Adventure Rebel Jedi
Adventure Rebel Jedi
Adventure Rebel Jedi
By JD Wiker
DESIGN “Rebel Jedi” is a Star Wars Roleplaying Game miniadven-
JD WIKER ture for four player characters of 15th level, set about 12
years after the Battle of Yavin. The heroes should be at least
EDITING sympathetic to the New Republic, but they don’t need to be
RAY AND VALERIE VALLESE actual Rebels. The adventure assumes that the heroes would
be willing to help Jedi Master Luke Skywalker track down
TYPESETTING and apprehend a rogue Jedi, without payment. If the heroes
NANCY WALKER are a bit more mercenary than that, you might have to
adjust the specifics. The party should include at least one
Force-user, though that character needn’t be a Jedi.
JULIA MARTIN If you plan to play a character in this adventure, don’t read
any further. The information below is meant for the
Gamemaster’s eyes only.
To play this adventure, you need a copy of the Star Wars
ART DIRECTION Roleplaying Game revised core rulebook and the Galactic
ROB RAPER Campaign Guide. A copy of Starships of the Galaxy, The
Dark Side Sourcebook, and the Power of the Jedi
LUCAS LICENSING EDITOR Sourcebook might come in handy as well, but they are not
Adjusting for Level and Era “Greetings,” says the young Jedi Master. “I’m Luke
The level and era of “Rebel Jedi” can be adjusted as you see Skywalker, for those of you who don’t know me. I
fit. The events could just as easily take place during the thank you for coming so quickly. Please come with me
Clone Wars, with battle droids and super battle droids to the dining hall, where we can talk.”
taking the place of stormtroopers, or during the Yuuzhan
Luke leads the group into the Great Temple, where a young,
Vong invasion, with the heroes striving against Peace
dark-haired Human male (Kyp Durron, one of Luke’s most
Brigade agitators in Vong-friendly territory. Perhaps the
promising students) is just finishing laying out refresh-
only era that doesn’t really work at all is during the Galactic
ments—simple fare, little better than military rations with
Civil War itself, before Luke Skywalker has begun training
some fresh fruit thrown in. After everyone’s had a chance to
students (and there are no other Jedi Masters available to
refresh themselves, Luke explains why he needs their help.
do so).
If the heroes average higher than 15th level (or if there “One of my students may have become seduced by the
are more than four of them), you should give Dal additional dark side. Dal Konur was a lieutenant in the Rebel
levels of soldier or elite trooper to make sure he’s a suitable Alliance’s special forces until about two months ago,
challenge. when we discovered that he had Force potential. He
came here for training, and he had a natural gift for
clouding weak minds—which is why, I suspect, he was
Getting the so good at infiltration in SpecForce.
Characters Involved “But Dal came here with an agenda. He’s still very
much a soldier, and he wants to see the end of the war
If the heroes aren’t sympathetic to the New Republic and
with the Empire. Unfortunately, Dal doesn’t want to
don’t really care about a wayward Jedi student, this adven- wait for our two governments to arrange a lasting
ture isn’t for them. But if they’re liable to respond to a call peace. He told me that a surgical strike by Jedi Knights
for assistance from Master Skywalker or the New Republic, at the ruling council of Moffs would leave the Empire
they can easily be contacted by Luke (or anyone else in the without leaders, allowing the New Republic to move in
New Republic hierarchy with whom they might previously and neutralize the entire Imperial fleet.
have dealt) and asked to visit Yavin 4 as soon as possible. “Unfortunately, I couldn’t support any plan involving
If the heroes are the mercenary type, or if, for some the assassination of sentient beings, so I advised Dal to
reason, they don’t get along well with Skywalker, they reconsider. Apparently, he did—just not in the way I’d
should receive a transmission from New Republic Chief of hoped. I found notes in Dal’s room that suggested he
State Leia Organa Solo, promising them a suitable reward might have been exploring the ruins of some of Yavin
4’s old Sith temples. If so, he may have come into
(say, 15,000 credits each) to assist the Jedi Academy. And if
contact with—or perhaps been seduced by—a dark side
they’re really being greedy, she promises them 3,000 credits spirit. We’ve had a bit of trouble with one here before.
each just to go hear what Luke has to say. If so, if he’s on his way to use the dark side to defeat
the Empire, he may unwittingly unleash an even
The Heroes’ Ship greater evil.
Quite likely, a group of 15th-level heroes already have their “I need you to stop him. But gently, please. He’s a
own ship. The adventure might not work as well if the student, and a friend, and he doesn’t deserve to be
heroes have a capital ship at their disposal (depending on killed or maimed just for trying to end a war the only
the model) or a particularly large space transport. way he knows how. Will you go after Dal Konur and
bring him back before he does something we’ll all
If the heroes don’t have their own ship, Luke can arrange
with the New Republic to loan them a small freighter: a
YT-1300, if the GM doesn’t have another ship in mind. For
that matter, if their ship is particularly noticeable, Luke More Information
encourages them to use something less likely to gather If the heroes accept, Luke says that he can’t offer much in
attention. the way of help. “I can give you a few supplies—and some
stun grenades, in case you get close enough to use them—
but I can’t go with you. Dal would detect my presence in
Scene 1: Interview the Force as soon as I got close, and with his abilities, he
with the Jedi Master could disappear before I ever saw him. But he doesn’t know
The heroes can set down (either in their ship or in a shuttle) you, so you might have a better chance of catching him by
on Yavin 4 on a broad, flat area in front of the ancient surprise.”
Great Temple—the very place from which, a dozen years If the heroes have more questions, the GM can use the
before, the Rebel Alliance launched its tiny contingent of following information to supply answers:
starfighters to attack and ultimately destroy the original Where was he last seen? Dal was last seen here at
Death Star. The makeshift landing pad is clear of other the school, but Peckhum, the freighter pilot who brings
craft, and the landing itself goes smoothly. But as soon as supplies to the Academy, found himself in an Ord Mantell
the heroes emerge from their ship, they see Luke Skywalker cantina, with no recollection of having landed there. Luke
waiting for them. believes that Dal stowed away aboard Peckhum’s ship, then
used a Jedi mind trick to get the old pilot to take him
where he wanted to go. That spaceport is as good a place as The Mud Puddle
any to start looking. Aptly named, the Mud Puddle, a former speeder garage
How skilled is Dal Konur as a Jedi? Dal had converted to a cantina, sits beside a small, murky pond, part
picked up a few tricks by himself over the years, but here at of which blocks the entrance. If you want to walk in, your
the Academy, he mostly practiced the basics. He had a gift feet are going to get wet. The clientele are almost entirely
for the Jedi mind trick, however. locals, and they gaze in undisguised suspicion at any
Does Dal have a lightsaber? He hadn’t been at the stranger who walks through the door. GMs can use the
school long enough to learn how to build his own, but he’s cantina map on page 53 of the Galactic Campaign Guide
clever and resourceful, so Luke wouldn’t put it past Dal to as a reference.
know where he could get one. Dal Konur came here because one of the regulars, a man
named Arthen Brutt (at one time a smuggler, until his ship
Getting Under Way broke down) claimed to have made a few trips into the
If the heroes don’t have their own nonlethal weapons, Luke ruins of Mount Tantiss, on Wayland, before the New
Skywalker offers them two stun batons and a case of a Republic moved in and shut the place down. Brutt carried
dozen stun grenades (from supplies left after the Rebels away a good-sized haul of Old Republic artifacts, but he
departed). “When you find Dal, don’t hesitate to use these. was never able to get them off Wayland—where they still
He’s a professional soldier, and he won’t give you an oppor- rest, stored away in a warehouse. With a little Jedi persua-
tunity to subdue him. I don’t want you to hurt him, but sion, Dal got the location of the warehouse out of the
he’s not likely to feel the same way about you.” smuggler and departed for Wayland.
Assuming the heroes don’t need anything that the The heroes can use Gather Information (DC 15 and 100
Academy can provide (which isn’t all that much, really), credits) or some other means of persuasion to learn that a
Luke sees them off. man fitting Dal Konur’s description showed up here about a
week ago with Old Peckhum, and then had a long conversa-
tion with Arthen Brutt. No one overhead the
Scene 2: Ord Mantell conversation—the stranger made it clear that he didn’t want
Ord Mantell is a good day-and-a-half’s journey through
anybody else around—but Brutt later said that the stranger
hyperspace from Yavin 4. It is technically part of the New
had seemed interested in financing repairs to Brutt’s ship,
Republic, but being so close to Imperial space, it gets a fair
for a share of the profits.
share of nonmilitary Imperial traffic—as well as a large
Brutt (a mid-level smuggler; see Chapter 14: Allies and
number of smugglers. The orbital space station known as
Opponents, in the revised core rulebook) is happy to talk
the Jubilee Wheel is a popular attraction for spacers, but the
about his conversation with the stranger, provided the
heroes’ destination is the Mud Puddle cantina on Ord
heroes buy him a few drinks. He repeats the information
Mantell’s surface.
above, and says that the man had seemed sincerely inter-
ested in getting Brutt back on his feet. The man had left,
saying he would return in a few weeks. “But I must have
JEDI CHARACTERS AND THE ACADEMY been pretty drunk,” Brutt says, “because I can’t remember
his name to save my life.”
The smuggler can offer no other information; his recol-
If any of the heroes are Force-Sensitive, Skywalker remarks on
lection of the conversation is rather hazy. However, if the
004 this fact. “I hadn’t heard that you had Jedi training,” he says.
heroes ask about what was in the warehouse, Brutt says that
“Perhaps, when things are a little less chaotic, we can share what
it was “some relics from the last days of the Old Republic:
we’ve both learned. I may be the teacher here, but I’m also a
sculptures, some paintings, old datapads, a few old blasters,
student.” If the hero is agreeable, Luke even suggests that they
and some droid parts.”
spar—with lightsabers set on low power, of course—to give each
other a good challenge. “Some of my students here—Keiran
Local Trouble
Halcyon and Kam Solusar in particular—are gifted lightsaber
As the heroes are finishing up their talk with Brutt, several
duelists, but neither has all that much experience as yet.”
locals come in, and though they’re jovial enough at first,
Should a hero accept Luke’s offer, the sparring takes place on
their mood turns sour when they see the heroes. “You,” says
the landing pad, and if the hero wins, Luke takes it in good grace.
the lead local, pointing at Brutt. “Out.” Brutt complies
He comments on the hero’s fighting style, no matter who wins,
(assuming the heroes let him), and the local, a big man with
and asks about the hero’s experiences with the Force. If the hero
a tattoo of a Mantellian savrip on his chest, turns his atten-
seems amenable, Luke asks if he or she would be interested in
tion to the heroes. “I reckon these are the ones, boys,” he
teaching, at least part time, at the Academy. “I can’t always be
says to his companions. “Remember: We don’t have to kill
here, and it’s unfair to always rely on Kam and Tionne to fill in. It
them—we just have to make sure they don’t leave Ord
wouldn’t be a full-time commitment—unless that’s what you
Mantell any time soon.” With that, the locals produce an
want—but I’d appreciate any help you could give.” If the hero
assortment of melee weapons and a few battered, late-
spends at least a few weeks at some point training at the
and one of the other thugs carry the blaster pistols; every- knows each and every one of his customers by smell, and
one else has either a club or a knife. They aren’t really a none of the heroes are Arthen Brutt. “If you are not the
match for the heroes, but that’s not the point. Their leader owner, you do not gain access. Rules.” He refuses to be
is under the effect of one of Dal Konur’s Jedi mind tricks, bribed, though a good Bluff might get by him. If all else
led to believe that anyone who came around to question fails, there’s always Affect Mind.
Arthen Brutt was a New Republic official looking to put a Flissar is particularly anxious about this particular ware-
stop to savrip hunting (which has been marginally illegal for house because he thinks someone tried to break into it
the past few decades, though the Empire barely enforced about five days ago. The Noghri never saw anyone, but he
that particular law). Since these locals make their living had the distinct feeling that someone was inside the ware-
hunting savrips, they naturally want to ensure that no New house compound. His keys even disappeared for a time.
Republic bureaucrats threaten their livelihoods. Flissar was on his way to call the New Nystao police when
Once the fight is over—if the heroes didn’t use some other he found his keys lying on the ground near his guard
method to avoid a tussle—the heroes can pick up all of this station. The whole matter was very confusing, and he’s
information from the bartender. “It’s all they’ve been talking determined not to let anything like it happen again.
about since that stranger was here. It doesn’t make any Even if the heroes gain access to the warehouse in ques-
sense to me, that the New Republic would choose that tion, it’s a dead end. Certainly, it’s filled with art and
particular law to start enforcing on this backwater planet, treasures from a dozen Empire-plundered cultures, and they
but those guys sure thought it sounded reasonable. I guess find pretty clear indications that several crates have been
I should report this, but you seem like nice people, so I’ll removed, but there’s no information inside regarding where
wait until after you’ve had a chance to clear out.” Dal Konur might have gone next. For that, they’ll need to
What the bartender isn’t telling them is that he, too, had look at the rental records for the past week. A cursory check
a conversation with the stranger, with clear instructions to (DC 20 Computer Use) reveals that a Human named Streen
place a personal ad in a Bilbringi news service should other rented the warehouse next to Arthen Brutt’s the day before
strangers come in and tangle with the local savrip-hunters— the incident Flissar described, and then closed the account
especially if any of the strangers seemed like they might be the next day. Everything that was in that warehouse was
Jedi. Dal Konur has used what little Jedi training he has to picked up by a shipping service (Hyperspeed Express).
make sure not only that anyone who pursues him is slowed
down, but also that he hears about it. Hyperspeed Express
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the clerk at Hyperspeed Express is
also a Noghri (a mid-level administrator; see Chapter 14 of
Scene 3: On to Wayland the revised core rulebook), and she’s similarly reluctant to
With the lead that Dal Konur was asking questions about a
share information. Unless the heroes can produce a New
warehouse on Wayland, the heroes should be prepared to
Republic court order, countersigned by the local magistrate,
make Wayland their next stop. They can bribe or mind-trick
instructing her to cooperate, the Noghri (Smekt by name)
the warehouse’s location out of Brutt (he’s not hard to find,
has no intention of breaking company policy. “For all I
once the local thugs have been dealt with), or they can use
know, you are Imperial Intelligence,” Smekt tells the heroes.
Computer Use (DC 20) to check records on Wayland and
“No good.”
find out which warehouses Brutt had rented.
The heroes can use tactics on Smekt similar to those used
Dal did, in fact, come to this warehouse, using stealth
on Flissar, or they can make arrangements to get the court
and a mind trick or two to get past the guard long enough
order she’s requesting (which takes a lightning-fast three
to search the boxes and crates inside. Eventually, he found
days). Once she’s willing to give up the information, she
what he wanted: several crates of Old Republic-era
says that “Streen” was a young Human male with a military
weapons—and the lightsaber of a long-dead Jedi Knight.
smell about him. He paid with a cashier’s check drawn on a
What he couldn’t carry, he transferred to another warehouse
local account, and had all of his freight shipped to a
in the same complex, and then came back during normal
Hyperspeed Express drop office at the Bilbringi orbital ship-
business hours to remove the stuff, as legal as could be.
yards. “I actually have another package here that I’m
supposed to ship to him.”
The Warehouse
If the heroes convince her to show them the package,
The warehouse in question is just one in a row of feature-
they might be surprised to find that it’s an empty envelope.
less, newly constructed warehouses in New Nystao, the
Once again, Dal has used a Jedi mind trick to arrange for an
unofficial “capitol” of Wayland since the destruction of
update on his hunters’ progress. Unless the heroes take the
nearby Mount Tantiss. Still little more than a prefabricated
entire envelope away from her, Smekt dutifully reseals it and
village, New Nystao is populated by Humans, local Psadans
sends it on to the Bilbringi drop office.
and Myneyrsh, and a sizeable contingent of Noghri
displaced from their homeworld of Honoghr. But as the
main starport on the planet, New Nystao is growing quickly. Scene 4: Finally, Bilbringi
The heroes can find the warehouse with a great deal of The Bilbringi system, in the Inner Rim Territories, has been
ease, but getting in past Flissar, the Noghri caretaker, under New Republic control only since the Battle of
requires some work. Flissar (treat him as a mid-level Bilbringi, which occurred a few years ago. In that battle, the
Republic Peace Officer; see Chapter 14 of the revised core forces of Grand Admiral Thrawn were finally vanquished.
rulebook) not only takes his job very seriously, but also But while the Bilbringi shipyards were used as a depot by
the Empire, commercial ships (both the legal and the illegal reveals that the one matching Lar-Quain’s description is in
kind) have always been allowed there. Hangar Bay 631-D.
The very fact that many of the ships that visit Bilbringi
were originally registered under the Empire is why Dal Konur
is here. Dal wants to buy a small, one-man freighter that can
Scene 5: Hangar Bay 631-D
Dal Konur has been busy getting his new ship ready for his
slip into Imperial space relatively unchallenged. Unfortunately
trip into Imperial space, but not so busy that he hasn’t had
for him, such ships aren’t as common at Bilbringi as they
time to prepare the hangar bay for intruders. Using the
once were, and so he wasn’t able to procure an appropriate
hangar bay map from page 61 of the Galactic Campaign
craft until about the same time the heroes arrived. Now it’s a
Guide (note the nonstandard scale), Dal’s Firespray-31 is
question of whether they can locate his new ship before he
resting on the landing grid closest to the personnel entrance
has it prepped for his trip into Imperial space.
(Grid 1). The other two grids have no ships; the middle grid
(Grid 2) is stacked high with crates and barrels, and Grid 3 is
The HE Drop Office
retracted down into the deck (see below).
The Hyperspeed Express office at the Bilbringi shipyards is
Among Dal Konur’s other preparations are the following:
located off the shipyards’ main habitation area, in a semi-
industrial office “park” area. The office is run by an
Landing Grid 2
extremely helpful Rodian female named Zindra. She tells the
Dal has deliberately created a great deal of cover on Grid 2;
heroes that she really isn’t supposed to give them informa-
should someone come after him while he’s still in the
tion from the company computer, but her boss isn’t in right
hangar bay, they’re liable to take advantage of all the boxes
now, and the heroes seem like they really need it.
and barrels (which provide up to full cover, the way they’re
Unfortunately, the records in her computer aren’t all that
arranged). The barrels, however, are loaded with liquid fuel
informative: The recipient of the cargo sent a Sullustan
(see page 61 of the Galactic Campaign Guide). And four of
dockworker with a hover cart to pick everything up. Since
the crates, arranged at equal distances around the landing
there are hundreds of independent dockworkers making a
grid, contain Clone War surplus droidekas (see Chapter 15:
living by running errands for the ship crews that come
Droids, in the revised core rulebook), rigged to deploy as
through the shipyards, finding out exactly which of them it
soon as their crates are opened. And just in case the crates
was could take days.
don’t accidentally break open during any fighting, Dal has a
At this point, the heroes can try a few different tactics to
thermal detonator attached to one of the barrels, rigged to
find Dal Konur:
explode by remote control. (Dal can remotely activate the
detonator as a move action.)
Gather Information (Dal Konur)
To make matters worse, Dal has bypassed the controls for
Describing Dal Konur to various people around the docks
both grids. As a move action, he can press a button on the
allows the heroes to make a Gather Information check (DC
remote he carries, causing Grid 2 to rapidly plunge 50
15, 100 credits), but it’s no use; no one can remember
meters down, and Grid 3 to simultaneously rise back up to
seeing anyone who looked like that. Even the dock officials
the level of the deck.
can’t recall someone fitting that description. (Dal has been
Characters at the bottom of the 50-meter shaft can try to
using Hide and Affect Mind to get to and from his hangar.)
climb out using the ladder rungs built into one wall of the
shaft (Climb, DC 5), or they can look for a lift to bring them
Gather Information (Dockworker)
006 Making Gather Information checks (DC 25, 500 credits) to
back up. The nearest lift is 200 meters down the largest of
three maintenance tunnels, and it brings the character up in
track down the dockworker rapidly turns out to be a dead
the next hangar—a 500-meter walk back to entrance to
end. The dockworker was Rian Vitt, but he can’t remember
hangar bay 631-D.
to which dock he delivered the crates, or who paid him for
the job. He jokes that ordinarily, he’d say this because he
Landing Grid 3
was looking for a bribe, but this time, he honestly can’t
Dal has lowered this landing grid 50 meters down to the
recall. (Dal used Affect Mind on Rian Vitt to keep him from
level of the maintenance tunnels, and arranged four E-Web
remembering which hangar bay Dal was in.)
blasters on it, each controlled by an automated sentry
system (bypassing the need for the usual crew). Set on
Gather Information (Memory Loss)
autofire mode, each E-Web has five attacks per round, at
Because Dal Konur has relied heavily on Affect Mind to
+5/+5/+5/+0/–5. In most cases, this means that they’ll only
make people forget that they’ve seen him, it might occur to
hit on a natural 20. (On a natural 1, an automated E-Web
the heroes to ask around about anyone who’s displaying
accidentally attacks another E-Web, destroying it.)
symptoms of memory loss. This check (DC 25, 500 credits)
Between the four of them, the E-Web blasters cover
turns up a Human freighter captain named Jest Lar-Quain.
nearly all of the hangar bay. Each is hooked into the hangar
Captain Lar-Quain recently sold his Firespray-31 to some-
bay’s security cameras, and the system is programmed so
one, but he can’t remember who, and though he swears he
that they attack anyone (except Dal Konur) who uses a
Overhead Control Center But if the heroes try in any way to stop Dal, read the
From the overhead control center, the hangar bay controller following aloud (and feel free to trim it down to the last
can raise and lower the landing grids, lock or unlock the paragraph if the heroes attack without first talking to Dal):
doors, raise and lower the turbolifts, operate the docking
gantries, and activate or deactivate the magnetic field lead- “I should have known. You’ve got Luke’s ‘black-and-
ing into space. (Deactivating it would create a vacuum in white’ view of life. You think that the Force should
the hangar bay.) never be used aggressively. Well, that might be true in
peacetime, but not in wartime. You do what you have
Not wanting to be at the mercy of the controller, Dal has
to do, if it will stop more unnecessary bloodshed. But I
used Affect Mind to convince each shift’s controller to guess the truth is lost on you.
reroute control of the hangar bay’s functions to a remote, “So be it.” Dal’s hand jerks downward, and with a
which Dal now carries. Restoring control to the control distinctive snap-hiss, he’s suddenly holding a
center requires first a Disable Device check (DC 25), lightsaber, with a blade so dark blue that it appears
followed by a Computer Use check (DC 35). Each check almost black. “Let’s get this over with.”
requires a full round.