The document appears to be listing processes running on a system along with their process ID (PID), memory usage, username of the account they are running under, and uptime. It shows many processes related to system services and processes running under the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM account, including svchost.exe which is a common Windows process host.
The document appears to be listing processes running on a system along with their process ID (PID), memory usage, username of the account they are running under, and uptime. It shows many processes related to system services and processes running under the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM account, including svchost.exe which is a common Windows process host.
The document appears to be listing processes running on a system along with their process ID (PID), memory usage, username of the account they are running under, and uptime. It shows many processes related to system services and processes running under the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM account, including svchost.exe which is a common Windows process host.
The document appears to be listing processes running on a system along with their process ID (PID), memory usage, username of the account they are running under, and uptime. It shows many processes related to system services and processes running under the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM account, including svchost.exe which is a common Windows process host.
Running DESKTOP-B0H6VUP\ivann 0:00:00 Realtek HD Audio Background Process for Vista svchost.exe 5992 Services 0 8.336 KB Unknown NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 0:00:00 N/D