B1 Preliminary For Schools Speaking Bank Answer Key
B1 Preliminary For Schools Speaking Bank Answer Key
B1 Preliminary For Schools Speaking Bank Answer Key
Speaking Part 1
1 present simple past simple be going to
Yes, she does. always last night next weekend
sometimes last weekend tomorrow
Audioscript usually when I was tonight
Examiner: What’s your name? younger
Maria: My name’s Maria.
What’s your surname?
It’s Moretti.
1 B+I
Examiner: Where do you come from?
Maria: I come from Rome, in Italy. 2 D+H
Examiner: Do you work, or are you a student? 3 A+F
Maria: I’m a student. 4 E+J
2 5 C+G
Audioscript Audioscript
Examiner: Tell us about your English teacher.
Examiner: What did you do yesterday evening?
Pablo: My English teacher is called Mr Adams, and
Maria: Yesterday evening I went to the cinema
he’s from Manchester. He’s really funny,
with some friends. I often watch films with
and I like him because he always makes
my friends because we all enjoy the same
our lessons interesting. I think he’s a really
kinds of films.
good teacher.
Examiner: Do you think that English will be useful to
Examiner: Would you like to live in a different
you in the future?
Maria: Yes, I think it will be very useful. I want to
Pablo: I’d like to visit different countries, for
work for an international company, so I
example the United States or maybe
hope I’ll travel to different countries with
Australia, to get some experience of what
my job, and I’m sure I will need English.
life is like there. But I wouldn’t like to
Examiner: Tell us about a place you would like to visit
for long, because I’d miss my family and
in the future.
friends at home.
Maria: I’d love to go to New York one day because
Examiner: Can you tell us about your home town?
it looks such an exciting city. My uncle
Pablo: My home town is Barcelona, in the north-
lives there, so I hope I can go and visit him
east of Spain. It’s a big city, and there are
lots of beautiful buildings which are very
Examiner: Can you describe your house or flat?
famous. I like it because it’s very friendly,
Maria: My flat is quite small, because I just share
and there are lots of cafés where you can
it with one friend. The kitchen is very
meet your friends. Also, it’s on the coast,
small, but the living room is quite big.
so you can go to the beach in the summer.
Also, it’s got a balcony, and I really like
Examiner: How do you usually travel to school or
sitting there in the evening.
Examiner: What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
Pablo: I usually catch the bus to school. It takes
Maria: Well, I’m quite into sport, so I do quite a
about half an hour for me to get there. I’d
lot of sport in my free time. For example, I
prefer to walk, but it’s too far for me to
sometimes go running in the evenings and
walk every day.
I often play tennis at the weekend. I also
Examiner: What did you do last weekend?
like spending time with friends. My friends
Pablo: On Saturday I played football for my team.
are very important to me.
We usually have a match every Saturday.
3 Unfortunately, we didn’t win last week.
Then on Sunday I met my friends, and we
1 often went to the beach because it was very hot.
2 and
3 because 6
4 Actually 1 because
5 but 2 for example
6 Also
3 which
7 so
4 but
8 for example
5 Unfortunately
7 4
Students’ own answers. 1 probably
2 might
Speaking Part 2
3 looks
1 4 seem
They might be in a car park. They are probably friends. 5 guess
Audioscript 5
Pablo: The picture shows two teenagers playing Students’ own answers.
basketball outdoors. I think they might be in a
car park or something like that. It isn’t a very Audioscript
attractive place, because there are no flowers, Maria: The photo shows two people sitting in a
and there isn’t any grass. It’s a cloudy day, and living room in a house, a teenager and an
it doesn’t look very warm because one of the older man. I think they’re probably father
boys is wearing long sleeves. The two boys and son. The teenager, who’s on the right,
are at the front of the photo, in the middle, is wearing a pullover and jeans, and the
and at the back we can see a basketball net, older man is wearing a blue shirt and jeans.
and some buildings. They look like garages He’s got grey hair. The sitting room looks
or sheds, something like that. On the left, you quite modern, and the sofa looks very
can see some houses in the background. The comfortable. In the background, on the
boys aren’t actually playing a game, but they’re left, you can see some photos on a table.
practising. One of the boys is wearing a stripy On the right, you can see some books.
top, with a hood, and he’s holding the ball They might be watching TV because you
above his head. He seems to be aiming for the can see that they’re looking at something,
net, which is quite a long way away. The other and there is a remote control, or something
boy, who’s short and has dark hair, is running like that on the sofa on the right. They’re
forwards. I think maybe he’s going to catch the eating something from a box, some kind of
ball. I guess the two boys are probably friends a takeaway. It looks like pizza. They seem
because they don’t look like brothers. to be quite relaxed. I guess they’re probably
having a relaxing evening at home.
1 at the front 6
2 right Students’ own answers.
3 left
4 behind Speaking Part 3
5 In the background
3 Yes, they do. They agree on two cinema tickets.
1 are travelling
2 is talking Audioscript
3 is showing Maria: So, shall we start with the book? What do you
think about that idea?
4 is looking; is thinking
Pablo: I’m not sure. Some people enjoy reading, but
5 is standing; is talking a lot of people don’t like it. And it’s difficult to
choose a book for someone else.
Audioscript Maria: I agree with you. And I don’t think flowers are
Pablo: The picture shows some people who are a good idea because they’re a bit boring, in my
travelling by bus. There are two women at opinion.
the front of the picture, on the left. They’re Pablo: That’s true. In my opinion, people buy flowers
smiling, and one woman is showing the other if they can’t think of any other ideas. Would
one something on her phone. On the right, a T-shirt be a good idea? Most people wear
there’s an older man. He’s looking forwards. T-shirts.
I’m not sure what he’s looking at, but maybe Maria: Well, I don’t really like it when people buy
he’s thinking about where to get off the bus. In me clothes, because I prefer to choose them
the background, at the back of the bus, there’s myself.
a man. He’s standing up and I think he’s talking Pablo: OK, so not a T-shirt. Would a concert ticket be a
to another passenger. good idea?
2 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2019 PREPARE SECOND EDITION LEVEL 5
Maria: Yes, I think that’s a great idea! Everyone loves for a class celebration, because not everyone
listening to live music. likes football.
Pablo: No, I disagree. There’s only one ticket, and I Pablo: That’s true. So, would the beach be a good
don’t think it would be fun to go to a concert idea? Everyone likes going to the beach. Do you
on your own. agree?
Maria: Yes, you’re right. But there are two cinema Maria: I’m not sure. What if the weather’s bad?
tickets, so maybe they might be a better Pablo: Yes, you’re right. The beach is great if the
choice. weather’s good, but it’s really boring if it’s
Pablo: Yes, I agree they would be a good choice. So, raining. So, what else is there? I don’t think
what else is there? I think a mug is boring, and hiking is a good idea, because some people
chocolates seem quite a cheap present. What might not be fit enough to enjoy it.
do you think? Maria: Yes, I agree. What about going to a theme park?
Maria: Yes, I agree. And I’m sure she’d love to get a I’m sure people would enjoy that.
necklace, so that’s a possibility. Pablo: Yes, that’s a good idea. There are different
Pablo: OK. So, it’s time to decide. What do you think? rides, too, so not everyone has to go on the
Maria: Well, I would say either the cinema tickets or really scary ones. It’s definitely more fun than
the necklace. Do you agree? a boat trip. That would be really boring, in my
Pablo: Yes, but the necklace might be too expensive, opinion.
so maybe we should choose the cinema tickets. Maria: I agree, because on a boat you’re just sitting
Are you OK with that? there for a few hours, but I prefer to be active.
Maria: Yes, good idea. We’ll go for that one, then. Pablo: What about the zoo? That could be fun. And
there are things to do indoors if it’s wet.
2 Maria: Yes, that’s true. And everyone loves animals.
1 think Pablo: So, it’s time to decide. I would choose the
theme park or the zoo because I think everyone
2 sure
would enjoy them.
3 agree Maria: Yes. I think the theme park would be more fun,
4 opinion so I would choose that.
5 idea Pablo: OK. We’ll go for that one, then.
6 so Speaking Part 4
7 OK
8 go 1
They give reasons, ask for each other’s opinions, and
3 use an expression to allow time to think about the
1 D answer.
2 F
3 A
Examiner: Who do you most enjoy buying presents
4 B for?
5 C Maria: Let me see. I would say my cousins. One
6 E is 14 years old, and the other is 12. I love
buying presents for them because there are
4 so many fun things that you can choose for
children, like toys or games. What do you
Students’ own answers.
Pablo: Yes, I agree with you, and it’s also fun
Audioscript buying presents for children because
Pablo: So, shall we talk about the barbecue first? I they’re always so excited when they open
think it’s a good idea. A barbecue is relaxing, them. I’ve got a cousin who’s ten, and I
and everyone can enjoy it. What do you think? really enjoy buying things for him. He’s
Maria: Yes, I agree with you. The only problem is really into football so it’s easy to find things
that someone has to organise everything, he likes. It’s great.
like buying the food and cooking it, so it’s Examiner: Which people in your family are the most
quite a lot of work. In my opinion, eating in a difficult to choose presents for?
restaurant would be better, because no one Pablo: That’s an interesting question. My dad
would have to cook. is definitely the most difficult to choose
Pablo: Yes, that’s a good point. But a meal in a presents for. He never seems to want
restaurant might be too expensive for some anything, and he doesn’t have any hobbies,
people. What do you think about going to so I usually end up buying him something
watch a football match? really boring, like socks. Do you agree that
Maria: Well, it would be perfect for me, because I’m it’s difficult to buy things for your parents?
a football fan, but I don’t think it’s a good idea Maria: Yes, I completely agree. It’s much easier
to buy things for people your own age,
because you know what they like and what cinema would be fun, because then we
they’re interested in. could talk about the films together.
Examiner: Do you like receiving money instead of Examiner: Do you think watching sports events can be
presents? more fun than taking part?
Maria: Hmm, that’s a difficult question. It’s Maria: I’m not sure about that. I love sport, and
sometimes nice to receive money, because in my opinion it’s always more fun to take
then you can buy something you really part than to watch. When you play a game
want, or you can save up to buy something like tennis or football, for example, you
bigger, like a new tablet. What do you really want to win, so it’s very exciting and
think? it encourages you to make an effort and do
Pablo: Hmm, I’m not sure about that. When it’s my your best. Do you agree?
birthday, I usually get money from three Pablo: Yes, I do. I’m really into sport, too, and I
or four relatives, and it’s good because I agree that it’s exciting when you play a
can use the money to buy something more match and you really want to win. But
expensive for myself. But in my opinion it’s when I watch my favourite football team
a bit boring if you don’t get any presents on I also want them to win, so that’s exciting
your birthday, just money. Do you agree? too. I also love watching really good
Maria: Yes, I do. I love getting presents, but I think players, who are much better than me!
when it’s relatives who don’t know you Maria: Yes, that’s true. It’s exciting to watch good
very well, it’s better to get money, because players, but I would still prefer to take part.
sometimes they can give you things you Examiner: Do you prefer cooking a meal for friends or
don’t really want. eating out in a restaurant?
Pablo: That’s true. I prefer to get money from Pablo: I think it depends. I enjoy cooking, and
people who don’t know me very well, but I often cook meals for a few friends. But
it’s nice to get presents from people who if I want to have a big meal with a lot of
know what I like. friends, I prefer to go to a restaurant. What
do you think?
2 Maria: Yes, I think you’re right. It would be very
1 buying stressful to cook a meal for 15 or 20 people.
But cooking for a few friends is fun, and it’s
2 is sometimes
nice because you’re at home and you’re
3 usually get relaxed.
4 to get Pablo: Yes, I agree with you. The only problem is
5 getting that you have to do the washing up.
Maria: That’s true. I think it’s only fun if you have a
3 dishwasher!
1 Do you agree
2 That’s true
3 What do you think
4 That’s an interesting question
Students’ own answers.
Students’ own answers.
Examiner: Would you like to have more social events
with your class?
Pablo: Yes, I think that more social events
would be great, because it would be an
opportunity to get to know other students
in the class better. I would like some trips
to the cinema, or maybe visits to other
towns and cities. What do you think?
Maria: Yes, I agree. I think it would be fun to have
more social events, and in my opinion it
would also help us to study, because it’s
easier to study when you’re with people
that you know, because you’re more
relaxed. I agree with you that trips to the
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