Catechesis On Jesus Christ

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RE102 – 3 Catechesis on Jesus Christ

Marion John L. Uy Sr. Delia Parma, D.C Mr. Godofredo S. Gile


BSBA – Financial Management 1 SLMCS – HED

Module 1: Jesus: His Humanity


Before we proceed to our lesson, let’s have first an activity. Below is a
photo of Jesus Christ. Recall your first experiences in life when you feel
that Jesus is with you, and think of words that describe Him. Good luck!

I am a child of God.

Alive. Good decision-making.

Changes or transforms daily lives. Avoid temptation.

Bring close relationships. Be a believer.

B. Reflection in Faith
Using the Catholic bible, look for evidences that prove Jesus Christ’s
existence before his incarnation.
1st Evidence: The New Testament
Jesus was a real man or person, the part of the bible tells us about who
Jesus was, what he did, why he did, his miracles, and the story of Jesus
Christ’s birth, His death, and His resurrection. The Christians believed that
Jesus was God himself, living as a person. As far as I know, Jesus told His
special connection to God. According to the scriptures of John 1:14, “the word
became a human being, and full of grace, and truth lived among us.”This
expression “word” refers to Jesus Christ that He existed before all things in the
earth and His incarnation in Bethlehem.
2 Evidence: The Book of Revelation 22:13
“Jesus calling Himself the Alpha and Omega.” This part shows the
God and Jesus are involved in everything from the beginning and to the end.
He was, is, and always will be. Jesus as the eternal Son of the Father, Jesus as
the second person of the Trinity existed before His incarnation.
Directions: Read and analyze the following questions and answer these
1. If you were Mary, who will conceive the Son of God, would you allow
that thing to happen to you? Why or why not?
Of course, I will. Because anything that comes from God is a great
Blessing. That is the best thing I know to honor God and having faith into Him.
And to be honest, until now I am still a virgin because I feel like my whole body
is Holy, and this body was borrowed from God. On the contrary, this body is
mine and I make my life into what it really matters for me that brings me joy and
2. If you were Joseph, what will you do if you found out that Mary is
If I were Joseph of course, it’s not easy to just accept the fact that my wife
becomes pregnant all of a sudden. And that child wasn’t mine so it’s hard to
deal in situations like this, being practical. Because apart from me, I want to
have my own child and my own blood is his or her. However, who am I to reject
that child? If I don’t accept that child, I can be one of those who are evil than
anybody or worst. And I don’t want to be like that seeing as a monster or devil in
front of anybody, especially to my wife. That’s why even if it hurts me the most, I
guess I can be a father to that child because I do love my wife and I want her to
be happy and support her in any ways. I will do anything just to take care and
protect my wife and the child inside her womb, and from time to time I can
somehow love that child as my own son or daughter. Eventually, being a family
is a gift from God.
3. It says that Jesus Christ also experienced pain, struggles, and love. Do
you think Jesus has also a sin? Justify your answer.
I guess he does, because at the same time Jesus was fully Human, and
fully God. I know that every human being can also experienced pain, struggles,
and even love, a love from God, love from family, love from parents, and love
from neighbors. If that human doesn’t experiences the way the others like, it
literally mean that he or she is not a human being, which he or she is more like
an other animals.
4. Jesus Christ experience human love, difficulties, and trials. What
specific thing or event/s in His life you can relate into and how?
The things that I can relate to Jesus life are that somebody hates me and
somebody bullied me, and the worst degrading my entire self into shaming and
discriminating. When people notice that I am different from them, they
intentionally judge and destroy me. The saddest part is that they are being
mean to me like I wasn’t part of this world that really made me lack of self-
confidence. However, as time changes I realized that being different is good,
and seriously, I don’t want to be like them no respect for themselves and no
shame at all.
Directions: Study the bible scripture below taken from the book of John
and make an essay about it. In your essay include your understanding
about the scripture, the importance, and its message to you personally.
Be guided with the following criteria; Content-10, Organization-5, and
Relevance-5. Good luck!

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word
was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning.

-John 1:1-2

As I deeply understand the scriptures of John 1:1-2, the Book of Old

Testament because the first part of, “In the beginning was the Word”, meaning
the beginning to do something in the first place. This word is the essence as the
everlasting God or the divine wisdom, which before all the things deliberates the
entire process of the pre-existence of the Creator. The Word became flesh,
manifested in the person of Jesus Christ, a fulfillment covenant of God made to
His people to believe the promise life to Him, and He went before us. All along,
the Almighty Father, planned to restore us by His Word, Jesus Christ. Secondly,
the “Word was with God”, tells us that Jesus was with God in the beginning, this
is the truth of our spiritual oneness with God. A divine proclamation of oneness
of everything that God is. And last, “the Word was God”, establishes the
concept of the Holy Trinity, the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit in one God. In
the beginning and at the same time the co-existence of the distinction of person
towards God, the human beings are being asserted in the communion with God.
The presence and power of God is the true identity of us that the grace and truth
came through Jesus Christ. The people must obey the Word of God, and His
law for He is God, one with God, and the life He came to live in this earth is a
part of a glorious plan from the beginning. It’s important to understand in the
beginning, because it holds a key to the scripture that unlocks a door into the
“Kingdom of God”, to minister the mission of the people on Earth. And the
passage John the Baptist, was sent ahead of Christ to prepare for His arrival by
being born and baptized, to be a Christian. The message for me personally,
everything wasn’t coincidence that the Creator already planned for His people
and before the universe. And this is the beginning of a glorious and wondrous
journey here in the Earth and to continue the mission of God into us, being a
Christian. “Tayo ay nilika ayon sa wangis ng Panginoon.”

RE102 – 3 Catechsis on Jesus Christ

Marion John L. Uy Sr. Delia Parma, D.C Mr. Godofredo S. Gile


BSBA – Financial Management 1 SLMCS – HED

Module 2: Jesus: His Divinity


Before we proceed to our lesson, let’s have first an activity. Below is Venn
Diagram, you have to compare and contrast the words, “Humanity and
Divinity.” Recall our first module about Jesus Christ’s Humanity. Good

A. STILLING THE STORM (Matt. 8:23-27; Mark 4:35-41; Luke 8:22-25)

Jesus was born and Jesus is a supernatural-

lived in this world. Spiritual life. being.
Jesus is fully God, and
Jesus is the Jesus can do miracles
fully Human.
Savior. like God. Jesus is the
Jesus Christ existence. Christ, the Son of God.
Holy Trinity
The Incarnation. He died for the sins of the
1. What happened as Jesus and his disciples crossed the sea (Mark 4:37)?
When an evening came, Jesus and his disciples crossed the other side of
the sea and during their sailing, the sea sudden squalls and the winds blow
between the hills then whipping into a fury waves. A sudden storm threatens to
sink the boat, while Jesus is asleep. The disciples feared for their lives, so they
decided to wake Jesus. When He rebukes the big waves, and the storm calms
down, the disciples were greatly amazed, yet Jesus scolds them for their lack of

2. What was Jesus doing as the storm arose (Mark 4:38)?

The power of Christ on performing such miracles proves that nothing need
to be fear or worry about something. So Jesus suddenly calmed the storm and
the big waves by His words, “Peace! Be still!”
3. How did Jesus deliver the ship from danger? What did He say? (Mark
In a way that He spoke to the waves and the wind, because He believed
that God is with them. He says that, “Peace! Be still!”
B. WALKING ON WATER (Matt. 14:22-23; Mark 6:45-52; John 6:15-21)
1. What was disciples’ reaction when they saw Jesus walking on the sea
(Matt. 14:26)?
Matthew, who was there, says that they were terrified. They imagine that
the glimpse of a figure out on the water was a spirit or a ghost. Only to see that
the person approaching them was Jesus walking on the sea. And then when He
told them not to be afraid, and that’s they were reassured.
2. What did Peter ask? What was Jesus’ response (Matt. 14:28-29)?
Peter said, "Lord, if that is really you, then tell me to come to you on the water." Jesus
said, "Come, Peter." Then Peter left the boat and walked on the water to Jesus. But while
Peter was walking on the water, he saw the wind and the waves. Peter became afraid
and began sinking down into the water. Peter shouted, "Lord, save me!" Then Jesus
caught Peter with his hand. Jesus said, "Your faith is small. Why did you doubt?"
3. What happened as Peter went to Jesus (Matt. 14:29-32)?
Jesus told him to walk on the water and to come to Him. So Peter had the
courage to step out on the boat, because he trusted Jesus. Just as Peter
trusted Jesus to do the impossible, we can also trust Jesus to do impossible in
our lives. Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with
God all things are possible.”But when Peter saw the strong wind, he was afraid
and begins to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!”He depends on his self
instead of God, that’s why he sank. If we trust God without any doubt, miracles
will happen into us.
4. What did Jesus do and say (Matt. 14:31)?
When Jesus reached out His hand and said to him, “You of little faith, why did
you doubt?”
C. THE EAR OF MALCHUS (Matt. 26:47-56; Mark 14:43-50; Luke 22:47-53;
John 18:1-11)
1. Which disciple smote the servant of the high priest?
Simon Peter was the disciple smote the servant of the high priest.
2. Which ear was severed?
The right ear was the one that had been critical or severe.
3. What was the name of the victim?
The name of the victim was Malchus.


A. STILLING THE STORM (Matt. 8:23-27; Mark 4:35-41; Luke 8:22-25)

1. When storms beset us, that is, trials and temptations, to whom should
we turn and why?
Of course, we choose God, not anybody else. Not all of us will have to
face physical storms of like this kind. But Jesus said that we would all face the
storms of life (Matthew 7:25–27). Life is not easy. The storms of life are many
and varied. They include illness, opposition, and pressures at work,
unemployment, relationship difficulties, disappointment, bereavement and
persecution. We will face trials and temptations, and maybe even full-on attack
from the enemy. That’s why we need to have deep faith and trust God without
any single doubt; miracles will come in our life, and He can help us to overcome
any storms of life.
2. Those who are in Christ (believers and followers) are promised the
peace of God. Describe the peace of God.
The peace which God says is that the peace between us, peace of life,
the peace of heart which is the gift of God. And one thing for sure, that is world
3. What does the prophet say about the wicked?
The prophet said about the wicked was, “O  wicked  man, you  will  surely
die,' and you  do  not  speak  out to dissuade him from his ways,
that  wicked  man  will  die for his sin, and I  will  hold you accountable for his
blood.”So don’t be a wicked man.
B. WALKING ON WATER (Matt.14:22-33; Mark 6:45-52; John 6:15-21)
1. What cannot separate us from the love of God in Christ?
Even though at times we may feel like we are far from the love of God,
nothing can separate the believer and follower from His love. Nothing to worry,
have courage because love of God brings the closeness into Him and us. The
mercy and love of the Almighty God, is powerful than anything in this world,
even the universe, and even death nor life.
2. What does separate us from God?
Being disobedience is the cause that separates us from God. If we
repented our sins, then we will no longer separate from Him.
C. THE EAR OF MALCHUS (Matt.26:47-56, Mark 14L43-50, Luke 22:47-53; John
1. This miracle shows the love and compassionate of Jesus. In order to
fulfill the internal purpose of the Father, He must submit to the arrest
and agonies to follow. Nevertheless, He healed the man who would do
him harm. What does Jesus imply in his actions?
One good example, when Jesus crucified in the cross and died to save us
from our sins, He truly loves His people even at their worst. He would rather
guide them to the goodness, instead of the evilness of the world. No matter how
many sin that every human did, Jesus is a merciful person with God. He always
cares for His people to continue His mission on His people that He loved. The
reason, He has faith in His people and the people also around had faith in Him.
Love, forgive, and acceptance is the most important thing in the world.

Directions: Express your gratitude and appreciation to Jesus through
prayer. You need to make a prayer, following the ACTS format. Your output
will be judged by the following criteria: Originality-5, Content-10,

A-doration (1st paragraph. Express how you adore Jesus)

C-ontrition (2nd paragraph. Asking for forgiveness)
T-hanksgiving (3rd paragraph. Giving thanks)
S-upplication (4th paragraph. Asking for something ex: guidance,
graces, etc.)

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit............AMEN

Dear Lord, magnificent Dad, we worship and respect you today. You are
our God, and we owe you our allegiance and our adoration. The Alpha and the
Omega are you, the beginning and the end. Before time, you lived and created
everything that remains. Lord, you were the only one holding the ocean in your lap.
You have weighed the heavens with your fingers, and you know the weight of the
earth! You are absolutely awesome! Dad, all the nations of the world are to you just
a drop in the bucket. You lay out the heavens like a curtain, and from them you
make your tent. When we look at the stars, we know that every star we see has
been made by you. You carry them out, one after the other, like an army, calling
each one by name. Not a single one is absent because of your great power and
incomparable courage. Lord, You are the eternal God, the Builder of the entire
world. Forgive my sins, O God, Jesus Christ, Redeemer and Savior, just as You
forgave the rejection of Peter and those who crucified You. Do not count my
transgressions, but my cries of remorse instead. Do not remember my iniquities,
however, more importantly, my remorse for the sins I have committed against you. I
long to be true to Your Promise, and to pray that You will love me, and that You will
come and make me Your dwelling place. I pledge to give you honor and glory
through all the days of my life of love and devotion. I am thankful and blessed to be
one as your presence-image. I stand behind you as one of your devoted companion
who seeks the intercession of justice and peace throughout the nation. Be
everything done according to Your Word. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for coming to
earth. I believe you are the Son of God who died on the cross for my sins and rose
from the dead on the third day. Thank you for bearing my sins and giving me the gift
of eternal life. I believe your words are true. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus, and
be my Savior. Fulfill my soul and body with Your unconditional love, and replenish
the truth of salvation. Rejoice my spirit with Your holiness, O God.
In Jesus Name........................ AMEN

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