Developments in Plasma Arc Cutting (PAC) of Steel Alloys: A Review
Developments in Plasma Arc Cutting (PAC) of Steel Alloys: A Review
Developments in Plasma Arc Cutting (PAC) of Steel Alloys: A Review
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3 authors:
Qasim Zeeshan
Eastern Mediterranean University
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The Plasma Arc Cutting (PAC) process was developed for difficult-to-machine materials in order to overcome the inefficiency
and ineffectiveness of conventional machining methods when it comes to complex shapes and tool wear due to the contact
between the tool and the workpiece. PAC consumes ionized gas, known as the heat source, and a high energy stream, known
as the plasma. Many researchers have examined the PAC of steel alloys by considering the cutting power, scanning speed,
cutting height and plasma gas pressure as the process parameters, and analysing the effects on the edge roughness, the
kerf taper angle (conicity), burr formation, Heat Affected Zone (HAZ), Material Removal Rate (MRR), surface quality after
cutting, and the metallurgical effects of the cut. A comprehensive review was carried out on developments in the analysis
and optimization of PAC for steel alloys. It is observed that, the feed rate and edge roughness have a significant effect on
the machining characteristics; however, less consideration was given by the researcher to these parameters. In addition, a
critical comparison was made of the process parameters involved and the methods of analysis used, with the aim of providing
the status of current research and guidance for future research.
Keywords: Plasma Arc Cutting (PAC), Heat Affected Zone (HAZ), Material Removal Rate (MRR), Steel alloys, Design of
Experiments (DOE).
4. Degree of the plasma beam focusing in output from Introduction of nitrogen (N2) water-injection plasma
nozzle. arc torches utilized first time in 1970. Simple principle of
the process can be explained as: injection of 1 or 2 L/min
Also dominant parameters for cutting process are
of water into the arc and almost half of the injected water is
presented as following.
utilized for either disassociated or evaporated by the arc. This
1. Cutting speed process allows producing enormously square cuts without
2. Cutting current rounding at the top.
3. Cutting height or standoff Introduction of oxygen water-injection plasma was
4. Nature, pressure and flow of the plasma gas. invented in the early 1980s and thus enhancements are taken
place in cut quality for mild plate’s thickness of 25 mm or
For the cutting process, firstly a pilot arc ignition by a
less. Low amplitude oscillation component of the arc current
high voltage between nozzle and cathode takes place. Low
(current ripple) caused substantial increase in the erosion
energy pilot arc is then being prepared by the ionization
rate of the electrode. This invention affected current ripple
between plasma torch and work-piece. Nemchinsky et al.
to supply less power, thus electrolyte lifespan is enhanced as
(2006) mentioned that if the pilot arc touches the work-piece,
well as electrode and nozzle lifespan is increased due to the
then main arc will take place by an automatic increase in
elimination of current overshoot and sloping.
the power.
Introduction of the hafnium insert electrode which
Introduction of air utilized as plasma gas first time
lasts approximately 1.5 times longer than the zirconium
in 1964. Cutting process with the help of gas is done by
insert cathode is invented during the 1980s. Today’s most
nozzle which is presented in Figure 2. Introduction of the air
common plasma arc cutting electrodes made of hafnium insert
permitted to increase cutting speed while enhancing the cut
electrode. This electrode can perform up to 100A current for
quality severely. Due to the faster erosion of the electrode,
the systems air cooling is supported, whereas it can serve up
zirconium cathode is preferred for the process rather than
to 400A for the systems liquid cooling supported.
tungsten cathode utilization in which air is used as plasma
Double arching is the phenomena that limit the capability
of the PAC process. In normal operations, the nozzle is in
neutral, so there is no electrical connection to any part of the
Shield gas Plasma gas
in in circuit. However, for the double arching, the arc is connected
to work and the nozzle. Therefore, catastrophic damage of
Water Water the nozzle and cathode occurs. During the double arching,
out in
there are specific conditions to be hold. Nemchinsky et al.
(2006) show the conditions as follows:
1. The arc current is too high, and/or
2. The nozzle orifice is too narrow, and/or
3. The nozzle orifice is too long, and/or
4. The gas flow is too low, and/or
5. The gas flow does not have enough swirl.
Dual gas torches are introduced first time in the 1960
and Gasses termed as ‘secondary’ and ‘shielding’ gas. The
noble reason of dual gas utilization is to enhance cut quality
and to protect the torch during the piercing process. Dual
gasses are then enhanced to produce “precision” plasma
systems (very tight constricted arc jet) which are capable
of competing with the laser in some applications. After the
inventions of the specific parameters, PAC is an influential
industrial non-conventional system and capable of cutting
various materials with high productivity. Applications can be
consisted of 2 types, one is the light manual systems designed
for small drops that requires less current such as 100A and
other is powerful systems designed for CNC machining that
requires higher currents such as 400A.
A hypothesis base on arc-on erosion conditions was
proposed and discussed by Salonitis et al. (2012) and
View showing gas passages View showing water passages Nemchinsky et al. (2003). The arc-on erosion is connected
FIGURE 2. Nozzle (Nemchinsky et al. (2006)) to the removal of insulating layer of hafnium oxide. The
slow increase in arc current during the switching arc causes
decrease in arc-on erosion. Ones arc switching is performed;
the pilot arc between electrode and the nozzle is kindled. more consistent performance regardless of the environment
Firstly, the arc is recognized at the edge of the holder and in which it is used. Yang et al. (2001), Bini et al. (2008),
then moved to the center of the emitter. Radovanovic et al. (2011), Mis et al. (2011), Bhuvenesh et
For the hypothesis base on the arc-off erosion, optical al. (2012), Salonitis et al. (2012), Das et al. (2014), Prajapati
observations of the arc chamber through a small hole in the (2015) and Kechagias et al. (2017) are conducted this
nozzle studied in Peters et al. (2005). It is discovered that technique to their study.
small droplets are encountered in the chamber during arc Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is a statistical model which
quenching. Peters et al. (2005) had observed that presence can be used for find out effect of independent parameter on
of the droplets is based on the complex interaction between single dependent parameter and also it can be useful to find
the pressurized flows of plasma through the nozzle also, out the significant machining parameters and the percentage
Nemchinsky et al. (2003) studied the complex interaction contribution of each parameter. ANOVA is used to check the
between the molten surfaces of the electrode. sufficiency of the second order model which includes test for
Previously studied topics by the researchers are gathered significance of regression model, model coefficients and test
in this paper to create a timeline of the plasma arc cutting for lack of fit. Yang et al. (2001), Mis et al. (2011), Cebeli
machine in the literature. Specially studied topics about PAC et al. (2012), Das et al. (2014), Prajapati (2015), Kechagias
and combination of one or more than one details related to et al. (2017) and Balaganesh et al. (2017) conducted this
PAC reviewed and major investigations are stated in this method to their study.
paper. Although many topics are explained in the articles and Fuzzy Logic (FL) is a method of reasoning that resembles
conference papers, simplified information from each paper human reasoning. The approach of FL imitates the way of
is collected and conducted to study to find out what can be decision making in humans that involves all intermediate
studied more about PAC. possibilities between digital values YES and NO. For instance,
Zajac et al. (1995) proposed weight measurement of the it is used to combine all machining process parameters for PAC
AISI 1017 mild steel specimens. MRR based on the proposed and then creates intermediate possibilities of the combination
material is carried out for the PAC process. Zajac et al. to reach best result. Cebeli et al. (2012) conducted this
(1995) used the calculation for material removal rate (MRR) technique to their study.
calculation mentioned in Eq. 1. Ramakrishnan et al. (2000) investigated the influence
of the plasma gas composition (oxygen, nitrogen and air)
MRR= (Weight diff/density)/Cutting time (1)
on the plasma cutting process. Results of kerf width, leading
edge of cut front and arc voltage have been obtained from
DESIGN & ANALYSIS METHODS experiments performed by cutting 6 mm mild steel plates
at different cutting speeds (1, 2 and 3 m/min) with a 100A
Design of experiments (DOE) is a family of structured, plasma torch operating with approximately the same mass
organized techniques used to empirically understand the flow rates of nitrogen, air and oxygen as plasma gases.
impact of process parameters (variables or factors) on the The upper limit for the speed of cutting increases with the
process performance and assist in identifying the optimum presence of oxygen in the plasma gas by the measured values
variables values. The main advantage of these techniques is of 2.5, 4.7 and 4.2 m/min−1, respectively, for nitrogen, air
ability to provide results with only a fraction of all the possible and oxygen. An approximate energy balance has been made
experimental combinations. Yang et al. (2001), Zajac et al. for all the three chosen plasma gases at different speeds by
(2006), Bini et al. (2008), Radovanovic et al. (2011), Mis et estimating the available thermal energy from the plasma,
al. (2011), Bhuvenesh et al. (2012), Salonitis et al. (2012), the likely maximum energy released by oxidation, and the
Das et al. (2014), Prajapati (2015), Kechagias et al. (2017) energy required to melt material from measured kerfs. A
and Klimpel et al. (2017) are conducted DOE technique to comparison of the energy balance for different gases shows
find optimal solution for the specified parameters. that the energy that is in excess of the energy required for
Taguchi is an engineering method for product design that melting is the lowest for air near the limit of cutting. The
focuses on minimizing variation and or sensitivity to noise. leading edges of the cut front for nitrogen show that in the
When used properly, Taguchi design provides a powerful absence of oxidation, the slope of the leading edge increases
and efficient method for designing products that operate with cutting speed to meet the increasing demand on power
consistently and optimally over a variety of conditions. In for cutting with cutting speed. When air or oxygen is used as
robust parameter design the primary goal is to find factors the plasma gas, the leading edge of cut front is nearly vertical
setting that minimize the response variation, while adjusting for depths of up to 4 mm, thus indicating the pronounced
(or keeping) the process on target. After determine which influence of oxidation for depths of up to approximately
factors affect about variation, the fine settings for controllable twice the arc diameter. For depths below 4 mm, the influence
factors will be possible to achieve. These factors that will of oxidation for kerf melting may be 2298 Influence of gas
either reduce the variation, make the product insensitive to composition on plasma arc cutting of mild steel small, and
changes in uncontrollable (noise) factors, or both, a process the influence of plasma heating appears to be more important.
designed with goal will produce more consistent output. The effect of different cutting speed and gas composition are
Moreover, the product designed with this goal will deliver shown in Figure 3.
1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
FIGURE 3. Images of the bottom side of the 6 mm plate. Plate cut with nitrogen, air and oxygen at different cutting speeds
(Ramakrishnan et al. (2000))
Nemchinsky (1998) proposed that Plasma flow inside (1997) created topical review of heat conduction of R433
the plasma arc chamber and the nozzle are modelled base on by a moving cylinder uniformly emitting heat at its contact
the latter. No artificial separation of the plasma column into with the metal.
two zones was made. However, existence of a sharp change If air or oxygen is utilized to cut a steel, the plate needs
between the hot center and cold envelope is confirmed by the to be heated with the heat coming from the chemical reaction
calculation of the radial distribution of the plasma temperature of iron with oxygen. Related to approximations proposed
inside the nozzle. In this way, two zone approximations are in Teulet et al. 2006) and Ramakrishnan et al. (2000), this
being provided. portion should be considerable and it is difficult to make
Zajacet al. (2003) showed that thickness of the cold precise estimations rather than rough estimations. This is
envelope diminishes downriver and becomes thinner at the because of the complexity of the kinetics of the chemical
nozzle exit. Conditions discussed above according to the reactions of the oxygen and iron. Basically this chemical
Zajac et al. (2003) specifies that double arching is led by reaction is intensified by the increase in plasma jet speed.
a possibility of electrical breakdown of the cold gas at the As the speed increases, the liquid layer thickness decreases.
nozzle exit. Nevertheless, plasma pressure inside the chamber is increased
Gonzalez-Aguilar et al. (2005) calculated the temperature and relatively jet speed is increased to some degree only.
distribution and then compared with the experimental results After the material is heated and melted, in order to complete
from Pardo et al. (1999). Pardo et al. (1999) studied plasma cutting process, it should be removed. A force, exerted on
temperature at the gap between nozzle and work piece. the molten metal should be robust to remove melt. Forces
Moreover, calculated volt-ampere results were compared exerted to remove melt in the kerf are studied in Nemchinsky
with the measured results thus, provided acceptable variations et al. (1996). It is resulted that surface tension and viscosity
between results. Nevertheless, the anode is assumed as solid are the forces that slow the melt movement. Viscosity has no
state anode and this condition prevents the plasma jet to flow significant effect to thick plate cutting, whereas gravity plays
through the metal plate. In other words, this condition is essential role for cutting thick plates. While aerodynamic
not representing realistic results for cutting process except force is the critical factor in melt removal, minimum gas flow
maybe the initial phase of piercing in Zajac et al. (2003).More rate should be used to confirm that estimation. Nemchinsky
realistic assumption in the work-piece was made in Freton et et al. (2006) studied equation for minimum gas flow rate
al.(2001) and Freton et al. (2003) and anode was represented shown in eq. 2.
by a plate with a hole. Freton et al.(2001) and Freton et al.
(2003) are included turbulence in their model. rg (U 3 * H 2 )
The aim of the PAC process is heating, melting and Gmin = p * R 2 4 * * g + rm * (2)
p * Ct * H a
removing material from the cut and there are only a few
researchers focusing on this study. Swif-Hook (1973)
conducted his study to heat conduction during the cutting. Where;
Beside, Swift – Hook et al. (1973) proposed a study including R is the nozzle orifice radius, ρg is gas density,
heat conduction in a metal plate heated by an infinity narrow H is the plate thickness,
line (line) heat source. Bunting and Cornfield (1975) studied U is the cutting speed, γ is the surface tension,
calculation of the temperature distribution created through a Ct is the coefficient in expression of the drag force and
moving cylinder that emits uniform heat. Nemchinsk et al.
α and ρm are the thermal diffusivity and density of the author of Salonitis (2012) reported that cutting height has the
molten metal. strongest effect on the quality characteristics especially on
conicity and on the surface roughness of the cut.
Nemchinsky (2009) studied bevel angle which is one
Chamarthi et al. (2013) is studied investigation analysis
of the inaccuracy of the PAC related to the vertical walls.
of PAC parameters on unevenness surface of Hardox-400
Due to the plasma flow, vertical walls never be straight and
material. In this study 12mm plate thickness Hardox-400
having bevel angle. The angle between angled vertical wall
has been cut by high tolerance voltage, cutting speed, and
and straight vertical axis called as bevel angle. It is shown
plasma gas flow rate included as main parameters in the
in the Figure 3. Bevel angle depend on the cutting speed. If
analysis and their effect on unevenness of cut surface is
the cutting speed is low, bevel angle is low, if cutting speed
evaluated. The design of experiments (DoE) techniques is
is high and then it is high. Basically, cutting condition is
used in order to outline the main parameters which define
concurrence between productivity and cut quality. So that
the geometry of the cut profile, as well as its constancy
in order to increase the productivity, cut quality should be
for Hardox-400 material plate. Despite the value selected
conceded. The schematic of the bevel angle is shown in the
for these parameters, the analysis shows that Hardox-400
Figure 4.
plates can have different profiles, depending on the specific
side considered. Unevenness can be obtained as a result of
Bevel Angle
an experimental investigation aimed at selecting the proper
values of process parameters of PAC system. Based on specific
inputs, Unevenness optimized for better machining quality.
Bhuvenesh et al. (2012) stated that plasma arc cutter
Selco Genesis 90 was used to cut Standard AISI 1017 Steel
of 200 mm x100 mm x 6 mm manually based on specific
parameters. The material removal rate (MRR) was measured
by determining the weight of the specimens before and after
the cutting process. The surface roughness (SR) analysis
was conducted using Mitutoyo CS-3100 to determine the
average roughness value (Ra). Taguchi method was utilized
to achieve optimum condition for both outputs studied. The
FIGURE 4. Bevel angle with respect to cutting speed
microstructure analysis in the region of the cutting surface is
performed using SEM. The results reveal that the SR values are
Nemchinsky (2009) highlighted another issue that is inversely proportional to the MRR values. The quality of the
the plasma jet deflection in the vertical axis. The plasma surface roughness depends on the dross peak that occurred
plume is vertical or slightly bended ahead of the cut at low after the cutting process as shown in Figure 5.
cutting speeds. As the cutting speed is increased, plasma jet Klimpel et al. (2017) studied the data analysis to
is being deflected. If the speed increased more, then deflect determine the possibility to establish the field of operating
is emerging from the bottom of the cut. At very high cutting values of laser and plasma arc cutting parameters for S355MC
speed, plasma jet does not reach the bottom of the plate, steel and S700MC steel with different thickness and grades
thus plasma jet is being deflected. Graph of bevel angle with in order to obtain the desirable class of cutting quality.
respect to cutting speed are shown in the Figure 3. A variety of approaches have been taken to carry out the
Salonitis (2012) performed an experimental analysis of preliminary analysis including rank correlation analysis,
PAC and resulted that cutting edge, surface roughness, conicity
multidimensional data analysis and decision trees. Klimpel et
and HAZ are essential parameters affecting cut quality of the al. (2017) carried out separately for each case of the selected
PAC. Surface roughness during the cut is measured, 20 mm
materials. Basic parameters of laser beam and plasma arc
along a 150 mm length of the centerline in every specimen. cutting processes such as laser beam power (LBP), depth of
Non steady state conditions applied at the beginning and at the focus (DoF), cutting speed (CS), assist gas pressure (AGP),
end of the cut. Diamond tipped stylus surface measurement current (C), torch standoff (TSO) and plasma gas flow rate
instrument (Mitutoyo SJ -400) used and specimen is (PGF) were considered as independent variables. On the other
observed and measured by an optical microscope (Leitz). hand, the quality levels corresponding to geometrical features
The experimental results of the three quality characteristics such as mean value of perpendicularity deflection (u), mean
selected for the evaluation that are cutting speed at the range value of cut surface roughness (Rz5) and dross adherence
of 1820 mm/min and 2730 mm/min, cutting current at the (DA) were used as dependent variables.
range of 180A and 240A and the last characteristic is selected Kechagias et al. (2017) studied thermal manufacturing
as cutting height at the range of 4.1 mm and 8.1 mm. Based processes for processing various electrical conducting materials
on these characteristics, Salonitis et al. (2012) observed that such as carbon steel, stainless steel and experimentally
Surface roughness differs between 0.724 μm and 1.178 μm, investigates the influence of process parameters onto the
conicity differs between 7.43% and 11.84% and heat affected dimensional accuracy performance of the plasma arc cutting
zone (HAZ) results differ between 350 μm and 550 μm. The process. The cutting parameters such as cutting speed (mm/
FIGURE 5. Structural cutting surface with different parameters from Bhuvenesh, R et al. (2012):a) MRR = 5500-6400mm³/min, SR =
20-30μm, b) MRR = 3600-4800 mm³/min, SR = 30-50μm, c) MRR = 3000-3500 mm³/min, SR = 65-80μm
min), torch standoff distance (mm), and arc voltage (volts) 1. Hardness will be better for maximum pressure and arc
studied. Kechagias et al. (2017) also performed analysis of height, medium current and speed.
means (ANOM) and analysis of variances (ANOVA) for each 2. Roughness will be better for maximum pressure and arc
process parameters in order for the effect of each parameter on height, medium current and speed.
the leaner dimensional accuracy to be assessed. The authors 3. Machining time will be better for maximum pressure,
found that the cut edges indicates the plasma cutting gives current and arc height, medium speed.
consistently highest quality in terms of roughness but that
laser cutting gives the highest class of perpendicularity. In
addition, Very sharp bending tests observed the plasma arc
and laser beam cut specimens indicted very high quality of
straight cut edges of all specimens except laser cut specimens According to the articles which have reviewed in the field of
of steel plate grade S890Q with thickness = 15 mm. plasma arc cutting, various steel types are studied and process
Balagenesh et al. (2017) investigated that the mild steel parameters of PAC were studied to find best characteristics
E250 plate of 6 mm thickness using Plasma Arc Cutting during the cutting. Most commonly selected steel types are
process by varying the parameters like current, cutting speed, S235 mild steel, ASSAB DF3 steel, AISI 304 stainless steel,
arc height and pressure, thereby analyzing the roughness and ST 50 carbon steel and SAILMA steel. However, Researchers
hardness properties and machining time of the work piece are commonly focused on surface roughness, cutting speed,
cut to optimize the parameters. In this work of Plasma Arc cutting current, standoff distance, conicity and thickness of cut
Cutting (PAC) show the effect Speed (mm/sec.), Current (A), but sill some parameters such as feed rate and edge roughness
Arc Height (mm), Pressure (bar) on E250 mild steel material. have not been fully elucidated. The DoE techniques such as
Balagenesh et al. (2017) carried out experiment by using ANOVA and Taguchi showed their importance to evaluate
Taguchi design methods and ANOVA analysis for Machining the impact of process parameters of PAC. Some researchers
time, Hardness and Surface roughness by performing cuts specifically investigated a single parameter individually to see
of different run sets of L16 orthogonal Array. It is concluded its affect to machining characteristic of work piece. Whereas
that, in plasma arc cutting process there are various process some of them combined more than one parameter to create
parameters such as pressure, current, speed and arc height optimized machining. In order to find optimal machining
which affect cutting quality. By selecting the proper process characteristics, most of the researchers conducted Taguchi
parameters, following results can be achieved for proper technique or ANOVA analysis to their study.
cutting quality.
Feed rate
EN31 steel
Cutting speed
Decision trees
S355MC steel
Thermal effect
Cutting current
Cutting voltage
Thickness of cut
Standoff distance
Surface roughness
ST 50 carbon steel
ST 37 Carbon steel
Plasma gas pressure
Analysis of variances
6/6/2018 2:25:42 PM
CONCLUSION Boselli, M., Ceschini, L., Colombo, V., Ghedini, E., Gherardi,
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Zeki Cinar
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering,
Eastern Mediterranean University,
North Cyprus, Gazimağusa, Mersin 10, Turkey
Mohammed Asmael
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering,
Eastern Mediterranean University,
North Cyprus, Gazimağusa, Mersin 10, Turkey
Qasim Zeeshan
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering,
Eastern Mediterranean University,
North Cyprus, Gazimağusa, Mersin 10, Turkey
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