Ground Nut: Common Name

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1.Ground nut

Season:(Rabi + kharif + pre monsoon)

Botanical name : Arachis hypogaea 2n = 40

Family : Leguminosae , Common name: Groundnut,
Peanut, Monkey nut, Earth nut,
Manila nut,moong fali (Hindi).
In Greek language Arachis' means legume and
'hypogaea' means below ground, referring to formation of pods in the soil.
Groundnut is an important oil and protein source to a large portion of the population in Asia,
Africa and the America. It is a self-pollinated, annual, herbaceous legume. Groundnut, KING OF
VEGETABLE OIL SEED in India, occupies preeminent position in national edible oil economy.

• Origin and history:

Groundnut has never been found in wild state any where, and therefore its origin has been a
matter of considerable speculations and even controversy. There are two main opinions on its
origin , one supporting the view that groundnut originated in Africa and the other tracing its
origin to Brazil (South America) . de Candolle (1825 ) stated its origin to be in Brazil. Its
introduction in India is considered to be through Jesuit Fathers (Missionaries) who followed
Vasco de Gama shortly after his first landing in India.
Originated from South America

• Area and distribution:

It is raised on large scale in almost all the parts of the tropical and sub-tropical countries of
the world. The most important groundnut producing countries are China, India , Nigeria
,Myanmar , Indonesia and Sudan .India occupies the first place in respect of acreage , while
China ranks first with regard to production.

• Varieties:
There are 3 types of varieties in groundnut , namely bunch type with erect plant habit,
spreading and semi- spreading.
1. The bunch types have light green foliage, comparatively broad leaflets and mature early.
However , they are usually susceptible to tikka disease.
2. The spreading type usually have dark green foliage with smaller leaflets. These are usually
late in maturity.
3. The semi-spreading varieties are intermediate between the bunch and the spreading types.

• Land preparation:
To get good germination and yield of groundnut, it is advisable to get weed free , pulverised,
open and aerated seed ben for sowing of crop. The first ploughing should be done with mould
board plough followed by 3-4 cross harrowing and planking . Organic manure should be
spread before the first ploughing

• Soil:
Groundnut can be grown on all types of soils such as sandy, sandy loam & heavy black soils. It
Thrives best on sandy loams.

Most suitable soils for groundnut production are well-drained light sandy loams with anAmple
supply of calcium and moderate organic matter.

Heavy and stiff clay soils are not desirable as they tend to become hard during dry weather
Thereby interfering with peg penetration into the soil and also makes the harvest extremely
Difficult. Groundnut is one of the most acid tolerant crops with a critical P H range of 5 – 5.5.

It is moderately sensitive to soil salinity & highly susceptible to waterlogging.

• Seed treatment:
Seed treatment against seed and soil born diseases is essential for stand establishment by
Preventing damage to seeds and seedlings emerging from soil.

Seed treatment with Thiram @ 3g/kg,

Seed must be viable and better quality.

Seed must be uniform in size.
Seed must be pure.
Seed should be free from diseases.
Seed treatment is two type
I. Rhizobium treatment, II. Fungicide treatment.
Timing of Seed treatment

 Rhizobium treatment: Seed should be treated with rhizobium for better nodules before
sowing time(2-4 hours before).
 Fungicide treatment: Fungicide treatment must be done 15-20 days before sowing.

**** Fungicide treatment and Rhizobium treatment must be done separately because
Rhizobium may die for the toxicity of the fungicide.

• Sowing :
4 important sowing parameters /variable are below
1. Time of sowing .
2. Seed rate.
3. Method of sowing .
4. Spacing.

 Time of sowing : May- June

 Seed rate: For spreading type, Seed rate----- 60-70kg/ha

For bunch type, Seed rate------- 85-90kg/ha

 Method of sowing : Groundnut is sown either by dibbling the seeds behind the plough or
using a seed drill. On large scale, seed planter can be used. In case of irrigated crop, it is
better to prepare ridges and furrows with country plough and dibble the seeds on ridges as
this helps in intercultivation and in better pod setting, In case of rainfed light soils, the crop
is sown on flat beds. For good germination, depth of seed sowing is another important
aspect, which needs proper attention. Usually groundnut seeds should be sown at a depth
of 5-8 cm in light soils and 4-6 cm in case of moderate to heavy soil types. To ensure a good
and proper germination, a light covering with soil is required over the seed.

 Spacing: For spreading type ,20-30 cm Row to row distance and 8-10 cm plant to plant
distance. For bunch type , 30-40 cm Row to row distance and 10-15 cm plant to plant
• Irrigation/ water management:
In north India, generally groundnut is raised as a rainfed crop during kharif season, but if the
crop is caught in a long spell of drought, especially at the pod formation stage, supplemental
irrigation is given. In case of irrigated crop, the frequency of irrigation depends upon soil
texture and the interval between the irrigations range between 8 and 12 days. The critical
stages for irrigation are branching, flowering and pod formation. If the crop is to be sown
before onset of monsoon, the field should be given 1 light pre-sowing irrigation for better
germination of seeds.

Life irrigation, 4 – 5 days after sowing 20 days after sowing. At flowering give two irrigations.
At pegging stage give one or two irrigations. In pod development stage, 2-3 irrigations
depending on the soil type.

Irrigation method of ground nut- Ridge and furrow method

In rained area 5000-7000 rainfall is required. In long spell of drought supplementary
irrigation is required for pod formation .
It is done in 10-12 days interval.
It depends upon-
1. How much to irrigate.
2. When to irrigate.
3. How to irrigate.
The most critical stage of irrigation in ground nut are flowering, pegging, and pod formation.
Irrigation must be stopped about 20-25 days before maturity for fungus free maturation.

• Manure and Fertilizer:

Ground nut is a energy rich crop .

Nitrogen(N) : Helps in vegetative growth.

Phosphorus(P): development of root.
Potassium (K):
1. To protect crop form infection of the disease.
2. Helps to transfer photosynthate different part of the plant.
3. Increase boldness of the seed.

The Nitrogen requirement of groundnut is not high due to biological N fixation , but it needs
a starter dose of @ 15-25N/ ha.
Phosphorus requirement: 40-50 kg P₂O₅/ha
Potassium requirement: 40kg K2O / ha
Ammonium sulphate for nitrogen and single super phosphate are the recommended fertilizer.
Calcium (Ca): During pod felling stage in ground nut Ca requirement is very high. The shell of
ground nut is made of calcium . It also help the quick formation of the cell.
Source- gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O) . It is the cheapest source of calcium . 15-28% S present.
Quantity- 3-4 q/ha.

• Weed management:
It has been observed that the infestation of weeds in groundnut crop can cause reduction in
yield to the extent of 22-40%.
The Earthing up should also be taken up simultaneously with intercultural operation.
It is essential because
> To control weed
> To get loose soil for easy penetrations of peg > For good aeration.

The herbicides used for weed control includes fluchloralin @2.2 kg/ha,
pendimethalin@1kg/ ha, butachlor@2kg/ ha, [email protected] /ha
All these Herbicides are pre-emergence herbicide.

Intensive crop rotation of groundnut Maize ( summer season) – groundnut-gram or sarson

Groundnut-onion or garlic
Mung bean- groundnut -wheat
Maize- groundnut – pea
Lobia- groundnut – wheat
Groundnut – wheat – mungbean / urdbean Groundnut – wheat
Aflatoxin production in groundnut caused by the Aspergillus flavus group of fungi occurs
mainly during post harvest processing and storage. In India 81 % of kernels are immediately
crushed for oil, 12 % as seed, 6% for edible use and 1 % for export, and thus, aflatoxin is not a
problem in the oil extraction. However, aflatoxin is a concern in edible and for exportable
commodities i.e. kernel, groundnut cake etc. The permissible limit of aflatoxin content is 6
ppb. Recently, bold to medium bold seeded genotypes resistant to invasion, colonization and
production of aflatoxin by A. flavus have been identified for export purpose.
• Harvest and threshing:

The harvesting of groundnut depends upon the type of variety grown . Usually groundnut crop
takes 120-140 days to mature and harvesting is done in the months of October-November
accordingly. In case of bunch type of groundnut , the plants are harvested by pulling , whereas
in spreading type of groundnut , harvesting is done by spade , country plough or with the help
of blade harrows or groundnut digger.

Symptom of maturity:
 Yellowing of leaf is prominent symptom of ground nut.
 When kernel /pod is shaken , a sound is produced that indicates maturity groundnut.
 Older leaves shading.
 Kernel is pinkish color.
Economic use :

Groundnut is considered not only as an oil seed crop but also as a food crop because it’s
kernels are rich in protein content and vitamins. Groundnut kernels are consumed directly as
raw, roasted, boiled or fried. Groundnut haulms is a very good fodder for cattle, when fed in
green state. The ground nut cake Powder is used manufacture of paper, gummed tape and
plastic and also used as organic manure. Groundnut shell also can be used as organic manure.
These multiple uses of groundnut plants makes it an excellent cash crop for domestic market
as well as foreign trade.

 National research center for groundnut is located at junagarh.

 Groundnut is also known as “ the unpredictable legume”.
 India occupies the first place in regard to acreage, while china rank first with regard to total
 Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh account for more than half of the cultivated area in India.
 Groundnut is one of the most acid tolerant crop.
 Groundnut is Allotetraploids (2n=40)
 It is self pollinated ,tropical annual legume.
 Sensitive to moisture stress in the flowering stage . However water requirement is very
 Groundnut possesses well developed tap root with many lateral as well as adventitious

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