Topic 5: MODULE 2: The Holy Catholic Church UNIT 1 - The Church Origin, Foundation and Mission

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Topic 5

MODULE 2: The Holy Catholic Church

UNIT 1 – The Church Origin, Foundation and Mission

Lesson 2: The Church’s Foundation

I – Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this lesson, the students shall:

1. Elaborate Jesus’ mission, to proclaim the Reign- Kingdom of God;
2. Design the structure of the Church as Jesus wills it;
3. Articulate the presence of the Holy Spirit in the Church.

II – Instructional Sequence

A. Share (Activity)

Video clip: What is the Church? (An explanation for kids)

What is the church’s Foundation?

B. Heed (Individual Ponderings/Group Sharing)

When is the foundation of the Church?

C. Understand Content Discussion

A) Jesus Ushers In the Kingdom

After He heard of John the Baptist’s arrest, Jesus went to Galilee preaching the gospel of God saying: ”The
time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God is at hand: repent, and believe in the gospel.” (Mark 1:14-15) The perfection
of the Reign of God or the Kingdom of God lies ahead of us. When Jesus Christ ,the Second person in the Trinity
became one of us (the Word Incarnate), He brought near to us the Kingdom of God that was proclaimed throughout
the whole Gospel and has come in Christ’s death and resurrection. (CCC2816) This is the reason for His Incarnation.
It was Christ’s task to actualize the Father’s plan to save. To realize His Father’s will, He began this task by
preaching the Good News which is the coming of God’s Reign promised for ages in the Old Testament. Thus, Christ
ushered in the Kingdom of Heaven to us. (CCC763) The Church “is the reign of Christ already present in the
mystery.” (LG2) To the words of St. Cyrprian: “It may even be … that the Kingdom of God means Christ Himself …
For as He is our resurrection, since in Him we rise, so He can also be understood as the Kingdom of God, for in Him
we shall reign.”

B) Jesus Gives the Church a Structure

Jesus Christ made the Kingdom felt through His words, works and presence. There were those that heard
and experienced Him, followed Him and formed the “little Flock” whose shepherd He was. This “Little Flock” is the
seed, the beginning of the Kingdom. They consisted of Jesus’ true family to whom He taught a new way of acting and
praying. (CCC764) Later, The Lord Jesus gave this “Little Flock” with a structure that will stay until the Kingdom is
fully achieved. Here, the Twelve were chosen with Peter as their leader. These Twelve were reminiscent of the
Twelve tribes of Israel in the Old Testament but now the twelve become the foundation stones of the New Jerusalem.
They along with the other disciples share in Jesus’ mission, power and lot. (CCC765)
C) The Spirit Displays the Church
In the prayer that Jesus taught us (Lord’s Prayer), God’s Kingdom refers to the final coming of the reign of
God through Christ’s return. The Church since its birth at Pentecost committed herself to continue Christ’s task
through the work of the Holy Spirit who completes Christ’s work on earth and brings us to the fullness of grace when
the Kingdom comes in glory in that time when Christ hands it over to His Father. (CCC2818) When the task from the
Father was finally accomplished by the Son, the Holy Spirit was sent down to continue to sanctify the Church. It was
on the day of Pentecost that the Holy Spirit openly displayed the Church and the preaching, healing and the
spreading of the Good News among nations begun. It is the very nature of this community of Christ’s followers to be
sent as missionary to make disciples of those who have not heard of Christ. (CCC 767) To accomplish this
missionary task, the Spirit of the Lord bestows in the church many and different hierarchic and charismatic gifts. With
these gifts coupled with the faithful observance of Christ’s precepts, the Church receives her mission of proclaiming
and establishing among nations the Kingdom of Christ and of God as she herself is the beginning of this Kingdom.
(CCC 768)


1. Jesus Christ through His words, work and presence brought to us the Kingdom of God but it has yet to be
completed and perfected at the end time by the action of the Holy Spirit.
2. Jesus Christ organized His followers by assigning Twelve Apostles with Peter as their head. This indicates
Christ’s intention to put up a church who will stay and share His mission until the Kingdom is fully achieved
guided and aided by the Holy Spirit.
3. The Holy Spirit continues to deliver the missionary task started by Jesus Christ by continually making the
Church holy and by giving the Church hierarchic and charismatic gifts until her perfection at the end time.

D. Believe Integration

How and Why the Church exist?

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