National Power Electronics Conference 2010
The test setup was used to evaluate the 4. Continue integrating position with new speed
parameters of the machine ( La, Ra, J, B, Ke) information. The integration is done in discrete
and is given in the following Table II. steps of duration tstep.
Ra 0.06 [ohm]
La 150 [uH]
J/B 1 [sec]
Ke 0.0228 [V/rad/sec]
Calculation of Speed and Theta
Figure 2 shows the hall sensor output of the
National Power Electronics Conference 2010
National Power Electronics Conference 2010
National Power Electronics Conference 2010
The position estimator starts calculating speed ω Fig 12 : Phase current during transition
and theta as the hall sensor interrupts the
processor. When ω ≥ ω1, the mode of operation
is shifted to PMSM in vector control. Torque CONCLUSION
reference is set by fixing Iq =Iq* and Id is
maintained zero. As seen in figure 8, phase The error in theta goes as high as 6º, especially
currents are sensed and using the calculated at high speeds. If machine acceleration is taken
theta, converted to Id and Iq. The errors (Iq* - Iq) into account and loop time is made lesser, the
and (Id* - Id ) are passed through PI controllers. error will be less.
The output of the controllers Vq* and Vd* is
converted back to voltages in stationary On account of loss of synchronism at low speeds
reference frame and fed to the SVPWM block. and high torque pulsations at high speeds, the
This runs the motor in vector control. position estimator is found suitable in the mid
region (50Hz to 200Hz). Alternate estimation
Fig 11 shows the R phase current and iq during algorithms with better performance are needed at
PMSM mode of operation. iq is almost a low and high speeds. These could be feedback
constant, thus ensuring ripple free torque estimators.
performance. It was observed during testing, that
the machine noise comes down well in this If the rotor angle is calculated properly at high
mode. speeds, the machine can be run above rated
speed in Field weakening mode (id < 0).
National Power Electronics Conference 2010
This approach is not limited to electric vehicle in TVS Motor Company, Hosur, India as an
application. High resolution encoders can be Hardware Engineer for the development of
replaced with low cost hall sensors. The Hybrid two-wheelers. Her areas of interest
algorithm is very easy to implement unlike include power electronics and variable speed
complex sensor less controls. drives.
V. Ramanarayanan
received the B.E. degree
from University of Madras,
Madras, India, in 1970, M.E.
degree from the Indian
Institute of Science,
Bangalore, India, in 1975,
and Ph.D. degree from
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, in
1986. He held positions in industry as Senior
Design Engineer with M/S Larsen and Toubro
Ltd. from 1970 to 1979 and as Chief of Research
and Development with NGEF Ltd. from 1979 to
1982. He is currently a Professor in the
Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian
Institute of Science. He is a Consultant to several
industries in related areas. He also currently
holds the position of Academic Coordinator at the
National Mission on Power Electronics
Technology (NaMPET), India. His areas of
interest are in power electronics, industrial drives,
switched-mode power conversion, and power
quality issues.