2 Yelandur

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Environmental Geochemistry (ISSN 0972-0383), Vol.15, No.2, pp.

37-41, 2012


*Basavarajappa.H.T., Pushpavathi.K.N., Manjunatha.M.C, Satish.M.V, Dinakar.S., and

Department of Studies in Earth Science, University of Mysore, Manasagangothri, Mysore-570006

*[email protected]

Abstract: Geological and Geomorphological mapping was carried out in Yelandur taluk, Chamarajanagara district,
Karnataka State through visual interpretation of IRS-1D, PAN+LISS-III and geocoded data prepared by SOI-year 2001
on 1:50,000 Scale. Various litho units such as peninsular gneisses, dykes and Charnockites of Archean age were
mapped using GIS analysis. The general trends of majority of the lineaments are towards NNW and N10-150E. Major
identified geomorphic units are denudational hills, pediments, inselbergs, shallow & moderately weathered pediplains
and valleys were demarcated. Different land forms under each geomorphic unit were also mapped.

Keywords: Yelandur, Geology, Geomorphology, Remote Sensing & GIS.

INTRODUCTION (Pushpavathi.K.N., 2010). The plain country

forming the western portion made up of gneiss and
The satellites imageries are useful in reconnoiter the hilly terrain forming the eastern portion and is
assessment of geomorphic and geological features. composed of Charnockite rocks. These rocks are
Remote sensing which a primarily based on intruded by variety of dyke rocks. River
principle of physics is the science and art of Suvarnavathi flows south west to northeast
acquiring information about an object or direction in the central part of the study area
phenomena without physically coming in contact (Dinakar.s., 2005). The Biligirirangana hill is
with it (Rao, 2002). Several aspects of covered with thick forest with the height of 5091
geomorphology are embedded in geological feet above MSL and has width of 16kms at the base
processes certain natural processes are responsible to the south. It covers wasteland area of about
for land forms on the earth’s surface 10.10 Sqkms comprising barren rock/ stony waste/
(Basavarajappa et al., 2008). The geology of the and sheet rock.
study area has been studied by earlier workers
(Srikantappa et al., 1992; Basavarajappa et al., Climate and rainfall: The climate of the study
1992; Janardhan et al., 1994, Basavarajappa et al, area is semi-arid. The temperature varies from
1996, 1999, 2000, Srikantappa et al., 1999, 2000., 15.50C (Dec) –34.60C (Jan-2010). The average
Sathish 2003, Dinakar 2005). The earlier studies rainfall is 793mm (31.70 inches) and 894.1mm
were under taken in the study area in a from last three decades. Kharif season or Hain
conventional method. The present study was (Mungaru) start from June and ending in
undertaken to investigate geology and September (south-west monsoon season), Rabi
geomorphology of Yelandur taluk using Remote season or Hingaru, start from October and ending
Sensing and conventional data. Suvarnavathi is the in December (North-East monsoon) and summer
main river in the taluk which enters at Ambale season (Kar) starts from January to April.
village and exits the taluk at the North-East towards
Kollegal taluk.
Vegetation: It covers only 3.84% of forest area in
Location: The study area is bounded by North the district. The main crops of the taluk are paddy,
latitudes 110 42’ to 120 09’ and East longitudes 760 sugarcane, coconut, areca nut and
57’ to 770 09’ falling in Survey of India toposheet Sericulture/Mulberry. The existence of forests help
no’s 57H/4 and 58E/1 on 1:50,000 scale and the economy in various ways as it provides raw
located at the centre of Chamarajanagara district materials for industries like paper, Rayson saw
(Fig.1). It covers an area of 265 Sqkms and an mills, safety matches and sandalwood
average elevation of 555 m (1820 feet) (Pushpavathi.K.N., 2010).
38 H. T. Basavarajappa and others

controlling the drainage density are geology,

infiltration capacity of soil, vegetation cover and
Geomorphology: The landforms are delineated as potential evapotranspiration.
denudational hills, plateaus, pediments, inselbergs,
shallow & moderately weathered pediplains and Lithology: Geologically, the terrain confirms to an
valley (Fig.2). Denudational hills are formed due to ancient Archean complex (3.4 b.y old) (Srikantappa
differential erosion and weathering, forming a more & Basavarajappa 1997). Lithological map was
resistant or intrusion which stands as derived from published geological map (GSI-1995)
mountains/hills (Dinakar.S, 2008). Charnockite and updated using satellite data. The area consist of
rocks occur as continuous range of varying height. hard crystalline rocks mainly peninsular gneiss and
Pediments are rock floured plains in the uplands Charnockite of the Archean age (Basavarajappa et
and areas adjacent to hills. Groundwater al, Srikantappa et al, 1999, Pushpavathi.K.N.,
prospecting in the pediments can be considered as 2010) and are intruded by dolerite dykes of
normal to poor (Sankar, 2002, Dinakar 2005). Proterozoic age. Gneiss is medium grained with
Inselbergs occurs in the form as residual isolated varying color of grey and pink occupies northwest
barren or rocky, smooth and rounded small hill part with fractures, faults and joints (Dinakar.S.,
(mostly conical) standing above ground level 2007). Charnockite rocks occupy southeastern part
surrounded by pediplains (Sathish et al 2008). forming the hill ranges (Fig.3). The main unit of
Moderately weathered pediplains is the flat surface Biligirirangana hill range is the high land
with good weathered profile covering thick Charnockite rocks, low land gneissic rocks with
vegetation. Shallow weathered pediplains having metasediments and in-between these two units
less weathered profile with sparse vegetation with Charnockites-gneiss mixed zone (KSZ) exists
groundwater availability at elevated ground. (Basavarajappa et al., 1992, 1999, Srikantappa et
al, 1999). They are well defined joint system and
are dissected by the number of intrusions. Both the
Drainage: Information about the drainage
formations and intruded by dykes of basic
characteristics is essential for the determination of
composition and the amphibolites occur as small
linear and aerial aspects of the basin (Sathish.et al,
and narrow lenticular patches in gneissic rocks
2008). Drainage provides a basis to understand
(Pushpavathi.K.N., 2010).
initial slope, inequalities in rock hardness,
structural control, recent diastrophism, geological Lineament: The term lineament was originally
and geomorphological history of the drainage basin used by Hobbs (1904), to describe linear features
(Thronburym 1957; Strahler 1969). Various factors that are “significant lines of landscape” although
put together influence the regimen, stability, forms linear features had been discussed since the 1800’s
and distribution of river system, streams and (Hadgson., 1961). Lineaments are the linear
surface water bodies (Melton, 1957). The area is alignments of structural, lithological, vegetational,
drained by Suvarnavathi and its tributary Hebba drainage anomalies etc., either straight lines or as
halla, which in turn drain into river Cauvery curvilinear features. Lineament map was generated
(Fig.6). Drainages are dendritic to sub-dendritic by image processing technique. Lineaments have
with general stream flow direction from southwest been traced which varies from a few meters to
to northeast (Sathish.et al 2008). The major factors kilometers (Fig.5).
Mapping and integration of geology, geomorphological landforms of Yelandur, Karnataka 39

The general trends of majority of these lineaments

are towards NNW and N10-150E direction
(Dinakar. S., 2007). Lineaments provide the
pathways for groundwater movement and are
hydrogeologically very important (Sankar et al.,
1996). The lineament analysis of the area from
remotely sensed data provides important
information on subsurface fractures that may
control the movement and storage of groundwater
(Pradeep Raj et al., 1996). Identification and
analysis of underground fractures and concealed
lineaments are crucial in hard rock terrains
(Mondal et al., 2008, Basavarajappa et al., 2008).

Soil: Different types of soil present in the study

area are clayey, clayey mixed and clayey skeletal
(Dinakar.S., 2007). Soil map of the study area is
derived from 1:250,000 scale soil map of
Karnataka prepared by NBSS & LUP
(Pushpavathi., 2010). Valley zones are the stream
course with accumulation of highly porous and
permeable alluvial/colluvial material, sand and
gravel. The soils are derived from Granitic gneisses
and Charnockite rocks. Soil depth shows wide
variation in terms of image characteristics, nature
& extent of different geomorphic units. The
thickness of the soil varies from less than a meter to
6.5m, these are clayey mixed and black in colour. It
contains high moisture content.

Land use/cover: Land use refers to the activities

on land, which are directly related to land
(Anderson et al., 1976). Land cover refers to
natural vegetation, water bodies, soil, rocks,
artificial cover and others resulting due to land
transformation (NRSA 1990). Visual interpretation
of IRS-1D LISS III FCC of band 2, 3, 4 on
1:50,000 scale was carried out and various land
use/cover categories were delineated. The land
use/cover classes like agricultural land built-up
area, forest cover, grass/grazing land, wasteland
(salt-affected land, barren rock/stony waste) etc
were identified and delineated (Fig.7). Water
bodies were delineated based on the image
characteristics like tone, texture, shape, association,
background, etc. Forest area occupies the hilly
terrain of southeastern part, while agriculture land
occupies the northeastern part of low lying areas
(Dinakar.S., 2007; Basavarajappa et al., 2009). The
different litho units in the study area are
Charnockites, migmatites, amphibolites which may
help in identifying the wasteland zones
(Pushpavathi.K.N., 2010). Huge numbers of
eucalyptus plantation were identified in the central
part of the study area.
40 H. T. Basavarajappa and others

have more precise and correct information about

various factors involved in the geological and geo-
morphological landforms (Dinakar, 2005, Sathish,
2003, Basavarajappa et al., 1996., Basavarajappa et
al., 2008; Pushpavathi.K.N., 2010, Basavarajappa
et al., 2012). Thematic maps in respect of geology,
geomorphology, drainage, lineament, land
use/cover have been prepared by standard visual
interpretation techniques, digitization,
computational purpose and performing union using
ARC-GIS analysis (Dinakar., 2005; Honnegowda.,
2008) and integrating geomorphology, lithology,
soil, lineament, land use/cover and drainage along
with taluk boundary.


The total extent of the study area is 265 Sqkms

with an average elevation of 555 m (1820 feet).
The climate of the study area is semi-arid. The
main crops of the taluk are paddy, sugarcane,
coconut, areca nut and Sericulture/Mulberry.
Geologically, the area is mainly composed of two
major rock formations confirming the ancient
Archean complex. Suvarnavathi is the main river in
the taluk which enters at Ambale village and exits
the taluk at the North-East towards Kollegal taluk.
The general trends of the majority of the lineaments
are NNW and N100E direction. Drainages are
dendritic to sub-dendritic with general stream flow
direction from southwest to northeast. The plain
country forming the western portion made up of
gneiss and the hilly terrain forming the eastern
portion is composed of Charnockite rocks. The
landforms that are delineated in the present study
are denudational hills, plateaus, pediments,
inselbergs, shallow & moderately weathered
pediplains and valley. Charnockite rocks occupy
southeastern part forming the hill ranges. Different
types of soil present in the study area are clayey,
clayey mixed and loamy skeletal. The land
use/cover classes like built-up land, agricultural
land, fallow land, plantation, wasteland, water
bodies, forest area occupies the hilly terrain of
southeastern part, while agriculture land occupies
the northeastern part of low lying areas. Thematic
map was created by integrating geology,
geomorphology, drainage, lineament, soil,
landuse/cover and taluk boundary to obtain
accurate and effective results. These data can be
utilized for further detailed investigation.
Acknowledgement: The Authors are indepthly
Integration: The different thematic layers which acknowledged Prof. B. Basavalingu, Chairman, DOS in
are derived from satellite and collateral data are Earth Science, University of Mysore, Mysore and UGC,
integrated using GIS analysis and is essential to New Delhi.
Mapping and integration of geology, geomorphological landforms of Yelandur, Karnataka 41

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