Semester Learning Program: English For Specific Purposes
Semester Learning Program: English For Specific Purposes
Semester Learning Program: English For Specific Purposes
Subject : English for Specific Purposes Semester : Seven Code : MKK-D734 Credits :3
Program : English Education Program, UNINDRA Lecturer : Dr. Gustaman Saragih, S.S., M.Pd.
Course Learning Outcomes : The students will be able to: (1) comprehend the concept of English for Specific Purposes, how people learn and what people learn, (2) design
courses to meet the learners’ needs especially English courses. They will be expected to become professional teachers in teaching and learning
Sessions Learning Outcomes Learning Materials Learning Activities Scoring Criteria Scoring (%) Task
Students are able to describe the The answer is clear and
Introduction to English for Specific
essence of English for Specific complete.
What is English for Specific Purposes. Presentation, Discussion.
The students will be able to
1 The Origin and The characteristic of Question and Answer sessions 10 % Lecturer
know What English for Specific
English for Specific Purposes Summing up
Purposes is.
The Origin and Characteristic
of ESP.
Students are able to explain The answer is clear and
The Growth of English for Specific Presentation, Discussion,
the Growth of English for complete.
Purposes as an Approach. Question and Answer sessions
2 Specific Purposes as an 5% Group 1
Summing up
Students are able to choose the The Syllabus Presentation, Discussion, The answer is clear and
8 appropriate syllabus in Question and Answer sessions complete. 15 % Group 6
designing the Course. Summing up
Choosing Appropriate Materials. Deal
Students are able to choose the Presentation, Discussion
with character, no corruption and no The answer is clear and
9 suitable materials to meet the Question and Answer sessions 5% Group 7
drugs complete.
students’ needs. Summing up
Presentation. Discussion, The answer is clear and
Students are able to write
10 Formulation of Objectives Question and Answer sessions complete. 5% Group 8
Formulation of Objectives well.
Summing up
Students are able to write the Presentation. Discussion, The answer is clear and
Organization of Learning Materials
11 organization of Learning Question and Answer sessions complete. 10 % Group 9
Materials in the program. Summing up
Students are able to design the Presentation. Discussion, The answer is clear and
12 valid and reliable evaluation.., Evaluation, Assessment and Test Question and Answer sessions complete. 5% Group 10
assessment and test. Summing up
Students are able to The answer is clear and
Presentation. Discussion,
comprehend the Responsibility The Responsibility and Role of ESP complete.
13 Question and Answer sessions 5% Group 11
and some roles of ESP teacher
Summing up
14 Final Semester Test
NB. 1.Obligatory book: English for Specific Purposes, Progressive Learning Materials by Gustaman Saragih, Elyza Martiarini, Asti Ramadhani, and La
Ode Hampu. Unindra Press. 2020. (This book can be found at “ Koperasi Unindra “ Jl. Raya Tengah, Pasar Rebo ( 0815.1107.5850) or via
Tokopedia, on line). Every student should have the book before learning process starts. Take the book with you to every meeting.
2. Learning by the rules; attending lecturers regularly and seriously will get a comprehensive competence of this subject.
3. LEARN TODAY, REACH THE FUTURE. Jakarta, September 9, 2021
Dr. Gustaman Saragih, S.S.,M.Pd.