CIT (Web, Software Mobile Application Development)
CIT (Web, Software Mobile Application Development)
CIT (Web, Software Mobile Application Development)
Duration: 6 Months
Course Details / Description & Preliminaries
Course Title Certificate in IT (Web, Software & Mobile Application
Objectives and Employable skills and hands on practice for Web, software and Mobile
Expectations Application Development
The course therefore is designed to impart not only technical skills but also
soft skills (i.e interpersonal/communication skills; personal grooming of the
trainees etc) as well as entrepreneurial skills ( i.e marketing skills; free
lancing etc). The course also seeks to inculcate work ethics to foster better
citizenship in general and improve the image of Pakistani work force in
Main Expectations:
In short, the course under reference should be delivered by professional
instructors in such a robust hands- on manner that the trainees are
comfortably able to employ their skills for earning money (through wage/self-
employment) at its conclusion.
This course thus clearly goes beyond the domain of the traditional training
practices in vogue and underscores an expectation that a market centric
approach will be adopted as the main driving force while delivering it. The
instructors should therefore be experienced enough to be able to identify the
training needs for the possible market roles available out there. Moreover,
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they should also know the strengths and weaknesses of each individual
trainee to prepare them for such market roles during/after the training.
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Ending Points to persuade the trainees on changing themselves.
A good motivational lecture should help drive creativity, curiosity and spark
the desire needed for trainees to want to learn more.
Impact of a successful motivational strategy is amongst others commonly
visible in increased class participation ratios. It increases the trainees’
willingness to be engaged on the practical tasks for longer time without
boredom and loss of interest because they can clearly see in their mind's
eye where their hard work would take them in short (1-3 years); medium (3 -
10 years) and long term (more than 10 years).
As this tool is expected that the training providers would make arrangements
for regular well planned motivational lectures as part of a coordinated
strategy interspersed throughout the training period as suggested in the
weekly lesson plans in this document.
It is expected that the training provider would collect relevant high quality
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success stories for inclusion in the training as suggested in the weekly
lesson plan given in this document.
Suggestive structure and sequence of a sample success story and its
various shapes can be seen at annexure III.
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ii. Health &Safety case studies (2 cases regarding safety and
industrial accidents must be arranged by the training institute)
iii. Field visits( At least one visit to a trade specific major industry/
site must be arranged by the training institute)
Entry level of trainees Since intake level is Bachelor of Computer Science (BCS) / B.Sc (Computer
Science) so expectations from the trainees are:
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1. Upwork
Companies Offering 2. Freelancing
Jobs in the respective 3. Fiverr
trade 4. Government Institutes
5. Software Houses
6. Crossover
7. All Private Institutes who are managing software’s
All over the world there is a high demand in the Information Technology
Job Opportunities industry for developers in various fields such as mobile application
development, web development and graphic designing. Smartphone have
brought about revolution; Animation technology has come a long way since
the early days of hand-drawn cartoons. Nowadays you will find websites and
apps on everything. This increase in usage of websites, apps android smart
devices has created new opportunities for all to earn big and make a career
out of this field. With the help of this course, we will be able to give technical
trainings of Information Technology to our youth. There are also
opportunities for start-up/entrepreneurship due to the high market demand
for the following designated jobs;
• Software Engineers
• Mobile App Developers
• DBAs
• Web Developers
• Network Administrator
• IT Support Officer
• Manager / Assistant Manager IT
No of Students 25
Learning Place Classroom / Lab
Instructional Development Platform:
Resources ,,,,,,
Learning Material:
FVTLM004 Page 7
Module Title Learning Units Remarks
Week 1 Introduction Course introduction Home
Internet, Email Application of course Assignment
Motivational Lecture( For further detail please
see Page No: 4)
Internet and its impacts on our daily life
Advantages &disadvantages of the internet
Internet browsing
Email handling
Workplace ethics (See details at annexure II)
Week 2 Introduction to Web, Basic Terminologies of the Web Home
Web Browsers, Web Browser Assignment
Scripting Language Web Server
Activex Controls
Web Pages Types
Scripting Languages
Success story (For further detail please see
Page No: 5 and Annexure-III at the end)
Week 3 BASIC HTML TAGS Motivational Lecture( For further detail please Task – 1
see Page No: 4)
Task – 2
Head Task – 3
Body Task – 4
How to use html tags
Heading Task – 5
Line break Task – 6
Horizontal rule
Bold Task – 7
Underline Details may
Teletype text be seen at
Big Annexure-I
FVTLM004 Page 8
Emphasis Home
Citation Assignment
Including comment in html document
Including an external file in document
Linking to local files
Hyper graphics
Week 4 BASIC HTML TAGS Success story (For further detail please see Task – 8
Page No: 5 and Annexure-III at the end)
Task – 9
Special characters Task – 10
Html escape sequences
Extra spaces Task – 11
Hex-dec & color basics
Blink Task – 12
Font Task – 13
Superscripts and subscripts
Tables Task – 14
Frames Task – 15
Floating frames
Adding forms to web page Task – 16
Menu select
Text input element Task – 17
Password input element
Text area input element Task – 18
Radio buttons (Details may
Check boxes be seen at
Submit and reset buttons Annexure-I
Workplace ethics (See details at annexure
Test 1
Week 5 Web Development Motivational Lecture( For further detail please Task – 19
Part 2: see Page No: 4)
Cascading Style Task – 20
Sheets DHTML
Attributes of font Task – 21
Attributes of background
Attributes of text
FVTLM004 Page 9
Atributes of margin Task – 22
Attributes of border Details may
Style sheets be seen at
Events used in DHTML Annexure-I
Workplace ethics (See Workplace Ethics
Guide at Appendix-B)
Week 6 Bootstrap Success story (For further detail please see Home
Page No: 5 and Annexure-III at the end) Assignment
Introduction to Bootstrap4
BS Grid Basic
BS Typography
BS Tables
BS Images
BS Jumbotron
BS Alerts
BS Buttons
BS Pagination
BS List Groups
BS Dropdowns
BS Collapse
BS Tabs/Pills
BS Navbar
BS Forms
BS Inputs
BS Carousel
Week 7 Web Development What is JavaScript? Task – 23
Part 3: Advantages of JavaScript (Details may
JavaScript Limitations of JavaScript be seen at
JavaScript Development Tools Annexure-I
JavaScript Outputs
Comments in JavaScript Home
Motivational Lecture( For further detail please Assignment
see Page No: 4)
Data Types
Variable Scopes
Variable Names
Reserved Words
What is an Operator?
Arithmetic Operators
Comparison Operators
Logical Operators
Bitwise Operators
Assignment Operators
FVTLM004 Page 10
Miscellaneous Operators
Workplace ethics (See Workplace Ethics
Guide at Appendix-B)
Week 8 JavaScript If-Else Statement Task – 24
Conditions, Loops Series of If-Else
The for Loop Task – 25
While Loop
Task – 26
Do-While Loop Details may
Switch case be seen at
Loop Control Annexure-I
Break Statement
Success story (For further detail please see
Page No: 5 and Annexure-III at the end)
The Continue Statement Monthly
Using Labels to Control the Flow Test 2
For-In Loop
Freelancing concepts, how to start, step by
step process from account opening to
taking orders and contract signing etc
Freelancing platforms
Tips for how to increase earning
Week 9 JavaScript Motivational Lecture( For further detail please
Functions see Page No: 4)
Function Home
Nested Functions
Function () Constructor
Function Literals
User-Defined Objects
The new Operator
The Object () Constructor
Defining Methods for an Object
Errors and Exceptions
The try...catch Statement
The throw Statement
The onerror() Method
Workplace ethics (See details at annexure II)
Week 10 PHP What is PHP Task – 27
Syntax Overview
Commenting PHP Code Task – 28
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Variables Task – 29
Success story (For further detail please see
Page No: 5 and Annexure-III at the end) Task – 30
Task – 31
Differences between constants and variables
Operators Task – 32
The If Statement
The if. . . else Statement Task – 33
The if. . . elseif. . . else Statement
Task – 34
The Switch Statement
Details may
PHP Loops be seen at
The for loop statement Annexure-I
The while loop statement
The do…while loop statement
The for each loop statement
The break statements
Week 11 PHP + Database Motivational Lecture( For further detail please Task – 35
see Page No: 4)
String Concatenation Operator Task – 36
Using the strlen() function
Task – 37
Using the strpos() function
Array Task – 38
PHP Functions
PHP Function Arguments Details may
DBMS be seen at
What is MySQL?
PHP + MySQL Database System
Database Queries
Facts About MySQL Database
Should I Use MySQLi or PDO?
MySQLi Installation
PHP Create a MySQL Database7
Create a MySQL Database Using MySQLi
Create a MySQL Table Using MySQLi
Insert Data Into MySQL Using MySQLi
Get ID of The Last Inserted Record
Insert Multiple Records Into MySQL Using
Select Data From a MySQL Database
Select Data With MySQLi
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Delete Data From a MySQL Table Using
Update Data In a MySQL Table Using
Week 12 Desktop Application Introduction to Software
Development Software Tools Introduction Monthly
Part 1: Introduction to Compiler Test 3
Object Oriented Defining the Main Method
Programming OOP
What is class
Mapping real life objects.
(.) operator
What is object
Creating object.
Calling attributes and functions via object
Objects and Array of Objects
Storing Customers Data
Customer Model Class
Success story (For further detail please see
Page No: 5 and Annexure-III at the end)
Generating Data
Printing Data
Sorting Data
this vs super
Contractor Overloading
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Static Binding
Dynamic Binding
Advantages of polymorphism.
Complete OOP overview with Sample Project
Workplace ethics (See details at annexure II)
Week 15 Desktop Application The Java Virtual Machine Task – 40
Development Installing JDK
Part 2:
Installing IDE Task – 41
Variables and data types
Task – 42
Conditional and looping constructs
Arrays Task – 43
Fields and Methods
Constructors Task – 44
Overloading methods
Task – 45
Garbage collection
Nested classes Details may
Overriding methods be seen at
Polymorphism Annexure-I
Making methods and classes final
Success story (For further detail please see
Page No: 5 and Annexure-III at the end)
Abstract classes and methods
Configuring applets
Applet capabilities and restrictions
JAVA SWING graphical user interface
Week 16 Desktop Application Motivational Lecture( For further detail please Monthly
Development see Page No: 4) Test 4
Part 3: Introduction
Database System
Basic Concepts and Definitions
(SQL Server)
Data Versus Information
Data Models
Relational Databases
Database Management Systems
Enhanced entity-relationship
(EER) model
FVTLM004 Page 14
Data Manipulation Language(DML)
Data Control Language(DCL)
Transaction Control Language(TCL)
Workplace ethics (See details at annexure II)
Week 17 DBMS SQL - Create Database Task – 46
SQL - Drop Database Details may
SQL - Select Database be seen at
SQL - Create Table
SQL - Drop Table
SQL - Insert Query
SQL - Select Query
SQL - Where Clause
SQL - AND & OR Clauses
SQL - Update Query
SQL - Delete Query
SQL - Like Clause
SQL - Top Clause
SQL - Order By
SQL - Group By
Freelancing sites and starting actual work
been started
Success story (For further detail please see
Page No: 5 and Annexure-III at the end)
Week 18 JDBC Motivational Lecture( For further detail
please see Page No: 4)
Java Database Connectivity
JDBC Product
Types of Drivers
Two-Tier Client/Server Model
Three-Tier Client/Server Model
Basic Steps of JDBC
Creating and Executing SQL Statement
The Result Set Object
Working with Database Metadata
Job market& job search
Job search
Job related skills.
Interpersonal skills
Communication skills
FVTLM004 Page 15
Week 19 Mobile Application Basics of Android (Introduction to Android
Development Studio)
Installing Android Studio. (Sdk)
Setting up emulator.
Going through With Android Studio (Explanation
of IDE).
Packages , API Levels
Success story (For further detail please see
Page No: 5 and Annexure-III at the end)
Creating Hello World App In Android
Creating First App.
Resources folders.
Gradle (app level, project level).
Manifest File.
Intro To Layouts
Relative Layout
Linear Layout
Frame Layout
FVTLM004 Page 16
entrepreneurship Benefits/Advantages of self-employment
Project/Assignment Guidelines to the Trainees for selection of
(6 weeks (i.e 21-26) students employable project like final year
in addition of regular project (FYP)
classes. Assign Independent project to each Trainee
A project based on trainee’s aptitude and
acquired skills.
Designed by keeping in view the emerging
trends in the local market as well as across the
The project idea may be based on
Leading to the successful employment.
The duration of the project will be 6 weeks
Ideas may be generated via different sites
such as:
Final viva/assessment will be conducted on
project assignments.
At the end of session the project will be
presented in skills competition
The skill competition will be conducted on
zonal, regional and National level.
The project will be presented in front of
Industrialists for commercialization
FVTLM004 Page 17
Add View(Activity or Fragment)
Customize List View
Add On Item Click Listner
Select and implement functionality on every
Send list Item data in new Activity
Display data on new Screen like Daraz or
Session on General Overseas Employment
General Overseas opportunities.
Job search Avenues.
Visa Processes and other necessary
Immigration Information (Legal age
requirements, Health Certificate, Police
Clearance & Travel Insurance)
Week 23 Form Elements Buttons Task – 50
Input Fields
Output Fields Task – 51
Details may
Images etc
be seen at
Handling Events. Annexure-I
Launch Fragment
Pass data using Bundle
Load fragment on click
Swipe Fragments
Activity vs Fragment
Fragment Lifecycle
Dependency on Activity
Separate Front End & Back End
Overseas Selection of one country from countries of
Employment destination (Gulf Countries, Malaysia,
South Korea etc)focusing on:-
I. Trade specific Job Prospects and Earning
levels in that country.
II. Country Specific Labor laws, entry and
exit requirements (Legal age
requirements, Health Certificate, Police
Clearance & Travel Insurance etc.).
FVTLM004 Page 18
Week 24 Frontend Designing Frontend Designing
Relative Layout for Placement Monthly
Test 6
Linear Layout for responsiveness
Scroll View for infinite Scrolling
Multiple Files with one screen
Based on size
Based on orientation
UI for tablets devices
Services Life Cycle
Activity and service
Start Service
Stop Service
Saving user information
Shared Preferences
Key Value Pair
Remove and clear functions.
Counter Example.
Introducing SQLite
SQLite Open Helper and creating a database
Opening and closing a database
SQLite & Paper DB 93
Saving user information
Working with cursors Inserts, updates, deletes
Oversees Employment Selection of another country from
countries of destination (Gulf Countries,
Malaysia, South Korea etc)focusing on:-
FVTLM004 Page 19
Gravity Sensor
accelerometer sensor
Repositories (upload project on bit bucket)
Web view
Exploring Libraries
What is Github?
Button Library
Image Zoom Library
Glide in detail
Android Web view
Display website on android app.
Use website as an android app,
Async Task
Action on Start
Action on Progress
Action on complete
Success story (For further detail please see
Page No: 5 and Annexure-III at the end)
Freelancing sites
Week 26 FINAL PROJECT Final Project Demonstration/Examination
Entrepreneur Business Incubation and Acceleration
ship and Final Business Value Statement
Assessment in
Business Model Canvas
Sales and Marketing Strategies
How to Reach Customers and Engage CxOs
Stakeholders Power Grid Final
RACI Model, SWOT Analysis, PEST Analysis Assessment
SMART Objectives
Cost Management (OPEX, CAPEX, ROCE
Final Assessment
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Tasks For Certificate in IT (Web, Software & Mobile Application
Task Description Week
Web Development
Using Heading, Write a HTML code which displays all 6 headings with each Week-3
Paragraph, Line Break
1 heading on new line having paragraphs and the end of
and Horizontal Rule
Tags each paragraph; place a line (Horizontal Rule).
Using Bold, Italic, Write a HTML code which displays “HELLO WORLD I AM
Underline, Teletype
HTML” text in
Text, Big and Small
Tags Teletype font and also display HELLO I AM BIG Text using
BIG and HELLO I AM SMALL Text using Small Tags.
Use Emphasis and Write a HTML code which displays “This is Emphasis Text”
3 Strong Tags
using Emphasis and Strong Tags.
Use Ordered, Use Ordered, Unordered and Definition Lists in
Unordered and
single code to display the following output on the
Definition Lists
1. Chapter 1
2. Chapter 2
Chapter 2 Section 1
Chapter 2 Section 2
Chapter 2 Section 2 Item 1
Chapter 2 Section 2 Item 2
Chapter 2 Section 3
3. Chapter 3
4. Chapter 4
Use Comment and Make a webpage Comment.html having text “I am Internal
Include Tags in a
Text” with having commented text “I am Comment” that will
single code.
not display in the webpage. Make another webpage with
name Included.html containing text “I am External Text” and
Page 21 of 34
Task Description Week
display its contents in Comment.html webpage.
Use Image Tag with Insert image in the webpage with height=30, width=30
6 having 3 border size and when we bring mouse on the
image, it displays text “I am Image in Webpage”.
Use Bgsound, Embed When a webpage is loaded a beep sound is played in the
and NoEmbed Tags in
background for one time only. This webpage displays a
a single code.
7 multimedia plugin using Embed Tag and if the browser
does not support this plugin an image is displayed instead
of this multimedia plugin.
Use of Hyperlink Use <A HREF> . . . </A> Tag with all attributes to create a Week-4
Use of Hyper Make a webpage that contains an image, when user bring
9 mouse on the image and click it, opens in the
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Task Description Week
Use escape Display the Text in the given format with the help of
sequences and
Reformat to display Reformat tag and also display the special characters as
the Text. shown below:
---------------- ----------------------------------------
10 INDIA 1947
7 < 18,
Make a webpage
11 having Yellow Make a webpage having Yellow Background.
Background image
Make a webpage with image as a Background and when
12 we scroll this webpage, the image stays fix and only the top
of the webpage scrolls.
Use Base font in Make a webpage having 4 as a Base font with Red font
13 color and yellow background. Also display the text as H 2O
and X3Y2.
Auto Refresh
14 Make a webpage that refreshes itself after every 5 seconds.
Create Table Week-4
Create the following Table.
I am Table 1
15 First Second I am Table 2 Hello
Third Fourth Pakistan
Fofth Sixth BLANK I am Merged
Seventh Eight BLANK Cells
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Task Description Week
Use of Frames in Use Frames to design the following different frames in the
Make a complete Make the following Report Form (The Country Dropdown Week-4
17 List must contain 7 Countries in Ascending Order but when
form is loaded, by default Pakistan is Selected)
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Task Description Week
Buttons with images Make the Submit and Reset buttons in the form having
pictures on it instead of simple text.
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Task Description Week
External Style Sheet Call an External Style Sheet in the webpage in which Font Week-5
21 Use of on Click Event Change the color of the text when it is clicked.
Use of on Mouse Over When we bring the mouse on the image, the image
Event changes its position.
Use Output Statement Week –7
23 Display your name on the screen using JavaScript.
of JavaScript
Use of If…else Use If...else statement of JavaScript to write a code to Week-8
24 Display “Good Morning” or “Good Afternoon” according to
current Time.
Use of Switch Use Switch statement of PHP to display current day of the
25 Statement
Loops to display Write a Program to display count, from 5 to 15 (as shown
numbers on screen
below) using following:
For Loop
While Loop
Do…while Loop
Use Output Statement Display your name on the screen using PHP. Week-10
of PHP
Use of If…else Use If...else statement of PHP to write a code to Display
28 Condition
“Good Morning” or “Good Afternoon” according to current
Page 26 of 34
Task Description Week
Use of Switch Use Switch statement of PHP to display current day of the
29 Statement
For Loop to display Write a Program to display count, from 5 to 15 using PHP
numbers on screen
for loop as given below:
30 6
Factorial of Number Write a program to calculate factorial of a number using for
loop in PHP.
While Loop to display Write a Program to create following pattern using while
the pattern
32 ***
**** Week-10
Do…while Loop to Write a Program to display count, from 1 to 5 using PHP
display the numbers
do...while loop as given below:
33 2
Using Array and You need to write a program in PHP using for...each loop to
for…each loop
remove specific element by value from an array using PHP
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Task Description Week
Linking Webpage with Create a Database in MySQL with Name “School” also
create a table with name “Students” having fields “S. No”,
“Name”, “Father Name”, “Roll No” and “Class”.
Now make a complete webpage, which allows user to
INSERT new student data, VIEW all records and display
them on webpage, UPDATE an existing student record and
DELETE an existing student record from the above
“Students” Table.
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Task Description Week
Factorial of Number Write a program to calculate factorial of a number using for
loop in JAVA.
While Loop to display Write a Program to create following pattern using while
the pattern
44 ***
Do…while Loop to Write a Program to display count, from 5 to 1 using JAVA
display the numbers
do...while loop as given below:
45 4
Page 29 of 34
Task Description Week
Link Form with Create a Database with Name “School” also create a table Week-17
Database using JAVA with name “Students” having fields “S.No”, “Name”, “Father
Name”, “Roll No” and “Class”.
Mobile Application
Use Output Statement Write a code to Display your name on the Mobile Week-20
Display alert message Display Textbox and Button on the screen and when we Week-23
on the mobile screen
51 add a Text in Textbox, it is displayed on the Mobile screen
as an Alert Message.
Connectivity with Display Textbox and Button on the screen and when we Week-25
Database using
52 Mobile application. add a Text in Textbox, and when button is pressed it is
stored in Database
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Workplace/Institute Ethics Guide
Work ethic is a standard of conduct and values for job performance. The modern definition of what
constitutes good work ethics often varies. Different businesses have different expectations. Work
ethic is a belief that hard work and diligence have a moral benefit and an inherent ability, virtue or
value to strengthen character and individual abilities. It is a set of values centered on importance
of work and manifested by determination or desire to work hard.
The following ten work ethics are defined as essential for student success:
1. Attendance:
Be at work every day possible, plan your absences don’t abuse leave time. Be punctual
every day.
2. Character:
Honesty is the single most important factor having a direct bearing on the final success of
an individual, corporation, or product. Complete assigned tasks correctly and promptly.
Look to improve your skills.
3. Team Work:
The ability to get along with others including those you don’t necessarily like. The ability to
carry your own weight and help others who are struggling. Recognize when to speak up
with an ideas and when to compromise by blend ideas together.
4. Appearance:
Dress for success, set your best foot forward, personal hygiene, good manner, remember
that the first impression of who you are can last a life time
5. Attitude:
Listen to suggestions and be positive, accept responsibility. If you make a mistake, admit it.
Values workplace safety rules and precautions for personal and co-worker safety. Avoids
unnecessary risks. Willing to learn new processes, systems and procedures in light of
changing responsibilities.
6. Productivity:
Do the work correctly, quality and timelines are prized. Get along with fellows, cooperation
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is the key to productivity. Help out whenever asked, do extra without being asked. Take
pride in your work, do things the best you know how. Eagerly focuses energy on
accomplishing tasks, also referred to as demonstrating ownership. Takes pride in work.
7. Organizational Skills:
Make an effort to improve, learn ways to better yourself. Time management; utilize time
and resources to get the most out of both. Takes an appropriate approach to social
interactions at work. Maintains focus on work responsibilities.
8. Communication:
Written communication, being able to correctly write reports and memos.
Verbal communications, being able to communicate one on one or to a group.
9. Cooperation:
Follow institute rules and regulations, learn and follow expectations. Get along with fellows,
cooperation is the key to productivity. Able to welcome and adapt to changing workplace
situations and the application of new or different skills.
10. Respect:
Work hard, work to best of your ability. Carry out orders, do what’s asked the first time.
Show respect, accept and acknowledge an individual’s talents and knowledge. Respects
diversity in the workplace, including showing due respect for different perspectives,
opinions and suggestions.
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S. No Key Information Detail/Description
1. Self & Family Self-introduction
background Family background and socio economic
Education level and activities involved in
Financial hardships etc
2. How he came on board Information about course, apply and
NAVTTC Training/ or selection
got trained through any Course duration, trade selection
other source Attendance, active participation, monthly
tests, interest in lab work
Note: Success story is a source of motivation for the trainees and can be presented in a
number of ways/forms in a NAVTTC skill development course as under: -
1. To call a passed out successful trainee of institute. He will narrate his success story
to the trainees in his own words and meet trainees as well.
2. To see and listen to a recorded video/clip (5 to 7 minutes) showing a successful
trainee Audio video recording that has to cover the above mentioned points.
3. The teacher displays the picture of a successful trainee (name, trade, institute,
organization, job, earning etc) and narrates his/her story in teacher’s own
motivational words.
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