Grade 12 LM PR2 1 M2.W4

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Practical Research 2
Module 2: Quarter 1 – Week 4

Direction: Carefully read each statement below. Choose the one alternative that
best completes the statement or answers the question. Write your answer in your
logbook which will be collected.

1. What is the starting point of a research?

A] Citing relevant literatures and studies
B] Construction of the research paradigm
C] Enumeration of theories
D] Identification and definition of the research problem

2. Which of the following are some of the criteria in choosing a research problem?
I. It should be something new or different from what has already been
written about.
II. It must be original
III. It should be significant to the field of study or discipline
IV. It may not necessarily consider the time factor involved in the undertaking

A] I, III, and IV C] II, III, and IV

B] I, II, and III D] I, II, III, and IV

3. Which of the following is necessary before conceptualizing a study?

A] Review information, facts, data available, or theories that have
some relationship with your hypothesis
B] Formulate conclusions for your study out of the findings obtained
from other literatures
C] Prepare a sampling plan immediately to inform these respondents
to stand by
D] Post in social media the questions related to the topic you
are conceptualizing to gain insights and guesses

4. Which of the following should you consider when writing the significance of
the study?
A] Refer to the statement of the problem.
B] Write from specific to general.
C] Start with the general contribution to the individuals which may
include yourself as a researcher then to its importance to society as
D] All of the above

5. Which of the following statements is true about research theory?
I. it simply means explanation
II. it answers the “how” and “why” questions
III. it can be a well-developed explanatory system

A] I only B] II only C] I and III D] I, II, and III

For you to understand the lesson well, do the following activities.
Have fun learning and good luck!

Activity 1 Read Me and Understand Me

Directions: Read the following paragraphs to help you meet headway the
challenges of identifying research problem/s.

Identification of A Research Problem

Finding a topic to research on is quite difficult for students like you.
Although there are no particular rules in identifying a topic for research, the
following suggestions can help.

Interest in the Subject Matter

Search for a problem in your everyday life. You might see them in your
personal life. Look around you! Problems suitable for research exist everywhere (in
your community, farm, school, city, body of water, environment, at home, etc.).
Make a habit of asking yourself questions about what you see and hear. Why does
such- and-such happen? Think about what interests you.

Availability of information
Read or search more about your field of interest because reading also gives
you theoretical base for your study. So, look through professional journals and
magazines, textbooks and thesis/dissertations to find out more about these topics.
This will give you a clear idea about what is already known in your area of interest
- and what is still unknown.

Timeliness and relevance of the topic

The topic of your choice should be significant, important, and relevant to the present
time and situation and or current interest. It is original, vital, and practical for use of the
public. It must contribute to the national goals and development for the improvement of the
quality of human life and it must contribute to the fund of human knowledge.

Limitation on the subject

It can be completed within a reasonable period of time. The equipment and
instruments for the research are available and can give reliable results. The results are
implementable/doable or repeatable.

Personal resources
It must be within the competence of the researcher to tackle.
It must be within the capability of the researcher to finance.

Directions: Write down ideas that spark a possible research topic. Think about the
needs of the school, the community or barangay, town, province or the country.
Having this in mind, you are now about to begin with your research project-that is,
identifying a problem/study for development.

Task 1 Brainstorm about themes, topics, aspects, issues of your preference.

What topics are you interested in to work on in your research project?
Just write down every topic that comes into your mind.

Task 2 Make a selection of 2 or 3 of those topics after thinking about the

following factors:
Factors Are you really motivated for this?
Do you want to make a work that is theoretically relevant or are you
more interested in practical problems?
What do you want to investigate?
What kind of research do you want to do?
What are the goals of your research?
Is the theme scientifically relevant? Is there a scientific or social
interest for it?
Is there enough information available? Make a quick scan of the
What is already done about the theme?
Is the investigation you are interested in not already done? Can you
built further on research that is already done?
What do you want to investigate? Define it clearly.
Is the research/investigation in the area you think of realistic?
What do you think/hope to find?
Can you find a supervisor to guide a thesis of with this theme?
Selection 1.



Rubrics for evaluation of research questions

Each presentation will be evaluated based on the following criteria.

Exemplary Good Fair Needs

Ten points Eight points Seven points Improvement
Five points
Question Question Question Research question
demonstrates a demonstrates good demonstrates is absent or posed
deep grasp of the topic’s minimal as a yes/no
understanding of depth and knowledge or question.
the topic and complexity. depth of the topic.
shows analytical Question is vague
and original Question is fairly Question relates and unrelated to
thought. focused and to assignment but assignment.
relates to is overly broad or
Question is well assignment. narrow.
developed and
appropriate to


Purpose of Conducting Research

To add something to the current body of knowledge

To find the answers to certain questions by:
→describing what happened
→explaining how and why certain events occur
→predicting when things will happen

Significance of any research activity

1) Provides an analysis of the key issues, synthesis of threats and opportunities
which are likely to confront the decision & policy makers.
2) Identifies the appropriate parameters to assess the nature,
magnitude/extent of the issues under consideration.
3) Generates a blueprint for identifying relevant and viable alternatives to a
problem based on solid empirical evidence.
4) Provides guidepost for channeling scarce resources by searching for the best
fit between the problem and its different solutions.
5) Forces researchers to be analytical in finding appropriate solutions to
problems based on known facts.
6) Provides an opportunity for academic faculties to sharpen and hone their
narrow technical expertise which could be shared with their students, and.
7) Allows educational institutions to be recognized for scientific excellence.


What are good resources of researchable problems?

o Theories to be validated, extended, or modified

o Other studies, particularly through research recommendations
o National or international trends or situations to be described or improved
o Real-life problems, issues, experiences, or situations of SHS students


What are the standards in writing the research title?

A research title must…

o list key variables
o be written in scientific or technical style
o be concise (no more than 12 words) and non-repetitive
o reflect SHS students’ context
o not explicitly provide reference to the research design

Research/Project Title

o Introduces the project to the reader

o Identifies the program and the project components
o Must reflect the main purpose of the project and gives the reader the idea on
what the researcher proposes to do
o The goal in making the title is to describe the coverage of the research and
delineates the scope
o List the most important factors to be studied as well as
methodology/treatments to be used
o Categorize the words that can be grouped (e.g., height and weight can be
grouped together as growth, flowers and fruits as development)
o Compose the words to form a clear, eye-catching title
o Include the site of implementation
o Review for grammar and improve some of the words without changing its
o Include in the title the common and scientific names
o Avoid using unnecessary words (effect, evaluation, study, experiment, trials,
observations, results, test, factors, analysis, etc.)

Features of a good title:

o Short, easy to remember, and can easily be indexed and retrieved
o Has few words that adequately describes the contents of the paper
(preferably not more than 14 key words or 2 lines)
o Clearly embody the focus of the proposal and it is supported by the stated
objectives and expected outputs

Examples of good titles

Socio-Economic Evaluation and Policy Analysis of Integrated R&D Project (IRDP)
on Bamboo and Rattan

Benchmark Assessment of the Industrial Tree Plantation-Based Industry in the


Analysis of the Price System And Trade Related Concerns of Philippine Mango

Examples of bad titles

Evaluation of the Muslimness of Filipino Muslims in the Philippines

Women in Abaca Industry: An Assessment of their Contributions and Constraints in

their Participation

Evaluation and Cultural Management of Malunggay


This is the description that leads the reader to understanding the research questions
and appreciate why they are asked.

In writing this section,

• Introduce and briefly define the variables under study
• cite the most important study or related literature
• be consistent with terms used
• ensure that paragraphs summarize unresolved issues, conflicting findings,
social concerns, or educational, national, or international issues.

Here are some enrichment activities for you to work on to master and strengthen
the basic concepts you have learned from this lesson

Enrichment Activity 1: Quest for Question: Choosing the right topic and creating
a title
What you need: Logbook, references
What you have to do:

The Task:

Work cooperatively in the research team to determine a topic of interest for

the group’s quantitative research. Then, frame at least three research questions. All
research questions must reflect the topic of interest and relevant to the team’s
senior high school strand.

The Product:

Present the result of the brainstorming activity through a graphic organizer.

The presentation must be reflective the following questions:

1. Why did your group choose your topic of interest? What did you find most
interesting about the topic? Explain its relevance to the senior high
school strand you are under.
2. What are the prospective research questions your group came up with?
Briefly explain the concept behind each question and how your team intends
to carry out the research.
3. What are the possible challenges/difficulties you might encounter for
every research question? Consider the elements of time, money, and effort.
Rubrics for evaluation
Each presentation will be evaluated based on the following criteria.

THREE research
questions presented research questions
questions presented
Quality of innovative and presented innovative
innovative and
Research feasible ideas aligned and feasible ideas
feasible ideas aligned
Questions to the concept of aligned to the
to the concept of
practical quantitative concept of practical
practical quantitative
research. (10 pts) quantitative
research. (5 pts)
research. (8 pts)
The team was able to
The team was able to The team was able to
determine on their
Critical determine on their determine on their
own SOME of the
consideration own ALL the major own NONE the major
major challenges in
of research challenges in their challenges in their
challenges proposed research their proposed proposed research
questions. (5 pts) research questions. questions. (1 pt)
(3 pts)
Graphic Organizer is
Graphic Organizer is No more than three
attractive, uniform
attractive, uniform or four graphic
and well designed.
and well designed. improvements are
The organizer has
Design No more than one or needed. Consultation
balance and uses up
two graphic with teacher could
all space available.
improvements are have been useful.
The fonts used are
needed. (3 pts) (1 pt)
easy to read. (5 pts)
Sequence of
Sequence of Sequence of
information is
information is information is logical
logical, well ordered, and easy to follow.
disorganized. The
Organization and interesting.
sequence of the
The sequence of the The sequence of the
graphic organizer is
graphic organizer graphic organizer
hard to follow at
makes sense (5 pts) makes sense. (3 pts)
times. (1 pt)

Acceptable and Incorrect and/or

Scientific Precise and/or rich
effective language (3 ineffective language
language language (5 pts)
pts) (1 pt)
Assessment 1
Enrichment Activity 2: Selecting a good research problem and research questions

Direction: The following plan of eight steps will help you to formulate relevant,
clear, and realistic research problem and research questions. Note: All outputs
should be written in your logbook.

1. 2. Time frame 3. Creative 4. List of key

Formulation and critical words

5. Clearest 6. Kind of 7. Audience 8. Reflection

value questions

Formulate a research
problem and a set of
research questions

Step 1: Formulation

When you are in the process of formulating a research question, you will always be torn
between two extremes: What do I want to know  What can I know? Always begin with
the more qualitative research question: what do I want to know?
Write down here what you would want to know.

Step 2: Time frame

Make a time schedule. Ask yourself what you are going to do when your available time is
too short.

Step 3: Creative and critical questions

Your research question should enable you to be critical and creative, otherwise the
research project will always suffer from a lack of social relevance. Try to answer the
following five ‘W’-questions:
 What is the problem?
 Why is this a relevant problem?
 Whom does the problem relate to?
 Where does the problem exist?
 When does the problem appear in particular?

Step 4: List of key words

Compile a list of keywords which you think best covers your research topic. This has two
functions: it helps you to focus on the most important research topics that you address,
and it also makes it easier to find relevant sources in the library or in databases.
Write down some keywords you think of the first five minutes. Then subscript the most
important keywords and give an operationalization of your key concepts.

Step 5: Clearest value

Decide what you consider to be the clearest value of your research. The practical
relevance of a research project often lies in one summary, one table, a figure or a line of
argument. Increase the added value of your research by focusing on one concrete end-

Step 6: Kind of questions

There are five kinds of research problems/questions. Look at some other research
projects. What kind of research questions do you prefer to read yourself? One that:
 stimulates your mind and attracted your attention?
 confirms your own preconception on a topic.
 is related to a theoretical problem in the literature?
 is related to a practical problem of individual actors?
 Formulate your own research question in the same manner.

Step 7: Audience
Think about different kinds of people who will probably read your work. Who might/will
read your research aside from your teacher?

Step 8: Reflection

Think about the ‘story’ that you want to tell. Without careful reflection upon the intended
outcome of the research project you cannot specify the problem and research arguments.
In the initial phase of a project it is very useful to collect ‘stories’ from people who are
directly involved while considering the theories available. Talk to different people and
down some useful stories.

You can now complete the following:

My research problem

My research questions

Rubrics for evaluation of research problem and questions

Each presentation will be evaluated based on the following criteria.

Exemplary Good Fair Needs

Ten points Eight points Seven points Improvement
Five points
Question Question Question Research question
demonstrates a demonstrates good demonstrates is absent or posed
deep grasp of the topic’s minimal as a yes/no
understanding of depth and knowledge or question.
the topic and complexity. depth of the topic.
shows analytical Question is vague
and original Question is fairly Question relates and unrelated to
thought. focused and to assignment but assignment.
relates to is overly broad or
Question is well assignment. narrow.
developed and
appropriate to


Direction: Read carefully each statement below. Choose the one alternative that
best completes the statement or answers the question. Write your answers in your

1] Which of the following is incorrect in writing a research

title? A] The title must summarize the main idea of the
B] A friendly conversation can be a source of a research topic
C] Stating the significance of the study is the first phase in research
D] An existing problem in your classroom can be considered as a
research problem

2] The objective and research questions in a research are the elements of .

A] definition of terms C] research design
B] framework of the study D] statement of the problem

3] It is a statement of a long-term objective expected to be achieved by the study.

A] Purpose of the study C. Research question
A. Research problem D. Significance of the study

4] Which part of the research study wherein it answers the question “What facets of
the problem (phenomenon) are known and what need further investigations” ?
A] Background of the study C] research paradigm
B] Definition of terms D] statement of the problem

5] Which part of the research study wherein you can state the antecedents of
the study, the reasons why this topic is proposed relative to previous
A] Background of the study C] research paradigm
B] Definition of terms D] statement of the problem

6] It is the part of the research which refers to the short narrative on the
importance and validity of the problem.
A] Background of the study C] Significance of the study
B] Scope and delimitation D] Statement of the problem

7] It is the part of the research which tells what is done to make the situation that
exists more like what it should be.
A] Background of the study C] Significance of the study
B] Scope and delimitation D] Statement of the problem

8] This is a statement of a long-term objective expected to be achieved by the study.

A] Purpose of the study C] Specific Objective
B] Research Questions D] Variables

9] These are specific questions which are to be answered in the study.

A] Purpose of the study C] Specific Objective
B] Research Questions D] Variables

10] It is the part of the research which discusses the parameters of the research.
A] Background of the study C] Significance of the study
B] Scope and delimitation D] Statement of the problem


1 D
2 B
3 A
4 A
5 D
1 C
2 D
3 A
4 A
5 A
6 A
7 D
8 A
9 B
10 B

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