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International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences

2016; 5(1-1): 14-22

Published online November 5, 2015 (http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/j/ijnfs)
doi: 10.11648/j.ijnfs.s.2016050101.13
ISSN: 2327-2694 (Print); ISSN: 2327-2716 (Online)

Rheological Properties of Some Fruit Spreads

Manal A. Sorour, Samir M. H. Rabie, Asrar Y. I. Mohamed
Food Engineering and Packaging Department, Food Technology Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center (ARC), Giza, Egypt

Email address:
[email protected] (M. A. Sorour), [email protected] (S. M. H. Rabie), [email protected] (A. Y. I. Mohamed)

To cite this article:

Manal A. Sorour, Samir M. H. Rabie, Asrar Y. I. Mohamed. Rheological Properties of Some Fruit Spreads. International Journal of Nutrition
and Food Sciences. Special Issue: Food Engineering and Packaging. Vol. 5, No. 1-1, 2016, pp. 14-22. doi: 10.11648/j.ijnfs.s.2016050101.13

Abstract: Rheological properties of three Smooth homogenized spreads were evaluated at different shear rates (2.29 –
34.35 s-1) using Brookfield rotational viscometer (DVIII Ultra). The spreads were prepared from purees of three fresh fruits,
(Guava, Banana and Strawberry). To 100 g of puree; 1 g citric acid, 2 g sugar, 10 g water and 1g of a thickening agent were
added and the mixture was homogenized. Xanthan, guar and carboxy methyl cellulose (CMC) gums were used for making
three guava spreads, whereas xanthan only was used for making banana and strawberry spreads. Different rheological
models were fitted to the data. The effect of temperature on rheological properties of guava, banana and strawberry spreads
was studied. All fruit spreads, exhibited non-Newtonian pseudoplastic behavior. Herschel-bulkley (HB) model was the best
fit (i.e. highest R2) for data of guava and strawberry spreads followed by Casson and Power law models. Bingham model
showed higher values for yield stress of all spreads than those of HB model, whereas those of Cassons’ were the least.
Guava spread containing xanthan was more viscous than those containing guar or CMC. In general, spread viscosity
decreased as temperature was increased. Heat penetration tests conducted on xanthan-containing spreads packed into
flexible PA/PE pouches suggested possible use of such pouches for packaging fruit spreads. Xanthan-containing spreads
when subjected to sensory evaluation gained satisfactory scores or butter which indicated panelists’ appreciation for the new

Keywords: Fruit Spread, Rheological Models, Viscosity, Heat Penetration, Sensory

authors concluded that infant purees exhibited thixotropic

1. Introduction behavior for all temperatures tested.
Food industry has shown an increased interest in Most of pouches which have been used for thermal food
producing ready – to – use convenient as well as healthier processing consist of 3 film layers such as polyester,
and more natural food products. Fruit and vegetable products aluminum foil, and cast polypropylene (Griffin, 1987).
provide consumers with their daily needs from important Nowadays, there are many forms for flexible pouches
micronutrients such as vitamins, minerals and dietary fibers. which are in use for packaging food products which require
Additives of hydrocolloidal nature such as carboxy methyl in-pack thermal processing and, in the meantime, withstand
cellulose (CMC), xanthan and guar gums may be added alone retorting conditions.
or in blend to fruit and vegetable juices and nectars in order The effect of different thermal and mechanical treatments,
to avoid pulp separation and precipitation as well as to including high-pressure homogenization, on the
improve body and extend storage time. The type and level of microstructural and rheological properties of carrot, broccoli
these additives affect viscosity and flow properties of the and tomato dispersions was studied by Lopez‐Sanchez, et
final product (Zecher and Van Coillie, 1992; Rabie, et al., al., (2011). The authors reported that carrot and broccoli
1999; Rabie, 2000). showed a different behavior from tomato under the
Alvarez, and Canet, (2013) studied the flow behavior of conditions studied. Changing the order of thermal and
vegetable-based infant purees at different temperatures (5– mechanical treatment led to microstructures with different
65 °C) giving particular attention to the time-dependent flow properties. The resulting microstructures differed in the
properties in a shear rate range (5–200 s 1). Power law model
− manner of cell wall separation: either breaking across the cell
parameters describing flow behavior of samples depended on walls or through the middle lamella. It was found also that
kind of infant puree, its water content and temperature. The high-pressure homogenization decreased the viscosity of
International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences 2016; 5(1-1): 14-22 15

carrot and broccoli dispersions, while it increased the Bulkley rheological models fitted reasonably well the
viscosity of tomato. Cryo-scanning electron microscopy experimental data at all temperatures. They reproted that the
showed that the cell walls of carrot and broccoli remained as yield stress and the consistency coefficient decrease with the
compact structures after homogenization whereas tomato cell temperature while the flow behaviour index increases with
walls were considerably swollen. increasing the temperature.
Morales-Blancas et al., (2002) studied the thermal Ditchfield, et al., (2004) carried out experiments on banana
inactivation kinetics of peroxidase (POD) and lipoxygenase puree at temperatures ranging from 30 to 120ºC. The shear
(LOX) from broccoli (Brassica oleracea L., florets) and stress values ranged from 10 to 170 Pa and the shear rate
carrots (Daucus carota L., cv Chantenay, cortex and core) values from 10-5 to 10-3 s-1. Herschel-Bulkley model best
extracts in order to optimize the blanching process in fitted the experimental data at all temperatures. There was a
vegetables, reducing the process time and thus minimizing usual tendency for the apparent viscosity to decrease with
the loss of nutritional and sensory properties. Kampis, et al., increasing temperature but an increase in apparent viscosity
(1984) proposed a carotene bleaching system related to POD with increasing from 50 to 60ºC and from 110 to 120ºC was
activity which was observed in the water-soluble fraction of found. That was attributed by the authors to an interaction of
tomato extracts. Thermal inactivation kinetic studies in POD polysaccharides present in banana puree.
and LOX enzymes in the range of 70 to 100ºC have clearly Ahmed, J. (2007) attributed the effect of temperature on
shown biphasic curves which are thought to depend on the the dynamic rheological characteristics of vegetable and fruit
presence of iso-enzymes with different thermal stabilities. purees to gelatinisation or denaturation which substantially
Guerrero and Alzamora, (1997) studied the effect of pH, affect rheological properties, resulting in abnormality from
temperature and glucose addition on flow behaviour of general trends being exhibited. Steady flow behavior showed
Banana purée. All the formulated purees were shear-thinning that vegetable and purees samples behaved as non-
fluids with appreciable yield stress values and the flow Newtonian fluids with definite yield stress. Shear stress-shear
curves essentially followed the Herschel-Bulkley model. rate data adequately fitted the Herschel- Bulkley model.
Glucose addition generally decreased the apparent viscosities The objective of this paper is to evaluate the rheological of
and increased the temperature dependence of the flow purees of three fresh fruits (Guava, strawberry and Banana)
properties. No pattern was observed with respect to the effect and study the heat penetration of spreads packed into flexible
of pH, aw, and temperature on the flow index. PA/PE pouches.
Coronel et al., 2005 reviewed the problems associated with
thermal processing magnitude and technique of high viscous 2. Materials and Methods
vegetable products such as sweet potato purees because of
their low thermal diffusivity (Smith, et al., 1982) in addition 2.1. Materials
to poor thermal conductivity (Fasina et al, 2003) which
restricts selection of container type and size (Lopez, 1987) Three fresh fruits; banana, guava and strawberry were
and leads to prolonged thermal treatment which adversely purchased from Dokki outlets for Ministry of Agriculture
affects product quality and nutritional value. products. Banana (Muss cavendishii), guava (Psidium guajava
Sharoba et al., (2012) found that addition of hydrocolloids L.) and strawberry (Fragaria ananassa). Three edible gums;
(guar, xanthan and arabic gums) and sweeteners (Aspartame xanthan, guar, and Carboxy methyl cellulose-Na (CMC) were
and Stevioside) affected flow behavior of papaya-apricot donated by MIFAD, Misr Food Additives, Badr City; Egypt.
nectar blends. They reported that viscosity was a function of Citric acid was obtained from El-Gomhoria Company, El-
temperature and the dissolved solid concentration i.e. Swah, Cairo, Egypt. Transparent Polyamide/Polyethylene
viscosity was dependent on the intermolecular distances of (PA/PE) film (thickness, 125 µ) was obtained from Arab
nectar conststituents. As the temperature is increased, the Company of Pharmaceutical Packages. Physical and mechanical
intermolecular distances increase and therefore the viscosity properties of PA/PE film were summarized in Table (1).
will decrease. Nectar samples showed non-Newtonian Table (1). Physical and mechanical properties of PA/PE film.
pseudoplastic with yield stress fluids as the apparent
viscosity decreases with increasing shear rate, therefore they Properties Unit1 PA/PE
exhibit a shear-thinning behavior. The pseudoplasticity Physical
increased by hydrocolloids addition and decreased by Thickness micron 125
sweeteners addition. Flow behavior index of nectar samples Weight of m2 g/m2 24.0
Heat sealing temp. C 140
decreased with the increasing temperature.
Clarity transparent
Maceiras et al., (2007) studied the rheological behavior of
Printability medium
different fresh or cooked fruits (raspberry, strawberry, peach
and prune). Fruit purees showed a non-newtonian behaviour Elongation % 263
and the apparent viscosity is influenced by cooking because Impact strength N/cm2 1570
it decreases with the temperature and increases with the sugar
content. As a result, the fruit jams have a higher viscosity Source: Arab Company of Pharmaceutical Packages.
PA/PE = Polyamide/Polyethylene. N/cm2 = Newton per square centimeter.
than fruit purees. Ostwald Waele (Power Law) and Herschel–
16 Manal A. Sorour et al.: Rheological Properties of Some Fruit Spreads

2.2. Methods Where, τ is the shear stress (Pa), γ is the shear rate (s-1), µ
is the Newtonian viscosity (Pa.s), K is the consistency
2.2.1. Preparation of Fruit Spreads coefficient (Pa.sn), n (dimensionless) is the flow behavior
The fresh fruits were washed and inedible parts were index, and τ0 is the yield stress (Pa). The simplest of all is the
discarded. Banana was peeled and divided into small disks, Power Law model (Harper and El Sahrigi, 1965).
carrots were cut into thin disks, and strawberry were cut into
quarters. Steam blanching was carried out for each fruit for 2.2.4. Evaluation of Heat Penetration Properties of Fruit
10 minutes or until texture is tender. Fruits were drained and Spreads
left to cool then pureed in a home blender. The smooth Fruit spreads containing xanthan were packaged (45 g)
purees were sieved through a fine strainer to discard fines, into PA/PE flexible pouches of 120 x 40 mm inner
coarse fibers and large particles. 100 g puree; 1 g citric acid, dimensions and sealed under light vacuum. A thermocouple
2 g sugar, 10 g water and 1g of a thickening agent were probe (type RTD temperature probe, DVP-94Y, Brookfield
added. Xanthan, guar and Carboxy merthyl cellulose (CMC) Co.) was inserted into the pouch through a hole made near
were used for making three guava spreads, whereas only the top edge of the pouch to reach the position of the coldest
xanthan gum was used for making the banana and strawberry point of the packed spread i.e. the pouch geometric center.
spreads. The mixture was homogenized at a speed of 6000 The pouch was submerged in a thermo-regulated water bath
rpm for 3 min. Spreads were filled into glass jars, deaerated (Brookfield Co.) of 85 °C. The change in temperature within
and kept refrigerated tell same or second day for evaluation. the package was recorded against time till it reaches 80 °C,
then the whole set was removed from the water bath and
2.2.2. Rheological Properties of Fruit Spreads submerged in running cold water at 27 °C. Thermal data were
A Brookfield Digital Rheometer, Model DV-III Ultra with recorded till the inner package temperature reaches 30°C.
Rheocalc v3.1 software (on an IBM computer for automated Cumulative lethality was calculated as total area of Lethal
control and data acquisition) was utilized to evaluate the rate per minute vis. Time curve of heating and cooling phases
rheological properties of the fruit spreads. The sample was of the heat treatment.
placed in a 100 ml beaker, the HA-06 spindle was used, and
shear rate and shear stress were calculated according to the 2.2.5. Sensory Attributes Were Evaluated for Fruit Spread
equations provided by the manufacturer (Anon, 1993). A Samples
thermostatic water bath provided with the instrument was used Twelve panelists were asked to evaluate the organoleptic
to regulate sample temperature. The rheological properties for attributes (Color, consistency, texture, smell, taste and
fruit spreads were evaluated at temperature 25, 40 and 60 °C, general acceptability) of the spreads as unacceptable,
and at increasing rate of shear (2.29 – 34.35 s-1) which acceptable, or excellent. The frequency of each response was
correspond to rotational speeds of 10-150 rpm. calculated and expressed as percentage of total responses for
each sensory attributes.
2.2.3. Evaluation of the Rheological Properties of Fruit
Spreads 2.2.6. Data Handling and Statistical Analysis
Guava spreads containing different gums were Data collected were summarized using the Microsoft Excel
rheologically evaluated at 25°C, whereas guava puree or program. The same software was used for model fitting
banana and strawberry spreads were evaluated at 25, 40 or calculation and plotting data for graphical presentation.
60ºC. Different rheological models were used to fit the Analysis of variance was conducted using the SPSS
collected rheological data. The following models have been Statistical Software Package v.11.5. Regression analyses
used to evaluate the rheological data: were used to study the degree of fit of different rheological
1. Newtonian model: model to the rheological data and to calculate model
parameters. The goodness of fit; R2, probability of the F-
τ=µγ (1) value and magnitude of Mean Square error were used to study
2. Bingham plastic model: the degree of model fittness, howerver, only R2 was reported as
they were found interrelated. Comparisons among the main
τ = τ0 + µ γ (2) treatment means were made using L.S.D test at (P = 0.05)
(Snedecor and Cochran, 2013).
3. Power law model:
τ = K γn (3) 3. Results and Discussion
4. Casson model: 3.1. Effect of Temperature on the Rheological Properties of
Guava Purees
√¯τ = √¯τ0 + K√¯γ (4)
Fig. (1 A) depicts the effect of increasing shear rate on
5. Herschel-Bulkley model: apparent viscosity of guava puree at 40 and 60°C. Guava
τ = τ0 + KHB γn (5) puree showed lower viscosity at the higher temperature and
possessed a decrease in apparent viscosity. The results
International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences 2016; 5(1-1): 14-22 17

observed that Guava puree exhibited non-Newtonian The parameters k, n for the rheological models for the
pseudoplastic behavior. Differences in viscosity values studied fruit spreads and their regression values are shown in
between the two tested temperatures decreased as rate of Table (2).
shear was increased. Fitting the data to the well-known Spreads (guava and strawberry) containing xanthan were
rheological models; Bingham (Fig. 1 B), Power Law (Fig. 1 fitted well to Hersckel and Bulkly followed by Casson and
C), and Herschel-Bulkley (Fig. 1 D) indicated that the later Power Law models particularly for strawberry and guava
two showed higher R2 values i.e. more goodness of fit than spreads. Banana spread recorded the least R2 among all
that of Bingham. The yield value of guava puree was higher spreads for all fitted models, and therefore, the least data fit
at 40°C than at 60°C which indicated less energy input is to all models. The power n; the flow behavior index, of
needed to initiate flow of the puree at higher temperature. Power Law model of the three spreads containing xanthan
gum were far lower than their counterparts of HB model. As
3.2. Effect of Adding Thickening Agent on the Rheological n gets closer to 1.0 the fluid possess Newtonian attribute.
Properties of Guava Spread Table (2) indicated differences in the values of yield stress
Guava spread containing xanthan possessed higher for the three spreads as calculated by different models.
viscosity values than those spreads containing guar or CMC Bingham model possessed larger yield stress values than Hb
gum (Fig. 2 A). It is also noticible from Fig. (2 A) that all model. Cassion model recorded the least yield stress values.
guava spreads exhibited non-Newotinian pseudoplastic 3.5. Sensory Evaluation of Xanthan Containing Banana,
properties. Herschel-Bulkley model showed better fit to the Guava and Strawberry Spreads
data than Power Law or Bingham i.e conferming the
existance of yield stress. The data were fitted to Bingham Fig. (5) depicts the percentages of panelists response to
(Fig. 2 B), Power Law (Fig. 2 C), and Herschel-Bulkley sensory attributes of banana, guava and strawberry spreads
(Fig. 2 D) and Casson (Table 2) rheological models. containing 1% xanthan gum. With respect to color attribute
Herschel-Bulkley model showed best fit (recording highest of the fruit spreads, only 14.1% or less scored color of the
values for R2 ) followed by Casson model for guava spread three spreads unacceptable. Color of banana spread was
regardles the type of gum. Guava spread containing CMC scored accepted by 75% of the panalists, whereas color of
showed R2 = 0.99 for power law, Guar-spread R2=0.987 for guava and strawberry was scored excellent by 85 and 75% of
Bingham model. This indicated the non-Newtonian the panelists, respectively.
thixotropic behavior with existance of yield stress for all the Consistency of the spreads was scored excellent by 50% of
types of gums. The value of yield stress was higher for the panelists for banana spread, 62% for strawberry spread
guava spread containing xanthan than that containing guar and 71.4% for guava spread (Fig. 5). None of the panelists
gum whereas guava spread containing CMC recorded the scored consistency attribute unacceptable. On the contrary,
least values for these models considering a yield stress 42.9% of panelists’ responses to texture of guava puree were
value. unacceptable. Texture attribute of banana and strawberry
spreads scored excellent by 50% of the panelists.
3.3. Effect of Temperature on Rheological Properties of None of the panelists scored smell attribute unacceptable
Banana Spread for any of the three spreads. The smell attribute was
Fig. (3 A) depicts the effect of increasing the shear rate on evaluated excellent by 85.7% of panelist's responses for
viscosity of banana spread at 25, 40 and 60C. The banana guava spread, 75% for strawberry spread and 50% for banana
spread possessed non-Newtonian pseudoplastic behavior for spread. Taste was scored unacceptable by only 12.5% and
all tested temperature. However, data of the banana spreads 14.3% of the panelists for banana and guava spreads,
at 60°C did not fitted well to any of the models. The better fit respectively. Taste attribute was scored excellent by 57.1%,
was noticeable for banana spread at 40°C followed by that 37.5% and 25% of the panelists for guava, strawberry and
measured at 25°C. banana spreads, respectively. The general acceptability
attribute was scored either acceptable or excellent by the
3.4. Effect of Temperature on Rheological Properties of panelists. This attribute was acceptable for banana spread by
Strawberry Spread 62% of the panelists and was scored excellent by 62% and
71.4% of the panelists for strawberry and guava spreads,
The effect of increasing the shear rate on apparent respectively.
viscosity of strawberry puree at 25, 40 and 60C was depicted It can be concluded from evaluation of the organoleptic
on Fig. (4 A). The strawberry spread possessed non- attributes that guava spread gained the highest scores
Newtonian pseudoplastic behavior with existence of yield followed by strawberry spread followed by banana spread,
stress at all tested temperature. HB shows best fit followed except for the texture attribute which scored unacceptable
by Casson and Power Law models. The yield stress was (grainy) by 42.9% of the panelists. This can be attributed to
higher at 40°C than at 25°C, whereas least value was at 60°C the process of homogenization which should be more
for HB model the same trend was noticeable for Bingham effective with guava spread otherwise a more fine sieve
and Casson models but with less magnitude of the should be used in order to discard grainy particles.
18 Manal A. Sorour et al.: Rheological Properties of Some Fruit Spreads

3.6. Heat Penetration of Xanthan Containing Banana, endogenous enzymes and sterilize contents of the pouch.
Guava and Strawberry Spreads The temperature of the cold point in the center of the
banana spread pouch increased gradually till it reached 80°C
Figure (6) depicts the temperature of the cold point (A) (177°F) within 6.5 min. The content of the package was
and the lethality rate per minute (B) of the three fruit spreads cooled to 40°C (104°F) within 3.7 min. i.e. 10.2 min total
packed in the PA/PE flexible pouch during the heating and process time. The calculated cumulative lethality of this heat
cooling process. The temperature of the cold point in the treatment was 655.6 (area under the lethality curve) which is
center of the strawberry spread pouch increased gradually till far lower than those of guava and strawberry spreads. The
it reached 80°C (177°F) within 5.5 min. The content of the larger the area under the lethality curve the more heat
package was cooled to 40°C (104°F) within 2.5 min. i.e. 8 received by the product.
min total process time. The calculated cumulative lethality of The difference in heating rates and cumulative lethality
this heat treatment was 1357 (area under the lethality curve), among fruit spreads could be attributed to the difference in
which can be considered sufficient to inactivate the the fruit type i.e. its constituents and to their interaction with
strawberry spread endogenous enzymes and sterilize contents the thickening agent; xanthan gum which affected spread
of the pouch. consistency (viscosity) and the heat penetration pattern. This
The temperature of the cold point in the center of the was evident from the aforementioned rheological results. The
guava spread pouch increased gradually till it reached 80°C flexible purch with its small size, thin wall and cylindrical
(177°F) within 6.5 min. The content of the package was shape does not hinder heat penetration and thereby less
cooled to 40°C (104°F) within 4.7 min. i.e. 11.2 min total process time is needed to achieve the same pasteurization or
process time. The calculated cumulative lethality of this heat sterilization of packaged products, i.e. it preserves nutrients,
treatment was 1611.7 (area under the lethality curve), which sensory quality and saves time and cost of the heating
can be considered sufficient to inactivate the guava spread process (Lopez, 1987 and Morales-Blancas et al., 2002).
30000 1200
Apparant viscosity (cP)

25000 40 ºC 1000
Shear stress (Pa)

20000 60 ºC 800

15000 600 40 ºC
10000 400 60 ºC
y = 9.7143x + 663.53 y = 9.9357x + 557.8
5000 200
R2 = 0.7347 R2 = 0.8951
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Spendle speed (rpm) Shear rate (s -1)
Fig. (1 A). Apparent viscosity of guava puree measured at increasing Fig. (1 B). Shear stress shear rate data of guava puree
spendle rotational speed at 40 and 60 C. at 40 and 60 C fitted to Bingham model.

1200 1000
1000 800
Shear stress (Pa)

τ - τ◦ (Pa)

800 40 ºC
600 40 ºC
60 ºC
400 60 ºC

τ = 159.3

τ = 64.54
y = 513.12x
y = 429.33x
y = 362.78x0.2291 y = 369.33x
200 2
R = 0.8778 2
R = 0.9767 R2 = 0.8785 R2 = 0.9768
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Shear rate (s -1) Shear rate (s -1)
Fig. (1 C). Shear stress shear rate data of guava puree Fig. (1D). Shear stress - yield stress (τ - τ◦◦ ) vis. shear rate data
at 40 and 60 C fitted to Power Law model. of guava puree at 40 and 60 C fitted to Herschel-Bulkley model.

Figure (1). Rheological data of guava puree and equations for fitted models; Bingham [B], Power law [C], and Herschel-Bulkley [D] at 40 and 60ºC.
International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences 2016; 5(1-1): 14-22 19

Figure (2). Rheological data of guava slreads and model constants calculations (B; Bingham; C Power law; D; Herschel-Bulkley models).

A 70000 Banana spread B 25 ºC 40 ºC 60 ºC

y = 10.157x + 1230.1 y = 8.5x + 1259.8 y = -2.6x + 1567
60000 2
Apparant viscosity

2 2
R = 0.6477 R = 0.8104 R = 0.1637
50000 25 ºC 2000

40 ºC
Shear stress (Pa)

40000 1600

30000 60 ºC 1200
20000 800
10000 400 Bingham Model Fitting
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Spendle speed (rpm) Shear rate (s -1)

C 25 ºC 40 ºC 60 ºC D 25 ºC 40 ºC 60 ºC
0.1067 0.0808 -0.0185 0.2656 0.6146 -0.1452
y = 1058.7x y = 1136.5x y = 1595.4x y = 300.71x y = 39.983x y = 350.71x
R = 0.7806 R2 = 0.9161 2

2000 R2 = 0.7728
R = 0.8394 R2 = 0.1085 1000
R = 0.1295
Banana HB model constant
Shear stress (Pa)


1200 600
(τ - τ◦◦)

800 400

400 Power Law Model Fitting 200

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Shear rate (s -1) Shear rate (s-1)

Figure (3). Rheological data of banana spread and model constants calculations (B; Bingham; C Power law; D; Herschel-Bulkley models).
20 Manal A. Sorour et al.: Rheological Properties of Some Fruit Spreads

A 12000 Strawberry spread B 25 ºC 40 ºC 60 ºC

y = 6.6857x + 276.59 y = 6.5714x + 281.43 y = 6.7143x + 243.39
Apparant viscosity

2 2 2
25 ºC 600 R = 0.9529 R = 0.9461 R = 0.9598

Shear stress (Pa)

40 ºC

6000 400
60 ºC 300 Strawberry
100 Bingham Model Fitting
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Spendle speed (rpm) Shear rate (s -1)

25 ºC 40 ºC 60 ºC
C 25 ºC 40 ºC 60 ºC D 0.4308 0.543
y = 206.69x
y = 208.86x
y = 178.24x
0.261 y = 72.541x y = 124.84x0.3243 y = 43.62x
2 2 2
R = 0.992 2
R = 0.995 R2 = 0.9938
600 R = 0.9841 R = 0.9935 R = 0.9826 500
Strawberry HB model constant
500 400
Shear stress (Pa)


(τ - τ◦◦)
300 Strawberry
100 Power Law Model Fitting
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Shear rate (s -1) Shear rate (s-1)

Figure (4). Rheological data of strawberry spread and model constants calculations (B; Bingham; C Power law; D; Herschel-Bulkley models).

Table (2). Parameters and R2 of different rheological models fitted to the data of some fruit spreads and guava puree.

Product Guava puree Guava spread Banana spread Strawberry spread

Gum (1%) none none CMC Guar Xanthan Xanthan Xanthan
Models; parameters 40 ºC 60 ºC 25 ºC 25 ºC 25 ºC 25 ºC 40 ºC 60 ºC 25 ºC 40 ºC 60 ºC
R 0.857 0.872 0.916 0.902 0.877 0.828 0.808 0.759 0.893 0.891 0.902
µ 37.75 33.51 48.22 48.34 80.93 62.14 61.74 63.62 18.37 18.46 17.00
R2 0.735 0.895 0.964 0.987 0.944 0.648 0.810 0.164 0.953 0.946 0.960
Bingham µ 9.71 9.94 21.44 18.87 24.99 10.16 8.50 -2.60 6.69 6.57 6.71
τo 663.53 557.80 633.70 697.29 1323.88 1230.06 1259.81 1566.97 276.59 281.43 243.39
R 0.878 0.977 0.990 0.967 0.946 0.773 0.839 0.108 0.984 0.994 0.983
Power law n 0.18 0.20 0.30 0.25 0.19 0.11 0.08 -0.02 0.24 0.24 0.26
KPL 513.12 429.33 442.36 529.59 1053.06 1058.73 1136.47 1595.35 206.69 208.86 178.24
R2 0.808 0.950 0.992 0.994 0.966 0.710 0.857 0.140 0.984 0.982 0.987
Cassion KC 1.41 1.50 2.72 2.30 2.35 1.11 0.90 -0.24 1.35 1.33 1.41
√¯τ0 23.19 21.00 20.74 22.77 32.51 33.07 33.93 39.95 14.39 14.53 13.28
R 0.8785 0.9768 0.9976 0.9954 0.9675 0.7806 0.9161 0.1295 0.992 0.995 0.9938

Herschel- τo 159.3 64.5 369.3 583.2 1142.5 787.4 1184.1 1272.1 156.8 94.8 164.4
Bulkley n 0.229 0.2195 0.531 0.6886 0.6697 0.2656 0.6146 -0.1453 0.4308 0.3243 0.543
KHB 362.77 369.33 147.03 64.48 94.63 300.71 39.98 350.71 72.54 124.88 43.62
R = Regression coefficient; µ = apparent viscosity; τo = yield stress; K = consistency coefficient; n = the flow behavior index.
International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences 2016; 5(1-1): 14-22 21

100 Unacceptable Acceptable Excellent Color 100 Unacceptable Acceptable Excellent

Panelists response %

Panelists response %
80 80 Consistency
60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
Banana Guava Strawberry Banana Guava Strawberry
Fruit spread Fruit spread

100 Unacceptable Acceptable Excellent 100 Unacceptable Acceptable Excellent Smell

Panelists response %

Panelists response %
80 Texture 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
Banana Guava Strawberry Banana Guava Strawberry
Fruit spread Fruit spread

100 Unacceptable Acceptable Excellent Taste 100 Unacceptable Acceptable Excellent

Panelists response %

Panelists response %

80 80 Acceptability
60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
Banana Guava Strawberry Banana Guava Strawberry
Fruit spread Fruit spread
Figure (5). Percentage of panelists response to sensory attributes of the three fruit spreads.

Figure 6. A). Heat penetration cureves of banana, guava and strawberry spreads (1% xanthan gum) packaged in PA/PE flexable packages. B). Lethality
cureves at the coldest point of banana, guava and strawberry spreads (1% xanthan gum) packaged in PA/PE flexable packages.
22 Manal A. Sorour et al.: Rheological Properties of Some Fruit Spreads

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