Transformer Symbol Standard

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Transformer symbols

Symbol Standard Explanation Symbol Standard Explanation

Short-circuit-proof control
EN61558-1 DC EN61558-2-2 current transformer

Non short-circuit-proof
EN61558-1 Single-phase AC isolating transformer

EN61558-1 Three-phase AC isolating transformer

Three-phase with Safety isolating transformer

EN61558-1 EN60742
neutral AC

Class 1 construction Self-protecting safety

EN61558-1 (Protective earth) isolating transformer

Class II construction Non short-circuit-proof

EN61558-1 (double insulated) safety isolating transformer

EN61558-1 Class III construction safety isolating transformer

EN61558-1 Chassis or core bell transformer

Non short-circuit-proof
EN61558-2-1 Self-protecting
EN61558-2-13 autotransformer
EN61588-2-17 separating transformer

Non short-circuit-proof Short-circuit-proof

separating transformer EN61558-2-13 autotransformer

Safety transformer for supplying

EN61558-2-1 premises containing electro-
separating transformer EN61558-2-15
EN61558-2-17 medical equipment

Non short-circuit-proof Reactor without

EN61558-2-2 control current transformer EN61558-2-20 overload protection

Symbol Standard Explanation Symbol Standard Explanation

Reactor with overload protec-

EN61558-2-20 tion EN61558-1 Fuse

Isolating transformer,
EN61558-2-19 perturbation attenuation, EN61558-1 Fuse
short-circuit proof

Safety isolating transformer,

perturbation attenuation, Miniature circuit-breaker
EN61558-2-19 EN61558-1
short-circuit proof

IEC60044-1 For building-in in furniture

EN61558-1 PTC-resistor

Separating transformer with

IEC60044-1 variable output voltage (Variac NEK144
Thermal - "cut out"
IEC61558-2-14 with separating transformer) IEC60617

Autotransformer with variable

IEC60044-1 output voltage (Variac with
NEK144 Thermostat
IEC61558-2-14 autotransformer)

Current transformer
NEK144 Potetiometer
IEC60044-1 for instruments
IEC60617 (variable resistor)

NEK144 Semiconductor diode



IPx3 Resistor

For fluorescent lamp ballast

IPx4 IEC60044-1

IPx5 Signal lamp

IPx7 VDE EMC - approved 16-5
A standard is a document which sets out guidelines Directorate for Product and Electrical Safety)). This aut-
for the design, testing and documentation of a product. hority acts as a national supervisory authority for the
Standards exist in virtually every field and are drawn up guidelines/directives laid down by parliament and impo-
in step with technological development. There are both sed by the EEA Agreement. The Norwegian Directo-rate
national and international standards. The purpose of in- for Product and Electrical Safety therefore also provides
ternational standards is to ensure that there are com- manufacturers with guidance when it comes to resolving
mon rules for certification and testing to look after cases of doubt and interpreting the practical application
safety, labelling and the customer’s needs and immediate of standards. It also ensures that national peculiarities
environment. They also help to counteract discrimina- such as the Norwegian earthing system are taken into
tory technical obstacles to trade in Europe, for exam- account. In Norway the Directorate for Product and
ple. Transformers have to be built in accordance with Electrical Safety has published FEB 91/NEK400, which
harmonised standards if possible. The standard should deals with electrical building installations and is based
cover safety in normal operation, faults, upstream on IEC60364 and HD 384. At a global level the IEC is
power system, connected electrical equipment, label- responsible for drawing up electrotechnical standards.
ling, the customer’s needs, the immedi- The IEC has members in 53 countries around the world.
ate environment and directions for use, In each member country there is a committee respon-
where relevant. The most widely used sible for standardisation at a national level. The same
standards for dry-type transformers committees also draw up proposals for IEC standards.
are IEC60726 and IEC60076 for single The Norsk Elektroteknisk Komite (Norwegian Electro-
and three-phase dry-type power trans- technical Committee) or NEK represents Norway in
formers and EN61558 for single and international standardisation work. The NEK distri-
three-phase small transformers. If we butes regulations for electrical plant laid down by the
use Norway as an example, the build Norwegian Directorate for Product and Electrical
standard for a product of a specific ca- Safety. CENELEC is the European standard in the EEA
tegory is determined by the supreme and EFTA countries.
The Noratel LF-transformer
control authority, (in Norway the The European standard (ENxxxxx) must reflect the in-
is built in accordance with

standard EN61558-2-6. Produkt og Elektrisitetstilsynet (Norwegian ternational standards as far as practically possible.

The Norwegian parliament and the aut-

Code Country Standardisation body horities adopt the directives laid down
by the EEA and ensure that they are in-
American National Standards
ANSI USA ANSI troduced and implemented in Norway.
The Norwegian Directorate for Product and
United- British Standards Institution Electrical safety is responsible for their intro-
Kingdom duction in Norway. It administrates the areas
Comitatio Electtrotechnico Ita- of electrical safety and the safety of products
liano and consumer services. There are also seve-
Verband Deutscher ral supervisory bodies such as NEMKO, for
Electrotechniker example. They perform technical testing and
Comité Européen De Normali- certification of electrical equipment and mac-
EN Europe CENELEC hinery. A standardisation project is started
on the basis of a defined need on the mar-
Gosudarstvenne Komitet Stan-
GOST Russia GOST ket and the interest of member countries
in the work. A committee is appointed to
Whole International Electrotechnical be responsible for drafting the standard(s).
world Commision
The national standardisation organisations
JIS Japan Japanese Industrial Standard JISC arrange for Norwegian participation in the
international work and appoint Norwegian
representatives from trade and industry, aut-
NBN Belgium Institut Belge De Normalisation IBN
horities, consumers, research and employees.
A new proposal for a standard is always sent
NEN Holland Nederlands Normalisatie Institut NNI to all the member countries for consultation,
a procedure which ensures openness and in-
NFC France Union Technique De l’Electricité UTE formation for interested parties on the stan-
dardisation work in progress.
Standards Association Of Aust-
SAA Australia SAA
Nacional De Racionalizacion Y
In some countries the certification of certain electrical Symbol Country Certifying body
equipment is required by law. In such cases a certificate
is issued by a government-approved testing laboratory.
Where there is a legal requirement the relevant certifi- KEMA-KEUR
Keuring van Electrotechnische
cation system must be marked on the product. In case Holland
of voluntary certification the component can be marked
with the certification symbol if desirable.
Belgium Comitè Electrotechnique
Symbol Country Certifying body Belge


Association Suisse des France Frankrike Union Technique de
Switzerland l'Electricitè

CSA Sweden Svenska Electriska Materiel
Canada Canadian Standards Kontrollanathalten
DEMKO Österreichischer Verband
Danmarks Elektriske Austria
Denmark für Electrotechnik
FIMKO GS Geprüfte Sicherheit
Finland Sähkötarkastuskeskus
Elinspektion Centralen

NEMKO Ship classification authorities

Norway To be used on board ships, electrical equipment nor-
mally has to have been approved in advance by specific
ship classification authorities. These authorities also lay
VDE down the rules and standards for the classification, cer-
Verband Deutscher Elek- tification and verification of fixed installations offshore.

UL Code Country Classification authority

USA Underwriters Laboratories
Bureau Veritas
BV France

DNV Norway Det Norske Veritas

There are two levels of UL certification: Recognized
components are approved for use in workshop-pro-
duced equipment if the producer knows the operating GL Germany Germanischer Lloyd
restrictions and use of the component under these re-
strictions is certified by UL. The component is not cer- LROS Lloyds Register of Shipping
tified as a "product for general use" because it is incom-
plete in terms of its structure or has limited possibilities. NKK Japan Nippon Kaiji Kyokaï
A recognized component is not always furnished with
a certification symbol. Listed components satisfy all RINA Italy Registro Italiano Navale
current classifi-cation requirements and can therefore
be employed both as a "product for general use" and
RRS Russia Register of Shipping
as part of installed equipment. A listed component must
have a certification symbol. 16-7
Transformer testing
Transformers are tested during and after production.
A transformer can be built according to many diffe-
rent standards, depending on what it is to be used for.
Testing must be based on current standards, with any
agreed deviations.
Test equipment used to measure values at final inspec-
tion must be tested and calibrated by approved certify-
ing laboratories.
Transformers can also be tested in co-operation
with certifying bodies (e.g. DNV, Lloyd ABS, etc.)
for verification. This is common in the case of large
transformers for ships, for example.
In some cases factory acceptance tests (FAT), at which
the customer’s representatives are present to verify the CE marking
tests, are also carried out. The European CE mark was introduced by the EU and is
intended to guarantee that a product has been designed,
produced and tested in accordance with all the relevant
directives. This means that the CE mark acts as a sort
of passport which gives products unrestricted access to
the markets in all the EU countries, as well as Norway
and Iceland, which are members of the EEA. The requi-
rements, which apply to marking, largely deal with health,
environment and safety. The aim is to ensure a minimum
level of safety and protection of the environment.
It is important to be aware that the CE mark is not a
quality mark.
Who is responsible for a product being CE-marked?
According to the Norwegian Product Liability Act, every
link in the chain is responsible. The manufacturer is re-
sponsible of course, but the importer will also be fully
liable for what is sold.
What products have to be marked?
It is mainly three directives which apply to electrical and
electronic products:
Machine Directive (89/392/EEC) - Applies to com-
plete machines, not individual components which can be
used to build such machines.
EMC Directive (897/336/EEC) - Applies to equipment
which can cause electromagnetic interference or be af-
fected by it. Does not apply to equipment which only
transmits transients such as circuit-breakers and contac-
Low Voltage Directive/L.V.D. (73/72/EEC) -
73/23/EEC and 93/68/EEC
Test on a Noratel transformer.Testing is done by registering the maxi- - Applies to all electrical equipment between 500 and
mum operating temperature, checking that the insulation is adequate
and verifying specified losses and other values specified in standards 1000 V AC and between 75 and 1500 V DC, apart from
and regulations. cables, wires and purely mechanical components.
Marking must be done directly on the product or using
a marking plate. The Low Voltage Directive came into
force on 1st January 1997 and means that no national
deviations can be accepted and harmonised standards
must be used if possible. In other words, those starting
with EN6xxxx, for example. It is Noratel’s responsibility
as a manufacturer to be able to produce a declaration of

The EMC Directive
Electronic circuits are making up an ever larger part of
most installations, e.g. for control and monitoring. Elec-
trical and electronic circuits and equipment must be able
to do their job without interfering with or being interfe-
red with by other products. EMC (electromagnetic com-
patibility) is therefore becoming increasingly important.
What is known as the EMC Directive came into force
on 1st January 1996. This means that manufacturers of
electrotechnical products must ensure that their pro-
ducts satisfy the regulatory requirements with regard
to electromagnetic noise. Equipment which does not
comply with the directive can no longer be sold in co- Noratel’s switch mode power supplies are a typical product which has
to be approved in accordance with the EMC Directive.
untries which are members of the EU or affiliated to the
EU through the EEA, including Norway and Iceland.

Regulatory requirements:
The purpose behind EU directives is to ensure
the free movement of goods within the EU and The EMC Directive only lays down the overall guide-
EEA and improve the operating safety of elec- lines, with the main requirement being as follows:
trical and electronic equipment. The EMC Direc-tive Devices mentioned in article 2 must be built in such a
does not lay down any requirements with regard to the way that:
general functioning of products. a) they do not generate strong enough electromagnetic
What does the EMC Directive cover? interference to prevent radio and telecommunications
In principle the directive covers all types of electrical de- equipment and other devices from being able to func-
vice and installation, from toys to industrial installations, tion in accordance with their purpose.
which are marketed within the EEA. Its sphere of appli- b) they have enough inherent resistance to electromag-
cation is set out in article 2, point 1: netic interference to be able to function in accordance
"This directive applies to devices which can cause elec- with their purpose.
tromagnetic interference or the functioning of which The directive does not contain any technical threshold
can be affected by such interference." limit values or type approval requirements, but the
The directive defines devices as "all electrical and elec- manufacturer or party who markets the product must
tronic appliances and equipment and installations which confirm in writing that the equipment complies with the
contain electrical and/or electronic components." requirements of the directive. A device is regarded as
An installation can contain a number of indi-vidual devi- satisfying the EMC requirements if it is made in accor-
ces or systems. Each device or system must satisfy the dance with point a) or b).
EMC requirements individually. But since it is not pos-
sible to predict every configuration, it is also a requi- a) The product is tested in accordance with the rele-
rement that the complete installation must satisfy the vant European standards. Based on the test results, the
EMC requirements. producer is under an obligation to make a declaration
of conformity which, among other things, refers to the
standards to which the product is said to conform.

b) The EMC requirements are documented through

the provision of technical material which contains a
description of the product, the measures which have
been taken to satisfy the EMC requirements and a test
report or certificate from "a competent body" (e.g.
NEMKO). The documentation must be kept for 10 years
from the last production date. 16-9

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