Repro Times Talks About The Evolving World of Publishing Volume: 01 Issue: 01

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The document discusses EFI, a software company providing automation solutions through software. It talks about EFI Monarch system and how Repro has implemented it along with its various features and future plans. Virtualization is discussed as a key initiative for improving efficiency of IT resources. Women's Day was celebrated at Repro through various engaging activities for employees.

EFI is a print and graphic industry vertical software company providing automation solutions through software. Repro has implemented the EFI Monarch ERP system along with its various modules. They plan to introduce a planner module and integrate it with real-time pre-press workflow to enhance capabilities.

Virtualization benefits include getting more out of existing resources, reducing datacenter costs, increasing availability of hardware/applications, gaining operational flexibility and improving desktop manageability and security.

o India Limited

-volving world of Publishing

TIMES Volume: 01; Issue: 01

London Book Fair 2011 TESCO Ethical Training ISO 9001:2008 News from Africa
Repro presented its Workshop The Repro plants at Surat and Repro bagged a single
products and offerings Repro was a part Mahape will undergo a order of 5.6 million
at the London Book of the TESCO re-certification books from West
Fair 2011. ethical training process for the Africa, valuing to
`. 30 crores.
workshop at ISO 9001:2008
Coimbatore in certification in April.
o India Limited

A closer look at the

Dear friends,
We are on the

EFI Monarch system

threshold of an
exciting era in
Its medium
What isThe -volving world of Publishing Volume: 01; Issue: 01
is changing. Information EFI? auto count as Direct Machine Virtualisation Benefits
is disseminated across EFI is a print and graphic industry Interface (DMI) to Web, Sheetfed
• Get more out of existing
media, formats and oceans. vertical software company providing and Bindery equipments. The
Geography is truly history! automation solutions through software. manual data collection proceeds
• Reduce datacenter costs by
Even as we speak, new ways to a “direct-from-the-machine”
reducing physical infrastructure
of disseminating information capture of impression and
and improving server to
are being explored. With bindery counts. admin ratio.
changing technology comes new In 2010, we introduced a theory-
• Increase availability of
of-constraint-based production hardware and applications for
challenges and opportunities.
e pro Indiascheduling
d by the Print-Flow improved business continuity.
At Repro, staying abreast of module. It manages key constrains • Gain operational flexibility.
change is something we take and helps schedule work centers for
• Improve desktop manageability
seriously. Our team is engaged in a job’s production tasks cycle. and security.
understanding this technology, This year, we have placed EFI
and delivering solutions to EFI Monarch Monarch into live production. It Virtualisation and
stakeholders in this industry. What are we doing about it? comes with a new fully graphical technology
All over the world, publishers, In 2007, we commenced the EFI user interface and a host of new One of the initiatives is
corporates, and governments are Hagen ERP implementation productivity improvement features. ‘Virtualisation’. In 2011, we undertook
grappling with digital solutions; initiative. By major efforts to make
in some parts, digital is still 2008, we had
implemented the
Intelligent Integration for Production this a critical back-end
infrastructure for IT.
a distant reality. At Repro,

The -volving world of Publishing

we straddle both realities by foundation modules with web-based Our next vision is to introduce a The EFI Monarch and Planner works Volume: 01; Issue: 01
offering customised solutions to RFQ processes, estimation, job tightly integrated planner module on this infrastructure to improve
all our customers. management, production desktop, and later integrate into a real-time the efficiency and availability of IT
purchase and inventory, shipping, pre-press workflow. This will resources and applications.
Repro Times is an attempt to
and invoicing modules. enhance capabilities to new levels Virtualisation runs multiple operating
share with you our efforts in
In 2009-10, we implemented of efficiency and productivity. systems on a single computer. It even
this direction. Where is the
lets a Mac run on Windows, creating
communication industry going?
a virtual PC environment for all
What are we doing to keep pace Windows applications. It reduces
with it? What kind of solutions capital costs and increases energy
do we have? These are all areas efficiency. It also requires l
of interest and focus that we ess hardware.
plan to share with you through It ensures that enterprise applications
the year. perform with the highest availability
I hope you enjoy Repro and performance. It builds up business
Times and I would love your continuity through improved disaster
participation in making this recovery solutions. It also improves
initiative a success. enterprise desktop management and
control with a faster deployment of
Vinod Vohra
desktops, and fewer support calls due
to application conflicts.

Machines in the pipe-line Repro’s

We are planning to purchase two and productivity.
new machines – the Manu Graph
Citiline Express 546 and the Manu
Graph Citiline Express 508. Both of
The Kolbus Perfect Binder, with
PUR attachment, would be running
before the first quarter ends. This
Green Initiatives
these will be operational in Q1. Each machine offers hot melt perfect The world is doing its best to save wastage wherein we send out all
machine has the capacity to print 18 binding with PUR (polyurethane planet Earth, and we, at Repro, our hazardous wastes to the TTC WMA
million pages a day. reactive) working diligently towards this goal for disposal.
Recently, we
What’s New glue, which ourselves. Both Recently, we
have purchased
Heidelberg SM 102 which is already
has excellent
flexibility and a thickness level that
our plants are
certified for the
The Green Print conducted an
energy audit
operational. It can print 2 colours on is one-third the size of standard hot Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) with the help of M/s Schneider,
one side, or one colour on both sides melts. It has the ability to withstand and the Programme for Endorsement a global specialist in Energy
in a single pass. This machine has temperature extremes without of Forest Certification Management. We have
helped reduce a significant amount glue failure, and the binding is (PEFC), making us also been trying to
of ‘make-ready’ time and has 40-60 per cent better than a the first company in use the ‘Reduce-
significantly improved quality traditional adhesive. India to bag both Reuse- Recycle’
certificates. approach for all our
Another initiative engineering spares
that we have taken and raw materials.
is to reduce our All our efforts are
power consumption towards reducing
by almost 15-20%. the environmental
Towards this, we have footprint by using various
replaced all the older machines technologies on a daily basis, be
with more efficient ones and have it in drastically reducing emissions,
also discontinued the usage of paper wastage and alcohol usage on
a paper storage warehouse in web M/C.
order to minimise handling and
transit damage.
Both our facilities have become
active members of the Common

Research in Progress Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP)

in order to treat and recycle our

Vision Plate Punching & Steinmann Lamination Machine:

Bending System for Web
Offset Machine:
This will greatly reduce the
suitable for any type of film, with
high speed, this will help reduce
cost and improve productivity,
‘make-ready’ time on the press, which will help save energy. We have attended various New Inkjet Technology for Short
and improve quality and important conferences, Run Book Printing model.
productivity. Automatic Spiral Binding: and conducted some, • Visit to Kodak’s
This is a complete machine that too! Below are installation sites.
Inkjet Plates: forms spirals from filaments, some conferences • Attendance at Print
It has an excellent dot resolution of inserts spiral in the books, and we’ve been a Pack 2011 Delhi, to
2-98%. This will help to improve cuts and crimps the entire range of part of: meet with digital
productivity and will act as a back plastic spirals of diameters from 6 • QBR, hosted Vendors for digital
up for CTP. mm upto 32 mm. by Gilmore printing and horizon
and Knowledge, for finishing.
London, for all the • Visit to Xaar Head for
Knowledge Cast Partners. Inkjet Technology, Delhi.
• Visit to Kodak USA to • Attendance at the ‘Romance
understand the capabilities of with Print’ Conference, Delhi.

Solutions in production loss. We have now

started using the Tungsten Carbide
Till Q3, on the binding lines, we Blade, which has drastically
were using steel blades which had reduced changing time and
Automatic Spiral Binding Machine
to be changed frequently, resulting workload and improved quality.

We were happy to welcome clients
to our office recently.
1. Tamil actor Sharath Kumar magazine and Chairman for 2. Malayalam actor Siddique met 3. Neil Bradford, Production
paid us a visit in January. He is Radan Media, a Tamil TV serial us on 6th April for the signing of Director at Random House,
a publisher for the Media Voice content provider. the Family Facebook magazine. visited our office in February.


Repro is one of the few printing CONTENT WORKFLOW programmes via web service with the metadata from stage
companies to offer wholesome The content is often passed around connectors. After this, it is parsed one. The ECM will manage the
solutions for content, print and among various highly-skilled for XML workflow, followed by the work allocation and complete life
fulfillment. Our content services professionals, namely editors, graphic pagination and layout according the cycle management of the content.
enable publishers to focus on artists, subject matter experts and template approved. Metadata creation
marketing their product, while we business helps ease CONTENT VERSIONING
take care of the rest. process
More than just print the location/
Version control is a part of the content
workflow. Various versions are
CONTENT ORGANISATION These people ensure that the workflow classification of content. managed and controlled as incremental
When we receive the content, we is streamlined, by connecting all the as well as corrective versions.
have systems in place to structure necessary dots and making the flow CONTENT REPOSITORIES
and organise it, allowing arbitrary unidirectional. This is done with the The content resides entirely in CONTENT PUBLISHING
metadata to be added to all the help of the ECM solution. relational database structures, file The finished content is delivered to
information elements. This helps system objects, or a hybrid of both. users in multiple ways. Some of the
turn data into knowledge. Once CONTENT CREATION It can be stored as unstructured formats are traditional print formats,
this is done, the information can be A publisher’s authored content is text, structured text and binary sent via the web or email, and some
successfully retrieved, reused keyed into the system by trained graphic images, or as XML formats are for mobile devices like
and repurposed. operators, or ingested by special elements tagged PDAs, ebook readers and cell phones.


Business Information Categorisation and
strategy Content Model Architecture Classification

User-centric Navigation through Interface and

Design Life-cycle content Interaction Design

Blooper Corner
A Global Partnership
We have recently become a part of of print supply-chain solutions
Here are 3 things likely to happen
the Knowledge Cast Alliance of across the globe. Together, we during a pressing deadline
Gilmore Global. Gilmore Global are working on a worldwide
has been among the top companies partnering model in digital printing
Your machine will crash
in the world to provide a full-range for deliveries across the globe.

Your software will get corrupted

The paper will get jammed in your

printing machines

A festive feminine
celebration at Repro Murphy’s
Women’s Day was indeed a day to women to sing songs, crack jokes
remember at Repro this year. As
an employee engagement activity,
we organised a
and have a memorable day.
The purpose of this celebration
was to thank all
special Women’s the women in this There’s no denying them,
Day celebration at organisation and and there’s no beating them.
our Head Office and make them realise All you can do is read some
the Mahape plant. how special and of them and laugh while you
The women made important they are
wait for the inevitable.
the most of this to the organisation.
celebration with fun They are an
games like Dumb integral part of our Any instrument when dropped will roll
Charades, Housie organisation and we into the least accessible corner.
and Passing the Parcel. A festive would like to thank them for their
feel permeated the air, encouraging valuable contribution to our success.

If a message can be interpreted in

several ways, it will be interpreted in
Repro welcomes all a manner that maximises the damage.

the newcomers If the shipment is already delayed, the

We have welcomed some first-hand information about the weather goes bad and the harbour will close.
new talent into our team this operating systems, machines and
quarter. We conducted campus procedures in the print industry.
recruitment at Symbiosis, It also helped them gain a better
IMDR and Balaji Institute a few perspective into an actual Whenever there is a pressing deadline, the
weeks ago. It was a successful working environment and observe client’s disk won’t run on your equipment.
endeavour, as we hired five how theory is put into practice.
new Management Trainees. We Students toured around the
also hired facility and
Join the task force
London Book Fair 2011
two IIM-L observed
summer every
trainees, who have been a part of department in detail, ending
our team since the beginning their visit at the production We set up our products from the UK, US and EU
of April. department, where they observed for display at the London f locked our stand to witness
The Government Institute of printing processes and machines Book Fair this April for our capabilities in creating
Printing Technology (GIPT) at work. They also learnt how the 6th consecutive year. e-books for the educational
organised an industrial visit for printed materials are packaged The new stand carried our sector, children’s sector and
its final year students at Repro. and made shipment-ready. All in re-positioned image of trade titles. A record footfall
The visit helped the students gain all, it was a successful visit. providing much more than is what we experienced at this
just print, showcasing content fair. A delegation of our top
solutions as the new major executives were present to
thrust area which we have network with our existing as
ventured into. Publishers well as new clients.

For subscriptions and suggestions, email us on [email protected]

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