Roxanne Research
Roxanne Research
Roxanne Research
1. There are subjects in the college curriculum where drug awareness is being
2. There are possible measures to be done in order to prevent the use commonly
abused drugs.
3. Their level of awareness of the criminology students on drug issues.
(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)
Iriga City
4. The level of responsiveness of the students in helping the community get rid of
the problems.
Summary of Findings
Based from the data gathered from the subject participant, the following findings
were drawn:
1. The respondent said their subject about drug awareness (Drug Education and
Vice control also known as CDI-5, LEA)
2. The respondents said yes, they are fully aware of drug awareness because they
have seminars and activities conducted in their department that help them to
become fully aware and because drug is one of the toxic that many people
committing crimes it because of the drugs.
3. The respondents said that the criminologists play an important role in the
criminal justice system. They conduct research, activities and drug test.
4. The other respondents said yes, that they are free from drugs but the other
respondents said no because of drug test and the criminology students is not
allowed to take that illegal drugs.
5. The criminology students are not allowed to take illegal drugs.
6. They attend different seminars and programs to prevent from using illegal drugs.
7. Criminology students pledges to follow the rules and regulations and to be
responsible as a future hero of our community.
8. They just not focus about illegal drugs but also known the justice system of our
(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)
Iriga City
1. The researcher concludes that sice they are a future alagad ng batas, they
should be responsible enough and lead others to prevent taking illegal drugs.
2. As an alagad ng batas, it is a must that the criminology students themselves
should be responsible enough to do their duties in the future.
3. The criminology students are necessary to be well informed so they will be
knowledgeable enough about drugs issues regarding the drugs.
1. To have an advocacy preventing illegal drugs.
2. Always conduct seminars and activities to the criminology student to
develop their knowledge and skills.
3. Have a drug test campaign to the criminology students to ensure their
4. Provide the needed equipment of the criminology students to satisfy their
5. Improve the facilities and teaching strategies of the teachers.
(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)
Iriga City
Research Methodology
Research Design
Purposive sampling was utilized in this study for the assessment of respondents
in connection with the independent and dependent variables. Since the population of
criminology students of the University of Saint Anthony is small it was deemed
necessary to choose them all as the respondents.
Research Design
This study aimed to assess the drug awareness of the criminology students of
the University of Saint Anthony, it seeks to answer the following question:
3. What is the level of responsiveness of the students in helping the community get rid
of drug problems?
4. What recommendations can be formulated based from the finding of the study?
(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)
Iriga City
Chapter 1
The Problem
The educational institution in the Philippines today have been mandated by the
law to include in their academic curriculum a program on drug education for the purpose
of awareness of those students such criminology students, this is to comply which the
educational approach in dealing with the globally acclaimed drug problem. However, this
educational institution has been problematic in dealing which the teaching process
because of the land issues on lack of materials and reference in awareness to drugs. It
is for this reason that the researchers have committed and conduct studies about this
subject matter and to come up with or solution on this said issues.
Since criminology students are the future police officer of their country, they
must be the first who has an awareness on the drug subject for them to be responsible
enough when they already taking their duties. One of the common issues for some drug
cases because of their involvement. By studying this research they can be aware of
what are the consequences can be punished if their going to violate the laws.
Let us try to look at it. In a general perspective the real problem we are dealing
with, today global market for illicit drugs is the product of a complex evolutionary
process that began in the early years of century, in response to growing public alarm
over high levels or drug use outside and inside of our country. The great powers to look
their first step to control what they have previously sanctioned, through a series of
international conversions buttressed by domestic lawn the production sale and
consumption of a wide range drugs for anything other than medical and scientific
purposes were progressively prohibited around the world.
(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)
Iriga City
The focus within the recent years in the relationship between substance use
including alcohol and other drugs criminal behaviour deserves a special and more
extensive attention, the drugs and vice problems is current social problem that has
evoke concerted action on the part of government and almost all sanctions of our
society for its solution.
The purpose and benefits of this study is to be aware the students if what are
the consequences they will be going to get if they will be using illegal drugs. There are
effects may encounter by drugs especially to the students that may caught by using
drugs they can get into prison and ruin their lives. The benefits of this research is be
aware the students and avoid using illegal drugs.
Theoretical Framework
The Theoretical Framework of this was anchored on the different theories: The
Theory of Drug Addiction, Social Learning Theory of Addiction and Recovery Implications
and Self Awareness Theory.
Theory of Drug Addiction (Harold, 2013) describes three models of why people
become addicted to drugs or engage in substance abuse to use the modern
terminology: the outside and inside of our country. The great powers to look their first
step to control what they have previously sanctioned, through a series of international
conversions buttressed by domestic lawn the production sale and consumption of a wide
range drugs for anything other than medical and scientific purposes were progressively
prohibited around the world.
The focus within the recent years in the relationship between substance used
including alcohol and other drugs criminal behaviour deserves a special and more
extensive attention, the drugs and vice problems is current social problem that have
evoke concerted action on the part of government and almost all sanctions of our
society for its solution.
(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)
Iriga City
The purpose and benefits of this study is to be aware to students if what are the
consequences they will be going to get if they will be using illegal drugs. There are
effects may encountered by drugs especially to the students that may caught by using
illegal drugs they can get into prison and ruin their lives. The benefits of this research is
be aware the students and avoid using illegal drugs.
Theoretical Framework
The Theoretical Framework of this was anchored on the different theories: the
theory of drug addition, Social Learning Theory of Addiction and Recovery Implications
and Self Awareness Theory.
Theory of Drug Addiction (Harold, 2013) describes three models of why people
become addicted to drugs or engage in substance abuse to use the modern
terminology: the disease model, the physical dependency model and the positive
reinforcement model. At one time people with problems associated with alcohol or other
drugs were regarded as sinners or criminals, and any help they receive came via the
courts or the church. Toward the end of the 19 th century the medical profession began
to use the word addiction as both an explanation for, and diagnosis of, excessive drug
use. The idea was formalized in the 1950s when the world health organization (WHO)
and American Medical Association (AMA) classified alcoholism as a disease. One
consequences of this change in attitude is the notion that the addict is not in control of
their behaviour, that they require treatment rather that the punishment.
Recovery consists of learning new ways to cope with stress. This might include
developing friendships with people who do no use addictive substances. By associating
with people who enjoy life without alcohol or drug, they observe and learn something
new. Recovery might also include watching a friend, coach, sponsor, or therapist
modelling healthy behaviour. They ould then begin practicing these behaviour. For
instance, a therapist and therapy participant could role-play a situation where a friend is
offering them drugs. With practice, the therapy participant would learn how to cope with
peer pressure to use.
Research since the 1970s has strongly supported self-awareness theory (Duval
and Silva 2001). When people focus attention on the self, they compare the self with
standards, try harder to meet standards, and show stronger emotional responses to
meeting of failing to meet standard. The tendency to change the self to match a
standard depends on other variables, particularly perceptions of how hard it will be to
attain the standards. Remarkably, many experiments have shown that when people are
not self-focused, their actions are often unrelated to their personal standards, self-
awareness is needed for people to reduce disparities between their actions and their
(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)
Iriga City
Figure 1
Theoretical Paradigm
(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)
Iriga City
Conceptual Framework
The conceptual framework of this research study consists of three parts; the
input, the process, and the output.
The INPUT of this study focuses of the level of the research process deals on the
analysis of responses of the respondents to the questionnaire focusing on 1.) Analysis of
the response of the respondents on the questionnaire as to their level of awareness on
the effects of the commonly abused drugs and 2.) Preparation of the different activities
for drug awareness program among the USANT criminology students.
The PROCESS of the study comprises the gathering of data from the respondents
through questionnaire, interview, and documentary analysis. The next step to analysed
interpret data gathering. In additional, testing and significant relationship between
status of the drugs awareness campaign in University of Saint Anthony.
The OUTPUT deals on the drug awareness campaign for drug free University of Saint
Anthony campus. For the awareness of criminology sttudents of the University of Saint
Anthony (USANT), School Year 2019-2020 on the effects of the commonly abused
drugs such as; Rugby/Solvent, Marijuana, Kalampunay, and Narcoltics and on the
causes and prevention of drug addiction.
(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)
Iriga City
1. Analysis of the
1. The profile of
IIN response of the
the criminology respondent on “Free me out from
students: the drugs”
a. Age questionnaire as
b. Gender to their level of A proposed
c. Civil status awareness on
Flyer for the drug
2. Frequency the effects of the
commonly awareness campaign
abused drugs. for a drug-free
3. Percentage
2. Preparation of campus.
the different
4. Weighted mean
activities for
5. Effects of drug awareness
commonly program of thE
abused drugs USANT
Figure 2
(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)
Iriga City
This study aimed the drug awareness of the criminology students of the
University of Saint Anthony, it seeks to answer the following question:
The following assumptions will be considered in this study:
1. That there are subjects in the college curriculum where drug awareness is
being integrated.
2. There are possible measures to be done in order to prevent the use
commonly abused drugs.
3. Their level of awareness of the criminology students on drug issues.
4. The level of the criminology students on drug issues.
5. The level of responsiveness of the students in helping the community get rid
of the problems.
(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)
Iriga City
School. The output of the study would make the school administrators to initiate
seminars and workshop that would enhance and update the faculty and students
regarding drug awareness.
Parents. The parents of the students would be supportive in the drug awareness
campaign and be aware of the characteristics of people under the influence of
prohibited drugs thus preventing their children from indulging into it.
Future researchers. They would be given more insights about drug awareness
campaign in University of Saint Anthony Colleges, the procedure used as well as the
statistical tools employed in this study.
This study to assess the awareness of the criminology students of the University
of Saint Anthony, for School Year 2019-2020 on the effects of commonly abused drugs.
It will draw out the profile of the students in the criminology of the University of Saint
Anthony: Determine the tools used to assess the awareness of the USANT criminology
(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)
Iriga City
students on the effects of commonly abused drugs; identify the major effects of the
commonly abused drugs to the criminology students; and recommend possible
measures to prevent the use of commonly abused drugs.
The respondents of the study are criminology students of the University of Saint
Definition of Terms
For better understanding of this work, the terms herein mentioned are defined
conceptually and operationally.
Drug awareness- the ability to perceive the negative effect of abusing drugs
and drug addiction.
Drugs- a street drug making one feels high, or an antidepressant helping the
chemicals in one’s body to trigger properly.
In order for the researchers to give better outlook and design of the study, a
review of the previous studies and literature was conducted. These papers were made
as references of the researchers and these were proved to be helpful providing direction
to the current study.
(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)
Iriga City
Gloria reminds teachers of their role in preventing drug abuse among Filipino
people who teaching learning process. The need to provide immediately or prompt
action on this drug menace, reminds the teachers vital role in helping the students to be
free from drugs by means of proper education. With the knowledge that drug abusers
are mostly young and belong to school age group it is therefore necessary that as early
elementary pupils should be made aware about the effects of drugs to man. Teachers
should not be contented with simply making their students to learn but they also ensure
the students are not hooking uo on prohibited drugs.
To Wish in his article, He stresses that some drug in the United States is viewed
by the majority Americans as acceptable behaviour. Many adults and children believe
(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)
Iriga City
that there is nothing wrong and taking certain drugs to lose weight; drinking several
cups of coffee, tea or cola each day; smoking cigarettes, having one or two before of
after dinner; or using an over the counter on prescription drugs to get rid of headache.
He further expounds that many billions of dollars are spent by Americans each year on
prescription drugs, caffeinated drinks, cigarettes, and various alcoholic beverages.
One factor that may affect urge ratings but that has received relatively little
attention among investigators in drug use opportunity. On the one hand, craving is often
described as state associated with frustration (Tiffany, 1990). Accordingly, one might
expect craving to be more intense during “frustrating” manipulations in which drug use
is prevented, compared with experimental situations in which drug use is prevented,
compared with experimental situations in which drug use is possible (Niaura et al.,
1988). On the other hand, drug use opportunity may enhance the experience of craving
compared with situation in which drugs are off-limits. It has been observed, for
instance, that orthodox Jewish smokers, who are forbidden from smoking on the
Sabbat, report little difficulty abstaining (Schachter, Silverstein, & Perlick, 1977)
Consider these: a PDEA study showed that nearly 9,000 or 20.51 percent of the
country’s total 42,065 barangays are drug-affected. The sad reality is that 92.10 percent
of all barangays in the National Capital Region are drug-affected followed by 33.78
percent from Calabarzon (Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal, and Quezon) region.
PDEA chair, Undersecretary Arturo G. Cacdac Jr. also noted an alarming increase
in the number of rogue public offiials and employees getting involved in illegal drug
trafficking and abuse in the country amid a report which showed that last year alone, a
total of 190 government employees were arrested for violation of Republic Act 9165 or
the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002.
The main drug or the most popular drug in the United States is marijuana. In
fact, it is probably the most popular drug in the entire world. This is mainly due to the
fact that it isn’t relatively hard to cultivate and isn’t a hard drug, which is to say that its
effects are temporary and not extreme . in fact, it is impossible to overdose on
marijuana. Yet the lives of hundreds of thousands of people have been potentially
ruined due to them being found with just a few grams of marijuana in their possession.
In just 2013, 1.5 million people were arrested on nonviolent drug-related charges. This
is why we have focused on marijuana to determine a state’s attitude towards drugs,
(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)
Iriga City
considering its reputation as agateway drug as well as being the most common drug in
the world.
Ministry of Home affairs (2011) Singapore has one of the strictest laws on drug
related offences. The most well-known of these has to be the laws on drug trafficking.
Notices which warn of the severity of such offences are prominently displayed on
airports and Customs to deter potential offenders. Singapore’s laws on the legality of
drugs comply with that of most other countries such as Belgium or United States. For
example , marijuana (also known as cannabis) is strictly outlawed in Singapore, but is
legal to a certain extent in certain American states. For a list of drugs prohibited in
Due to the difficulty in proving the guilt of a drug consumer or trafficker beyond
reasonable doubt, the law adopts several presumptions which make it easier to impute
the guilt of accused person. For example, under section 22 of the MDA, once a
controlled drug laws, unless he can prove that the drug consumption was involuntary.
This is a difficult burden to discharge. Therefore, reasons such as I did not know that
the pill my friend gave me was ecstacy! are unlikely to hold water. In addition ,
possession of an amount of drug greater than an amount specified in the MDA
(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)
Iriga City
Chapter 3
Based on the gathered data during the interview, these are the answers from the
aforementioned questions:
According to our interview there are subjects that are connected to drug
awareness which is CRIM 1 and CRIM 2 and the LEA means law enforcement
administration this subjects is important for them to enhance their knowledge about
drug awareness.
(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)
Iriga City
- Are the students in criminology
department fully aware about drug Yes
awareness topics?
As a criminology students they should and they need to be fully aware about the
drug awareness topics for them to prevent and to avoid them from using illegal drugs
especially because this is part of their academic program.
(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)
Iriga City
What activities conducted in their
department that helps them to To sign pledges
become fully aware about issue?
By conducting seminars to the students for them to know the different issues to
become fully aware about the certain issue and to help them in facing the issue by
themselves. And to enhance their academic advantages in facing a certain issue.
(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)
Iriga City
Drug test
How do you referred to your
activities? Drug test
The criminology students referred their activities by having drug test, research or
other activities that will help them to improve their skills and knowledge to showcase
their talents in different strategies.
(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)
Iriga City
Not totally
Are they free from using illegal
drugs? Yes
According to our interview they are not totally free from using illegal drugs.
Because some of them are using drugs even they are aware of what are the effects to
(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)
Iriga City
(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)
Iriga City
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Catholic
Grade 1 to 6
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Catholic
Grade 1 to 6
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Catholic
Grade 1 to 6
Grade 7 to 10
Grade 11 to 12
(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)
Iriga City
Appendix A
Lubos na gumagalang,
Roxanne Lopez
Adrian Mirando
Dominic Abala
Appendix B.
Name (optional):____________________________________Gender:
1. What subjects are drug awareness topics are integrated with thw criminology
2. Are the students in criminology department fully aware about drug awareness
topics? What activities conducted in their department that helps them to become
fully aware about the issue?
3. How do you referred to your activities?
4. Are they free using illegal drugs?
(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)
Iriga City
Appendix C
Name (optional):____________________________________Gender:
For Students:
Respondent no. 1
Respondents no. 2
1. It is depending on its aim, a program may seek to delay or reduce the use of
alcohol and other drugs, or dissuade someone from using at all.
2. We established rules and consequences, allowing students to sign pledges that
they will not use drugs or alcohol. And we make rules about it.
3. Criminologist play an important role in the criminal justice system. We conduct
research, teach and work with various law enforcement agencies.
(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)
Iriga City
4. No, because people take drugs, they want to change something about their lives.
Respondent no. 3
Respondent no. 4
Respondent no. 5
1. LEA
(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)
Iriga City
2. Yes, our school always conduct seminars about the R>A 9165 which is the
comprehensive drug act of the Philippines.
3. Drug test.
4. Yes free from drugs.