Project 18 PHC Karumalloor
Project 18 PHC Karumalloor
Project 18 PHC Karumalloor
Submitted by
(Under the aegis of the Indian Council of Social Science Research,
Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India)
We are thankful to the executives of GAIL (INDIA) LIMITED for taking the consultancy
services of the Institute of Public Enterprise for preparation of Impact Assessment Study of CSR
Programs for the year 2018-19.
We are grateful to Mr Manoj Jain, CMD & Director (Projects) and Mr P K Gupta,
Director (HR), GAIL India Limited for providing us the opportunity to conduct the study. We
express sincere thanks to Mr. Anoop Gupta, CGM (CSR), Mr L R Verma, GM (CSR) for their
valuable insights on the corporate needs and cooperation in preparation of the report.
A report of this nature requires active association of professionals from the host
organization. We express our heartfelt gratitude to Mr Deepak Kumar Varshney, CM (CSR), Mr.
Om Prakash, Manager (CSR), for providing us all necessary support in gathering the data and
completing our work on time.
A special mention of MS. Gunjan Sharma, Manager (CSR) who has been constantly
communicating with the IPE team for solving day to day glitches without which it would be very
difficult to complete the study.
We offer our thanks to all other officers and staff of the GAIL India Limited and
implementing agencies who were involved in providing us the necessary support and help in the
preparation of this report.
Kiranmai J.
Assistant Professor, IPE
Executive Summary
1. Introduction and background
1.1.About GAIL (India) Limited
1.2.About the GAIL engagement
1.3.Objectives of the project
1.4.Limitations of this study
1.5.Brief about Project ………
3. Coverage
3.1 Students Socio-Economic Status
Appendix A – Appendices
A.1. List of interactions conducted
Executive Summary
GAIL remains committed to the principles of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) which it
strongly believes play a defining role in the development of the country. The Company’s vision
of “value creation” for all stakeholders remains the guiding force behind the social interventions.
A top-to-bottom, robust governance structure with a dedicated team of CSR professionals, helps
in evaluating and selecting meaningful social programmes which are in alignment with the areas
of intervention specified under the Companies Act 2013.
To bridge the gap between demand and supply of skilled manpower in plastics manufacturing
industry, GAIL India Limited partnered with Central Institute of Plastics Engineering and
Technology [CIPET, A Govt. of India Organization under the Ministry of Chemicals &
Fertilizers (MoC&F)], to train 230 candidates as ‘Plastic Products manufacturing Operators. The
residential training programme was conducted over a period of 6 months at various campuses of
CIPET in Guwahati (Assam), Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh), Aurangabad (Maharashtra), Bhopal
(Madhya Pradesh), Hyderabad (Telangana), Agartala (Tripura)&Baddi (Himachal Pradesh). In
addition to the 6 months residential training, the candidates were also provided with an
additional 4 to 6 weeks of industrial exposure training to increase their placement opportunities.
The evaluation study presented in this document assesses the “GAIL Utkarsh” project during
2018-19” on Relevance, Efficiency, Effectiveness, Innovation, Sustainability, and Community
Participation parameters.
Key stakeholders consulted during the study include 22 trained students both men and women, 7
CIPET centres heads, 5 faculty members, 10 parents of trained students using both
questionnaire and focused group discussions to assess the output and outcome of the project.
Output of the project: The comprehensive training model resulted in placement of 207 out of
the total 230 candidates trained, with their average annual income package ranging from Rs. 0.98
lakhs to Rs. 1.74 lakhs
GAIL currently operates 12,200 km of gas pipeline network and 2,038 km of LPG pipeline
across the length and breadth of the nation. The business portfolio of the company includes
natural gas, liquid hydrocarbons, petrochemicals, city gas distribution, LPG transmission, power
and renewables besides gas exploration and production. With a range of strategic,operational,
and financial value creating measures at its disposal, GAI L recently ventured into liquefied
natural gas re-gasification and coal gasification apart from the expansion of city gas distribution
network through joint ventures. GAIL now aims to maximize the value potential of each
portfolio company by clarifying their business models, capitalizing on their market positions, and
strengthening underdeveloped areas of value creation.
Performance Highlights
With growing impetus on climate change related issues across the globe, India has made a bold
decision of moving towards a 'Gas based Economy' for fueling its economic growth. As an apex
natural gas company of the country, GAIL has been entrusted with the responsibility of
facilitating this shift for achieving a growth that is both environment friendly and sustainable.
This responsibility is coupled with the onus of ensuring energy security and improved
accessibility in the country.
In view of the growing need for clean energy, GAIL has made significant achievement in
strengthening its infrastructure and improving its business strategy. With this, GAIL has been
able to successfully contribute its share in driving a sustainable industrial and economic growth
in the country. This contribution is aptly reflected through its customer reach and market
penetration across the length and breadth of the country. Major highlights of GAIL's business in
this regard are given below:
Contributes more than 60% of the Natural Gas sold in India
Supplies gas for about 67% of India’s gas-based power
Operates more than 67% of India’s total CNG stations
2nd largest player in Indian Polyethylene portfolio Market
Produces every 25th LPG cylinder in India
Operates 75% of total Natural Gas transmission in India
Responsible for pipeline transmission of 1/6 of Total India’s LPG Consumption
Supplies gas for about 75% of India's total fertilizers produced
GAIL follows global best practices in identifying, implementing, sustaining, and monitoring its
CSR programmes to maximize sustainability, scalability, and transparency.
GAIL adopts a project-based approach for almost all CSR projects and activities of the company.
All relevant stakeholder groups are involved at different CSR project cycle stages from need
identification, planning, implementation, monitoring, sustainability, and exit planning to impact
evaluation. For almost over the last two decades, the company's corporate social responsibility
function is being actualized through an independent department manned by professionals with
cross functional competencies ranging from technical expertise to degrees in management, social
work, rural management, etc. Further, to further strengthen its CSR programs, GAIL collaborates
with experts from diverse sectors, including Non-Governmental Organizations, Civil Society
bodies, Government departments etc. to devise a highly sophisticated and technically sound yet
extremely simple and approachable model of CSR implementation.
GAIL implemented CSR programmes primarily in the rural areas, which are close to the major
work centres. As identified under Schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013, GAIL has identified
seven broad areas of CSR intervention, each of which is titled by the objective they seek to
achieve viz. Arogya (Wellness) - Nutrition, Health and Sanitation and Drinking Water projects,
Ujjwal (Towards a Bright future) – Education initiatives, Kaushal (Skill) - Livelihood
Generation and Skill development initiatives, Unnati (Progress)- Rural Development, Sashakt
(Empowerment)- Women Empowerment initiatives, Saksham (Capable) - Care of the elderly and
differently-abled, and Harit (Green) - Environment centric initiatives.
GAIL’s India Limited CSR Vision
Vision Statement - GAIL, through its CSR initiatives, will continue to enhance value creation in
the society and in the community in which it operates through its services, conduct, and
initiatives to promote sustained growth for the society and community, in fulfilling its role as a
Socially Responsible Corporate, with environmental concern.
CSR Budget Allocation & Spend Details for the Year 2018-19
Compliance Item Mandated Spends (Rs. in Actual Spends (Rs. in crore)
Total CSR Expenditure 87.21 (2% of avg. Net profit of 119.29 (2.74%)
in FY 2018-19 preceding 3 years)
Swachhata Action Plan 28.78 (33% of mandated CSR 33.68 (38.62% of mandated CSR
spends) spends)
Thematic Area 52.33 (60% of mandated CSR 61.75 (70.81% of mandated CSR
spends) spends)
Majority of the CSR programmes were implemented in and around the ‘local areas’ (within a
radius of 100 Kms) adjoining GAIL installations which are largely located in remote areas/along
the GAIL pipeline. The balance projects can be taken up anywhere in the country, as per the
company requirement/imperatives from time to time.
CSR activities shall be undertaken through various agencies, including registered trusts/societies
or companies or autonomous bodies/government departments. In case of
NGOs/Trust/Pvt.Companies, an established track record of 03 years in undertaking similar
projects or programs would be essential.
Monitoring and Feedback:
Transparency and effective implementation of the CSR programs at each work centre, a robust
monitoring mechanism will be instituted by the company, providing for periodic monitoring at
different levels using the following indicative medium:
1. Monthly Progress Report
2. Quarterly Progress Report
3. Video Conferencing
4. Site Visits
5. Documentary evidence, including photographs, films, and videos.
6. Other in – house monitoring mechanisms, as determined by Work Centre CSR Review
Committee/CSR Task Force at Corporate Office.
● Initially we interacted with project leaders of the first party GAIL India Limited to
understand the company’s view point and approach towards the CSR programme.
● To get a more holistic view, we interviewed the implementation agencies to understand
the implementation of the project, challenges, and results of the project.
● Documentary evidence was verified.
● Interactions with stakeholders of the projects were also organised. Select project sites
have been visited to confirm the initiatives.
● Data has also been collected from the beneficiaries by using focused group discussion.
The questions are based on the background, development, current conditions, and overall
implementation of the project.
● Various other stakeholders like villagers, key role holders of the villages, students,
parents, teachers, farmers, contractors of the project and other key officials involved in
the project implementation were also approached to analyse the initiative's impact.
2.2 Impact Assessment Framework:
GAIL Ujjawal – in the area of Education, GAIL India Limited intervention in making better
provision of infrastructure may be viewed as input, which is expected to result in better
infrastructure of the schools / colleges as output. The use of these facilities by students results in
an outcome of improved attendances, higher enrolment, and better educational performance as
outcome. The long term impact of such intervention may be expected in terms of its positive
effect on economic growth and development.
This project is relevant, The Government Degree College, Thorrur was functioned in the
premises of Inter College. Both degree and inter classes were conducted on shift basis morning
and evening. The quality of education levels and students’ strength plunged due to dearth of
classrooms, labs, and libraries. Based on various stakeholders’ request GAIL India Limited
constructed Degree College in Thorrur.
The project relevance is to
i) United Nations Goals:
SDG Goal #4: Quality of Education and SDG Goal # 10: Reduced Inequality
ii) Companies Act2013, Section 135, Schedule VII, Item No. 2 Promoting Education
iii) Support to National Educational Policy
Impact Assessment Study Diagram
GAIL India Limited CSR Vision
Project Objectives – Construction of Degree
GAIL, through its CSR initiatives, will College Building (GAIL – Ujjawal)
continue to enhance value creation in Support to construct new building for fulfilling
the society and in the community in the needs of degree students’ basic educational
which it operates, through its services, infrastructure facilities in Thorrur.
conduct & initiatives, so as to promote To strengthen the quality of education levels at
sustained growth for the society and Degree college, Thorrur
community, in fulfillment its role as a
Socially Responsible Corporate, with
environmental concern.
Project Output
Providing of Class rooms, library, labs, conference hall, staff rooms, proper
infrastructure, water, students’ toilets/washrooms, play ground and other facilities for
degree college students in Thorrur Muncipality.
In case of college building, Efficiency of the program is defined as functionality of the college
building. Functional college building means in respect of essential elements that include
classrooms, staff rooms, library, labs, conference and seminar halls, proper infrastructure, sports
facilities, wash rooms, water, electricity, privacy, safety-security etc and more over which
include regular maintenance and operation etc. If all these elements are fulfilled, the college
building will be more efficient in delivering the desired outcome – quality of education to degree
college students.
The criterion effectiveness is applied at two levels – both at the level of output as well as
outcome. Obviously, the output is effective when the created asset is in use; on the other hand,
the outcome is effective, when anticipated results are obtained.
In case of Degree College building, there are three intended outcomes i.e. i) increase in students’
number, ii) improve the quality of education standards (teaching, practical and other facilities),
and iii) improve students’ performance. The first outcome is measured through students’
enrollment, second outcome is measured through total numbers of teaching and practical hours,
and third outcome is measures through students’ performance in annual results. Effectiveness of
college building output can be judged by how many of the students enroll and avail the degree
college education. If more students access degree education in this college, the project will be
more effective.
Innovation in terms of use of college building and construction based on local needs is an
innovative concept. Modern technology and skilled manpower enable us to reduce the project
cost, time and increase the asset value. It is essential to adopt modern technologies for
construction and maintenance of college building with lesser costs.
The criterion of sustainability depends on the level of outcome. In the case of construction of
degree college building, three interconnected outcomes i) increase in students number, ii)
improve the quality teaching and practical, and iii) improve the students’ performance are
sustainable when the comprehensive perspective of college building serves the purpose of
providing quality of degree education and other facilities to students for a longer time. To
achieve this, local stakeholders' support, proper budget allocation for regular operation &
maintenance of college building are essential elements for the sustainability of the project.
Community Participation:
Internal and external stakeholders are invited to get the feedback from them on regular
maintenance and operation of the college building, and classroom teaching facilities. Based on
their feedback, appropriate corrective measures are initiated for achieving better results and
sustainability of the project.
Every CSR activity is planned and implemented with some anticipated impact on society or
environment. It is against such perception and expectation of impact that the completed activity /
project should be measured to ascertain the degree of its success or failure. At the time of impact
assessment, a well-documented and detailed baseline survey or need assessment study done at
the commencement of the activity comes in handy for comparison of data. Impact is the
cumulative effect of outcome(s) on the developmental process, affecting society, economy, and
The CSR evaluation could be conducted in two phases 1. One focused on the CSR activities and
their impact, while the other focused on CSR policy and processes within the organization and
their implications on CSR challenges and impact. The first phase of the evaluation focused on
assessing the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability of the investee’s
CSR activities. Impact Assessment is a means of measuring organizational activities'
effectiveness and judging the significance of changes brought about by those activities.
The present study is descriptive. Both primary and secondary data has been used for the study.
● Primary data is collected by visiting field locations (interactions with beneficiaries,
implementing agencies and take the views of them and decide impact of the activity
based on their opinions (SWOT analysis)
● Secondary data analysis has been supplied by implementing agencies, CSR department,
and other departments at GAIL,
● Stakeholders interactions were conducted telephonically due to Covid pandemic
IPEs team visited the GAIL and interacted with the CSR Department, and collected all the
relevant information regarding the various programs funded during 2019-20. The IPE team
reviewed the past and present initiatives and verified the documents and existence of the
projects. The team further conducted a review of the projects, helping the organization enhance
the overall CSR goals and objectives.
Study Tools: Qualitative tools, a semi-structured questionnaire, and key Informant Interview. The
interviews were conducted with policymakers and stakeholders, enabling to find answers for the
following questions:
97% backward communities’ (SC/ST/OBC) students are availing “Bachelor of Degree courses”
at Government Degree College in Thorrur.
Chapter IV: Findings and Observation
Overall Impact
Impact was measured considering majorly the six criterias of relevance, efficiency, effectiveness,
innovation, sustainability and community participation.
1= Poor, 2= Fair, 3= Good, 4= Very good and 5= Outstanding
Sl. No Criteria Construction of Government Degree
College Building in Thorrur, Telangana
1 Relevance 5
2 Efficiency 4
3 Effectiveness 4
4 Innovation 4
5 Sustainability 4
6 Community 4
Overall 4
4.4 Observations
SDG Intervention
i) United Nations Goals: SDG Goal #4: Quality of Education and SDG Goal # 10: Reduced
ii) Companies Act2013, Section 135, Schedule VII, Item No. 2 Promoting Education
iii) Support to National Educational Policy
4.7 Suggestions