hands
somewhere, follow that guidance. When you feel guided to move
your hands to a different location, move them there. If you don’t
notice any intuitive guidance, follow the system of hand positions,
always allowing room for guidance to arise throughout a session.
If you’d like to try working with intuition in a session, ask for
intuitive guidance at the start of the session. Stand at your healing
partner’s head with your hands in Gassho, holding your fingertips
in front of your third eye chakra. Then, ask to be guided during your
session. Once you feel guidance, move your hands to where you feel
you should place them. If you don’t notice any guidance, start with
the hand positions, holding space for the possibility of guidance
during a session.
Guidance may arise in the following ways:
♦ Use a light touch—don’t press too hard or rest the weight of your
hands and arms on yourself or your healing partner.
♦ Cup your hands lightly with your fingers lightly pressed
together and your thumbs tucked into the sides of your palms as
illustrated, unless otherwise indicated.
♦ Hold each hand position for three to five minutes, or or until
until you are guided to move your hands.
♦ If any hand position is uncomfortable for you, adapt it so you are
able to hold the position comfortably for three to five minutes.
♦ For self-Reiki, either lie on your back in a comfortable position
or sit upright in a chair with your feet resting flat on the floor.
This hand position channels Reiki to your third eye and crown
chakras, as well as to your eyes, brain, forehead, and sinuses.
1. With your hands cupped and thumbs tucked into the sides of
your hand, lightly rest the heels of your palms on your
2. Rest your fingertips lightly on your forehead at your hairline.
This hand position channels Reiki to your crown and third eye
chakras, as well as to your cheeks, ears, and jaw.
1. Lightly hook your thumbs behind each ear.
2. Rest the pinky side of your cupped hands along your jaw, outer
eyes, and eyebrows.
3. Rest your fingers lightly on your temples.
Back of Head
This hand position channels Reiki to your brain, pineal gland, skull,
and the upper vertebrae of your neck. Some people may find this
hand position needs to be adapted depending on individual
shoulder and arm flexibility, so always adapt for your own comfort.
1. Place your cupped hands along the back of your skull.
2. Rest the pinky ridge of your upper hand where your skull
begins to curve.
3. Rest the thumb ridge of your lower hand along the occiput at
the bottom of your skull.
4. Try to keep your shoulders down and relaxed. If the position is
uncomfortable in a seated position, lie back with your arms and
shoulders supported.
Sides of Neck
This hand position channels Reiki to your throat chakra, as well as
your neck and shoulders. Some people may find this hand position
needs to be adapted depending on neck length, so always adapt for
your own comfort.
1. Place your cupped hands lightly on either side of your neck.
2. Rest the edges of your pinkies along the underside of your
3. Rest the edges of your thumbs lightly on your collarbones.
4. Rest your fingertips along the sides of your neck, starting just
below your earlobes.
5. Avoid pressing too hard here, as your hands will be along your
carotid artery, and too much pressure can cut off or impede
blood supply.
This hand position channels Reiki to your solar plexus chakra, as
well as to your lower thoracic vertebrae, adrenal glands, upper
abdominal organs, sternum and xiphoid process, and the lower part
of your rib cage.
1. Lightly rest your fingertips of each hand along the bottom part
of your sternum, with your middle fingers touching.
2. Extend your cupped hands parallel to the floor, with the heels
of your palms lightly resting along your rib cage on each side.
3. Rest the edges of your pinkies along the bottom of your rib cage
parallel to the floor.
This hand position channels Reiki to your sacral chakra, as well as
to your hips, lower intestines, rectum, groin, and upper thighs.
1. Place your hands lightly in your lap, with your thumbs resting
along the crease between your torso and your thighs.
2. Rest your hands comfortably along your thighs with your
middle fingertips touching, if possible.
Middle Back
This hand position channels Reiki to your solar plexus chakra, as
well as to your lower rib cage, thoracic vertebrae, and upper
abdominal organs and glands including the gallbladder, liver, and
adrenal glands. Some people may find this hand position
uncomfortable, so always adapt for your own comfort. You might
adjust to one hand at a time or do this hand position while lying on
your back if it’s uncomfortable to use both hands at the same time
sitting in an upright position.
1. Place your middle fingertips together at your spine in the mid-
thoracic region.
2. Extend your hands outward at the most comfortable angle,
with the base of your palms resting lightly along the bottom
part of your rib cage.
Lower Back
This hand position channels Reiki to your lower back, lower
abdominal organs, lumbar vertebrae and tailbone, sciatic region,
pelvis, and pelvic organs. Some people may find this hand position
uncomfortable, so always adapt for your own comfort. You might
adjust to one hand at a time or do this hand position while lying on
your back if it’s uncomfortable to use both hands at the same time
sitting in an upright position.
1. Place your middle fingertips together comfortably along your
lumbar vertebrae.
2. Rest the edges of your thumbs along the tops of your buttocks.
This hand position channels Reiki to your knees and upper and
lower legs (thighs and calves). If possible, sit comfortably upright in
this position, with your feet flat on the floor.
1. Place the base of your palms lightly on your lower thighs just
above your knee joint.
2. Bend your fingers down so your fingertips rest lightly along the
lower part of your kneecap (patella), just above your shins.
This hand position channels Reiki to your feet. Although this is
listed as a single hand position, you’ll actually perform it twice, once
on each foot. Adjust your posture in any way that makes this a
comfortable position for you to perform.
1. Cup the bottom of your foot with one hand.
2. Cup the top of your foot with the other hand.
Hand Positions for Healing Others
These hand positions for healing others work best when your
healing partner is lying on an adjustable massage table at a height
that is comfortable for you. Adjust the height of the table so you can
sit or stand comfortably without having to lean or rest your
forearms and so you can hold your hands in the positions for three
to five minutes.
Using the hand positions for healing others allows you to
channel Reiki to every aspect of your healing partner’s body in a
quick and efficient manner. Hold each position for three to five
minutes. If you feel intuitively guided during a session to move your
hands elsewhere, please listen to that guidance. If you’re in the
midst of an intuitive session and you feel your guidance stop,
return to the hand positions.
To use the hand positions for healing others:
This hand position channels Reiki to your healing partner’s crown
and third eye chakras, as well as to their eyes, sinuses, brain, head,
and pineal gland.
1. With your healing partner lying comfortably on their back,
stand or sit at their head.
2. Place the base of your palms along their forehead just above
their eyebrows.
3. Lightly rest your fingertips along their cheekbones.
Back of Head
This hand position channels Reiki to your healing partner’s throat
chakra, as well as to their thyroid and parathyroid, neck vertebrae,
collarbones, shoulders, arms, and upper chest region. This hand
position may be triggering for some healing partners with a history
of certain types of trauma, so be careful with it. When I ask for
permission to touch, I always tell my healing partner that this is one
of the hand positions I may use and ask if they would be
comfortable with it. If they are not, hover your hands instead of
touching them directly.
1. With your healing partner lying comfortably on their back,
stand or sit at their head.
2. Rest the thumb side of your hands just below their jawbone.
3. Rest the sides of your pinkies along their collarbones.
4. Use a very light touch in this region.
This hand position channels Reiki to your healing partner’s heart
chakra, as well as to their heart, lungs, sternum, upper rib cage, and
upper thoracic region. This hand position may be triggering for
some healing partners, so be careful with it. When I ask for
permission to touch, I always tell my healing partner that this is one
of the hand positions I may use and ask if they would be
comfortable with it. If they are not, hover your hands instead of
touching them directly.
1. With your healing partner lying comfortably on their back,
stand or sit at their head.
2. Place the heel of one palm lightly in the center of your healing
partner’s chest along the sternum, with your fingers extending
at an angle upward so your fingertips rest lightly above their
3. Place the heel of your other palm along their collarbone, with
your fingers extending downward overlapping your other
Solar Plexus
This hand position channels Reiki to your healing partner’s solar
plexus chakra, as well as to their adrenal glands, upper abdominal
organs, rib cage, sternum, xiphoid process, and thoracic region.
1. With your healing partner lying comfortably on their back,
stand or sit to one side of them.
2. Place the middle fingertip of one hand on your healing
partner’s xiphoid process and extend your hand perpendicular
to their sternum, with the heel of your palm resting lightly
along their rib cage.
3. Place the heel of your other hand up against the fingertips of
your first hand and extend your hand out parallel so your
fingers are resting lightly on their rib cage.
4. You may need to experiment with which hand is the most
comfortable in which position.
This hand position channels Reiki to your healing partner’s sacral
chakra, as well as to their abdominal organs, lower thoracic region,
bottom of the rib cage, upper intestines, and sexual organs.
1. With your healing partner lying comfortably on their back,
stand or sit to the side of them.
2. Place the middle fingertip of one hand on your healing
partner’s belly button.
3. Extend your hand perpendicular to their rib cage, with the heel
of your hand resting lightly along your healing partner’s side.
4. Place the heel of your other palm along the tip of your middle
finger from the other hand.
5. Extend your fingers forward so they rest on your healing
partner’s other side.
6. You may need to experiment with which hand is most
comfortable in which position.
This hand position channels Reiki to your healing partner’s hara, as
well as to their mid-abdominal organs, upper intestines, and sexual
organs. Your hara is the center point of energetic balance in your
body, and it sits just below your navel.
1. With your healing partner lying comfortably on their back,
stand or sit to the side of them.
2. Rest the thumb side of one hand just below their belly button,
with your palm extending out to one side.
3. Rest the heel of your other hand with the thumb side lightly
touching the index finger of the first hand. Extend your
fingertips out to your healing partner’s side.
This hand position channels Reiki to your healing partner’s ankles,
shins, calves, and Achilles tendons.
1. With your healing partner lying comfortably on their back,
stand or sit to the side of them, even with their ankles.
2. Place your hands gently over the fronts of their ankles, with
your palm resting on one side and your fingertips on the other.
This hand position channels Reiki energy to your healing partner’s
1. With your healing partner lying comfortably on their back,
stand or sit to the side of them, even with their feet.
2. Place the palms of your hands over the top of each of their feet,
with the heels of each hand on one side of their feet and the
fingertips cupped and touching the other side of their feet.
Tops of Legs
This hand position channels Reiki to your healing partner’s root
chakra, tailbone, rectum, and hamstrings.
1. With your healing partner lying comfortably on their stomach,
stand or sit to the side of them, even with their buttocks.
2. Place one hand along the crease of where their buttocks meets
their hamstrings, extending perpendicular to their spine, with
your fingertips lightly touching their inner thigh and the base
of your palm lightly touching their other thigh.
3. For the other hand, place it in a similar position along their
other thigh.
Bridge Position
The bridge hand position allows you to move Reiki from one area to
another with the placement of your hands. For example, if someone
gets lots of creative ideas (born in the sacral chakra) but has trouble
expressing them (throat chakra), then you may wish to create a
Reiki bridge to connect the sacral chakra to the throat chakra. To do
this, you place one hand over the throat chakra and the other hand
over the sacral chakra and visualize the Reiki energy flowing
between the two. You can use this position—with one hand in one
position and the other in another—to connect energy anywhere you
feel it isn’t flowing properly.
Hands on Shoulders
This hand position allows you and your healing partner to get used
to each other’s energy and start the Reiki process for a quick
1. Stand up straight behind your healing partner.
2. Place one hand gently on each of your healing partner’s
shoulders with the heels of your palms resting on the backs of
their shoulder blades and your fingertips resting on their
Crown Chakra
This hand position channels Reiki to the crown chakra and all areas
of the body it affects, including the brain, head, skin, and skeletal
1. Stand behind your healing partner.
2. Hold your hands cupped over the crown of your healing
partner’s head, hovering them 2 to 4 inches above.
This hand position channels Reiki to the third eye chakra and all
areas of the body it affects, including the brain, sinuses, and eyes.
1. Stand to the side of your healing partner.
2. Place one hand across their forehead running parallel to their
3. Place your other hand across the back of their head at the same
height in a similar position.
Throat Chakra
This hand position channels Reiki to the throat chakra and all areas
of the body it affects, including the thyroid, neck, jaw, ears, and
parathyroid. This hand position may be triggering for some healing
partners, so be careful with it. When I ask for permission to touch, I
always tell my healing partner that this is one of the hand positions
I may use and ask if they would be comfortable with it. If they are
not, hover your hands instead of touching them directly.
1. Stand to the side of your healing partner.
2. Place one hand lightly and gently over their throat chakra,
running parallel to their chin.
3. Place your other hand along the back of their neck in a similar
Heart Chakra
This hand position channels Reiki to the heart chakra and all areas
of the body it affects, including the heart, lungs, and ribs.
1. Stand or kneel (depending on which is most comfortable for
you) to one side of your healing partner.
2. Place one hand in the center of their chest, with the pinkie edge
of your hand running just along the tops of their breasts
parallel to the floor.
3. Place your other hand along the back of their body in a similar
Sacral Chakra
This hand position channels Reiki to the sacral chakra and all areas
of the body it affects, including the abdominal organs, sexual
organs, and lumbar spine.
1. Sit or kneel to one side of your healing partner.
2. Place one hand along the front of their body with the thumb
side of your hand running just underneath their belly button
and your hand running parallel to the floor.
3. Place your other hand along the back of their body in a similar
Root Chakra
This hand position channels Reiki to the root chakra and all areas of
the body it affects, including the pelvis, colon, sciatic region,
tailbone, and hips.
1. Sit in front of your healing partner on the floor, facing them.
2. Place each hand along the tops of their thighs in the crease
where the thigh meets the torso, with the heel of your hands on
their outer thighs and your fingertips on their inner thighs.
Third eye
Solar plexus
Step-by-Step Instructions
1. Make sure the lights are low and any music is soft. For all hand
positions, use an extremely light touch.
2. Stand at your healing partner’s head and hold the following
sequence of hand positions: Eyes – Ears – Back of Head –
3. Move to your healing partner’s side and hold the following
hand positions: Heart – Solar Plexus – Navel.
4. Ask your healing partner to roll onto their stomach and,
standing at their side, complete the following hand positions:
Shoulders and Upper Back-Middle Back.
♦ If you have an essential oil diffuser, diffuse lavender essential
oil, which can be helpful for headaches and creates a relaxing,
peaceful atmosphere.
♦ An amethyst crystal placed on the third eye chakra can help
with migraine energy.
Autoimmune Disease
According to the American Autoimmune Related Diseases
Association, there are more than 100 different autoimmune
diseases affecting different body parts, organs, and systems.
Common autoimmune diseases include type 1 diabetes, asthma,
rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, lupus, celiac disease, Graves’
disease, and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.
Affected Chakras
Third eye
Solar plexus
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step-by-Step Instructions
Along with treating the crown and root chakras, you will also want
to hold hand positions over the locations where the arthritis is most
prevalent. For example, if your healing partner presents with
arthritis in the shoulders, then one of your hand positions should
be a nontraditional hand position where you stand at your healing
partner’s head with your hands over each shoulder. Use a very light
touch to avoid making symptoms worse.
1. Stand at your healing partner’s side and hold the following
hand positions: Hara – Groin.
2. Stand at your healing partner’s head and hold the following
hand positions: Eyes – Ears – Back of Head.
3. Hold your hands very lightly over the area where the pain
manifests, such as hands, ankles, elbows, shoulders, or knees.
Tip: Sea salt or Himalayan pink salt baths are especially
beneficial for people suffering from arthritis. Encourage your
healing partner to take 10-minute warm baths with a quarter
cup of Himalayan pink salt or sea salt dissolved in the water 3
to 5 times per week, as well as during periods of pain and
immediately following a Reiki session.
According to the World Health Organization, about 1.13 billion
people worldwide experience hypertension, also known as high
blood pressure. Hypertension is often a symptomless physical issue,
but the results of long-term untreated hypertension can be
catastrophic, leading to heart attack, heart failure, and other life-
threatening physical health problems.
Affected Chakras
Solar plexus
Step-by-Step Instructions
Solar plexus
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step-by-Step Instructions
Solar plexus
Step-by-Step Instructions
Third eye
Solar plexus
Step-by-Step Instructions
Distance Healing
Freed from the constraints of time and space, the opportunities for
sharing healing energy are endless. This opens a world of
possibilities that aren’t available to First Degree Reiki
practitioners. Working with Second Degree Energy and the Reiki
distance healing symbol (here) allows you to channel Reiki energy
across time and space; fill entire spaces with Reiki energy; channel
healing energy to situations such as natural disasters or pandemics;
provide Reiki to people, animals, plants, or objects that can’t be in
your physical space; and even channel Reiki energy to entire groups
of people or the planet as a whole. Additionally, you can send Reiki
back into the past or forward into the future to help heal issues that
may contribute to disease.
Spiritual Development
Attunement to and channeling of Second Degree Reiki energy also
provides opportunities for spiritual growth.
Clairempathy (Empathy)
Clairempathy is the term for being empathic or feeling another’s
emotions as if they are your own. I find that many people drawn to
energy healing are empaths, although they may not recognize that
they are. Empaths feel other people’s emotions and may have
difficulty differentiating them from their own feelings. Some ways
clairempathy may manifest include the following:
All mediums are psychic, but not all psychics are mediums. A
medium is someone who uses their various intuitive gifts (the
“clairs” listed previously), to communicate with the spirit world. If
you are a medium, your gifts may manifest in any of the ways noted
—for example, a clairvoyant medium may actually be able to see
spirits, whereas a clairaudient medium may hear them. Signs of
mediumship may include the following:
Teacher guides are with you in your life between lives (when you
are in the spirit state) and help guide your overall growth as a spirit.
Teacher guides can incarnate with you into lifetimes to help
provide learning and support, or they may guide you from another
dimension while you are incarnated via feelings, dreams, etc. You
may recognize teacher guides in the following ways:
Angels are energetic entities that have never been incarnated as
human beings. They are pure energetic spirits who have stepped
outside of karmic cycles to provide love and support that serves the
greatest good for the universe as a whole. Angels may manifest in
the following ways:
Your Reiki guides are spirits that exist in another dimension to
help you with your energy healing practices. Many believe that past
Reiki Masters are Reiki guides that help all practitioners, but each
individual practitioner has their own Reiki guide or guides, too. Call
on your Reiki guides for assistance during Reiki sessions. Support
from Reiki guides may manifest in the following ways:
♦ Dreams
♦ Intuition
♦ Urges
♦ Voices of reason
♦ Words spoken to you through others
♦ Information provided through psychic insight, channeling,
creative flashes, or writing
♦ Synchronicities
♦ Leaving objects, such as coins or trinkets
Using Discernment
Whether working with your spirit guides or communicating with
other spirits, it’s important that you discern guidance from noise
coming from your own mind, your healing partner, or a source that
may not have the greatest good as a guiding principle. Ask the
following questions to discern whether the information is a form of
If you have a physical feeling during a Reiki session ask, “Is this
mine?” If the answer is no, act on the physical feeling (move your
hands on your healing partner to the position where you’re having
the feeling in your own body), give thanks for the information, and
then visualize the information pushing downward out of your
body, through your feet, and into the Earth where it is neutralized.
1. Sit or lie comfortably where you won’t be disturbed. Breathe deeply in through
your nose and out through your mouth.
2. When you feel relaxed, imagine you are at the end of a street. Notice along the
street ahead of you that there are six houses—one in each of the first six chakra
colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet) with a glowing white temple at
the other end of the street.
3. Walk down the street, entering each house and pausing within to allow the
energy of the house’s color to surround you.
4. When you reach the violet house, notice someone waiting at the front door for
you. This is your Reiki guide. Enter the house and spend time talking to your
guide, asking questions such as how they communicate with you and the types
of guidance they provide.
5. When you’re ready, thank your Reiki guide and leave the violet house. Walk
down the street to the temple.
6. Walk up the temple stairs and enter the temple. Your Reiki guide is standing in
the temple next to a healing table surrounded in light. Decorate your temple in
any way you wish. Bring into this space any objects you feel you need to support
your distance healing efforts while you are here in this temple. You can come
here any time to virtually meet your healing partners and your Reiki guides to
perform Reiki healing for them. If you like, lie down on the healing table and ask
your guide to channel Reiki to you.
7. When you are ready, give thanks to your Reiki guide and exit your temple. Walk
down the street again to your starting point, passing all the colorful houses on
your way.
8. Now, return your attention to your body once again, noticing your breath as it
flows in and out. When you are ready, open your eyes.
Cho Ku Rei
CKR doesn’t have a specific mantra, but every time you draw it,
activate it by saying its name aloud or in your mind three times.
Some people use reverse CKR to close their Reiki sandwich because
they believe it brings energetic balance.
Sei He Ki
Sei he ki is pronounced “say-hay-key”; abbreviated SHK.
SHK means “God and man become one.” SHK is the emotional and
mental energy healing symbol.
SHK doesn’t have a specific mantra. Every time you draw it,
activate it by saying its name aloud or in your mind three times.
When drawing SHK, activate it by surrounding it with CKR so CKR
+ SHK + CKR. This is called the SHK sandwich. There are many
times to use SHK to help clear emotional blockages:
♦ To release energetic blockages and resistance caused by
unsuppressed emotions
♦ To release addictions
♦ To resolve long-term emotional problems
♦ To remove obstacles
♦ To help resolve relationship issues
♦ To process negative emotions
♦ To process grief
♦ To enhance affirmations
♦ To improve emotional intelligence
♦ To improve memory
♦ To spark intuition
♦ To calm emotionally charged situations
♦ To improve communication
♦ To spark creativity
♦ To help find lost items
HSZN means, “no past, no present, no future.” It is the symbol of the
spiritual realm and the Reiki distance healing symbol. To send Reiki
across time or distance, you must use HSZN and activate it with
CKR, which is often called the HSZN sandwich: CKR + HSZN +
HSZN doesn’t have a specific mantra. Every time you draw it,
activate it by saying its name aloud or in your mind three times.
Zonar represents the infinite or eternal. It is good for working with
karmic issues from past lives.
Harth is the symbol of truth, harmony, and love. It can reverse
negativity and bring love into situations. It also opens a channel to
guidance from higher realms, such as guides or your higher self.
Fire Dragon
Fire Dragon represents the energy traveling through your chakras.
You can draw it in either direction (down or up) to move energy in
the desired direction.
Johrei, a symbol of white light, is used to stimulate healing and
release blockages. It’s also a symbol to use to cleanse spaces or
protect them.
Some Reiki Masters use dumo during Reiki attunements.
There are a number of ways you can bring the symbols into your
In the next chapter, you will learn more about using the symbols
as part of your practice of Second Degree Reiki.
Pillar 1: Gassho
You’ve already learned about Gassho in chapter 2 (here), and it is
the first pillar of Reiki you use to prepare for a Reiki session. Begin
your session standing with your hands in Gassho to clear your
mind. Likewise, return to Gassho at any point during your session
to ask for more intuitive information to come to you if you need it.
Pillar 2: Reiji-Ho
The second pillar of Reiki is Reiji-ho (“ray-jee-HOH”). This is where
you invite the Second Degree Reiki and ask for intuitive
information. To perform Reiji-ho:
1. Stand at your healing partner’s head with your hands in Gassho
and your eyes closed.
2. Mentally draw the full Reiki sandwich (CKR + SHK + CKR +
HSZN + CKR) and ask for Reiki to flow.
3. As you draw the symbols, say the name of each 3 times.
4. Ask Reiki energy to balance your subject.
5. Keeping your hands in Gassho, move them to your third eye
chakra and ask them to guide you to where energy is needed.
6. Now, without any personal agenda or desires, allow this to
guide your hands.
Pillar 3: Chiryo
Chiryo (“chi-RYE-oh”) means treatment. This is where you allow
the information you’ve received during your preparations of
Gassho and Reiji-ho to guide you in your healing partner’s
treatment. To perform Chiryo:
1. Hold your hands where you are guided for three to five
minutes, or until you feel intuitively guided to move.
2. Return to Gassho. Ask to be guided again and move where your
intuition tells you to place your hands.
3. Continue this until you are guided that the session is complete.
Hand Scanning
One way to determine where your healing partner needs the most
energy balancing is by hand scanning. With hand scanning, you
move your receiving hand (nondominant hand) through your
healing partner’s energy (auric) field along the line of the chakras.
This allows you to feel imbalances in your healing partner’s energy
in both the auras and the chakras.
To scan your healing partner’s energetic field:
1. Ask your healing partner to lie on their back.
2. Stand at your healing partner’s head. Draw CKR on both palms
(or the full Reiki sandwich) and hold them in Gassho until you
feel the energy flow.
3. Take your nondominant hand, which is your receiving hand,
and hold it about 2 inches above your healing partner’s crown
4. Now, working from crown to toes, move your hand slowly
down the midline of your healing partner’s body, maintaining a
distance of about 2 inches from their body.
5. As you move your hand, pay attention to shifts in sensation in
your palm; you may notice hot, cold, tingling, pushes, numbness,
or pulling. And although these signals may mean different
things to different practitioners, when you experience the
sensations, it informs you there is a disturbance in your healing
partner’s energetic field in that location, so you may want to
return to that location during your session to channel energy.
6. Return to the crown chakra. Repeat the scan, this time moving
down each side of the body (right arm and leg, left arm and leg)
from their head to their toes.
Remember that if you wish to channel Second Degree Reiki energy,
you must use CKR to activate it.
♦ Draw CKR on both of your palms and invite the energy to flow.
Then, complete a hands-on self-treatment as outlined in
chapter 3 (here).
♦ Draw any of the symbols on areas of your body where you have
dis-ease or energetic imbalance. Be sure to tap the symbols 3
times and repeat their names 3 times as you draw them.
♦ Balance the hara line chakras by drawing the full Reiki
sandwich (CKR + SHK + CKR + HSZN + CKR) on your root
chakra and on your crown chakra. Then, hold one hand on your
crown chakra and one on your root chakra and visualize the
energy flowing between your hands along the hara line through
each chakra.
Healing Partner Treatment
There are a number of ways you can work with the Reiki symbols
during hands-on treatment with a healing partner. Begin by
inviting the Second Degree energy to flow by drawing CKR on your
palms and standing with your hands in Gassho until you feel the
energy flow. Do this at the beginning of every hands-on Reiki
session. Other ways to use the symbols during treatment:
Cleanse negativity from spaces and invite positive energy in by
using the CKR symbol.
1. Starting at the front door, with a finger, draw CKR over every
opening into the space—doors, windows, fireplaces, drains—as
well as all corners of the space.
2. Move clockwise throughout the space doing this until you have
completed the circuit.
♦ With a finger, draw CKR on used or antique items you bring into
your home to cleanse them of the energy of where they were
♦ Cleanse food and drink of any negativity and invite healthy,
positive energy by drawing CKR with your finger over the top of
any food or beverages before you consume them.
♦ Cleanse crystals and other objects by placing them in a bowl and
drawing the full Reiki sandwich over the top of the bowl or on
the bowl’s surface with your finger.
Distance Treatments
Although I prefer hands-on healing, sometimes because of
constraints of time, space, distance, or circumstance, working with
a healing partner hands-on is not possible. Fortunately, there are
many methods for sending Reiki at a distance that are as powerful
as working with a healing partner hands-on. Therefore, learning
methods for providing distance treatments is an essential part of
Second Degree Reiki.
How It Works
In quantum physics, there is a proven principle called
entanglement, something Einstein referred to as “spooky action at a
distance.” When particles of matter have been energetically
entangled, they remain entangled forever, and any force applied to
one of the entangled particles affects the other particle regardless
of how far apart the two particles are separated by time and space.
Because all matter was entangled at the Big Bang, that means
everything is connected to everything else. This is how you are able
to send Reiki energy across time and space.
Sending distance Reiki works through intention. Using the
Reiki distance symbols is one part of stating your intention to send
Reiki energy to a specific person, place, and time for a specific
period. Along with the intention stated by using the Reiki distance
symbols either as a full Reiki sandwich or a HSZN sandwich, you
should also state your intent either in your mind or by writing it
down. For example, “I intend to channel Second Degree Reiki
energy to Bob Smith at 411 Main Street in Jonesboro, Arkansas, to
serve his greatest good.”
Surrogate Method
The surrogate method is the most similar to a hands-on Reiki
session. In the surrogate method, you use a doll or stuffed animal as
a stand-in for your healing partner.
1. State your intention for the surrogate to be a stand-in for your
healing partner, such as “I intend this stuffed bear to be an
energetic surrogate for Bob Smith in Jonesboro, Arkansas.”
2. Use a finger to draw the full Reiki sandwich on both of your
3. Provide a full Reiki session to your surrogate using the hand
positions or an intuitive session.
Photograph Method
You can also work with a photograph of your healing partner.
1. Write the full Reiki sandwich onto the photograph (either with
your finger or with a pen or pencil).
2. Hold the photo between your hands and channel Reiki to the
photograph until you feel drawn to stop.
Mini Me Method
If you are channeling Reiki to someone whose energy you are very
familiar with, such as a close friend or family member or pet, you
can use this method.
1. Use a finger to draw the full Reiki sandwich on each of your
2. Cup your hands together and visualize your healing partner
between them, receiving the energy.
3. Continue channeling the Reiki until you feel guided to stop.
Reiki Box
Use a Reiki box to send energy to large groups of people. Write the
names of the people you will send Reiki to on slips of paper and
place them in your Reiki box. Then, use your finger to draw the full
Reiki sandwich on both hands and hold the box between your
hands. Channel Reiki energy to the box until you feel guided to stop.
Your Reiki box can be anything. Use any lidded container that
you are drawn to, such as a wooden box, a decorated cardboard box,
or a trinket box. A few things you need to avoid with a Reiki box:
♦ Avoid metal boxes, which will reflect the Reiki energy instead of
absorbing it.
♦ Avoid boxes with black or red crystals on the outside, as those
crystals are protective and could keep the Reiki energy from
entering the box.
Third eye
Solar plexus
Step-by-Step Instructions
Solar plexus
Step-by-Step Instructions
Solar plexus
Step-by-Step Instructions
Tip: Place a creativity crystal grid under the healing table. Use a
simple circle. In the center of the circle, place a blue stone such
as blue calcite, celestite, or aquamarine. In a circle around the
center stone, place 4 to 8 pieces of carnelian.
Whether it is forgiveness of self or others, this is an important first
step in personal and spiritual growth. We get hurt throughout our
lives. Sometimes, we hurt ourselves or make what we feel are
stupid, unforgiveable mistakes that change what we believe should
be the course of our lives. However, to move forward as a fully
functioning and emotionally and spiritually healthy being, we
must release anger, hurt, and disillusionment we hold toward
ourselves or others out of the mistaken belief that something
shouldn’t have happened. To go on believing something shouldn’t
have occurred is merely arguing with reality and generating lower
vibrational energy that blocks us from living to our full potential.
Forgiveness is ultimately an act that is about compassion for self.
When you forgive someone, you’re not saying, “It’s okay that you
did this.” Instead, you’re acknowledging that, although it happened,
you are choosing to no longer let it affect your own life.
Affected Chakras
Solar plexus
Step-by-Step Instructions
1. Ask your healing partner to close their eyes and visualize the
person they need to forgive. Tell them that as you channel
Reiki, they should visualize the energetic ties connecting them
to the other person and see themselves cutting those ties as
they repeat the mantras “forgive” and “release.”
2. Stand at your healing partner’s side. Second Degree
practitioners draw the SHK sandwich (CKR + SHK + CKR) on
your healing partner’s solar plexus chakra and tap it in 3 times
with the forefinger and middle finger of your dominant hand.
3. Place your hands in the Solar Plexus hand position. Visualize
golden light streaming from your hands into your healing
partner’s solar plexus chakra.
4. With your finger, draw the full Reiki sandwich on your healing
partner’s heart chakra and tap it in 3 times with the forefinger
and middle finger of your dominant hand.
5. Place your hands in the Heart hand position. Visualize pink
light streaming from your hands into your healing partner’s
heart chakra.
6. Place your hands in the Throat hand position. Visualize blue
light streaming from your hands into your healing partner’s
throat chakra.
Solar plexus
Step-by-Step Instructions
Tip: Suggest that, during the Reiki session, your healing partner
visualizes hurts from the past as dark shadows in their energy
field and then sees those dark shadows dissipate in the light as
the Reiki energy permeates them.
Healthy Sexuality
An unhealthy sense of self as a sexual being is primarily a sacral
chakra function, but a number of issues that arise throughout our
lives can contribute, such as social and religious conditioning and
messages, negative sexual experiences, and deficits of self-love and
self-esteem. Therefore, although working with the solar plexus is
the primary way to strengthen and clarify sexual identity and
healthy sexuality, you also need to energetically work with the
multifaceted emotional, social, and physical causes that can affect
Affected Chakras
Solar plexus
Step-by-Step Instructions
Tip: For people who have deeply rooted issues associated with
sexual or gender identity, or for those who have had traumatic
sexual experiences in their past, recommend talk therapy with
a qualified professional to help them process their complex
feelings about this issue. Talk therapy can be a very supportive
modality to assist with deep-seated emotional and spiritual
Karmic Healing
Your karma is a set of challenges and issues you come into each
lifetime with. Karma isn’t punishment; rather, it is a set of
circumstances, challenges, personality traits, and relationships
that you agree to work with in this lifetime in order to become a
more well-rounded soul. This sequence for karmic healing is to help
us understand and work with the karmic issues we deal with—not
to make them go away.
Affected Chakras
Step-by-Step Instructions
Solar plexus
Step-by-Step Instructions
1. Stand at your healing partner’s feet and hold your hands in the
following sequence of hand positions: Feet – Ankles – Knees.
2. Move to your healing partner’s side. Draw the full Reiki
sandwich over their root chakra and tap it in 3 times with the
forefinger and middle finger of your dominant hand.
3. Hold the Groin hand position.
4. Draw the full Reiki sandwich on their solar plexus chakra and
tap it in 3 times with the forefinger and middle finger of your
dominant hand.
5. Place your hands in the Solar Plexus hand position.
6. Move to your healing partner’s head. Draw the full Reiki
sandwich on the crown of their head and tap it in 3 times with
the forefinger and middle finger of your dominant hand.
7. Hold your hands in the following position sequence: Back of the
Head – Ears – Eyes.
8. Move to your healing partner’s side. Hold your dominant hand
at the crown of your healing partner’s head while holding your
nondominant hand in the Groin hand position. Visualize
energy flowing between your hands.
Solar plexus
Step-by-Step Instructions
Third eye
Step-by-Step Instructions
Spiritual Responsibilities
Because you are a Reiki Master-Teacher, many will look to you as a
mentor or teacher. Spiritually, it’s your role to help others along
their own energy healing journey in a way that serves their greatest
good. This involves teaching the spiritual principles associated with
the practice of Reiki, such as the five Reiki principles, and related
concepts such as meditation, present-time focus, and intention.
Many expect you to step into a role of spiritual leadership in
their lives. I believe that once someone learns Reiki from me, I
should serve as a source of spiritual support as they navigate their
lives as Reiki practitioners. Therefore, I make myself available to
students through social media, email, video conferencing, and other
methods of contact so I can provide ongoing education and support.
That’s the level of spiritual support I choose to offer to my Reiki
students. It’s up to you to decide as a Reiki Master-Teacher what
level of spiritual support you wish to provide. You don’t have to be a
guru or a spiritual paragon; you are still human. But, to the degree
that you feel comfortable, you can serve as a source of spiritual
support to your students.
Practical Responsibilities
As a Reiki Master-Teacher, you do have several practical
♦ Teach your students about the history of Usui Ryoho Reiki and
the primary figures inherent in its spread to the West.
♦ Provide Reiki training and attunements for all degrees of Reiki.
♦ Provide written materials, such as manuals (you can use this
book as a manual) and handouts.
♦ Teach Second Degree and Master-Teacher students the symbols
for each degree.
♦ Provide information necessary for each Reiki degree.
♦ Teach ethics and principles associated with each Reiki degree.
♦ Provide Reiki for healing partners.
♦ Teach students to provide Reiki treatments to serve the greatest
Dai Ko Myo
Dai Ko Myo is pronounced “Day-koh-MEE-oh”; abbreviated DKM.
DKM means “bright shining light.” DKM allows you to access and
channel Master-Teacher Degree energy. Use DKM in place of all the
Second Degree Reiki symbols. Now, instead of using the full Reiki
sandwich, for instance, you can simply draw DKM in its place. The
exception is during attunements, when you will use the Second
Degree symbols as you attune your students to each of them.
Although DKM doesn’t have a specific mantra associated with it,
when you use it, repeat the symbol name aloud or in your mind’s
eye three times. When you draw it on your healing partner’s body,
tap it in three times with your fingers.
♦ During attunements
♦ In place of any and all Second Degree Reiki symbols
♦ To balance energy between body, mind, and spirit
♦ Before meditations to bring Reiki energy into your own
meditation practices
There are several alternative versions of DKM. If one of these
versions speaks to you, please feel free to use it in place of DKM.
Raku is pronounced “Ra-KOO”; not abbreviated.
Raku is also known as the “fire serpent” or “fire dragon.”
Raku doesn’t have a specific mantra associated with it. Repeat the
symbol name aloud or in your mind’s eye three times when you use
it. When you draw it on your healing partner’s body, tap it in three
times with your fingers.
Reiki attunements can be practical and simple or complex and
ceremonial. You can perform them in-person or at a distance, and
there are as many different attunement styles and ceremonies as
there are Reiki Masters. Typically, I attune my students at the end
of each degree of Reiki training with about 30 minutes to an hour
left to go in class.
Before I attune my students, I teach the full class, providing
them with all the information they need to become Reiki
practitioners of whatever degree they are seeking. I leave 30
minutes after attunement for practice. When it is time for
attunement, I do the following:
1. Have students take a 10- to 15-minute break. During that time,
they step out of the classroom so I can prepare behind closed
2. Arrange chairs in a circle (if they weren’t already) with enough
room to walk in a full circle around each chair without
bumping into anyone.
3. Fill cups for each student with cool water and place one under
each chair for grounding at the end of the attunement.
4. Cleanse the room with sage, incense, or palo santo. To do this,
light the chosen item and allow it to smolder. Starting at the
front door of the room, draw CKR over the front door with the
smoldering item, and move around the room in a clockwise
direction. In each corner and over each entrance to the room—
doors, windows, drains, fireplaces, etc.—draw CKR with the
smoldering item.
5. After cleansing, sit in the center of the circle of chairs and draw
DKM on your palms. Meditate in Gassho for about five
minutes, asking Reiki guides to assist you as you attune new
initiates to First, Second, or Master Degree Reiki.
6. Outside the room, ask the students for permission to touch.
Bring them into the room, asking them to file in quietly without
talking and to sit in their chair with their eyes closed and hands
in Gassho.
You may also wish to suggest to your students that in the 24 to
48 hours before their attunement, they do the following:
♦ Avoid intoxicants
♦ Eat light, nutritious meals
♦ Drink plenty of water
♦ Exercise lightly
♦ Get plenty of sleep
♦ Meditate
Some Reiki Masters use Hui-Yin in their attunements.
The Hui-Yin point is essentially your perineum (see the image).
Some Reiki practitioners believe that by contracting this point
(holding it tight), you can create a stronger Reiki circuit for use
during attunements. Many feel this strengthens the Reiki energy
for the attunement. Some use it during attunements and
treatments, whereas others don’t. If it speaks to you, please feel free
to adopt the practice.
1. Stand behind your healing partner.
2. Contract your Hui-Yin point and place the tip of your tongue
on the roof of your mouth. This creates a circuit that allows the
Reiki energy to flow through your body in a circular fashion.
3. Visualize a fog of Reiki energy forming around your head. With
your Hui-Yin point contracted and your tongue on the roof of
your mouth, pull the Reiki energy in through your nose. See it
filling your head and flowing in a circuit between the Hui-Yin
point and the tip of your tongue.
4. Hold these two points throughout your attunements.
Additional Organizations
Other organizations that may offer helpful credentials, ongoing
research, liability insurance, or ordination include:
The International Center for Reiki Training—Credentialing,
education, business help, and access to research materials
International Reiki Organization—Networking, marketing
support, and ongoing training
International Metaphysical Ministry—Education in
metaphysics along with ordination and credentialing through
the University of Metaphysics and University of Sedona
Universal Life Church—Ordination and information that may
support your practice
Business Considerations
Before you quit your day job to become a full-time Reiki
practitioner and invest in equipment or a dedicated Reiki space,
there are several things to keep in mind. Building a full-time Reiki
practice requires a significant investment of time, work, and
money. And even once you’ve built a practice, income can fluctuate.
It’s up to you to figure out the best way to scale your Reiki practice,
to determine when to invest in spaces and equipment, and similar
Setting Up Shop
As a Reiki practitioner providing in-person care, you’ll need the
following equipment:
If you plan to practice or teach Reiki professionally, you must carry
liability insurance to protect you, your students, and your healing
partners. Depending on how and where you practice, you may need
practice insurance as well as liability insurance for the location
where you do business.
In the United States, all health care practitioners, including energy
healers, must comply with HIPAA requirements for
documentation, confidentiality, and informed consent. Check with
your governing bodies to determine what documentation is
required, what laws you must follow, and what records to keep.
Maintain files for your healing partners and store them in
compliance with local, state, and national regulations.
Have a written payment policy noting the types of payments you’ll
accept. In your intake paperwork, have your healing partners sign
your payment policy. It’s best to run a “cash practice” where healing
partners pay for services as rendered. You may also wish to accept
credit card payments.
Research to determine the fees that work in your area. I live in a
fairly small, rural area, and my fee is $90 for a one-hour session. To
arrive at this figure, I did a survey of fees for similar services in my
You must have a certification. Your attunement from a certified
Reiki Master-Teacher can serve as your certification, although
additional professional credentials can be helpful as well.
Best Practices
Your Reiki practice is a business, but it is also a spiritual and ethical
A high level of trust is necessary between a health care practitioner
and their clients. Maintain confidentiality about anything you
learn during your Reiki sessions as well as anything that happens
Legally, you cannot diagnose your healing partners, and it’s
important that you don’t offer anything that could be interpreted
as a diagnosis during your sessions. If you notice something during a
session, instead of reporting that to your healing partner (which
might be interpreted as a diagnosis), instead suggest your healing
partner seek medical evaluation.
Course Materials
This book is a great starting point to develop your own course
materials. You can use it as your Reiki manual or develop your own.
The information provided in this book provides a good outline of
the information you’ll need to teach for each degree.
At minimum, teach or provide the following:
At minimum, teach or provide the following:
Teaching Space
You can teach and attune in-person or online. I prefer to teach in-
person because it allows my students time to practice their skills
after attunement. I allow at least 30 minutes of hands-on practice.
This isn’t possible in distance classes, but I have students from all
around the world, so I offer live online classes via video
conferencing, too.
I can teach Reiki classes in my home office, but I prefer to rent a
space with parking. I’ve rented various spaces at rec centers,
churches, conference centers, and more. Because I travel to teach, I
have portable tables. If you plan to teach in-person classes outside
of your normal space, consider lightweight tables that are easy to
pack and transport.
Reiki Attunements
Basic Ceremonial Attunement (In-Person)
Basic Fast Attunement (In-Person)
Basic Distance Attunement (All Degrees)
Adding the Violet Breath to Attunements
Basic Ceremonial Attunement
When I attune students in-person, I always ask if they’d prefer a
ceremonial attunement or a quick attunement. Both accomplish
attunement, but I find that many students prefer some ceremony
during attunement. The ceremonial attunement takes about five
minutes per student, and it’s efficient enough that you can use it
with groups. When working with a group, have them sit in a circle
and attune each student individually. Prepare the space before the
attunement as indicated here.
Preparation for Groups
Once the room is prepared, invite the group to silently file in and sit
in their chair with their hands in Gassho at heart level and their
eyes closed throughout the ceremony. Note that when it is their
turn, you will touch them on the shoulder to let them know they are
being attuned, and if their arms get tired in Gassho, they can lower
their hands to their lap and you will lift them into place when it is
their turn. Once everyone is seated in Gassho, invite them to
silently indicate their willingness to receive a First, Second, or
Master Degree Reiki attunement, and ask the first person you are
attuning to indicate their readiness after doing this by nodding
their head.
Step-by-Step Instructions
This is the basic attunement you will use for all three degrees. Insert
the word for the proper degree where there’s a choice of words and
use the variations for each degree in the subheads below the basic
1. With your finger, draw DKM on both of your palms.
2. Stand facing your student with your hands in Gassho. Once
your student has indicated their readiness for attunement by
nodding, close your eyes and say in your mind: “I invite all Reiki
Masters past, present, and future including Usui Sensei, Dr.
Hayashi, and Mrs. Takata to help me as I attune (student’s
name) to First/Second/Master Degree Reiki.”
3. Walk around your student to stand behind them, touching
them lightly on the shoulder to let them know it’s their turn.
4. With the pointer finger of your dominant hand, in the air
above your student’s crown chakra, draw DKM.
5. Hold both hands above their crown chakra. Visualize Reiki
energy flowing from your hands and into their crown chakra,
moving downward into every cell of their body. Hold until you
feel ready to move (usually about 30 seconds to 1 minute).
6. Walk around your student to the front. Using the forefinger of
your dominant hand, draw DKM in the air a few inches in front
their third eye chakra.
7. Cup both hands and hold them in front of student’s third eye,
visualizing Reiki energy flowing from your hands into the
8. Using the forefinger of your dominant hand, draw DKM in the
air a few inches in front of their throat chakra.
9. Cup both hands and hold them in front of your student’s throat
chakra, visualizing Reiki energy flowing into the chakra.
10. Lower your student’s hands to their lap.
11. Using the forefinger of your dominant hand, draw DKM in the
air a few inches in front of the heart chakra.
12. Cup both hands and hold them in front the heart chakra,
visualizing Reiki energy flowing from your hands into the
13. Using the forefinger of your dominant hand, draw DKM in the
air a few inches in front of your student large enough so it
covers the solar plexus, sacral, and root chakras.
14. Cup both of your hands and hold them in front of your
student’s solar plexus, visualizing Reiki energy flowing from
your hands into the remaining chakras.
15. Gently lift your student’s hands so they are back in front of
their heart.
16. Draw Raku in front of your student from head to toe, touching
the ground at the end.
17. Step back and stand in Gassho. In your mind, say, “(Name) is
now attuned to First/Second/Master Degree Reiki. I give
thanks to all Reiki Masters, past, present, and future including
Usui Sensei, Dr. Hayashi, and Mrs. Takata for assisting in this
attunement and affirm that (name) will move forward as a
powerful and confident First/Second/Master Degree Reiki
18. Invite your student to express, in their mind, gratitude for their
attunement to First/Second/Master Degree Reiki. If in a group,
do this and the following steps after you’ve attuned everyone.
19. Invite your student(s) to open their eyes and offer them a glass
of cold water for grounding.
20. Step away to run your hands under cold water to break the
bond between you and your student(s).
Second Degree Variation
This is the basic attunement you will use for all three degrees. Insert
the word for the proper degree where there’s a choice of words and
use the variations for each degree in the subheads below the basic
1. With your finger, draw DKM on both of your palms.
2. Sit or stand facing your student with your hands in Gassho.
Once your student has indicated their readiness for
attunement by nodding, close your eyes and say in your mind: “I
invite all Reiki Masters past, present, and future including Usui
Sensei, Dr. Hayashi, and Mrs. Takata to help me as I attune
(student’s name) to First/Second/Master Degree Reiki.”
3. Visualize Reiki pouring down from above you into your crown
chakra and beaming out of your third eye and into your
student’s third eye, where it fills their entire body with Reiki
4. Maintain this position until you can visualize your student’s
entire body filled with Reiki energy (usually about 30 seconds
to 1 minute).
5. In your mind, say, “(Name) is now attuned to
First/Second/Master Degree Reiki. I give thanks to all Reiki
Masters, past, present, and future including Usui Sensei, Dr.
Hayashi, and Mrs. Takata for assisting in this attunement and
affirm that (name) will move forward as a powerful and
confident First/Second/Master Degree Reiki practitioner.”
6. Draw Raku in front of your student from head to toe, touching
the ground at the end.
7. If you’re attuning a group, continue around the circle to each
student until all have been attuned.
8. Invite your student to express, in their mind, gratitude for their
attunement to First/Second/Master Degree Reiki. If in a group,
do this and the following steps after you’ve attuned everyone.
9. Invite your student(s) to open their eyes and offer them a glass
of cold water for grounding.
10. Step away to run your hands under cold water to break the
bond between you and your student(s).
Second Degree Variation
1. Sit comfortably.
2. Cradle the baby in your arms, with one hand cupping the baby’s
bottom and the baby resting safely in your arms.
3. Place your other hand on the top of the baby’s head.
4. Hold for three to five minutes, or until the baby starts to
Baby Colic
For a colicky baby, you can use a simple hand position to soothe the
gas pains.
1. Sit holding the baby in your lap across your knees, either
facedown or faceup.
2. Place one hand under the baby’s stomach and the other hand on
the baby’s back.
3. Hold for three to five minutes, or until the baby starts to
Back Pain Bridge Position
For healing partners suffering from back pain, you can hold a
bridge position to send energy through the spine and muscles to
create a relaxation response.
Anatomy of the Spirit: The Seven Stages of Power and Healing by
Caroline Myss
If you’re looking for a primer that shows how energy affects health,
this is the one to get. Medical intuitive Caroline Myss walks you
through each chakra and shows you how imbalances in the chakras
can affect health.
The Original Reiki Handbook of Dr. Mikao Usui by Mikao Usui and
Christine M. Grimm
If you want to go to the source, this book shares Reiki as Usui Sensei
meant it to be. This resource should be on every Reiki practitioner’s
Reiki Healing for Beginners: The Practical Guide with Remedies for
100+ Ailments by Karen Frazier
If you’re just starting out, this book will help you learn the basics of
Reiki. It contains healing sequences for more than 100 ailments.
International Association of Reiki Professionals:
This site offers Reiki professionals tons of resources, such as
manuals, certificates, a Reiki journal, and more.