Reviewer-IN-FAR - Lecture Notes Financial Accounting and Reporting 1-10 Reviewer-IN-FAR - Lecture Notes Financial Accounting and Reporting 1-10
Reviewer-IN-FAR - Lecture Notes Financial Accounting and Reporting 1-10 Reviewer-IN-FAR - Lecture Notes Financial Accounting and Reporting 1-10
Reviewer-IN-FAR - Lecture Notes Financial Accounting and Reporting 1-10 Reviewer-IN-FAR - Lecture Notes Financial Accounting and Reporting 1-10
Prepaid expense accounts include: Office Supplies, * FOR THE MONTH ENDED are used for Income
Prepaid Rent, Prepaid Insurance, and others. Statement and SCOE
Provides information about the cash receipts -generally long term liability and equity
and cash payments of an entity during the Inflows-from investment by owners, issuance of debt
period (bond and notes)
Shows the net increase or decrease in cash
during the period and the cash balance at the Outflows- payments to owners in the form of
end of the period withdrawals, and to settle notes payable
Helps project the net cash flows of the entity
Direct Method
The entity’s net cash provided by operating
-involves providing services, producing and delivering activities is obtained by adding the individual
goods operating cash inflows and then subtracting the
individual operating cash outflows
-inflow/ outflow of cash from acquiring, selling, and
delivering goods Indirect Method