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Motro & Drives - Fall Edition

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 High-performance motor designs

& Drives

3  Top 5 VFD parameter changes explained

15  Parallel arm kinematics kit | Machine automation

16  What’s in a nameplate?

26  No need to fear robots!

30  How to tune servo systems (Part 1):

Questions and answers

44  High-performance motor designs

57  2019 Motor Drives Study research

Top 5 VFD parameter
changes explained
Programming variable frequency drives (VFDs) to fit most industrial  Top 5 VFD
applications require only the most basic settings to operate the motor. parameter changes
Understand these 5 VFD parameter changes to optimize VFD programming
to fit most motor-drive applications. Parallel arm kinematics
kit | Machine automation

V ariable frequency drives (VFD) are electronic devices using fast acting switches or
insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) to convert three phase input power to a
variable frequency and voltage output for motor speed control. VFD settings contain
What’s in a nameplate?

No need to fear robots!

programming, and five parameter changes account for most applications. How to tune servo
systems (Part 1):
Questions and answers
Through VFDs, electric motors can be used to run a wide array of applications to
achieve control not possible with across-the-line operation or mechanical means. With High-performance
motor designs
VFD-controlled motors, users can optimize system efficiency by matching motor speed
to maintain exact system demand. Most VFD applications improve system efficiency 2019 Motor Drives
Study research
and provide a return on the VFD investment in energy savings in typically less than a

As with all electronics, VFDs have advanced in capability and function, providing more
system control to help eliminate external devices and programmable logic controllers
(PLCs). Due to these innovations, it is understandable one may be overwhelmed by
the prospect of programming a VFDs for their application. However, most applications
require only the most basic settings to operate the motor. This is because VFDs are
designed and engineered to make the complicated simple.

Top 5 VFD parameter changes explained

In most cases, the VFD’s default settings will be sufficient for an application and not
required any adjustment. Typically, no more than a dozen settings are adjusted for an
application. The below details a list of the top five parameter settings programmed by  Top 5 VFD
parameter changes
VFD installers to explain what the settings are and why they’re needed. explained

Parallel arm kinematics

Control method influence on VFD programming kit | Machine automation
1. What is a control method as it applies to VFDs?
What’s in a nameplate?
The first setting commonly set by VFD installers is the control method. The con-
trol method dictates the capabilities enacted by the drive to regulate motor speed. No need to fear robots!
These control capabilities can be classified into three groups: volts-per-hertz control,
How to tune servo
self-sensing vector control, and closed-loop vector control. systems (Part 1):
Questions and answers

Volts-per-Hertz (V/f) control is the most commonly used motor control method. It is the High-performance
most basic of the three topologies. motor designs

2019 Motor Drives

V/f control fixes the drive’s output to a predefined voltage and frequency curve for the Study research
motor to follow as the VFD’s speed command is adjusted. These V/f patterns can be
adjusted to provide high starting torque or reduced to optimize efficiency for variable
torque loads that do not require constant voltage to frequency relationships.

Self-sensing vector control is a control method that provides a more fine-tuned control
of the motor’s speed. VFDs can implement this control using various different and com-
plicated control schemes. In essence, complicated algorithms are used to monitoring,
interpret and respond to current feedback to provide precise motor control. However,
the simplest way of viewing this control method is to view it as precise motor control
Top 5 VFD parameter changes explained

without the need for

an encoder.
 Top 5 VFD
parameter changes
Closed-loop vector explained
control is the most ad-
Parallel arm kinematics
vanced motor control kit | Machine automation
method available.
As its name indicate, What’s in a nameplate?

closed-loop vector No need to fear robots!

control uses a motor
How to tune servo
encoder to provide systems (Part 1):
precise speed feed- Questions and answers
back and eliminate Figure 1: VFDs have preconfigured overloads High-performance
any error in VFD control generated by respond- to account for many different motor types motor designs
ing to current feedback. Adding the encoder including 40:1 speed range variable torque
loads, 100:1 speed range constant torque 2019 Motor Drives
tells the VFD what the motor is doing and how loads, and even non-conventional motors Study research
it is responding to the load. such as permanent magnet motors. Courtesy:
Yaskawa America Inc.

Why would I adjust the control method?

Adjusting the control method is a function of meeting needs of the motor-drive appli-
cation. Some applications are simple and only need to run at an approximate speed,
while others need precise and dynamic motor control. Each of these control schemes
achieves an application need and/or limits programing involved to get the system up
and running.

Top 5 VFD parameter changes explained

V/f control is commonly used for systems that do not require precise speed control,
such as fans or pumps. In the most basic of V/f control methods, the motor is allowed
to slip (drift) away from the commanded speed. The slight change in speed does little  Top 5 VFD
parameter changes
to impact the overall system performance because other drive programming will adjust explained
the speed to maintain system demand.
Parallel arm kinematics
kit | Machine automation
For example, if a fan is being asked to run at half speed and cannot maintain demand,
then most system configurations, through the VFD’s PI loop or with an external device, What’s in a nameplate?

will boost the speed command provide the motor speed needed to meet demand. No need to fear robots!
V/f control is the most commonly-used control method because it requires little to no
How to tune servo
programming to implement. systems (Part 1):
Questions and answers
Most drive manufacturers, through years of application experience, have their default
settings already configured for most pump and fan applications. These defaults offer motor designs
optimum energy savings with little to no programming requirements. Even non-vari-
2019 Motor Drives
able torque applications, such as a compressor, can take advantage of V/f control for Study research
its easy of setup.

Self-sensing vector control methods improves process control and reduces main-
tenance. For example, self-sensing vector control regulates motor speed to within
1/200th of motor rated speed, provide dynamic speed control, high starting torque
down to low speeds, and limits current and torque without external devices. To provide
these advanced motor control capabilities, the VFD requires specific motor characteris-
tic information, such as motor no-load current, resistance, and inductances.

To obtain these key pieces of information, the VFD would run through a simple motor 6
Top 5 VFD parameter changes explained

tune requiring
basic motor
nameplate data  Top 5 VFD
parameter changes
such as rated explained
current, voltage,
Parallel arm kinematics
and speed to be kit | Machine automation
entered through
the keypad. Ap- What’s in a nameplate?

plications that No need to fear robots!

benefit most
How to tune servo
from this control systems (Part 1):
include mixers, washing machines and punch/ Figure 2: Using an appropriate acceleration Questions and answers
and deceleration time will significantly reduce
stamping presses. motor inrush current at start and current surges High-performance
when changing speeds. Less inrush current motor designs
Closed-loop vector control’s added speed increases motor (less heat) and powertrain
life (less dynamic high torque changes). The 2019 Motor Drives
feedback signal to maximize process control VFD also isolates these currents from the line. Study research
and minimize maintenance. Closed-loop vector Courtesy: Yaskawa America Inc.
control allows for precise speed control down
to one RPM, high starting torque at zero speed, zero speed control, and torque regula-
tion. These features are used in applications that cannot deviate more than a few RPM
or else the product output will not meet its designed specifications.

For example, many extruders use encoder feedback to maintain motor speed to pre-
cise requirements to ensure the product meets its specifications. Encoder feedback
also ensures accurate torque monitoring to allow the VFD to react to high torque con-
ditions that may clog or damage the machine. The same motor tuning requirements 7
Top 5 VFD parameter changes explained

made in self-sensing vector control are required in closed-loop vector control to opti-
mize motor control and reduce compensation needed by the encoder feedback.
 Top 5 VFD
parameter changes
The better the VFD understands a motor’s characteristics, the better it can run the explained
motor. This is true with or without motor feedback. Application such as extruders, high-
Parallel arm kinematics
speed spindles and constant tension unwinders take advantage of closed-loop vector kit | Machine automation
What’s in a nameplate?

VFD setting for motor full load amps (FLA) No need to fear robots!
2. What is motor full load amps?
How to tune servo
Since most VFD’s control method setting is already defaulted for their most common systems (Part 1):
application, the real first setting programmed by any VFD installer is the motor’s full Questions and answers

load ampere (FLA) or motor rated current setting. Motors are designed to allow for High-performance
continuous operation at their nameplate rated currents when operating at rated pow- motor designs
er and rated voltage. Programming a VFD with the motor’s FLA rating configures the
2019 Motor Drives
VFD’s electronic thermal overload for the motor being operating. Study research

Why should I set motor full load amps?

Although VFDs are natural soft starters, motors can exceed their rated currents for
brief periods of time such as during start, impact loading, rapid deceleration, or ex-
cessive application cycling. However, high currents for long periods of time will lead to
excessive heat in the motor, which can lead to reduced lifetime and premature fail-
ure. Locked rotor conditions also may occur due to mechanical damage in the load or
coupling. Over time load wear also can result in increased current draws that may be in
excess of motor FLA.
Top 5 VFD parameter changes explained

To avoid motor
failure, a VFD’s
motor FLA set-  Top 5 VFD
parameter changes
ting would be explained
Parallel arm kinematics
for the motor’s kit | Machine automation
nameplate FLA.
Enacting the What’s in a nameplate?

VFD’s electronic No need to fear robots!

thermal overload
How to tune servo
within the drive systems (Part 1):
satisfies the requirement for motor overload Figure 3: The pivotal points in an acceleration/ Questions and answers
deceleration curve occur at the start and
protection required by the National Electric
stops of each ramp, where the most torque or High-performance
Code (NEC) and local codes. Using the VFD’s current is required to make the desired motor motor designs
electronic thermal overload allows the user to movement. When overall ramp times need to
remain low, adjustments to these points can 2019 Motor Drives
eliminate a mechanical motor overload, which Study research
reduce the total ramp time. These points are
eliminates cost, a potential point of failure, and called the jerk or s-curve timing adjustments.
any maintenance requirements associates with Courtesy: Yaskawa America Inc.

maintaining the integrity of the overload’s contacts.

A VFD’s electronic overload protection function estimates the motor overload level
based on output current, output frequency, thermal motor characteristics, and time.
When the VFD detects a motor overload a fault is triggered and the VFD output shuts
off to protect the motor from thermal failure.

Top 5 VFD parameter changes explained

These overload curves can be set to the capabilities of the motor. Many pump fan mo-
tors are designed for variable torque loading, which means they are not designed for
rated current at reduced speed.  Top 5 VFD
parameter changes
Reduced continuous overloads are provided to reduce maintenance and ensure motor
Parallel arm kinematics
operational lifetime is maximized. VFDs have preconfigured overloads to account for kit | Machine automation
many different motor types including 40:1 speed range variable torque loads, 100:1
speed range constant torque loads and non-conventional motors such as permanent What’s in a nameplate?

magnet motors (see Figure 1). No need to fear robots!

How to tune servo

Acceleration and deceleration times systems (Part 1):
3. What are acceleration and deceleration times for a motor-drive system? Questions and answers

VFDs are natural soft starters. They reduce inrush current when changing speeds. To High-performance
accomplish this a VFD starts and stops the motor based on programmed acceleration motor designs
and deceleration times. These times or ramp rates define how long the drive will take
2019 Motor Drives
to get from zero speed to maximum frequency. There can be fixed rates or multiple Study research
sets of rates that adjust based on operation conditions or through commands sent to
the VFD (see Figure 2).

Why set acceleration/deceleration time?

Using an appropriate acceleration and deceleration time will significantly reduce
inrush current at start and current surges when changing speeds. This leads to in-
creased motor (less heat) and powertrain life (less dynamic high torque changes). The
VFD also isolates these currents from the line. So, no large surges need to be sup-
plied by the transformer, which could cause unnecessary heating or effect its supply
Top 5 VFD parameter changes explained

voltage, which may impact the VFD performance or other loads on the system. Lower
inrush currents mean demand charges by the utility due to current/power surges are
eliminated.  Top 5 VFD
parameter changes
VFDs are defaulted to the most commonly-used acceleration and deceleration times
Parallel arm kinematics
based on their intended application. Fan/pump drives would have longer ramp kit | Machine automation
times, while general purpose industrial drives would have shorter ramp times. This
helps simplify the installation process. However, not all defaults work for every ap- What’s in a nameplate?

plication. Adjusting these ramp times would be needed to keep currents within the No need to fear robots!
limits of the drive and the motor.
How to tune servo
systems (Part 1):
Based on the inertia of the load, it is possible to start/stop a load quicker than Questions and answers
what allowed based on the current capabilities of the drive/motor. Aggressive
acceleration/deceleration rates will lead to higher currents that may tax the drive motor designs
and motor and lead to overload or overcurrent faults. Setting the correct accel-
2019 Motor Drives
eration and deceleration time ensures proper system performance while ensuring Study research
no fault operation.

The pivotal points in an acceleration/deceleration curve occur at the start and stops
of each ramp. This is where the most torque or current is required to make the de-
sired motor movement. So, in situations where the overall ramp times need to remain
low, adjustments to these points can be made to reduce the total ramp time. These
points are called the jerk or s-curve timing adjustments. These settings extend the
time at the high stress points of the acceleration or deceleration ramp to reduce im-
pact on the overall start/stop times (see Figure 3).
Top 5 VFD parameter changes explained

Speed and run source are required for motor control

4. What is the speed and run source?
A VFD requires two things at every moment of its operation: a run command and
 Top 5 VFD
parameter changes
speed reference. The run command tells the drive it should operate the motor, while explained
speed reference tells the VFD what frequency to run. Both inputs are required to
Parallel arm kinematics
provide motor control. Otherwise, the motor sits idle. The setup or lack of setup is kit | Machine automation
one of the most common technical support troubleshooting calls a VFD installer will
What’s in a nameplate?
No need to fear robots!
Why would I need to set the speed and run command? How to tune servo
Setting the VFD’s speed and run command is more about how one chooses to run systems (Part 1):
Questions and answers
the motor and less about whether or not they want the motor to run. Most manufac-
turers default their drives to operate from digital and analog inputs. Contacts and High-performance
relays are fed to the drive to enact the drive’s run command. Analog inputs are then motor designs

used to feed a speed reference to the drive. These analog references can be 0-10 V 2019 Motor Drives
dc, +/-10 V dc, 0-20 mA, or 4-20 mA signals. Each reference source has its own ben- Study research
efit. A voltage reference is simple to generate and easy to understand, while current
signals propagate longer distances without being easily affected by nearby electrical
noise. Other avenues of control are accomplished through direct keypad control or
via network communications.

Each of these references provides the VFD with the exact speed required to run the
motor. The more accurate a VFD’s motor speed control reference, the more accurate
the VFD is at achieving system demand. Accurately meeting system demand means
higher energy saving benefits achieved by the VFD. The goal of any command inter-
Top 5 VFD parameter changes explained

face is to achieve the control needed for the system that maximizes efficiency, quality
and safety.
 Top 5 VFD
parameter changes
Fault reset explained
5. What is a fault reset on a VFD?
Parallel arm kinematics
There are many conditions external to the drive that can result in operating conditions kit | Machine automation
that are outside their specifications. To maintain product lifetime and prevent failure,
What’s in a nameplate?
VFDs incorporate and trigger faults to protect themselves. Examples of conditions that
may cause a VFD fault include aggressive start times, aggressive stop times, loss of No need to fear robots!
power, and a locked rotor condition.
How to tune servo
systems (Part 1):
Why set fault reset when configuring VFDs? Questions and answers

Many VFDs incorporate automatic fault reset capabilities. This feature allows the drive High-performance
to detect a condition outside the scope of its programming and trigger a fault to pro- motor designs

tect itself, the motor, and the rest of the mechanical system. The fault reset feature 2019 Motor Drives
allows the user to detect events and if eliminated reset the drive back into normal Study research
operation. The purpose of the auto reset is to overcome nuisance faults and maintain
continuous operation. Downtime costs money and an auto reset features allows the
system to maintain operation for events that have not been deemed necessary to stop
production until examined by certified staff.

An example of this would be a voltage spike caused by a thunderstorm. These are rare
occurrences that should not need further analysis. The drive stopped its self from oper-
ating in such a condition, thus protecting itself. The auto-reset feature allows the drive
to start backup without user intervention, saving time and money.
Top 5 VFD parameter changes explained

Be sure to set top 5 VFD parameters

There are many ways to implement VFD technology to automate motor control needs.
VFD setup can be complicated but the majority of applications require few adjust-
 Top 5 VFD
parameter changes
ments to get up and running. Moreover, VFDs have streamlined the installation pro- explained
cess. One way is through application startup routines or wizards.
Parallel arm kinematics
kit | Machine automation
These routines walk the installer through the process of programming their drive using
What’s in a nameplate?
question and answer menus to ensure the application is programmed to operate as
needed. VFDs are designed for ease of use and to maximize their return on investment No need to fear robots!
(ROI) by optimizing efficiency, quality and safety.
How to tune servo
systems (Part 1):
Christopher Jaszczolt Questions and answers

Christopher Jaszczolt has spent more that 10 years working in motion control for High-performance
Yaskawa America Inc. His diversified experience comes from time spent as a technical motor designs
support engineer, an application engineer, and most recently in product management. 2019 Motor Drives
He holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Northern Illinois University Study research
in Dekalb, Ill. (GO Huskies!).

Parallel arm kinematics kit | Machine automation

Top 5 VFD parameter

changes explained

 Parallel arm
kit | Machine

What’s in a nameplate?

No need to fear robots!

 How to tune servo

systems (Part 1):
Questions and answers

motor designs

2019 Motor Drives

Study research

Parallel arm kinematics kit | Machine

The modular structure and independent design of the
individual system packages enable you to achieve perfectly
coordinated kinematics in just a few simple steps.

What’s in a nameplate?
Information helps the selection of the right motor regardless of application.

W hether you’re selecting a motor for a new application or a replacement for one Top 5 VFD parameter
changes explained
that has failed, you need a reliable way to match the capabilities and perfor-
mance characteristics of various motors with the requirements of the application. Parallel arm kinematics
kit | Machine automation

Fortunately, motors that conform with NEMA Std. MG 1-2016 or IEC Std. 60034-8:2007  What’s in a
must include all nameplate data that the respective standards require. What this en- nameplate?
tails will vary with motor type and size, so for example, rated field and armature current
No need to fear robots!
data would be required for direct current (dc) motors but not for alternating current
(ac) motors. The focus here is on how the required nameplate data for NEMA and IEC How to tune servo
systems (Part 1):
motors can be helpful for selecting the right motor for an application. Questions and answers

Table 1 lists the basic requirements for most NEMA and IEC motor nameplates. How-
motor designs
ever, not all motors will comply with these requirements, including those built before
the standards were implemented or those outside the jurisdiction of the standards 2019 Motor Drives
Study research
agencies. Some motors, such as synchronous and wound rotor motors, will have addi-
tional requirements. To cover all of these is beyond the scope of this article.

Figures 1 and 2 show generic metal nameplates that repairers sometimes use to re-
place damaged or altered originals. The same data requirements exist for such re-

Both NEMA and IEC require manufacturers to include such information as name, type,
and frame. The name and type are determined by the manufacturers, each of which
What’s in a nameplate?

may have unique type designations

that identify a family of motor appli-
Top 5 VFD parameter
cations and specifications. changes explained

Parallel arm kinematics

NEMA frame designations (common- kit | Machine automation
ly called “NEMA frames”) are stan-
dardized through 449 frame. These  What’s in a
frames can be identified by dividing
the first two digits by four to get the No need to fear robots!
shaft height (“D” dimension, center
How to tune servo
of shaft to bottom of foot); for ex- systems (Part 1):
ample, 44/4 = 11 inches. For motors larger than Figure 1: AC nameplate. Courtesy: EASA Questions and answers
449 frame (termed “above NEMA”), manufac- High-performance
turers can develop their own frame motor designs
designations. Consequently, for
2019 Motor Drives
these machines the same apparent Study research
frame number may represent differ-
ent frame dimensions for different

IEC Std. 60072-1:1991 defines

the frame designations for metric
motors. For foot-mounted mod-
els, the frame designation is the
shaft height in millimeters and
ranges from 56 to 400 mm. The designation
Figure 2: DC nameplate. Courtesy: EASA
What’s in a nameplate?

for flange-mounted motors is the bolt circle

hole, which ranges from 55 to 1080 mm.
Top 5 VFD parameter
changes explained
Parallel arm kinematics
Power output is the power level in horse- kit | Machine automation
power (hp) or kilowatts (kW) for which the
motor design is optimized. The motor will  What’s in a
respond to the load connected to the shaft
and try to provide the necessary torque. At No need to fear robots!
this load point, the motor current for NEMA
How to tune servo
motors should be within ±10% of the rated systems (Part 1):
load amps on the nameplate; IEC does not Questions and answers

provide a tolerance. If the load is less than High-performance

the rated value, the motor load current will motor designs
decrease. 2019 Motor Drives
Study research
This will have little impact on performance
if the load is above 75% of the rated load;
at less than this efficiency and power factor
will decrease, negatively affecting the cost
of operation. If the load requires more pow-
er, the load current will increase, while also
Table 1: Nameplate requirements.
increasing the heating of the motor and thus reducing its Courtesy: EASA
life. If the motor has limits on how long it can remain at
full load, this will be designated in the time rating or duty cycle.
What’s in a nameplate?

Maximum ambient
Maximum ambient is the highest environmen- Top 5 VFD parameter
tal (room) temperature that the temperature changes explained
rise produced by the motor will allow within its
Parallel arm kinematics
insulation class. Table 2 shows the total wind- kit | Machine automation
ing temperature for each insulation class (A, B,
F, and H) and, based on the ambient, the tem-  What’s in a
perature rise contribution of the motor. Tem-
perature rise varies based on motor size and No need to fear robots!
Table 2: Temperature classes in
enclosure, so this table is a simplification. degrees Celsius. Courtesy: EASA How to tune servo
systems (Part 1):
Questions and answers
Classes A and B are no longer used in the motor manufacturing process, but occasion-
ally a motor with Class F insulation will be designed for Class B rise. This conservative High-performance
approach ensures the motor will operate at a cooler temperature and have an extend- motor designs

ed service life. If the motor is to operate in a higher ambient temperature, the design 2019 Motor Drives
will have less allowable temperature rise. Study research

Rated revolutions per minute (rpm) and frequency are directly related. The synchronous
speed of a squirrel cage induction motor (SCIM) can be determined by the formula:

As the load on a SCIM increases, speed will decrease. This is called slip. The name-
What’s in a nameplate?

plate speed of a SCIM should be within

± 20% of the actual slip for both NEMA
Top 5 VFD parameter
and IEC motors. The rated speed of a changes explained
SCIM or a DC motor is its speed at rated
Parallel arm kinematics
load. (Note: For dc motors, speed is de- kit | Machine automation
termined by the designs of the armature
and field windings, not by the number of  What’s in a
No need to fear robots!
Phase and voltage How to tune servo
Single-phase and 3-phase motors are systems (Part 1):
the most common. Although rare, some Questions and answers

2-phase motors are still in operation, as High-performance

well as some special 6-phase motors. motor designs
Figure 3: Typical speed torque
Voltage determines the power supply requirements for curves. Courtesy: EASA 2019 Motor Drives
operating the motor. The motor must be capable of op- Study research
erating at ±10% or ±5% of rated voltage, for NEMA and IEC respectively, and deliver
the rated power output. But as stated earlier, a lower voltage will require higher cur-
rent to do the same work, resulting in increased temperature and shortened life.

Code letter
The locked rotor amps (LRA) may be included on the nameplate, but often a NEMA
code letter is used. IEC’s approach is to limit the locked rotor apparent power based
on a series of design letters in IEC Std. 60034-12. LRA also may be called starting cur-
rent or inrush current. To determine the upper and lower limits of LRA to expect for a
What’s in a nameplate?

given code letter, plug each of the

kVA/hp values in Table 3 into the
Top 5 VFD parameter
formula provided. This range will changes explained
accommodate manufacturing varia-
Parallel arm kinematics
tions within the same motor design kit | Machine automation
and allow for the proper selection of
the motor controls.  What’s in a

Design letter No need to fear robots!

The NEMA design letter defines the
How to tune servo
profile of the torque developed as systems (Part 1):
the motor accelerates to full speed Questions and answers

(see Figure 3). Most applications High-performance

use Design B; Designs C and D motor designs
have much higher starting torques 2019 Motor Drives
Table 3: Locked rotor amps.
for applications that require it. The Design A profile is Study research
Courtesy: EASA
similar to Design B but does not meet the inrush current
requirements in NEMA Std. MG 1. The primary factor in developing the different de-
sign profiles is the rotor cage. Therefore, the stator winding cannot be redesigned to
change the design letter of a motor.

IEC design letters are N, NY, H, and HY. IEC Std. 60034-12 lists torque characteristics,
locked rotor apparent power, and starting requirements but gives no direct relation-
ship with LRA. Figure 3 shows that the Design N profile is similar to NEMA Designs A
and B, and that Design H resembles NEMA Design C. The NY and HY designs desig-
What’s in a nameplate?

nate that the motors are

suitable for wye start-del-
Top 5 VFD parameter
ta run applications. changes explained

Parallel arm kinematics

Efficiency kit | Machine automation
An important factor in
motor purchase decisions  What’s in a
for many years, efficiency
is the ratio of the output No need to fear robots!
power to the input power.
How to tune servo
The difference is termed systems (Part 1):
motor losses, most of Questions and answers

which produce useless High-performance

heat rather than the work motor designs
required to drive the load. 2019 Motor Drives
The lower the losses that Study research
Table 4: Degrees of protection.
a design can produce, the higher its efficiency. This trans-
Courtesy: EASA
lates to lower utility operating costs.

Service factor
Service factor is a multiplier that defines the load point at which a motor can operate
thermally. Although the definition provides no time limit, operating continually at the
service factor load significantly will increase the operating temperature and shorten
the expected life. Operating at a 1.15 service factor has been shown to increase the
temperature as much as 30°C; and each 10°C increase reduces the life expectancy by
What’s in a nameplate?

half. In this case, operating continu-

ously at service factor would reduce
Top 5 VFD parameter
the life of the motor to one-eighth of changes explained
that at full load.
Parallel arm kinematics
kit | Machine automation
IEC Std. 60034-1, Sec. 4 defines 10
duty types that combine elements of  What’s in a
NEMA’s duty cycle and service factor.
S1 is continuous running duty at rat- No need to fear robots!
ed voltage, frequency, and load. S2
Figure 4: Power triangle.
How to tune servo
through S10 describe various short-time or periodic-duty cycles systems (Part 1):
Courtesy: EASA
that the purchaser defines so that the motor can be designed Questions and answers
accordingly. High-performance
motor designs
DC motors 2019 Motor Drives
To operate at rated speed, dc motors must meet additional requirements for field Study research
and armature current and rated volts. If the field voltage is reduced (field weakening),
the motor will accelerate. The maximum safe speed is the mechanical limit at which
it is safe to operate the motor. It also can be limited by potential field instability. The
nameplate should identify the motor as dc and indicate the winding type: shunt, series,
compound, or stabilized shunt.

Shunt motors have field windings that are parallel to the armature. In series motors, the
fields are in sequence with the armature. Compound windings combine both to take
advantage of the good speed control of the shunt and high torque throughout the
What’s in a nameplate?

speed range of the series motors. The percent of compounding is determined by the
ratio of the series field ampere-turns over the total (shunt + series) ampere-turns. If this
Top 5 VFD parameter
is less than 20%, it is called a stabilized shunt. changes explained

Parallel arm kinematics

IEC has additional nameplate requirements for both ac and dc machines, including the kit | Machine automation
manufacturer’s identification number and year of manufacture. The pertinent standard
is the one that applies to the motor; often this is IEC Std. 60034-x or 60079-x.  What’s in a
Another requirement is the IEC degree of protection, which NEMA also has adopted No need to fear robots!
but does not require on its nameplates. This two-digit code follows “IP” and defines
How to tune servo
the level of protection provided to prevent contaminates from entering the mo- systems (Part 1):
tor (see Table 4). For instance, IP54 means the machine is protected from dust and Questions and answers
splashing. High-performance
motor designs
Power factor 2019 Motor Drives
Power factor is the ratio of the true power to the apparent power. Because a motor is Study research
a large inductive load, the voltage and current are out of phase. The apparent power
is the voltage times the current that must be delivered to the motor to accomplish the
true power. This is represented by the vector diagram in Figure 4.

The utility must provide the apparent power, but the true power is the watts for which
the customer pays. Utilities often have a power factor demand charge to compensate
for this. The power factor can be corrected by installing capacitors to counteract the
effect of the motor’s inductance.

What’s in a nameplate?

Altitudes above 3,300 ft (1,000 m) reduce the cooling effect of the motor. The altitude Top 5 VFD parameter
on the nameplate is the maximum elevation at which the motor will receive sufficient changes explained
cooling at rated load. A word of caution is in order here for motors used at higher alti-
Parallel arm kinematics
tudes. It is not uncommon to see the nameplate horsepower downsized for operation kit | Machine automation
at a high elevation, in which case the manufacturer should adjust the kilovolt ampere
code to a higher letter to reflect the inrush current of the actual power rating.  What’s in a

While the nameplate requirements listed in Table 1 provide a consistent basis of com- No need to fear robots!
parison for matching motor performance characteristics and capabilities with those of How to tune servo
the application, neither NEMA nor IEC standards exclude anything. As a result, man- systems (Part 1):
Questions and answers
ufacturers sometimes include additional information (e.g., bearing nomenclature, to
help users reduce downtime by acquiring replacement bearings before they take a High-performance
motor off line for service). motor designs

2019 Motor Drives

There are also other specifications that may have different nameplate requirements for Study research
specific motor designs. In either case, it’s always helpful to keep a photograph of each
nameplate on file for ready reference when the time comes to repair or replace a ma-

Jim Bryan
Jim Bryan recently retired from his position as a technical support specialist at EASA,
a CFE Media content partner, an international trade association of nearly 1,800 firms in
about 80 countries that sells and services electromechanical apparatus.

No need to fear robots!
SEW-EURODRIVE’s modular assembly system now extends to robotics

R obotics in a kit? SEW EURODRIVE proves how easy it is to create even highly Top 5 VFD parameter
changes explained
complex robotic solutions with its MAXOLUTION ® parallel arm kinematics kit.
You can now configure and order the perfect solution, assemble the components, Parallel arm kinematics
kit | Machine automation
and easily create complex motion control paths with the MOVIKIT® robotics software
module. What’s in a nameplate?

A lot of people are intimidated by robots. This is often a result of the unanswered ques-  No need to fear
tions they have about how to design mechanics and drives properly. It also comes from
the fear of not being able to master the seemingly complex motion sequences in pro- How to tune servo
systems (Part 1):
gramming. SEW EURODRIVE solves this engineering dilemma with a functionally scaled Questions and answers
robotics solution – the MAXOLUTION® parallel arm kinematics kit. It consists of three in-
dividually customizable packages that fit nearly any automation robotics application. The
motor designs
controller package contains the control system and software, the robot axis package
houses the matching drives and servo controllers, and the robot mechanics package 2019 Motor Drives
Study research
consists of the mechanical components for the robot kinematics and the appropriate
gear units, including the new PxG planetary servo gear unit.

Customized modular system

Mechanical engineers can use solution packages tailored by SEW EURODRIVE to suit
their own application and complete their robots themselves using these three packages
– even including controller and safety technology. The modular system takes no longer
than a two-man shift to assemble, and can be effortlessly programmed thanks to conve-
nient teach-in functions.

No need to fear robots!

Typically, what makes robot kinematics so complex is the software. SEW EURODRIVE
simplifies motion control path design thanks to the MOVIKIT® Robotics software module.
Top 5 VFD parameter
changes explained
“We don’t sell ready-to-use robots, or make the steel structure, or the control cabinet.
Parallel arm kinematics
Instead, we focus on finding the perfect automation and drive solution for robotics ap- kit | Machine automation
plications – in the form of a customized modular system,” says Machine Automation
What’s in a nameplate?
Technology Manager, Rick Simer, explaining the MAXOLUTION® Group’s automation
expertise. Typical pre-packaged robotics systems are rarely tailored to the exact applica-
 No need to fear
tion, and are available in just a handful of sizes offering only limited flexibility. Providing a robots!
complete package of custom controls, components, and software – all designed to work
How to tune servo
together - is what distinguishes the SEW-EURODRIVE solution from pre-packaged robot systems (Part 1):
systems sold by other manufacturers. Questions and answers

Hygienic design motor designs
SEW-EURODRIVE’s MAXOLUTION® parallel arm kinematics kit offers the flexibility 2019 Motor Drives
to allow users to create hygienic solutions for food and packaging industries. The food Study research
processing sector in particular has begun to rely more and more on robot-assisted food
sorting or packaging. Robot kinematics also excel at order picking, filling secondary
packaging, and other handling tasks in the beverage industry.

Combined solution packages

SEW EURODRIVE has strategically integrated its various robot packages into the new
MAXOLUTION® Machine Automation business area. In doing so, the company is de-
termined to focus more on system solutions skills in the future. “We combine software
with reliable mechatronics to form complete, easy-to-integrate solution packages,” says
No need to fear robots!

Simer. In addition to solving robotics challenges with SEW’s robotic kinematic kits, the
MAXOLUTION® Group saves engineers time. The aim is to make things easier for them.
Top 5 VFD parameter
The same goes for the software, which plays a key role in the MAXOLUTION® parallel changes explained
arm kinematics kit. This is why SEW EURODRIVE launched its MOVIKIT® Robotics stan-
Parallel arm kinematics
dardized software module in 2018. kit | Machine automation

What’s in a nameplate?
Simple startup
MOVIKIT® software modules make automation tasks so simple that your engineers can  No need to fear
do their job without having in-depth robotics programming expertise. What matters robots!
is that they can parameterize the software, while doing very little programming – no
How to tune servo
need to learn G-code or IEC languages typically used for sequence control. The in- systems (Part 1):
tegrated visualization function of MOVIKIT® Robotics software provides additional Questions and answers

convenience with 3D simulations. This means the system startup engineer can “teach High-performance
in” the travel path profiles of the robot kinematics on site directly via the visualization motor designs
screen. The fully automated program then calculates the necessary drive data for the 2019 Motor Drives
multi-axis drive system and control components. All that’s left for the operator to do Study research
is press “Start” to launch the motion sequence. This is ideal for simple picking tasks,
which is precisely where we want to harness the power of robot kinematics using sim-
ple software.

Benefits for OEMs

The MAXOLUTION® Machine Automation Group focuses on providing a complete auto-
mation package – not just providing drive components. Functional Safety, for example,
is becoming increasingly important in machine automation. Because SEW EURODRIVE
can provide a complete automation solution, functional safety components from other
No need to fear robots!

manufacturers can easily be integrated into the system. No need for customers to con-
figure products that fall outside of the SEW product line.
Top 5 VFD parameter
changes explained
Small and medium-sized mechanical engineering companies (OEMs) in particular benefit
Parallel arm kinematics
from SEW’s automation package expertise by freeing up costly engineering time, and kit | Machine automation
by reducing the need for specialists such as in safety technology. Using MAXOLUTION®
What’s in a nameplate?
parallel arm kinematics kits enables OEMs to easily build their own robots that work
more precisely, and with more flexibility than multi-purpose robots taken off the shelf.
 No need to fear
This customizable approach adds robotics to your machine automation, enables new robots!
machine concepts, and makes customization quicker and less expensive than the alter-
How to tune servo
native. systems (Part 1):
Questions and answers
For more information on adding robotics capabilities, please follow this link: High-performance
www.sew-eurodrive.de/automation/machine-automation/parallelarm-kinematik-kit/ motor designs
2019 Motor Drives
Study research

How to tune servo systems (Part 1):
Questions and answers
More answers regarding servo system tuning follow the March 11, 2020 Top 5 VFD parameter
changes explained
webcast on the same topic.
Parallel arm kinematics

kit | Machine automation
uning a servo system can be among the most difficult tasks in machine building,
offering a proportional-integrated-derivative (PID) control challenge. Tuning is What’s in a nameplate?
not always about the PID gains, because other factors can be changed to improve the
No need to fear robots!
machine performance.
 How to tune servo
The webcast “How to tune servo systems (Part 1)” covered controller design, includ- systems (Part 1):
ing control loop structures, controller characteristics and using frequency-based tools Questions and
for gain selection and machine characterization. A question-and-answer session after
the webcast addressed some audience issues. The webcast is available for archived High-performance
motor designs
viewing until March 11, 2021.
2019 Motor Drives
Joseph Profeta, Ph.D., director, control systems group, Aerotech, and speaker in the Study research

webcast, answers additional questions about servo system tuning.

Servo tuning tips

Q: You’ve mentioned using as few filters as possible. What are your thoughts on
applying filtering when the PID values also could be fine-tuned to remove a res-
onance? Is there a benefit to “translating” a filter into changes in PID values?

A: Changing PID values will not remove a system resonance, but they can be de-
creased so the resonance is dampened out and not excited. However, lowering these
How to tune servo systems (Part 1): Questions and answers

PID gains will decrease the bandwidth of your system. Adding a filter in will suppress
the resonance, and the PID gains will likely be able to be increased. This raises the
Top 5 VFD parameter
system bandwidth, resulting in higher throughput. changes explained

Parallel arm kinematics

Q: What does rise time mean? kit | Machine automation

What’s in a nameplate?
A: Rise time is the time it takes a system to move from 10% to 90% of the final value
due to a step input. No need to fear robots!

Q: Why does your phase response black trace occur at 4 rad/sec instead of 5 in  How to tune servo
systems (Part 1):
your last slide? Questions and
A: The red curve is the phase of the loop gain before adding a notch filter in the loop.
The green curve is the phase of the notch filter being added to the loop (with center motor designs
frequency of five rad/sec). The black curve is the resulting phase of plant loop gain,
2019 Motor Drives
which is found by adding the phase at each frequency of the red and green curve. At
Study research
four rad/sec, the phase of the red curve phase (-140 degrees) plus the green curve
phase (-40 degrees) is -180 degrees, which is shown on the black curve.

Q: Does the order of operations matter for applying notch and low-pass filters?
When using notch and low-pass filtering, what sample time and hardware com-
munication considerations should be taken?

A: When considering the total loop gain for stability, the order does not matter. How-
ever, other practical considerations can affect the order and placement of filters.
Typically, the notch filters are placed before the low-pass filters. Depending on the 31
How to tune servo systems (Part 1): Questions and answers

Top 5 VFD parameter

changes explained

Parallel arm kinematics

kit | Machine automation

What’s in a nameplate?

No need to fear robots!

 How to tune servo

systems (Part 1):
Questions and

motor designs

2019 Motor Drives

Study research
physical architecture, the order may matter more. Each Aerotech controller has a software
For instance, in an analog system, placing the help file that explains details. The file also
has information on parameter setup and
notch filter first allows the notch filters to operate programming. The EasyTune utility will
on a larger signal than if placed after the low-pass take care of the majority of tuning issues.
Aerotech offers free global technical
filter. If all the loops are implemented digitally
support. Courtesy: Aerotech
in one box using double precision floating point
arithmetic, then the order is not as important. The control architecture also impacts
the placement and order of filters. For instance, if you are using feedforward in the
system, you should likely insert the feedforward after the filters. Finally, in most com-
mercially available controllers, this is not usually a configurable item. 32
How to tune servo systems (Part 1): Questions and answers

Q: How does Aerotech’s A3200 EasyTune work in principle? Why does EasyTune
sometimes fail on certain applications?
Top 5 VFD parameter
changes explained
A: EasyTune does an open-loop test to determine the load mass, which is used
Parallel arm kinematics
to set initial gains. Then a series of loop transmissions are run to characterize the kit | Machine automation
system. Based on one user input setting, robustness, the algorithm determines the
What’s in a nameplate?
“best” gains for the system. The software continues to be improved. For instance,
in release 5.0, loads with a shaft-to-load inertia ratio of 15:1 or higher did not tune No need to fear robots!
well. In Release 6.0, improvements were made, and these systems now tune more
easily.  How to tune servo
systems (Part 1):
Questions and
Q: Any good, practical books on tuning to recommend for reference? Is there a answers
good resource or book for tuning a servo drive?
motor designs
A: Most mechanical and electrical undergraduate programs teaching Introduction to
2019 Motor Drives
controls will cover the basics on PID, lead-lag and low pass filters with textbooks like
Study research
“Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems” by Franklin, Powell, and Emami-Naeini, Pear-
son, 2018. A thorough treatment in the frequency domain can be found in “Principles
of Feedback Control” by George Biernson (two volume set), Wiley, 1988.

Q: If I have two identical systems and one of them is a stable system, can I have
and apply the same values on the second system? Regarding integrated X-Y and
vertical Z stage tuning issues, how can I get the same tuning performance from
different systems?

A: If they are identical, then the same gains for both systems should give you the same 33
How to tune servo systems (Part 1): Questions and answers

Top 5 VFD parameter

changes explained

Parallel arm kinematics

kit | Machine automation

What’s in a nameplate?

No need to fear robots!

 How to tune servo

systems (Part 1):
Questions and

performance. Typically, a single set of gains can The red curve is the phase of the loop gain motor designs
be used across multiple identical systems. When before adding a notch filter in the loop.
The green curve is the phase of the notch 2019 Motor Drives
performance is different, it can point to an issue
filter being added to the loop (with center Study research
in the system build that needs to be resolved. frequency of five rad/sec). The black curve
Most original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) is the resulting phase of plant loop gain,
which is found by adding the phase at each
use this practice.
frequency of the red and green curve. At four
rad/sec, the phase of the red curve phase
Q: When you say sufficient margin at the (-140 degrees) plus the green curve phase (-40
degrees) is -180 degrees, which is shown on
crossover points, what is really going on the black curve. Courtesy: Aerotech
there? Can you explain what the target mar-
gins are again and why?

How to tune servo systems (Part 1): Questions and answers

A: In practice, the gain margin

should be ≥6 dB and the phase
Top 5 VFD parameter
margin should be ≥30 degrees. This changes explained
allows for the gain variations and
Parallel arm kinematics
nonlinearities in the system that are kit | Machine automation
present. For instance, when moving
What’s in a nameplate?
the system, the resonance frequency
may move or the orientation of the No need to fear robots!
load may change the loop gain.
 How to tune servo
systems (Part 1):
Q: Can you extend loop shaping Questions and
to nonlinear controllers well? answers

A: The frequency response is a lin- motor designs
ear tool. It can be used with nonlin-
2019 Motor Drives
ear systems by evaluating the sys-
Study research
tem at different orientations, input
magnitudes and other variations
that expose the nonlinearities. Then,
by plotting a family of curves and
choosing the most robust tuning
parameters, the system can be stabi-
lized. There are other control strat-
egies, such as sliding mode control,
that target designing controllers for
nonlinear systems. Depending on 35
How to tune servo systems (Part 1): Questions and answers

the extent of the nonlinearities or the optimality to be achieved, this and others may
be a better approach.
Top 5 VFD parameter
changes explained
Q: Thanks for the webinar. It definitely gives me something to think about. What
Parallel arm kinematics
is the software you are using? kit | Machine automation

What’s in a nameplate?
A: The demonstration of loop shaping was done in Aerotech A3200 standard tuning
tools. No need to fear robots!

Q: How do you tune a current loop?  How to tune servo

systems (Part 1):
Questions and
A: For a servo motor, a proportional-integral (PI) control law is appropriate. It is usual- answers
ly sufficient to determine the Kp and Ki using a simple motor model with parameters
that include the line-to-line resistance, motor inductance, amplifier bus voltage, am- motor designs
plifier peak current and desired current loop bandwidth. For Aerotech digital drives,
2019 Motor Drives
the current loop is set up by selecting the motor and the parameters are calculated
Study research
for the user based on the bandwidth and phase margin input. In addition, the user
can tune the current loop with the same frequency response and loop shaping tools
as shown for the servo loop in the webinar.

Q: What is the best way to optimize control of a system feeding back on two
encoders? Tuning inner velocity loop vs. outer position loop for servo actuator?
How does the use of dual encoder feedback affect ballscrew-driven systems?
How to deal with multiple loops of PID controllers? Tuning with backlash in the
How to tune servo systems (Part 1): Questions and answers

A: In general, when dealing with multiple loops that use different sensors as feed-
back, start by stabilizing and setting the control law for the innermost loop. After this
Top 5 VFD parameter
inner loop response is as desired, move to compensating the next most outer loop. changes explained
The inner loop is now the “plant” for the loop being compensated. Generally, the
Parallel arm kinematics
bandwidth of the inner loop will be the highest and the outermost loop bandwidth kit | Machine automation
will be the lowest.
What’s in a nameplate?

In the example mentioned, a ballscrew with encoder feedback on the motor and a No need to fear robots!
linear encoder are used to measure the movement of the carriage. The key problem
here is that the ballscrew introduces a nonlinearity into the system due to the mass  How to tune servo
systems (Part 1):
separation during reversals. The amount of backlash depends on the quality of the Questions and
ballscrew. Generally, the bandwidth of a system with backlash will have to be set lower answers
than a system without backlash. As always, first tune the current loop using the motor
encoder for commutation (after initialization, many controllers use position to com- motor designs
mutate). Then, stabilize the velocity loop using the motor encoder with a proportion-
2019 Motor Drives
al-derivative control law. The input to the velocity loop is the velocity command based
Study research
on the trajectory. Finally, stabilize the position loop using the linear encoder and an
integral control law that is a parallel loop to the velocity loop (not cascaded). This will
integrate out the error due to the backlash.

The output of the velocity loop and position loop control laws should be added to-
gether and input to the notch filter (if necessary) and low-pass filter. With backlash in
the system, often it is necessary to push the low-pass filter lower in frequency than
in systems without backlash to smooth out the response. The output of the low-pass
filter is the command to the current loop.
How to tune servo systems (Part 1): Questions and answers

Q: What technical information is available so users can implement the products?

Top 5 VFD parameter

A: Besides this webinar, each controller has a software help file that explains these changes explained
details. The file also has information on parameter setup and programming. Addition-
Parallel arm kinematics
ally, the EasyTune utility will take care of the majority of your tuning issues. Aerotech kit | Machine automation
offers free global technical support.
What’s in a nameplate?

Q: Are there manual tuning estimates that can be used? No need to fear robots!

A: When starting out, you want a stable system. Keeping the gains very low will allow  How to tune servo
systems (Part 1):
you to have some stability while you identify the system. What very low means from Questions and
system to system could be different, based on the scaling factors used by the system. answers
Aerotech EasyTune or an open-loop autotune can inject current into the system for a
few milliseconds to try and identify the plant of the system and set very low gains for motor designs
2019 Motor Drives
Study research
Q: With load-based servo tuning, can you program a script to perform a
pointwise scan for XYZ axes?

A: Dynamic gain scheduling is a function that some controllers use to change gains
on the fly between two sets (or more) of values based on position, velocity or cur-
rent draw of the motor. Alternatively, a program can be written to change gain values
based on some condition of your choosing. Each set of gains would need to be the
result of a tuning process with the system in the position and load where that gain set
is to be used. All the gains in the loop should be changed at the same time to prevent
instabilities. 38
How to tune servo systems (Part 1): Questions and answers

Q: Is there room for improvement on my Vasculathe, namely reaching the over-

Top 5 VFD parameter
current limit on the rotary when cutting small-diameter tubes with a lot of rapid changes explained
back-and-forth rotary motion?
Parallel arm kinematics
kit | Machine automation
A: From a tuning perspective, maybe it could be improved. But, probably the issue
What’s in a nameplate?
has more to do with trajectory generation. Modifying the trajectory to limit accelera-
tions during reversals in motion would be the first step in improving your throughput No need to fear robots!
and eliminating the overcurrent errors.
 How to tune servo
systems (Part 1):
Q: How do I tune a servo system with Aerotech? Questions and
A: The majority of systems can be tuned using Aerotech’s EasyTune feature. This
will supply PID gains, feedforward gains and filters to the system. Alternatively, you motor designs
can also use Aerotech’s frequency domain tool, Loop Shaping, to tune the system
2019 Motor Drives
as well.
Study research

Q: How can I synchronize two axis controllers for a motion profile?

A: This is a trajectory generation concern rather than a tuning issue. Assuming you
have two axes tuned as required, a multi-axis controller that generates a coordinated
trajectory for all axes given a move vector in XY space is needed. Aerotech’s A3200
and Ensemble lines of controllers are multi-axis controllers. The A3200 uses the
G-Code language for contouring applications.

Q: How can I remove low-level frequency disturbance? 39

How to tune servo systems (Part 1): Questions and answers

A: Assuming low frequency means less than the loop gain crossover frequency, the
Top 5 VFD parameter
more low–frequency gain that the system has at the frequency of the disturbance, the changes explained
more the effect of the disturbances on the output will be dampened.
Parallel arm kinematics
kit | Machine automation
Q: How do I set up non-Aerotech motors?
What’s in a nameplate?

A: Aerotech controllers support using any servo motor. There are utilities in the con- No need to fear robots!
figuration manager that allow you to enter motor and stage data to generate a pa-
rameter file. Setting up a non-Aerotech motor requires some basic information about  How to tune servo
systems (Part 1):
the motor, such as line-to-line resistance, inductance and bus voltage. Questions and
Q: How can this technique be applied to systems combining a coarse and fine
motor, like a piezo mounted on a linear servo? motor designs

2019 Motor Drives

A: In a case like this, either via a program or firmware file, a routine would be written
Study research
that takes the position command and sends it to both stages. The “coarse” stage
feedback would be sent to the “fine” stage. This feedback would look like an error
signal at the “fine” stage when in position, and at this point the control loop band-
width would dictate the responsiveness of the system to counteract the errors. This
concept is used in many galvanometer applications at Aerotech using our Infinite
Field of View function.

Q: Can you please address encoder resolution and surface finish/form accuracy?

How to tune servo systems (Part 1): Questions and answers

A: Generally, more resolution is always better. It is best to have at least 10-50x the
resolution of your part tolerance, that is, 5 um part tolerance requires at least 500 nm
Top 5 VFD parameter
resolution, preferably 100 nm. changes explained

Parallel arm kinematics

Q: Discuss the tuning examples of non-linear load. How do you put in a differ- kit | Machine automation
ent tuning setup for different loads? How do you tune a robotic arm where the
What’s in a nameplate?
loads are dynamic, depending on arm position? Would you tune for the worst
case or try and tune for a middle point? No need to fear robots!

A: Variations in the load directly affect the loop gain and therefore the stability (or  How to tune servo
systems (Part 1):
robustness) of the system. These variations can be step changes (such as picking up Questions and
or setting down an object) or continuous (such as winding on to or off a reel, moving answers
a robot arm). In either case, the gains must be set to have sufficient gain and phase
margin over the set of loads that are expected to occur. Often, this results in a system motor designs
with the lowest bandwidth setting for all load situations, which is not usually ideal. To
2019 Motor Drives
increase performance, gain scheduling can be employed or more sophisticated adap-
Study research
tive control techniques might be necessary.

Q: What are the tuning control differences between types of motors?

A: For brush or brushless (linear or rotary) tuning, a PID controller is identical. Other
actuators, such as a piezo or servo hydraulic actuator, may require a different control
law. However, the concept of measuring the loop gain and the stability criterion are all
identical. The differences are the types of compensating filters that may be necessary
in conjunction with the PID controller.
How to tune servo systems (Part 1): Questions and answers

Q: When should one use a full PID control versus PD or purely P? When is it ap-
propriate to just use PI control?
Top 5 VFD parameter
changes explained
A: Generally, the proportional term acts on the present error, the integral term acts on
Parallel arm kinematics
the past error (and will eliminate the steady state error in the system) and the deriva- kit | Machine automation
tive term acts on the anticipated future error (and will add some damping to the sys-
What’s in a nameplate?
tem). Determining the best control law depends on the plant being controlled. One
method is to measure the open loop frequency response of the plant and add to that No need to fear robots!
a control law that shapes the loop gain as desired. The ideal is to have high, low fre-
quency gain (to mitigate disturbances); low, high frequency gain (to suppress sensor  How to tune servo
systems (Part 1):
noise); and to cross over at a slope of -1 (20 db/decade) with any changes in slope at Questions and
least four times less or four times more than the crossover. This will provide a stable answers
system assuming the gain and phase margin at any other crossover point are suffi-
ciently large. motor designs

2019 Motor Drives

Q: Hard vs. soft movements; which results in faster settling?
Study research

A: Higher acceleration means more overshoot potential in a move. When settling is

taken into account, you usually can have a shorter overall move time by using a lower
acceleration rate. In addition to tuning the PID to minimize move time (including set-
tle), it is best to use feedforward control to minimize the total move time. This combi-
nation allows higher accelerations to be used while still minimizing overshoot.

Q: How do you control a servo motor by Arduino?

How to tune servo systems (Part 1): Questions and answers

A: With an Arduino, you can control a dc brush motor through the pulse width modu-
lation (PWM) output pins. The Arduino does not have any built-in tools for tuning.
Top 5 VFD parameter
changes explained
Q: How do you choose between a programmable logic controller (PLC) and a
Parallel arm kinematics
motion controller in the application of constructing a 3D printer? kit | Machine automation

What’s in a nameplate?
A: A PLC is better suited to an input/output (I/O) based system. A 3D printer will use
trajectory generation with I/O. This is typically better suited to a motion controller No need to fear robots!
that will run G-code based trajectories.
 How to tune servo
systems (Part 1):
Joseph Profeta Questions and
Joseph Profeta, Ph.D., is director, control systems group, Aerotech. Dr. Profeta has answers
more than 30 years of experience in technology-driven companies. He is the direc-
tor of the controls system group at Aerotech with P&L responsibility for the controls, motor designs
drives and motors. In this role, he works with companies to design and select control
2019 Motor Drives
system architectures that result in increased machine performance while minimizing
Study research
component cost. He has earned a BS, MS, Ph.D., and Executive MBA. He has been
awarded five patents and published 43 papers. Dr. Profeta is also an adjunct professor
in the electrical and computer engineering department at the University of Pittsburgh
where he teaches software engineering.

High-performance motor designs
Motor innovations: Advanced motor technologies influence motor form
factors, performance, and efficiencies. Examine how these technology
Top 5 VFD parameter
advances can help with your next set of applications. changes explained

W hy is it possible to design a higher performance industrial motor and drive today? Parallel arm kinematics
kit | Machine automation
The answer appears to be better design software continuing to be improved on
an average of once per year. It’s now possible to design very complicated industrial mo- What’s in a nameplate?
tors that enhance torque, power, efficiency and power factor. This was more difficult 10
No need to fear robots!
years ago.
How to tune servo
systems (Part 1):
Software’s sophistication has significantly improved for industrial motor designs and Questions and answers
drive and control designs.
 High-performance
motor designs
Four areas of motor innovations follow.
2019 Motor Drives
Study research
1. The permanent magnet (PM) motor remains a favorite, assuming the application
can live with the high cost of the rare earth magnets.

2. The synchronousreluctance motor is significant because of improvements made in

the drive and control topology. Two European-based automation companies, Sie-
mens and ABB, are beginning to design 60 Hz versions, but we likely have a couple
of years before the full product line will be available.

3. Switched reluctance (SR) motor technology is a close third. For custom application
requirements they can exceed synchronous reluctance in capabilities.

High-performance motor designs

4. The induction motor drops to fourth position on

the innovation scale, largely because it is pro-
Top 5 VFD parameter
tected by immense tooling and manufacturing changes explained
investments already paid by various motor suppli-
Parallel arm kinematics
ers. Because of invested assets and market share, kit | Machine automation
motor–drive companies building to requirements
What’s in a nameplate?
from National Electrical Manufacturers Associ-
ation (NEMA) often seem to adopt an “If it isn’t No need to fear robots!
broke, don’t fix it” approach to industrial motor
How to tune servo
design and innovation. It would seem many will systems (Part 1):
change only when they are forced to by market Questions and answers
Baldor-Reliance EC Titanium
requirements for increased performance. Integrated Motor Drive are a
highly efficient integrated motor
 High-performance
drive that combines synchronous
motor designs
Others (1-3) will require more tooling investments and reluctance and permanent magnet
2019 Motor Drives
higher rates of production to reach more applications at technologies for a sustainable,
Study research
lower-than-current costs. wirelessly connected solution
that improves the bottom line.
Courtesy: New Products for
Some industrial motor innovation highlights follow. Engineers Database and ABB
Motors and Mechanical Inc.

SR motors, application
While other motor types can use an inverter (variable frequency drive), the SR motor
must have a completely separate drive. This motor tends to be custom because the user
needs a full motor-drive system. It is dedicated to an application or set of applications. It
usually is not found on the internet until the application goes into production.

High-performance motor designs

SR Drives in the U.K., part of US

Motors and Nidec Corp., is a
Top 5 VFD parameter
switched reluctance–motor that changes explained
can provide very high perfor-
Parallel arm kinematics
mance, with as much as a 10% kit | Machine automation
efficiency increase compared to
What’s in a nameplate?
ac vector motor.
No need to fear robots!
Linear Labs describes use of PowerPlus Stepper Motors from Moons’ Industries serve as high-
How to tune servo
its SR motor in a direct–drive torque direct replacements for NEMA 23, 24 and 34 frame motors.
systems (Part 1):
Courtesy: New Products for Engineers Database and Applied
electric vehicle application. It Questions and answers
describes an in-hub automotive
drive design where two or four motors can
 High-performance
motor designs
create a competitor to a centralized electric
2019 Motor Drives
drive motor. The Linear Lab motor operates
Study research
in rotary and linear fashion and the company
claims ability to do twice the torque and pow-
er of any existing motor to date.

The design has some major advantages,

including lighter weight, better range and
less maintenance. Power factor is a disad- ATO 400 W Brushless DC Motor with Controller/
vantage in this design, and is usually about BLDC Motor Kit includes a 24-V brushless dc motor
with 400 W power, 3000 rpm high speed, 1.3 Nm
10% lower.
holding torque, and high efficiency motor controller

for electric car applications.Courtesy: New Products
for Engineers Database and ATO Inc.
High-performance motor designs

Synchronous reluctance industrial

motors Top 5 VFD parameter
A recent new version is the PM assisted synchronous re- changes explained
luctance (PM aSyRN) motor, with ferrite magnets added Parallel arm kinematics
to the rotor structure that improves torque, power and kit | Machine automation
power factor.
What’s in a nameplate?

Another application that motor–drive innovators are tar- No need to fear robots!
Direct Drive Motors apply at
geting is the all-electric aircraft. all speeds including very high
How to tune servo
speeds, but are particularly useful
systems (Part 1):
1,000 rpm.Courtesy: New Products Questions and answers
Rolls-Royce has noted the need for development of better for Engineers Database and ETM
liquid fuels to keep up with the expected advancements in Electric Torque Machines
 High-performance
electric motors. Siemens, identified as the motor supplier motor designs
for this application, hasn’t referenced on a
2019 Motor Drives
website use of its motor-drive technology Study research
for small-aircraft high–speed high–power
propeller motor drive.

The Rolls-Royce engine also requires a

turbine engine for commercial aircraft. It
is possible to build small all-electric air-
craft motor–drives, and commercial tur-
bine-electric engines seem likely within a decade. Linear Induction Motor, LMAA-04-01 Linear
Induction Motor,can generate 10.6 lb [47
N] at a 15% duty cycle.Courtesy: New
The synchronous reluctance motor works better at Products for Engineers Database and H2W
Technologies Inc. 47
High-performance motor designs

lower loads (50%) than induction motors and PM motors.

Synchronous reluctance motors work over a wider speed range.
Top 5 VFD parameter
changes explained
High-performance motors can be hybrid designs. The highest
Parallel arm kinematics
performance torque density motor to date appears to be the kit | Machine automation
Mercedes Benz i3 traction motor. The rotor structure is combines
What’s in a nameplate?
surface and buried magnet in a complicate pattern.
No need to fear robots!
Other innovative industrial motor products How to tune servo
A sampling of innovative industrial motor prod- A Flat Motor High Torque, the EC 90 flat has systems (Part 1):
ucts in the New Products for Engineers Database a diameter of 90 millimeters and is available Questions and answers
in two versions, with 160 W or 260 W of
follows. See more at www.controleng.com/NPE.
power.Courtesy: New Products for Engineers  High-performance
Database and maxon motor designs
Baldor-Reliance EC Titanium Integrated Motor
2019 Motor Drives
Drive from ABB Motors and Mechanical Inc.: Study research
EC Titanium motors are a highly efficient inte-
grated motor drive that combines synchronous
reluctance and permanent magnet technologies
for a sustainable, wirelessly connected solution
that improves customers bottom line. It has
IE5 efficiency and is highly efficient at full load
and partial load conditions offering up to 16%
efficiency gains at partial load and The L250SSS Linear Shaft Motor is a 25-mm diameter linear
servo motor with a single winding and a small forcer, just 30-
speed. The integrated product saves
mm long, and with higher force than competing off-the-shelf
control panel space and reduces motors. Courtesy: New Products for Engineers Database and
Nippon Pulse America Inc. 48
High-performance motor designs

wiring costs by placing the drive on top of or on the oppo-

site drive end of the industrial motor. It has tune and con-
Top 5 VFD parameter
trol flexibility with multiple options including wired keypads changes explained
and PC tools for easy commissioning and tuning as well as
Parallel arm kinematics
Bluetooth communication for easy configuration and ABB kit | Machine automation
Ability connectivity for health monitoring. Reliable and low
What’s in a nameplate?
noise has very low starting current and less cogging reduc-
es mechanical stresses of the driven load. No need to fear robots!
Brushless Servo Motors combine high torque,
How to tune servo
Note of comparison: If one plots a torque vs. low inertia and various customizable options systems (Part 1):
to improve efficiency in dynamic servo-driven Questions and answers
speed curve for the induction motor and syn-
applications. Courtesy: New Products for
chronous reluctance motor (SynR) with the same
horse power levels, the SynR motor immediately
Engineers Databaseand Orbex Group
 High-performance
motor designs
develops more torque than its induction partner.
2019 Motor Drives
This is due to internal motor losses and synchro-
Study research
nous operation. By 10% load point on the motors’
torque-speed plot, more torque leads to more
output power (TxN) and efficiency (Pout/Pin). The
SynR motor holds this advantage until 75% motor
load is achieved where they become equal. The
SynR motors also can reach higher IE efficiency
PMX Series Stepper Motor were redesigned with versatility, ease-
of-use, and cost effectiveness in mind. They provide high torque
PowerPlus Stepper Motors
in a small package and come in a wide range of standard sizes,
from Moons’ Industries serve
constructions, windings and options for industrial motor applications.
as high-torque direct replace- Courtesy: New Products for Engineers Database and Kollmorgen
High-performance motor designs

ments for NEMA 23, 24 and 34 frame motors from

Applied Motion: PowerPlus Hybrid Stepper Motors from
Top 5 VFD parameter
Moons’ Industries eliminate the hassles of resizing motors changes explained
by providing 25% to 40% more torque across the entire
Parallel arm kinematics
speed range of a motor. With the same physical dimen- kit | Machine automation
sions as standard NEMA 23, 24 and 34 stepper industrial
What’s in a nameplate?
motors, the motors can be dropped into place to minimize
upgrade costs while improving performance. No need to fear robots!
UlteMAX Axial PM Motor is apermanent
magnet motor is a continuous duty axial motor How to tune servo
ATO 400 W Brushless DC Motor with Con- in 3-5 hp,7.5-10 hp, and 15 hpsizes with three- systems (Part 1):
troller/BLDC Motor Kit from ATO Inc.: High phase/460 V/60 Hz integrated DPT control with Questions and answers
variable torque loads.Courtesy: New Products for
quality brushless dc (BLDC) motor kit includes
a 24-V brushless dc motor with 400 W power,
Engineers Database and Regal Beloit America Inc.  High-performance
motor designs
3,000 rpm high speed, 1.3 Nm holding torque, and high efficiency motor controller for
2019 Motor Drives
electric car applications. With small size, high reduction ratio, low rotation speed, high
Study research
torque and little noise, they are widely used for unmanned aerial vehicle, medical equip-
ment, industrial equipment, electrical tools and mini household appliances.

The BLDC motor controller provides:

1. Fault detection and protection. It can identify faults via LED twinkling code.

2. Battery voltage real-time monitoring. It will stop work when battery voltage is too
high or too low.

3. Built in current detection and over current protection. 50

High-performance motor designs

4. 5-V sensor power supply support.

Top 5 VFD parameter

5. 12-V brake signal input configurability. changes explained

Parallel arm kinematics

6. 3-phase Hall position sensor input, open collector output and the controller pro- kit | Machine automation
vides pull-up resistor.
What’s in a nameplate?

Premium-Efficiency, Cast-Iron Three-Phase AC Motors from AutomationDirect: The No need to fear robots!
motors meet the requirements of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007.
How to tune servo
The MTCP2 Series has a low cost of entry to provide a quicker payback on investment systems (Part 1):
and are available in 1,200, 1,800 and 3,600 rpm. They have totally enclosed fan cooled Questions and answers
(TEFC) enclosure, and designs are NEMA TC-frame (C-face) and T-frame motors (C-face
kits available for motors over 30 hp). NSK/NTN/SKF brand premium quality ball (1-75
 High-performance
motor designs
hp) or roller bearings (100-300 hp), with maintenance free bearings for 10 hp and below.
2019 Motor Drives
They have V-ring shaft seals on drive end and on opposite drive end, are electrically re-
Study research
versible and have Class F winding insulation. Service factor is 1.25 (1 to 200 hp), 1.15 (250
to 300 hp), 1.0 with ac drive (all). They meet or exceed Premium Efficiency standards and
are Class I, Div. 2 for hazardous location use.

High Torque Motors from Baumueller-Nuermont Corp.: With a torque of up to 80,000

Nm, the DST range meets the highest demands in direct- drive technology with very
smooth–running characteristics and high torque at low velocities. Energy-efficiency is
maintained through wide speed/load range with low-noise. It has water cooling in a
stainless-steel design and a smooth housing surface – easy to keep clean. Permanent
field high-torque motors include IP54 type of protection and is suitable for sophisticated
direct drive industrial motor technology. 51
High-performance motor designs

Direct Drive Motors from ETM Elec1tric Torque

Machines: These apply at all speeds including very high
Top 5 VFD parameter
speeds, but are particularly useful 1,000 rpm. For any changes explained
application in this range that requires high continuous
Parallel arm kinematics
torque, this offers lowest total cost, smallest size and kit | Machine automation
weight, best efficiency, and highest reliability. As a result
What’s in a nameplate?
of our ultra-high continuous torque and broad oper-
ating performance window, ETM’s technology is elimi- Allen-Bradley Kinetix VPC No need to fear robots!
nates the need for gearboxes in a drive system and reduce Servo Motors provide smooth,
integrated motion control How to tune servo
the number of motor and gearbox combinations used for systems (Part 1):
over EtherNet/IP networks.
a product line. Motors deliver continuous torque from 5 to Questions and answers
Courtesy: New Products for
200 Nm (40 to 1,800 lb–in). However, motor size is scalable Engineers Database and Rockwell
up or down for the right applications. Automation  High-performance
motor designs

2019 Motor Drives

Linear Induction Motor from H2W Technologies Inc.: The
Study research
LMAA-04-01 Linear Induction Motor can generate 10.6 lb [47 N] at a 15% duty cycle. It
was designed for high speed operation and also can be operated at stall (zero speed) to
produce static thrust. Typical applications include conveying systems, baggage handling,
personal rapid transport systems, theme park rides, and active linear braking systems.

A Flat Motor for High Torque from maxon: The EC 90 flat has a diameter of 90 mm
and is available in two versions, with 160 or 260 W of power. In the 260 W version, the
motor delivers a continuous torque of up to 1 Nm, which makes it the most powerful
among all drives, without a gearhead. Possible applications include wheel drives, logis-
tics systems and pumps. With an encoder, this brushless dc motor is ideal for positioning
motion control tasks. 52
High-performance motor designs

Linear Shaft Motor from Nippon Pulse America

Inc.: The L250SSS Linear Shaft Motor is a 25-mm di-
Top 5 VFD parameter
ameter linear servo motor with a single winding and changes explained
a small forcer, just 30–mm long, and with higher force
Parallel arm kinematics
than competing off-the-shelf motors. Its maximum kit | Machine automation
usable stroke reaches to more than 2 m in length.
What’s in a nameplate?
The motors are available in 25–, 32– and 35–mm shaft
diameter sizes, and with single, double, triple and No need to fear robots!
quadruple winding options. The L250SSS and
The Limited Angle Torque (LAT) Motor model How to tune servo
the other motors in the SS series are ideal for LAT22-18 is for motorized valve control. The low systems (Part 1):
life sciences and industrial motor applications cost, direct drive motor can be integrated into Questions and answers
a valve assembly. Courtesy: New Products for
in which multiple forcers are required to travel
along one shaft.
Engineers Database and Sensata  High-performance
motor designs

2019 Motor Drives

Brushless Servo Motors from Orbex Group: These brushless servo motors combine
Study research
high torque, low inertia and various customizable options to improve efficiency in dy-
namic servo-driven applications. Available in a range of frame sizes (60 to 176 mm),
NdFeB-based brushless servo motors include incremental encoders for position feed-
back and electrical commutation—enhancing motor efficiency, minimizing maintenance
requirements and increasing throughput. Customizable windings make it easy to meet
industrial motor application technical requirements. Integrated gear reducers reduce
package size and lower overall costs. Other customizable features are available. The mo-
tors offer smooth, low-cogging motion and IP65-level protection for reliable operation in
demanding industrial or outdoor environments. Typical applications include communica-
tions, security and AGVs, defense, packaging, robotics and others.
High-performance motor designs

PMX Series Stepper Motor from Koll-

morgen: The stepper motors were rede-
Top 5 VFD parameter
signed with versatility, ease-of-use, and changes explained
cost effectiveness in mind. They provide
Parallel arm kinematics
high torque in a small package and kit | Machine automation
come in a wide range of standard sizes,
What’s in a nameplate?
constructions, windings and options.
The high-performance, brushless, main- No need to fear robots!
tenance-free stepper motors provide
How to tune servo
very precise, extremely cost-effective systems (Part 1):
motion control. These hybrid stepper motors Simotics MV449 AboveNEMA Motor from Questions and answers
Siemens MV449 Above-NEMA motor has an
inherently move in small, very precise, 0.9, or
1.8–degree increments (400 or 200 steps/revo-
industry leading 350 hp at a Class B temperature
rise and 400 hp at a Class F temperature rise. The
 High-performance
motor designs
lution). Added features include custom leads, motor has more than 14% more power compared
to other frames in the market and is also up to 2019 Motor Drives
shafts and connectors. Motor frame sizes in- 49% smaller compared to the prior 500 frame. Study research
clude NEMA 08, 11, 14, 17, 23 and 34. Courtesy: New Products for Engineers Database
and Siemens Industry Inc.

UlteMAX Axial PM Motor from Regal Beloit America Inc.: This permanent mag-
net motor is a continuous duty axial motor. Models are 3 to 5 hp (187XW), 7.5 to 10 hp
(186XW) and 15 hp (206XW). They have three-phase/460 V/60 Hz integrated DPT control
with variable torque loads. The 3–5 hp motor is designed to be scalable to 230 V, three-
phase/60 Hz applications. The motor offers a new way to look at the design of HVAC and
other thermal air moving systems with a thin 5.5–inch width. Weight is less than half the
weight of a conventional radial motor. It is more compact and has a mountable motor.
It is designed to be used with plenum fans with speed ranges from 500 to 5,200 rpm. In
this application, the plenum fan wheel mounts directly to the motor rotor hub (versus a 54
High-performance motor designs

traditional radial motor’s shaft, belt and sheave packaging). This eliminates the need for
the additional equipment, its associated maintenance and potential for efficiency re-
Top 5 VFD parameter
duction. In addition, the industrial motor’s profile has been optimized for air movement, changes explained
allowing operation at higher temperatures with greater reliability.
Parallel arm kinematics
kit | Machine automation
Allen-Bradley Kinetix VPC Servo Motors from Rockwell Automation: These Kinetix
What’s in a nameplate?
Servo Motors provide smooth, integrated motion control over EtherNet/IP networks.
Kinetix VPC Continuous Duty Servo Motors are optimized to run on Kinetix 5700 Servo No need to fear robots!
Drives, providing continuous power and torque for industrial motor applications. Kinetix
How to tune servo
VPL Low Inertia Servo Motors and Kinetix VPF Food Grade Servo Motors operate with systems (Part 1):
Kinetix 5500 and 5700 Servo Drives and deliver high dynamic performance. Questions and answers

Limited Angle Torque (LAT) Motor from Sensata: BEI Kimco model LAT22-18 is for
 High-performance
motor designs
motorized valve control. The low cost, direct drive motor can be integrated into a valve
2019 Motor Drives
assembly for thermostat control as well as fuel metering, air intake shut off, fuel shut off,
Study research
or air start control applications. Measuring just 2.2-in. diameter by 1.8-in. length, the mo-
tor features an encapsulated coil assembly to withstand the harsh chemical environment
of the application. The coil assembly includes threaded mounting holes for easy instal-
lation into the valve assembly. The desired size and weight requirements were achieved
by attaching permanent magnets directly to the butterfly valve shaft. The keys to the
motor’s design are torque capabilities greater than 50 oz-in over an excursion angle of
90 degrees, operating temperature ranges from ambient to 257°F (125°C) and compact
size. Direct–drive motors eliminate gear boxes or other mechanical linkages that can
break and wear, offering higher reliability and less maintenance. LATs are single phase so
are simple to control and install for a variety of industrial motor applications.
High-performance motor designs

Simotics MV449 AboveNEMA Motor from Siemens Industry Inc.: Siemens MV449
Above–NEMA motor has an industry leading 350 hp at a Class B temperature rise and
Top 5 VFD parameter
400 hp at a Class F temperature rise. The motor has more than 14% more power com- changes explained
pared to other frames in the market and is also up to 49% smaller compared to the pre-
Parallel arm kinematics
viously offered 500 frame. Less space means better plant layout utilization. Compared to kit | Machine automation
a typical motor of this size, this adds 0.4% efficiency on average. Being able to offer up
What’s in a nameplate?
to 1.5% more efficiency allows users to save more money on energy, reduce the carbon
footprint and realize greater return on investment (ROI). No need to fear robots!

How to tune servo

Dan Jones and Mark T. Hoske systems (Part 1):
Dan Jones is president, Incremotion Associates, and Mark T. Hoske is content manager, Questions and answers
Control Engineering, CFE Media and Technology
 High-performance
motor designs

2019 Motor Drives

Study research

2019 Motor Drives Study research
Five trends on buying and, specifying motor drives for industrial
automation applications.
Top 5 VFD parameter
changes explained

R espondents to the Control Engineering 2019 Motor Drives study identified five key
findings related to the purchase and specification of variable-speed, servo/stepper
and medium-voltage drives for industrial automation applications:
Parallel arm kinematics
kit | Machine automation

What’s in a nameplate?
Industrial drive use for automation No need to fear robots!
Usage plan of motor drives for automation and industrial applications: Eighty-eight per-
cent of respondents use or expect to use variable speed drives (VSDs) within the next 12 How to tune servo
systems (Part 1):
months; 46% use/plan to use servo drives and/or stepper drives and 17% use/plan to use Questions and answers
medium voltage (MV) drives.
motor designs
Industrial drive applications for automation
Applications of motor drives for automation and industrial applications (check all that  2019 Motor Drives
Study research
apply): When specifying VSDs, 89% of applications are new, 74% are retrofit and 71% are
replacement. The breakdown for servo/stepper drives is 87% new, 67% retrofit and 64%
replacement. For MV drives: 89% new, 81% retrofit and 78% replacement.

Industrial drive-drive purchasing for automation

Purchasing motor drives for automation and industrial applications: Thirty-six percent
of respondents prefer to buy motors and related VSDs separately; 22% prefer matched
units. Regarding servo/stepper drives, only 12% prefer separate, and 60% look for
matched units. For MV drives and Above NEMA motors: 30% prefer separate, and 19%
favor matched units.
2019 Motor Drives Study research

Industrial drive spend-

ing plans for automa- Top 5 VFD parameter
tion changes explained

Expenditures on motor drives Parallel arm kinematics

for automation and industrial kit | Machine automation
applications: Over the past 12 What’s in a nameplate?
months, respondents estimated
No need to fear robots!
an average of $139,000 having
been spent on VSDs. For the How to tune servo
same time frame, respondents systems (Part 1):
Questions and answers
also estimated average values
When evaluating any type of motor drive for an
of $94,000 for servo drives and /stepper drives industrial application, automation professionals High-performance
first look at reliability, followed by price, ease of motor designs
and $620,000 for MV drives.
setup/controls, programmability, customer service
and support and the manufacturer’s reputation.  2019 Motor Drives
Factors for selection of indus- Source: Control Engineering Study research
trial drives for automation
Important factors when choosing a motor drive for automation and industrial applica-
tions: The most critical qualities respondents look for when choosing a motor drive are
frequent start/stop tolerance for VSDs (83%), accurate positioning for servo/stepper
drives (97%) and frequent start/stop tolerance for MV drives (83%).

Amanda Pelliccione
Amanda Pelliccione is the Research Director and Project Manager of Awards Programs
for CFE Media and its publications.

Motors & Drives

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