Microbe Mission Science Olympiad Cheat Sheet 2011
Microbe Mission Science Olympiad Cheat Sheet 2011
Microbe Mission Science Olympiad Cheat Sheet 2011
Fluorescence Microscope: Light of known band-width excites a fluorescent molecule in a sample, which is detected when it
emits light of a longer wavelength Scanning Electron Microscope: Electron beam magnifies objects up to two million times
Transmission Electron Microscope: Electron beam passes through very thin specimens
Prion: Proteinaceous infectious particle
Nucleic acids not needed for infectivity
Cellular prion protein (PrPC) is present on the cell surface. The mutant protein, PrPSC has an
altered secondary structure. When PrPSC interacts with the normal protein ,aggregation occurs.
Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease (CJD) Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, Scrapie of sheep,
Shapes: Bacillus(rod) Salmonella, Coccus(Spherical) Sreptococcus,
Spirachete(spiral), vibrio(Comma)
Gram Negative stain: Red thin peptidoglycan Gram Positive: Purple, thick
Bacterial Diseases: Streptococcus, Salmonella, Diptheria, Bacterial Meningitis,
Pneumonia, Cholera, Bubonic plague
Protists: Apicomplexans: Plasmodium, Diplomonads: Giardia, Gymnamoebas,
Parabasalids: Trichomonas, Kinetoplastids: Trypanosoma, Oomycetes: Water
mold, white rust, mildew, Plasmodial (acellular) Slime Molds, Cellular Slime
Molds, Euglenoids: Euglena, Dinoflagellates, Ciliates: Paramecium, Diatoms,
Foraminifera, Radiolarians
Algae body is called Thallus
Uses of Lichens: Natural dyes for wool and fabric, Food for caribou,
Determination of air
Quality, Anti-viral and anti- bacterial medications, Litmus paper dye
Fungal Infections: Superficial, localized skin conditions or deep tissue infections • Caused
by exposure to spores • May or may not be transmitted • Categorized by: part of the body affected
• how deeply the fungus penetrates the body, the organism causing the infection, the form(s) that
the fungi take
Superficial:Yeast infection Candida albicans and other species of Candida:
Due to the overgrowth of yeast which are part of the normal flora; thrush
(mouth), diaper rash
Fungal (dermatophyte) Trichophyton, Microsporum, and Epidermophyton
Fungus feeds on keratin. Causes reddening, peeling, blistering, and scaling of
the skin, itching, deformation and brittleness of affected nails, and brittle hair.
Systemic (deep): Aspergillosis, caused by Aspergillus fumigatus or several
other Aspergillus species: Fungi commonly found in soil, plants, and house
dust. They can cause fungal masses in the sinuses and lungs and, in some
cases, can spread to the brain and bones.
Spores: Produced by bacteria, protists and fungi, Resting stage formed under
conditions of stress, Asexual reproduction, Resistant to
temperature,chemicals and desiccation
Cysts: Dormant stage of bacteria or protist, Thick walls, Protective, Resistant to chemicals,
desiccation and UV light, but not high temperature, No reproductive function, Cause water-borne
Microbe Growth Curves Phases of Growth: Lag: Microbes adapt to new environment, Cell population
does not increase Log: Microbes start dividing, Population increases exponentially Stationary: Steady
state Cell division approx. = Cell death Decline/death:Depletion of nutrients Increase in waste
products Conditions inhospitable, leading to cell death
Baker’s Yeast Cilliates(stuff w/ cilia) Ameobas