Diction refers to the selection of words in a 8.Metonymy – a figure of speech in which the
literary work. A work’s diction forms one of its name of an attribute or a thing is substituted for
centrally important literary elements as writers the thing itself.
use words to convey action, reveal character, Example: “Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend
imply attitudes, identify themes, and suggest me your ears.”
values. It includes the formality of the language, – William Shakespeare, “Julius Caesar”
the emotional content, the imagery, the *Lend me your ears = to pay attention; to listen
specificity, and the sounds of the words.
9.Oxymoron – a figure of speech which
“I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold,
combines incongruous and apparently
Or all the riches that East doth hold.”
contradictory words and meanings for a special
Anne Bradstreet, “To My Dear and Loving effect.Example: “Here’s much to do with hate,
Husband” but more with love.
Why then, O brawling love! O loving hate! O
FIGURES OF SPEECH anything! of nothing first create!
Figures of speech are words or phrases used in O heavy lightness! serious vanity!
a non-literal sense for rhetorical or vivid effect.
Mis-shapen chaos of well-seeming forms!”
The most common figures of speech are simile,
- William Shakespeare, “Romeo and Juliet”
metaphor, onomatopoeia, personification,
apostrophe, hyperbole, synecdoche,
metonymy, oxymoron, and paradox. 10. Paradox – a statement which seems on
its face to be logically contradictory or absurd
1.Simile – a stated comparison (formed with yet turns out to be interpretable in a way that
“like” or “as” between two fundamentally makes sense. Example: “One short sleep past,
dissimilar things that have certain qualities in we wake eternally And death shall be no more;
common. Example: “Does it dry up like a raisin STRUCTURE OF POETRY
in the sun?” – Langston Hughes, “Harlem” One significant way to analyse poems is by
looking into the stanza structure and the
2.Metaphor – an implied comparison between form of the poem. Generally speaking,
two unlike things that have something in structure refers to the overall organization of
common. lines and/or the conventional patterns of
Example: “Hope is the thing with feathers – sound. However, various modern poems
That perches in the soul –” may not have particular structure.
- Emily Dickinson, “Hope is the Thing with
Feathers” A. Stanza
Stanzas refer to series of lines grouped
together and separated by a space from
3.Onomatopoeia – uses words that imitate other stanzas. They correspond to a
sounds associated with objects or actions.
paragraph in an essay. Identifying the
Example: “The crooked skirt swinging, whack by stanza is done by counting the number of
whack by whack.”- James Joyce, “Ulysses” lines. The following are some of the terms
used to refer to the number of stanzas:
4.Personification – endows human qualities or monostich (1 line) couplet (2 lines), tercet (3
abilities to inanimate objects or abstraction. lines), quatrain (4 lines), cinquain (5 lines),
Example: “Ah, William, we’re wary of the sestet (6 lines) (sometimes it's called a
weather,” said the sunflowers shining with dew. – sexain), septet (7 lines), octave (8 lines).
William Blake, “Two Sunflowers Move in the
Yellow Room”
Marital and relational dynamics getting emotionally involved with the patient and
Extended family relationships
Fertility issues avoid getting carried away with his feelings.
Characteristics of Quantitative
Family Counseling
Adolescent and child behaviours within
family dynamics Different researchers and educators
Adult children give different definitions to “quantitative
Divorce and separation issues and research.” Here is one of them:
Family dynamics: estrangement, Creswell (1994) states that quantitative
conflict, communication research is a type of research that
Family of origin / extended family issues endeavors to explain phenomena by
Life stages and transitions collecting numerical data that are
Parenting patterns: blended, single, co- analyzed using mathematically based
parenting families methods (in particular statistics).
Remarriage relationship counselling
Let’s study this definition step by step.
1.1.5 Principles of Counseling In quantitative research, we collect
1. Principle of acceptance—accept the patient numerical data. Numerical data may
with his physical, psychological, social, include age, salary, performance rating
economical and cultural conditions. satisfaction score, IQ scores, test
results etc. These data are collected by
2. Principle of communication—communication means of survey, questionnaire or some
secondary documentations. The
should be verbal as well as non-verbal and analysis uses mathematically based
methods, statistics. In order to be able
should be skilful. to use mathematically based methods,
our data have to be in numerical form.
The statistical tools may include, but not
limited to frequency count, percentages,
mean, variance, correlation, t-test, 6. Quantitative models or formula
ANOVA etc. derived from data analysis can
predict outcomes. If then scenarios
Therefore, because quantitative can be constructed using complex
research is essentially about collecting mathematical computations with the
numerical data to explain a particular aid of computers.
phenomenon, particular questions seem
immediately suited to being answered 7. Advanced digital or electronic
using quantitative methods. For
instruments are used to measure or
gather data from the field.
5. Researchers can repeat the There are six main types of research
quantitative method to verify or questions that quantitative research is
confirm the findings in another particularly suited to find an answer to:
setting. This reinforces the validity of
groundbreaking discoveries or 1. The first is when we want a
findings thus eliminating the quantitative answer. For example, ‘If
possibility of spurious or erroneous the students have their choice, how
conclusions. many of them choose to study
Experiential English I? The reason Kinds of Quantitative Research
why we need to use quantitative
research to answer this kind of There are several types of quantitative
question is very obvious: qualitative, research. For instance, it can be classified as
nonnumerical methods will obviously 1) survey research, 2) correlational research,
not provide us with the numerical 3) experimental research and 4) causal-
answer we want. comparative research.
2. Numerical change can likewise only Each type has its own typical characteristics.
be accurately studied using Let’s take survey research as an example.
quantitative methods. For example,
‘Are the number of students in our Survey research uses scientific
school rising or falling?’ or ‘Is the sampling and questionnaire design to
achievement in English of our student measure characteristics of population with
going up or down?’ We would need to statistical precision. It seeks to provide
do a quantitative study to find out the answers to such questions as “How many
answer. people feel a certain way?” and “How often do
they do a certain behavior?” Survey research
enables management to make comparisons
3. Quantitative research is useful in between groups. It provides estimates from a
conducting audience segmentation. sample that can be related to the entire
It is done by dividing the population population with a degree of certainty (e.g.,
into groups whose members are 57% of the population +/- 3% will answer the
similar to each other and distinct from question this way 95% of the time). Survey
other groups. research requires that respondents are
“randomly” sampled – that means that each
4. Quantitative research is also useful to person in the population has a known
quantify opinions, attitudes and probability being sampled.
behaviors and find out how the whole
population feels about a certain issue. There are defined techniques such as
For example, ‘when we want to find random digit dialing and sampling procedures
out the exact number of people who to ensure a scientific sample. In developing a
survey, you would normally work with a
think a certain way, to set baselines
statistician to build a statistically valid
(e.g., to measure consumer attitudes
sampling plan, a researcher to develop a
regarding an issue prior to a
survey instrument and research objectives,
campaign), and to ensure that the and a reputable field service that has the
students can share some comments capacity to conduct large scale interview
or ideas to a new course. projects. It is important to work with experts
because the quality of the survey can be
5. Quantitative research is suitable to affected by the research.
explain some phenomena. For
instance, ‘What factors predict the TITLE
general English proficiency of the
Grade 10 students?’ or ‘What factors 1. Comprehensive. It gives the thrusts of
are related to changes in student the research.
English achievement overtime?’ This 2. Brief/Concise. It is not longer than 7
kind o question can be studied substantive words and no more than
successfully using quantitative three lines (written in an inverted
methods, and many statistical pyramid type).
techniques have been developed to
3. It is written in ALLL-CAPS case (all
make us predict scores on one factor
letters capitalized), bold face.
or variable (e.g., student English
proficiency) from scores on one 4. The researchers must abide with rules
another or more other factors or in formulating the research title.
variables (e.g., learning habits,
motivation, attitude).
6. The final activity for which quantitative
1. A summative statement that answers
research is especially suited is the
the following questions:
testing of hypotheses. We might want
to explain something, for example
whether there is a relationship between a. Include objectives and problems.
students’ achievement and their self- b. Include the respondents, the research
esteem and social background. tool and the statistical tools used.
c. Write the most important findings.
d. Give the primary recommendation. f. End with the main objective of the study.
e. 100-150 words, preferably one
f. 1.15 space, italicized. Framework