Internship Report SMK Negeri 4 Jakarta: Ananda Putra Fajar NIS. 14251
Internship Report SMK Negeri 4 Jakarta: Ananda Putra Fajar NIS. 14251
Internship Report SMK Negeri 4 Jakarta: Ananda Putra Fajar NIS. 14251
Arranged By :
NIS. 14251
NIS/NISN : 14251/0037572414
Religion : Islam
Yours Faithfully,
Praise be to Allah SWT. For His abundance and grace. So that I can finish
this report properly.
This report is prepared based on what I have done when carrying out the
Internship at SMK Negeri 4 Jakarta. The preparation of this Internship Activity
Report is evident in the internship requirements and to fulfill one of the
requirements for graduating from a 3-year study period at SMK Negeri 4 Jakarta.
I am fully aware that in the preparation of this report, there were not a few
difficulties and obstacles experienced by the author, both in terms of content,
writing and words that were not well structured, but thanks to the help and guidance
and guidance from various parties, finally the Internship Activity Report this can
be solved.
On this occasion, I would like to thank all those who have helped and
supported me, from the beginning of the process of implementing the Internship
until the writing of this report, to:
1. Allah SWT. Who has given grace and guidance.
2. Mr. Dr. Rianto Ritonga, M.M. as the head of SMK Negeri 4 Jakarta who has
given me the opportunity to carry out Internship.
3. Mr. Abdul Basit, M.Pd. as deputy head of the school in the field of Industrial
Relations at SMK Negeri 4 Jakarta.
4. Mrs. Fristianti Rahayu, ST. as the head of competence in Computer &
Network Engineering.
5. Mr. M Syaifulamin, S.Pd. as a supervising teacher for the field work of the
Automation Letter Web project.
6. Mr. Yosua as the supervisor of the Internship of PT. MAXINDO.
7. Mr. Erick Setiawan as the supervisor of the Internship of PT. MAXINDO.
8. Mr. Alexander Rio Adi Negoro as the supervisor of the Internship of PT.
9. Mrs. Drs. Riki Kurnia, M.Pd. as homeroom Computer & Network
Engineering class.
10. Mrs. Nur Elli S.Pd. as the coordinator of the Internship at SMK Negeri 4
11. Nanda Eka Suci Ramadan as our tutor
12. My family who always provides moral and material support, as well as my
friends who always encourage me.
In the process of making this report, I realized that it was not completely perfect.
Therefore, I humbly accept criticism and suggestions that can motivate me,
hopefully it will be useful for readers and can add to my knowledge.
VALIDITY SHEET ...................................................................................... i
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................ vi
REFERENCES ............................................................................................ 17
APPENDICES ............................................................................................ 18
Ananda Putra Fajar 14251. Internship Report. Department of Computer and
Network Engineering, SMK Negeri 4 Jakarta, August 2020.
If Better Is Possible, Good Is Not Enough
School Structure
2.2 Theoritical Basis
• WEB-based Application
WEB-based Applications are applications developed using HTML,
PHP, CSS, JS languages that require a web server and browser to run such as
Chrome, Firefox or Opera.
WEB-based applications are applications developed using HTML,
PHP, CSS, JS languages that require a web server and browser to run such as
Chrome, Firefox or Opera.
• Front End Development
Front End is the practice of converting data into a graphical
interface, through the use of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, so that users can
view and interact with that data.
Front End developers are also tasked with working on the layout of
the interface alias User Interface (UI) of a website or application for a more
attractive appearance and User Experience (UX) for user experience in
exploring all existing website features.
• Back End Development
Back end is the part of a website or mobile application that manages
application logic and processes its data, so that users can view and interact
with that data.
Back End developers are also in charge of working on the Data Base
or a place to store data and also a server, a place (computer) to run
applications so that they can be accessed by clients.
• Framework
Framework is a developing web and desktop based applications. The
framework here is very helpful for developers in writing something more
structured and organized.
Framework was created to simplify the performance of the
programmer. So, a programmer does not need to write code repeatedly.
Because in it itself only need to compile programming components.
• WEB Server
WEB server is software that functions as a recipient of requests sent
through a browser and then provides a response to requests in the form of
website pages or more generally in HTML documents. However, a web server
can have two different meanings, namely as part of the hardware (hardware)
and as part of the software (software).
Referring to the hardware, the web server is used to store all data
such as HTML documents, images, CSS stylesheets files, and JavaScript files.
While on the software side, the function of the web server is as a control
center for processing requests received from the browser.
• Network Troubleshooting
Network troubleshooting can be defined as a way or technique of
recognizing and diagnosing network problems with the aim of keeping the
network running normally.
What network administrators, network technicians, and network
specialists need to pay attention to, is to maintain the connectivity of all
network devices (in a process usually referred to as fault management). In
evaluating and improving network performance, it must be done regularly and
Because serious network problems can indicate a performance
problem from a network so with more serious attention it can help find out
earlier before it becomes a more serious problem. Network troubleshooting
that will be done is based on services on TCP / IP or the Internet. Several
troubleshooting tools for software used are based on Linux and Windows
operating system (OS) platforms.
Things that often happen in the network include:
1. Connectivity problems occur when an end station (such as a computer,
hub/switch, router) cannot communicate with each other properly in a LAN
(local area network) or WAN (wide area network) network environment.
Connectivity problems can be solved using management tools in the form
of software and hardware. Common connectivity issues include:
a. Loss of connectivity, loss of connectivity usually occurs due to
damage to the hardware or an error in the software settings.
b. Intermittent connectivity, Although users have access to network
resources several times, but sometimes still face 'dead' network
connections (periods of downtime). Intermittent connectivity issues
may indicate that the network is on the verge of more severe damage.
If the connectivity then erratic immediately makes observations and
investigations on the problem.
c. Timeout issue causing loss of connectivity
2. Network Performance Issues Network has performance issues when it can't
operate effectively. For example, when the network response is slow and the
network is not as stable as usual, so users cannot use the network optimally.
2. Creating UI and UX
After all the ideas have been collected, the next step is to create an
illustration/illustration using Adobe XD software.
After the picture has been formed, then make the real appearance using the
Visual Studio Code software.
3. Creating Framework
The framework was created using Sublime Text and Visual Studio Code
software. Which serves to connect the UI / UX with the database.
4. Creating Database
The database is created using Xampp version 7.4.2 with a 3.2.4 control panel
and a MariaDB type server, which will then input the incoming data through the
created form.
• Zoom Meeting PT.Maxindo
Tool Description
1. Ping
Test network connectivity, using the icmp protocol
2. TCP Ping
A tool used to check latency on a destination host, running on the TCP/IP
protocol. Usually used when checking latency on a destination host whose
ICMP status is filtered. How to use this tool?
1. Download tcping.exe
2. Move tcping.exe to directory C:\WINDOWS\system32>
3. Open cmd, run as administrator. Use the format: taping (host/domain)
(specified port)
3. Traceroute
Check the path to a specific destination address, using the ICMP protocol. To
check the path of a destination host that cannot be tracerouted/ping. How to use
this tool?
1. Download tracetcp.exe
2. Move tracetcp.exe to directory C:\WINDOWS\system32>
3. Open cmd, run as administrator, type in the format: tracetcp (host/domain):
(specified port)
to find out information on domain names and resolve addresses in a DNS (DNS
5. DIG (Domain Information Groper)
DIG is also used for DNS Lookup , but the information provided is more
complete, such as NS, A record, PTR record, MX record, TXT record, etc.
6. DNS Record
NS : Indicates which Name Server is used by a domain.
MX : Redirects the domain/subdomain to an active Mail Server.
A : Map a domain name to a specific IP.
PTR : Pointer Record, maps an IP Address to a specific domain.
TXT : Used to validate domain ownership .
AAA : Mapping a domain name to a specific IP like A record but
implementation for ipv6 .
SOA : Start of Authority, contains authorization Information about a domain .
CNAME : Used to create an Alias on a subdomain.
7. Iperf
A tool to measure the maximum bandwidth and quality of network links, works
on TCP and UDP protocols. For Linux: apt-get install iperf , For Windows :
download and extract it to desired directory.
8. Iperf advanced command
9. Torch
Mikrotik tool for monitoring network traffic in real time. Monitor traffic usage
from a nip. Detect flooding/spam traffic with torch. Detects abnormal traffic
using torch.
10. DHCP Server (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
Protocol for automatic distribution of IP addresses.
11. DHCP Client
Make an ip request to the DHCP server.
12. DHCP Rogue
A counter DHCP server that can interfere with the original DHCP server on the
13. Telnet
The client - server protocol used for remote remote service, Telnet is also used
to check the status of open ports.
14. Netcat
Similar to Telnet, netcat can check the status of open ports singly or using the
range (port scanning).
15. Looking Glass
A public service that is used to find information about the availability of
services on the Internet. Can also be used as a support tool for network
troubleshooting. The looking glass servers are located in various locations in the
world, depending on the provider.
For example, our network has failed to access the site. We
want to know whether is down globally or not. So the looking
glass tool is used to check it. Looking Glass ( is a search service for
information such as Ping, Traceroute, and also about BGP. We simply enter the
target host we want to find information on in the IP/Hostname column.
Traceroute uses looking glass .
16. MRTG Graphing Tools
Services used for monitoring and information visualization purposes.
Information in the form of processed data, all comes from managed network
devices. There are many MRTG software such as Cacti, Grafana, Kibana,
Observium, and the likes. It can be seen that network devices send information
in the form of the percentage of CPU usage. After being visualized, it was
concluded that there was an increase in the percentage of CPU usage to 100%
during peak hours.
17. Log
Contains information about any events experienced by network devices.
Starting from the interface that is unplugged / plugged in, the DHCP user list,
until the access point signal to the user is written in this log.
18. Good Wireless Network
In determining the need for a wireless link network, many factors must be
considered. These include air distance, line of sight (presence or absence of
obstacles), and also the placement of wireless radio. After these aspects are
known, the radio specifications that are needed are obtained.
The higher the SnR value, the better the quality of the link.
Client Connection Quality (CCQ), states how effectively the bandwidth
capacity can be used. The higher the percentage value the better.
20. Optical Power Meter (OPM)
The OPM is a tool used to measure, determine and or detect the strength of a
power from the light that is in the fiber optic network cable. If the input power is
on the fiber network cable, then the output power will be half of the input power.
21. Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR)
The OTDR is a tool used to maintain or inspect, in installing, and in running the
network cable.
• Checking for several types of interference on fiber optic cables
• Detects near and far the type of interference
• Distance counter to disconnected connections
• Detecting the superiority of the cable used
• Attenuation calculator of fiber optic network cable
Case Problems
Every job can be done safely, accidents must have a cause, and
causes of accidents must be prevented or eliminated.
Occupational Health is a condition where workers are free from
various physical and emotional illnesses caused by work. Occupational
safety is a condition where workers are protected from injury caused by
various work-related accidents. Work Accident is an accident that occurs in
an employment relationship or is doing work in a workplace.
A workplace is a closed or open space, movable or fixed, or often
entered by workers for business purposes and where there are sources of
3.1 Time and place activity of Internship
This internship activity takes place in the odd-even semester of the 2020/2021
Academic Year. The activity was carried out for 15 days starting from
November 16, 2020 to December 4, 2020. This internship was carried out at
the State Vocational High School 4 Jakarta.
And the Meeting with PT. Maxindo will be held on March 31, 2021 starting at
10.00 WIB - 12.00 WIB using the ZOOM application and broadcast live on
the YouTube channel of SMK Negeri 4 Jakarta.
3.2 Description activity of Internship
No. Day/Date Activity
1 Monday, November 16, Understand web-based application
2020 projects, starting from the planning,
implementation, and post-
implementation stages. As well as
adapting to the environment and
existing protocols.
2 Tuesday, November 17, Understand web development, starting
2020 from the planning, implementation,
and post-implementation stages.
3 Wednesday, November 18, Understand the web development
2020 division, from Front-End to Back-End.
4 Thursday, November 19, Understand the workflow of the Front-
2020 End web development division.
5 Friday, November 20, Understand the workflow of the Back-
2020 End web development division.
6. Monday, November 23, Get started Creating web-based
2020 automated mailing system
applications, starting from HTML and
7. Tuesday, November 24, Continuing to create web-based
2020 automated mailing system
applications, starting from designing
the UI and UX.
8. Wednesday, November 25, Continuing to create web-based
2020 automated mailing system
applications, starting from
implementing UI and UX designs to
9. Thursday, November 26, Started Creating a database to store
2020 data into a web-based automated
mailing system application.
10. Friday, November 27, Connect the database to save data to
2020 the web-based automation system
11. Monday, November 30, Presenting the work of a web-based
2020 automation system application project
in the form of a prototype to the client.
12. Tuesday, December 1, Revise the web-based automation
2020 system application, based on client
suggestions and criticisms.
13. Wednesday, December 2, Revise the web-based automation
2020 system application, based on client
suggestions and criticisms.
14. Thursday, December 3, Revise the web-based automation
2020 system application, based on client
suggestions and criticisms.
15. Friday, Desember 4, 2020 Improvise web-based automation
system applications, in the form of
Final Projects for clients.
16. Wednesday, March 31 Understand network troubleshooting
2021 tools based on user experience.
3.3 Attendance list of Internship
4.1 Conclusion
Internship is a means for vocational students to prepare for the world of work
after graduation, while conclusions that can be drawn from internship activities
1. Practice discipline in doing a job
2. Increase knowledge and mindset about the world of work
3. Train physically and mentally to be ready in the real world of work
4. Provide experiences that will be very useful in the future
Due to this pandemic, I carried out Internship at school, which lasted for 15
days from November 16 to December 4, 2020. During the Internship, I learned
a lot about the world of work and practiced directly how the industry works
with my competence in the field of work. Engineering, information and
communication technology expertise.
4.2 Suggestions
Internship participants are expected to be ready to work when facing the future.
Therefore, the knowledge gained during the Internship is very useful.
Discipline and obedience are preferred in Internship so that they can be applied
in everyday life.
For school:
1. In order for the teaching and learning process to run well, supporting
facilities are needed for students according to their respective majors.
2. To further improve guidance and direction in industrial work practices.
In order to pay more attention to students who are carrying out industrial work
practices, especially in monitoring the companies where they work.
2008 - 2021. SMK Negeri 4 Jakarta. Tentang Kami. (Accessed 2021-04-06).