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Module 5

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Module Overview Hi my dear students.You shall be emerged yourselves in this

Module 5.This module is one of the several authentic and
nontraditional assessment techniques in education. This is in
response to the growing clamor for more “reasonable” and
authentic means of assessing your growth and development in
Module At the end of the module,you shall be able to:
Objectives/ - be confronted with differentiated activities for the development
Outcomes of your lesson.
- recall your experiences from the different activities
-perform the activities to enhance higher thinking skills
- assess your expected output to improve your meta cognitive
Lessons in the Lesson 1 Features and Principles & Purpose of Portfolio
Module Assessment
Lesson 2 Essential Elements and Types of Portfolio
Lesson 3 Stages in Implementing Portfolio Assessment
Lesson 4 Assessing and Evaluating the Portfolio
Lesson 5 Student-Teacher Conferences

Learning At the end of the lesson , you will :

Outcomes - identify the features and essential characteristics of portfolio
- name the types and the purpose of portfolio assessment
- show awareness on the criteria of making a portfolio
- guided in doing a portfolio based on the conference made with the

Introduction Good day to all of you! Today you will be performing your first task
which is Lesson 1. Are you now ready? Let us do the task and focus
to the given directions. Ok, lets start.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module
Lesson 1 Features and Principles & Purposes of
Portfolio Assessment
Learning Outcomes: Generates creativity in their written output
Recognizes ones personal characteristics
Time Frame: 2 weeks
Are you ready with your lesson 1? In this lesson you shall do the activity.
You are familiar with this activity simply,

Activity1: Let’s get started!

Unscramble the terms which are relevant in coming up with a collection

of an output Reflect your answer opposite to the


Analysis:(Let’s think about)

1. Why do you come up with those terms?
2. What is the relevance of those terms in rating students
3. What are those items that you have collected to be rated?
4. Why do we rate your performance of your activity?

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module
Abstraction:( Let’s Explore!)

As students you need to be aware on how to come up with a meaningful

portfolio because this can be an additive factor to improve your knowledge in
your subject. Your portfolio becomes an avenue to look into how you grow with
the evidences that you included in your portfolio.

Below you can find the features and principles as well as the purposes of
portfolio assessment. In that manner you as students you can have a chance of
improving your performance ahead of you.

A portfolio represents a
A portfolio is a form of selection of what the students
assessment that students believe are best included from
among the possible collection
do together with their
of things related to the concept
teachers. being studied.

Features and
Principles of

A portfolio provides The criteria for

samples of the student’s selecting and assessing
work which show growth the portfolio contents
over time. must be clear to the
teacher and the
students at the outset
of the process.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module
First, portfolio assessment
matches assessment to

Second, portfolio assessment has

clear goals.

Third, portfolio assessment gives a profile of

learners’ abilities in terms of depth, breadth,
and growth.

Fourth, portfolio assessment is a tool for
assessing a variety of skills not normally testable
in a single setting for traditional testing.

Fifth, portfolio assessment develops
awareness of students’ own learning.

Sixth, portfolio assessment caters to
individuals in a heterogeneous class.
Seventh, portfolio assessment develops social
skills. Students interact with other students in
the development of their own portfolios.

Eighth, portfolio assessment develops

independent and active learners.

Ninth, portfolio assessment can improve

motivation for learning and thus

Tenth, portfolio assessment provides

opportunity for student-teacher

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module
Application (Let’s do it)

At this portion write your nickname or your full name. Come up with a meaning
of each letter featuring your personal characteristics which serve as guide for
you as a student.



Eager to learn

Loves to work
With colleague


Closure I commend your accomplishment !

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module
Lesson 2 Essential Elements & Types of Portfolio
Learning Outcomes: - Express themselves on how to be responsible learners
- Improve communication skills through a written discourse
Time Frame: 2 weeks
Hello ! How was your Lesson 1 ? Don’t you have some things
to be clarified? Shall we go to the next Lesson? Are you ready now? Ok. Let’s

Let’s get started!

This time we will try to flash back from your first day in College.What are the most
important things that you prepared?Fill in the bubbles with the things you prepared
for school. Number the bubbles 1 representing as essential one and 2 as lesser of

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module
Analysis:(Let’s think about)
1. Why do you come up with those things as your number 1 priority?
2. How about those that you numbered 2? Why are they just your
second priority?
3. When are you going to decide that such things are your first /
second priority?
4. How does it help you when you assess something?
Abstraction:( Let’s Explore!)
Just like preparing for school,before you shall present the contents of your portfolio
you need to provide preliminaries which give a package of what your portfolio is all
about. These are essential elements you need to provide so that the readers will have a
picture of your output. You shall find below the 6 essential elements of a portfolio.

2. Dates on all 1. Drafts of aural/oral

entries, to facilitate and written products
proof of growth over and revised versions;
time I.e., first drafts and
3. Reflections can versions
appear at different
stages in the learning
process (for formative
and/or summative

5. Entries - both
core (items student
have to include)
4. Table of and optional (items
6. Cover Letter “About of student’s choice)
Contents with the author” and “What
numbered my portfolio shows
pages about my progress as a

Elements of the

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Please refer to the 3 types of portfolio. These shall also guide you to accomplish what type
of portfolio you are going to make.

Documentation Showcase

The process
As the name
portfolio in contrast
implies, this
demonstrates all
facets or phases of
involves a The showcase
the learning
collection of work portfolio only shows
over time the best of the
showing growth students’ outputs
and improvement and products.
students’ learning
of identified

Application (Let’s do it)

Come up with a reflection paper about your priorities as a student/ or

essential things that help you attain your dream.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module {
My Reflection Paper


Congratulations! You did it well.

Lesson 3 Stages in Implementing Portfolio Assessment

Learning Outcome : - Implement decision-making skills to evaluate a situation

- Observe patterns to arrive an expected result

Introduction: How are you today? Are you good? From our previous lesson you were able
to come up with your self reflection based on our topic. Let us now tackle our lesson 3. Get
set? Ok, lets start with our 3rd activity.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module {
Let’s get started!

You are given 6 questions that represent the stages in implementing

portfolio assessment. Assign a number to each question. No. 1 as the
first stage and #6 as the last stage

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development

Whom should I
inform of being
assessed using

Do I need
support in the
process of
portfolio What are the How should I
development? contents of be assessed
your portfolio with my
to be contents or
assessed? activities I

Should their
be a guideline
to be followed
for a portfolio
What do I
want to learn?

Let us now address the questions.


1. What is the sequence of the posted questions?

2. Why do we have that sequence?
3. If they are stages, why do we need to follow the sequence?

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module {

Implementing Portfolio assessment needs to follow the 6 stages.The concept

should be clear to you. Through this you shall determine the traditional from portfolio
assessment . This kind of assessment is fair . You should also know how much weight
this portfolio will have in the computation of your final grade. You can present as
many evidence of learning as you can since you can be left at your own.Take a look at
the stages and discover the sequence to develop your own portfolio.

Stage 1
Stages in
Assessment Identifying teaching goals to assess through

Stage 3 Stage 2

Specification of Portfolio Introducing the idea of portfolio

Content assessment to your class

Giving clear and detailed Informing key school officials,

guidelines parents
for portfolio presentation and other stakeholders

Stage 4 Stage 5

Development of the Portfolio

Stage 6

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module {

Make a pattern using an arrow. Trace your experience in achieving a good output.

Ex. I have to comply my assignment:

I searched the topic from the library I went to the shelf where the book related to
the topic is found I browsed the book read it and jotted those
that answered my assignment. Finally I accomplish my assignment in a
clean sheet of paper.

Closure: At last we are done. I always appreciate your responses to our activity.
You did it!. Congratulations!

Lesson 4 Assessing and Evaluating the Portfolios

Learning Outcomes: - Promote creativity in presenting a portfolio

Identify ones criteria in choosing a friend

-Introduction: Good Day to everyone. How do you feel today? I hope you are all set for our
lesson 4. Are you all set? Let’s all switch now and do this activity:

Let’s get started!

Indicate a check mark which indicates a portfolio & an X if

otherwise before the statement.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
How do you know that the output presented is a portfolio?
the opportunities to be more
reflective is out of the scene.

Analysis (Let’s think about)

1. How do you know that the output presented is a portfolio?

2. What are your bases?
3. Do you think portfolio can be assessed?


This is the detailed criteria in evaluating a portfolio:

- Thoughtfulness ( including evidence of students’ monitoring of their own

comprehension, metacognitive reflection, and productive habits of mind)

- Growth and development in relation to key curriculum expectancies and

- Understanding and application of key processes
- Completeness, correctness, and appropriateness of products and processes in
the portfolio

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module {
- Diversity of entries ( e.g. use of multiple formats to demonstrate achievement
of designated performance standard)


Fill in the boxes with your own criteria in choosing a friend.

Closure I’m so happy with your tasks. Keep it up guys.

Lesson 5 Student-Teacher Conferences

Learning Outcome: Improve logical-analytical intelligence

Value openness to enhance self worth

Introduction: I am impressed with your output in your Lesson 4. Are you ready to do your
last lesson? Ok, Shall we start?

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module {

Let’s get started!

You shall recall your experience when you were called by your
teacher for a
conference. Decide whether you Agree or Disagree with the
following statements. Write A for agree and D for this disagree


Conference is
conducted A scheduled Clarify
with students
has to be purposes and
before procedure
returning the observed
with student

Allow the Have students Weaknesses and

Give guidelines students to compare the areas for
to prepare for do most of reflections with improvement need to
each conference the talking be communicated
the teacher

At the end of the

Students are
Show them
conference there encouraged
what is
is an action plan to take notes
possible for
progress for the future

1. How does it feel when you have a conference with your teacher?
2. Were the questions asked in line with your portfolio?
3. Does it help you improve your performance?
4. What factor do you think which helps you answer the questions raised by your
5. Are the statements in the activity relevant to a conference with your teacher?

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module {
It takes courage to submit ourselves for a conference with our teacher But we have
to do this.

The main philosophy embedded in

portfolio assessment is “shared and
active assessment” To this end,

The teacher should have short and individual meeting with

each student to discuss the progress and goals set for a future
The student and the teacher keep careful documentation of
the meetings noting the significant agreements and findings
in each individual session. The formative evaluation process
for portfolio assessment is facilitated. Indeed,
the use of portfolio assessment takes time
but in the end the gains are well worth
the time and effort expended by the
Finally, student-teacher conference can also be for
summative evaluation purposes when the student
presents the final portfolio product and where final
grades are determined together with the teacher.
Even at this stage of the process students can
negotiate for the appropriate grade to be given
using as evidence the minutes of the regular
student-teacher conferences. It is for this reason
that notes from this conference have to be included
in the portfolio as they contain joint decisions about
the individual’s strengths and weaknesses.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module {

To end this module compose a three stanza poem expressing your gratitude to your
teacher who helped you enhance your creativity and resourcefulness.


Congratulations for your achievement coming up with a meaningful portfolio.

Module Summary

This module is a purposeful collection of student work that exhibits the student’s
efforts, progress and achievement in one or more areas. It concentrates on the topic called
portfolio assessment method. It is one of the several authentic and nontraditional
assessment techniques in education. The module utilizes the 4A’s for them to do the
tasks at their own pace. The last topic dwells on student-teacher conference guided with
the detailed criteria.
Navarro, Rosita and De Guzman-Santos, Rosita (2013) 2nd ed,Lorimar Pub,INC
Qeon City, Phil.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module {

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