The Effectiveness of Therapeutic Physical Exercise

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The Effectiveness of Therapeutic Physical Exercise in Patients with

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis in Relation to the Alsfrs-R Functionality Scale:
A Systematic Review

Preprint · November 2020

DOI: 10.20944/preprints202011.0540.v1


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6 authors, including:

Alejandro Galán-Mercant Manuel González Sánchez

Universidad de Cádiz University of Malaga


Maria Ruiz-Muñoz
University of Malaga


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Authors: Laura Ortega-Hombrados * ¹, Guadalupe Torres-Molina * ², Alejandro Galán-

Mercant ³, ⁴, ⁵, Eduardo Sánchez-Guerrero ¹, ⁶, Manuel González-Sánchez ** ¹, ⁶ and María
Ruiz-Muñoz ⁶, ⁷


¹ Department of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Málaga, 29071

Málaga, Spain.

² Department of Nursing, Physiotherapy and Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences,

University of Almería. 04120 Almería, Spain.

³ MOVE-IT Research Group.

⁴ Department of Nursing and Physiotherapy. University of Cádiz, Cádiz Spain.

⁵ Biomedical Research and Innovation Institute of Cádiz (INIBICA) Research Unit,

Puerta del Mar University Hospital, University of Cádiz, Spain.

⁶ Institute of Biomedicine of Málaga (IBIMA), 29010 Málaga, Spain.

⁷ Department of Nursing and Podiatry, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Málaga,

29071 Málaga, Spain.

*Equal contribution

**Corresponding author: Manuel González-Sánchez

Email address: [email protected]

Department of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Málaga, 29071

Málaga, Spain.

© 2020 by the author(s). Distributed under a Creative Commons CC BY license.

Preprints ( | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 20 November 2020 doi:10.20944/preprints202011.0540.v1


Background: to analyze the changes that a therapeutic physical exercise program is

capable of causing in the functionality of patients suffering from ALS and in addition, to
analyze the respiratory capacity. Methods: a systematic review of the PubMed, SCOPUS,
Cochrane, SciELO, PEDro, CINAHL and MEDline databases is carried out. The
information was filtered using the following MeSH terms: "Amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis", "Physical Therapy", "Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine". Clinical trials
published in the last 5 years were included in which one of the interventions was
therapeutic physical exercise in patients with ALS, which included the ALSFRS-R as a
result variable. Results: 10 clinical trials with a total of 421 patients were analyzed, of
which 183 underwent rehabilitation with physical exercise and were part of the case
group; the rest belong to the control group and their treatment was mostly passive. The
observed trend is of a decrease of approximately 6 points in the ALSFRS-R scale at 6
months in the case groups; however, no behavior pattern was met in the controls.
Conclusions: Therapeutic physical exercise could contribute to slow down the
deterioration of the musculature of people with ALS, thus facilitating the performance of
their daily activities.

Keywords: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, physical therapy, rehabilitation, exercise.

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1. Introduction

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a disease of the central nervous system (CNS) and is
characterized by a progressive involution of motor neurons in the cortex of the brain (upper motor
neurons) [1]. As a consequence, muscle weakness occurs that causes paralysis, spreading from
different body regions. It compromises motor autonomy, written and oral communication,
swallowing and breathing; however, the ocular muscles, sensitivity or intellect are not altered [2].
The clinical manifestations of ALS are due to the abnormal behaviour of the nervous
system [3].

The Revised Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Functional Scale (ALSFRS-R) is a measure

used to assess the status and progression of patients with ALS. It is one of the most widely
used scales to assess the functionality of these patients. The main components of this scale
are [4]: bulbar function: language, salivation and swallow; fine motor: writing, use of
cutlery, dress and hygiene; gross motricity: rolling over in bed, walking and climbing
stairs; and respiratory function: dyspnoea, orthopnoea and respiratory insufficiency. It is
common for people with ALS to obtain their diagnosis 1 year after the onset of the disease
and with a score greater than 39 on the ALSFRS-R scale [5].

The treatment of this disease must be comprehensive and must be approached from a
multidisciplinary point of view, from the moment it is diagnosed until its terminal phase.
It includes pharmacological, neurorehabilitation and symptomatic treatments [6].
Physical therapy consists of planned therapeutic physical exercise to correct postural
abnormalities, combat pain and reduce muscle stiffness. In addition, it promotes
functional independence, trains the patient to prevent falls, and re-educates walking, if
necessary with certain technical aids [7]. The role of physical exercise begins prior to
significant loss of strength and continues throughout the course of the disease, up to the
last days of the person's life.

Stretching and range-of-motion exercises are commonly accepted therapies for patients
with ALS [2]. However, controversy still exists when it comes to exercise intensity.
Resistance exercises for unaffected muscles (with strength of at least grade 3) using low
to moderate load and intensity and aerobic activities, such as swimming, walking, and
cycling, at levels between 50% and 65% of the heart rate reserve can be safe and help to
achieve therapeutic goals.

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Everything indicates that exercise can be physically and psychologically important for
people with ALS; however, although recent studies focus on what type of exercise is most
indicated for these patients, there is still no evidence of this or at what frequency or
intensity should exercise be performed in training sessions or to what extent it helps
patients maintain functionality. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to analyse
the changes that a therapeutic physical exercise programme is capable of causing in the
functionality of patients suffering from ALS, measured with the ALSFRS-R scale. In
addition, secondarily, to analyse the changes that a therapeutic physical exercise
programme is capable of causing in the respiratory capacity of patients with ALS through
the forced vital capacity (FVC) test, in addition to seeing how this rehabilitation
influenced the fatigue of patients with the Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS) and with the 6-
minute walk test (6MWT).

2. Materials and methods

Search strategy

To carry out this systematic review, information collected from the PubMed, SCOPUS,
Cochrane, SciELO, PEDro, CINAHL and MEDLINE databases was used. For the
selection of the information, descriptors were used that were obtained from Medical
Subjects Heading (MeSH). The information was filtered using the following keywords:
"Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis", "ALS", "Motor Neuron Disease", "Physical Therapy",
"Exercise Therapy", "Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine", and "Exercise Training". A
systematic review of the scientific literature was carried out following the PRISMA
checklist system.

Selection method

Two researchers with more than 10 years in the selection of documents performed, in a
blinded way, the selection of the different documents. After applying all the previously
described criteria, those that were duplicated were eliminated and the selected articles
were read in full by the authors. In the event of a discrepancy in any criteria, a third
researcher (blinded) with more than 15 years of experience in document selection,
decided if the paper was included.

Selection of documents

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The following inclusion criteria were established: clinical trials published in the last 5
years, with at least one of the interventions being therapeutic physical exercise in patients
with ALS, which included the values of the ALSFRS-R as a result variable of patients
who underwent study, in addition to obtaining a score ≥ 5 on the PEDro methodological
quality scale.

The following exclusion criteria were assigned: score < 5 on the PEDro methodological
quality scale; the absence of the result variable ALSFRS-R among the measurement
values; trials with exclusively respiratory/bulbar rehabilitation programmes; or trials
involving animals.

Evaluation of the internal validity of the selected documents

The PEDro methodological assessment scale was applied to estimate the quality of the
studies analysed [8]. This scale consists of 10 points, including selection criteria;
randomization of the sample; concealed allocation; initial comparability between groups;
all subjects blinded; all therapists who administer therapy blinded; all evaluators
measuring key outcomes blinded; adequacy of follow-up; analysis with intention to treat;
statistical comparison of results between groups; and existence of specific measures and
variability for at least one key result. Such items may or may not be given, so points were
awarded based on compliance failure to comply with the requirements of each particular
item [8].

Studies with a score ≥ 6 were considered high-quality studies.

3. Results

Initially, 753 documents were found in the PubMed, SCOPUS, Cochrane, SciELO,
PEDro, CINAHL and MEDLINE databases. The following were excluded: 467
duplicates, 155 because they were older than 5 years, 84 that were not clinical trials, 11
because they were animal studies, nine because they only contained bulbar rehabilitation,
and 17 because they did not include the main outcome variable of the ALSFRS-R. After
this, 10 clinical trials were analysed in full-text and included (Figure 1).

The 10 selected clinical trials were evaluated with the PEDro scale. The score ranged
from 5 to 7 points. Four of the studies scored a 5, three of them scored a 6 and the rest
scored a 7. Furthermore, none of them were masked, and all included the results of the
primary variable (Table 1).

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The characteristics of all the documents were analysed and are reflected in Table 2. It can
be seen how a total of 421 patients were test subjects, of which 183 underwent
rehabilitation with physical exercise and were part of the group of cases; the rest of the
participants belonged to the control group and their treatment was mostly passive. The
mean age of the patients was 60 years, and the mean time they suffered from the disease
was 15 months.

Some of the therapeutic physical exercise interventions consisted of aerobic exercise [9,
10], moderate-high intensity strength and endurance exercises [5, 11–13], functional
training or stretching [14, 15]. Frequencies ranged from highest to lowest [10] according
to the study, and the intervention time was a minimum of 2 weeks and a maximum of 6
months. The exercises were performed around at 70% of the heart rate (HR), and the
strength of each patient was measured so that it did not exceed 80% of their MR.

The outcome variables of each article were analysed. The main one was the ALSFRS-R
functionality scale (Table 3), in which the score ranged between 32 and 43, the initial
minimum and maximum respectively. In addition, these documents included secondary
variables such as FVC, FSS and 6MWT. Scores were collected at the start of treatment
and in the short, medium and long terms. They were divided into two tables: ALSFRS-R
(all studies) (Table 3) and FVC, FSS, and 6MWT (7/10 studies were included) (Table 4).
We chose these variables according to their relevance and the frequency with which they
occurred in the analysed studies. Both tables show the evolutionary comparison of cases
and controls, in addition to the standard deviation of each data.

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Table 1. PEDro Scale

Measures They Main Mean or

Type of Variable Blinded Blinded Evaluators PEDro
Authors study
Randomization Masked
at startup subjects therapists blinded
85% of consider variable standard
the sample total sample results deviation Points

Marques Braga et al
(2018) [9]
ECA ● - ● - - - - ● ● ● 5

Kitano et al (2018)
EC - - ● - - - ● ● ● ● 5
Sivaramakrishnan et
al (2019) [16]
EC - - ● - - - ● ● ● ● 5

Clawson et al (2017)
ECA ● - - - - ● ● ● ● ● 6

Kato et al (2018) [5] EC - - ● - - - ● ● ● ● 5

Van Groenestijn et al
(2019) [17]
ECA ● - ● - - ● ● ● ● ● 7

Ferri et al (2019) [12] ECA ● - ● - - - ● ● ● ● 6

Merico et al (2018)
ECA ● - ● - - ● - ● ● ● 6

Zucchi et al (2019)
ECA ● - ● - - ● ● ● ● ● 7

Lunetta et al (2015)
ECA ● - ● - - ● - ● ● ● 6

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Table 2. Characteristics of the included studies

Author Sample size Age (years) ALS time Intervention Session frequency Outcome variables

Marques Braga et al
50 [48] G1: 63 (±13.0) G1 = SC: 9.5 months
G1 AECI: Aerobic exercise of controlled and G1: AECI(2 sessions / week) + ALSFRS-R
G1 = SC: 25 [24] moderate intensity + SC daily SC - 6 months CPET
(2018) [9] G2: 62 (±12.0) G2 = AECI: 9 months
G2 = AECI: 25 [24] G2 SC: Standard care (ROM + Gear) G2: daily SC - 6 months FVC, FSS

105 G1: 62.8 (±10.2) G1: 2.2 (±2.4) years Strength, functional and stretching exercises for Daily / individualized frequency ALSFRS-R
Kitano et al (2018) [14] G1 = Home-ex: 21 [15] G2: 62.7 (±12.1) G2: 1.5 (±1.7) years upper limbs and trunk muscles for 6 months. G1 = unsupervised MMT
G2 = Control: 84
Reclining stepped aerobic exercise of moderate 40 minutes. ALSFRS-R
Sivaramakrishnan et al 9 G1: 59.22 (±12.3) G1: 2.37 (±1.9) years intensity. 3 sessions a week. 6MWD, TUG
(2019) [16] G1 = Aerobic G: 9
70 steps / minute. For 4 weeks. FSS, SF-12, BDI
59 G1: 57.68 (±9.72)
G1: 11.08 (±13.21)
G1: Held stretches (30 sec)
G1= ROM: 21 G2: 7.25 (±7.21) 3 sessions a week. FVC, FSS
Clawson et al (2017) [13] G2: 63.65 (±10.55) G2: strength exercises (70% RM)
G2=RESISTANCE: 18 G3: 7.30 (±6.80) For 6 months. ASS, VAS
G3: 57.82 (±11.88) G3: moderate / high intensity resistance exercises.
G3= ENDURANCE: 20 months VO2 MÁX
30 minutes. ALSFRS-R
Kato et al (2018) [5]
2 G1: 56 (±8) G1: 1.1 (±0.5) años
Moderate / high intensity strength and endurance
7 sessions a week, KEMS, FVC
G1 = Strengt G: 2 exercises.
For 2 weeks. FAC
57 [32] G1: 60.9 (±10)
G1: 15.5 (±10.9) G1 AET: Aerobic exercise therapy in cycle 50 minutes. ALSFRS-R
Van Groenestijn et al G1= AET: 27 [10] G2: 18 (±14.0) ergometer + UC 3 sessions a week. ALSAQ-40+FS-36
G2: 59.9 (±10.7)
(2019) [17] G2= UC: 30 [22] months G2 UC: usual care For 16 weeks. MCS, PCS, FVC
G1 TRAIN: Moderate / high intensity aerobic and ALSFRS-R
16 G1: 50.7 (±3.3)
G1: 20.5 (±20.3)
strength exercise.
50 minutes.
G1= TRAIN: 8 G2: 13.4 (±6.6) 3 sessions a week.
Ferri et al (2019) [12] G2: 55.5 (±5.95) G2 UC: usual care VO2 MAX, Mc GILL
G2= UC: 8 months For 12 weeks.

38 G1: 61.6 (±10.6)

G1: 30.2 (±11.8) G1 EP: Submaximal aerobic exercise 65% HR and 50 minutes. ALSFRS-R
Merico et al (2018) [11] G1= EP: 23 G2: 30.3 (±6.7) 80% strength RM 7 sessions a week. 6MWT, FIM, CK
G2: 59.8 (±14.7)
G2= SNT: 15 meses G2 SNT: neuromotor standard exercise For 5 weeks. FSS, VO2 MAX
65 G1: 65,14 (±9,90)
G1: 15,67 (±9,74)
G1: High frequency aerobic and resistance training.
45 minutes.
Zucchi et al (2019) [10] G1= IER: 32 G2: 16,64 (±8,98) G1: 5 / week and G2: 2 / week
G2: 64,74 (±10,10) G2: Aerobic exercise, low frequency. FSS
G2= UER: 33 months For 10 weeks.
60 [47] G1: 61.1 (±10.1)
G1: 15.2 (±7.2) G1 SMEP: passive, active and cycle ergometer
G1: and G2: 2 / week ALSFRS-R
Lunetta et al (2015) [15] G1= SMEP: 30 [22] G2: 13.7 (±6.1) exercises, strictly supervised.
G2: 60.3 (±9.9) For 6 months. FVC
G2= UCP: 30 [25] months G2 UCP: passive habitual care.
ALSFRS-R: revised functional scale for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, ALSAQ-40: Assessment of subjective health status in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, ASS: Ashworth Spasticity Scale, BDI: Beck's depression inventory, CPET: cardiopulmonary exercise test, FAC: functional
walking test, FIM: functional measure of independence, FSS: fatigue severity scale, FVC: forced vital capacity, KC: creatine kinase, KEMS: strength knee extensor muscles, MCS: mental component summary, MMT: manual muscle test, PCS: physical component summary,
TUG: get up and walk test, VAS: visual analog scale, VO2Máx: maximum oxygen consumption, 6MWD: 6 minute walk test,

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Tabla 3. Summary of the ALSFRS-R result variable

Short-Term Medium-Term Long-Term

Variable Author Baseline (SD)
(1 month) (3 months) (6 months)

Cases 40.25 (±5.00) - - 34.1 (±7.1)

Marques Braga et al (2018) [9]
Control 37.25 (±4.9) - - 29.5 (±7.7)
Cases 41.1 (±4.5) - - 38.1 (±5.9)
Kitano et al (2018) [14]
Control 40.3 (±4.4) - - 33.1 (±9.2)
Cases 32.75 (±7) 33.25 (±7.55) 32.62 (±7.4) -
Sivaramakrishnan et al (2019) [16]
Control 32.75 (±7) - - -
Cases 39.36 (±4.92) - - 33.54 (±1.38)
Clawson et al (2017) [13]

Control 39.67 (±3.71) - - 35.41 (±1.26)

Cases 43 (±2) - - 33.5 (±1)
Kato et al (2018) [5]

Control 43 (±2) - - -
Cases 42.4 (±4.3) - 40.52 (±3.48) -
Van Groenestijn et al (2019) [17]
Control 42.2 (±3) - 38.28 (±5.52) -
Cases 40.4 (±1.5) - 35.7 (±2.6) -
Ferri et al (2019) [12]
Control 35 (±3.4) - 23 (±5.6) -
Cases 36.1 (±4.71) 36.1 (±4.71) - -
Merico et al (2018) [11]
Control 34.5 (±3.6) 34.5 (±3.6) - -
Cases 39.84 (±5.7) - 34.87 (±8.49) 33.08 (±9.76)
Zucchi et al (2019) [10]
Control 40.15 (±5.17) - 36.39 (±8.01) 33.0 (±9.42)

Cases 39.1 (±4.7) 37.0 (±5.1) 35.1 (±6.2) 32.8 (±6.5)

Lunetta et al (2015) [15]
Control 38.3 (±5.1) 38.1 (±4.3) 34.3 (±6.4) 28.7 (±7.5)

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Table 4. Summary of secondary outcome variables FVC, FSS, 6MWD

Variable Study Baseline End of Study

1 month 4 months 6 months
Control 101.19 (±17.9) - - 88.59
Clawson LL et al (2017) [13]
Cases 88.14 (±17.03) - - 74.34

Control 93.9 (±14.7) - - 66.5 (±26.9)

Lunetta et al (2015) [15]
FVC (%)

Cases 92.5 (±23.3) - - 75.8 (±23.6)

Kato et al (2018) [5] Cases 69.05 - - 72.2

Control 95.4 (±15.4) - 81.88 -

Van Groenestijn et al (2019) [17]
Cases 86.9 (±20.2) - 79.22 -

Control 90.70 (±17.68) - - 77.91 (±31.82)

Zucchi et al (2019) [10]
Cases 91.88 (±18.98) - - 66.24 (±44.96)

Sivaramakrishnan et al (2019) [16] Cases 32.87 (±10.45)÷9 28.62 (±11.9)÷9 - -

Control 5.4 (±0.2) 5.19 (±0,16) - -

Merico et al (2018) [11]

Cases 5.4 (±0.27) 6.69 (±0.21) -

Control 36.50 (±16.53)÷9 - - 37.38 (±18.73)÷9

Zucchi et al (2019) [10]
Cases 35.63 (±15.31)÷9 - - 41.42 (±18.49)÷9

Sivaramakrishnan et al (2019) [16] Cases 232.5 (±192.32) 235.16 (±195.49) - -


Control 236.26 (±76.26) 239,16 (±5.48) - -

Merico et al (2018) [11]
Cases 265.17 (±81.37) 336,73 (±50.72) - -
%FVC: percentage of forced vital capacity, FSS: fatigue severity scale, 6MWD: 6 minute walk test.

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4. Discussion

This study has focused on analysing the functional changes that a therapeutic physical
exercise programme is capable of causing in patients suffering from ALS as measured by
the ALSFRS-R scale. After a search and exclusion of clinical trials in different databases
(Figure 1), 10 of these studies were analysed in full-text, which were evaluated using the
PEDro scale (Table 1). In them, 421 patients were the subject of a study between groups
of cases (treated with therapeutic exercise) and groups of controls (with habitual passive
treatments), of which results were obtained on different scales, mainly the ALSFRS-R (a
scale of functionality that is currently accepted to quantify the capacity of these patients
to carry out their routine activities [4]), and as secondary measures, attention was set
according to its frequency of appearance and correlation with the study, the FSS, FVC
and 6MWT. Furthermore, due to the different duration of each clinical trial, it was
possible to obtain a visualization of the effect of neurorehabilitation at different stages of
the disease. Thanks to this, it can be compared in the short, medium and long terms and
behavioural trends can be observed between the scores of the different patients treated.
Likewise, the following results have been obtained from them (Table 3).

In most of the clinical trials in which the behaviour of a treatment based on physical
exercise is studied in the progression of ALS, an improvement in the strength of the
patients is usually observed in those muscles that are trained. However, there is still a
discrepancy when it comes to functionality. In fact, there are claims about possible
ineffectiveness in improving function in patients with ALS through moderate-high
intensity strengthening exercise therapy according to the Borg Scale [18]. That is, it was
found that, by training the lower limbs of the patients who participated, they managed to
increase strength in actions such as knee extension but did not progress in activities such
as climbing stairs or walking. Faced with this question, the results of the studies analysed
are broken down according to the moment.

Short-term effects

In the first month of rehabilitation, even improvements in the ALSFRS-R score can be
found [16]. This is a relevant fact, since, when dealing with the rehabilitation of a
degenerative disease, it is to be expected that the function will be lost with the passage of
time [3]. In fact, in the rest of the trials in which measurements were taken after 1 month,
it was found that the scores of cases and controls decreased around 2 points [15] or they

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stayed the same [11]. A fact that is considered positive in the progress, and considering
these qualifications, it seems that therapeutic physical exercise manages to slightly
improve, maintain or slow down the natural degenerative progress of the patients, as
observed when comparing the control groups of the respective selected trials.

Comparing the results of one of the groups with the other studies that carried out a follow-
up at 1 month, a significantly greater reduction in the score can be observed [15]. This
could be due to the frequency of intervention, since their groups performed physical
exercise only twice a week, a more reduced continuity than in the rest of the studies. In
addition, this trial included patients with a disease duration of < 2 years and a very high
ALSFRS-R score (39.1 points). A fact that did not occur in the rest of the patients and
which may be indicative that a decrease such as the one that occurred at 1 month could
return to normal, since it is difficult to maintain such high score levels in a disease that is
characterized by early degeneration of nervous tissue [19].

It seems that, after a month of rehabilitation, the effects of physical exercise are still not
clear and that the hypertrophy caused by physical rehabilitation appears after the month
[18]. Prior to this, there is the so-called recruitment by collateral outbreak, which is caused
by muscle cells without neurological damage [20]. This could explain why there are some
cases in which function is improved early in this type of rehabilitation. However, in other
pathologies, such as multiple sclerosis, there are studies in which improvements in
physical condition linked to quality of life have been observed in just 3 weeks of
rehabilitation training, with characteristics similar to the exercise plans proposed in the
patients studied with ALS—moderate intensity, twice a week and aerobic skills combined
with strengthening [21].

Medium-term effects

It seems that, within 3 months, significant differences begin to be seen between the groups
treated with therapeutic exercise and those treated with passive conventional treatment
[12, 15, 17]. In all of them, the ALSFRS-R scores decreased between 2 [17] and 7 points
[12] in the training group compared to those in the control and passive therapy groups,
which had a decrease in the greater functionality score. However, a different perspective
was also reflected in which a group trained less frequently (two sessions/week) obtained
better results than the group that performed the exercises five times/week [10]. This fact
supports the theory that training must balance between overworking and underworking

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muscles [22]. It is also correlated with the involutional factor of ALS, in which valid
neurons decrease as time passes, and it is recommended not to tire the patient [18], thus
implementing a treatment with a moderate and not an intense tendency. In addition, other
studies defend that light and moderate exercises (such as a swimming regimen) help to
preserve motor neurons, but more intense levels obtained the opposite effect, even
decreasing survival [23].

Furthermore, other studies have shown that there may not be significant differences in
physical health status in people with chronic musculoskeletal disorders who did a workout
twice a week compared to that in the group who did it three times a week. This can be
understood, as once a point of maximum tolerated load has been reached, the benefits of
training no longer show significant improvements. Therefore, the costs of resources and
treatments could be saved without apparently affecting these results [24].

Regardless of the intensity and frequency of the sessions throughout the week, it can be
seen that in none of the trials analysed did the duration of therapy exceed 60 minutes per
session. Although taking into account that the effort tolerance of a patient with ALS could
be lower than that of a healthy subject, this could lead to a regression in therapy and in
their own disease. Therefore, it is a matter of study and should focus on finding a balance
between the accumulated load and the frequency of sessions and their duration.

It was also observed that there were scores on the functionality scale that decreased more
than in the rest of the studies that carried out the measurement at 3 months and that their
cases and controls obtained very different results, since the points in the usual care control
patients dropped from 35 to 23 and dropped from 40 to 35 in the motor rehabilitation
patients. However, this can be justified with the fact that they started with 40 points,
significantly more than the controls [12]. Regarding the large drop in this study in just 3
months in the score on the ALSFRS-R scale, it could be reflected on whether the age of
the patients in this trial had an influence compared to the rest, since the mean age in this
study was 53 and 61 in the other studies (Table 2). This finding is related to the fact that,
as a general rule, the musculoskeletal system of an adult 10 years older will be more
impaired or have more signs of muscle immobilization than an adult 10 years younger
[25]. Therefore, in turn, this condition of weakness will make changes and advances more
noticeable in patients who entered the studies with worse physical condition or in this
case older. In fact, elderly people with Parkinson's underwent strength training for 4
months and were compared with a control group (passive) in terms of respiratory muscle
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strength and quality of life. The result was that the older people who underwent active
neurorehabilitation looked significantly better [26]. For this reason, the development of
this type of protocol could be of interest, since previous studies with different
degenerative pathologies and, in turn with effective results, have been shown.

Long-term effects

A significant difference can be observed in most of the studies analysed [9, 14, 15], as
patients treated with therapeutic exercise benefited most at a functional level compared
to those who continued with a more sedentary lifestyle. There were functional results of
groups (physical exercise or stretching) that were similar; however, an analysis of the
falls of patients was subsequently carried out, and they observed that the group that
worked with strength and resistance had fewer falls compared to the group that worked
with joint range of motion and stretch [13]. Both the number and frequency of falls has
been reduced in other neurodegenerative pathologies (such as Parkinson's) thanks to a
programme of therapeutic physical exercise [27].

However, functional improvements were seen in some patients only at the beginning of
treatment when their score was higher than 40 points. Then, they underwent
rehospitalization and physical exercise after those months proved to be of little efficacy
in more advanced stages, thus giving the feeling that some patients may not respond to
this type of therapy when their score on the ALSFRS-R scale falls below 40 points and
distances themselves from the initial stages of the disease [5].

Analysing and comparing the scores obtained in the studies that measured the ALSFRS-
R scale at 6 months, the similarity of behaviour between the different groups of cases, but
not of controls, can be observed. That is, the observed trend is for a drop of approximately
6 points on the functionality scale in this period of time, having performed moderate
intensity physical exercise regardless of whether it focused more on aerobic or
strengthening exercise. However, in the case of controls, there were groups that, with the
usual therapy, fell to 10 points from the start [9, 15] or just between 4 and 7 points [10,
13, 14]. Therefore, it could be inferred that, in a rehabilitation that did not include
therapeutic physical exercise, the possibilities of slowing down the disease would be
exposed to heterogeneous conditions and the patient's own circumstances; however, with
extra physiotherapy rehabilitation, a non-evolutionary evolution could be expected. This
is completely unfavourable for the patient, and a controlled decrease in the ALSFRS-R

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score is usually associated with managing activities of daily living, probably for a longer
period of time than other patients whose therapy is mostly passive.

Although most of the studies cited above and analysed in this review obtained satisfactory
results with therapies based on therapeutic physical exercise, there remain divergences in
some other trials in which the progression of the disease was not stopped as much as
expected. This could be due to some of these treated patients exceeding the intensity of
the exercise, since there seems to be a correlation between patients who perform moderate
exercise and a higher density of motor neurons in the ventral horn of the spinal cord,
which leads to initially slower muscle deterioration and the opposite occurs if the
musculature is overloaded. You can even find sedentary patients with better progress than
those who fatigue excessively [28].

In the longer term, if the training therapy is continued around 10 months, it seems that an
improvement is not observed in part [5], and routine activities become heavier so that the
ALSFRS-R score in the follow-up could plummet, as seen in the case where it is below
30 points [10]. When this happens, most cells are usually poorly innervated, and it is the
job of the “healthy” to counteract this weakness. For this reason, it is important to boost
healthy muscle cells in time, and physical therapy in ALS could be used preventively
before the onset of weakness in gait [18]. In this way, therapeutic exercise would be
recommended to be implemented before and during the onset of the disease [5].

Neurorehabilitation with physical exercise seems to help strengthen the musculature in

the “disuse factor” of this; therefore, patients with ALS who started with physical exercise
and who were previously sedentary or were hospitalized would have greater results than
patients who started rehabilitation in good shape [10]. This could be one of the reasons
why the analysed studies varied in terms of results, and a common improvement trend
was not obtained in all the exercised groups.

Although some groups of cases achieved greater progress than their control group in terms
of functionality, the same did not occur with survival, which was not related to the
ALSFRS-R score [9]. It seems that the measures of this scale are not linked to the
probability of surviving a longer time [10].

However, there are some aspects that do correlate with this scale. For example, a braking
of muscular atrophy that is normally caused by progressive inactivity that gives the
involutional character of this disease [11]. In addition, aerobic fitness and respiratory

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function are benefited [12, 14]. It is even inferred that it could influence factors such as
appetite, sleep or mood [29]. For this reason, other secondary outcome variables that
appeared in the reviewed studies were analysed, which will make it possible to relate the
functionality of the ALSFRS-R scale with other aspects such as fatigue (measured with
the FSS scale), the distance covered in the 6MWT and the spirometric test of FVC (Table

In the case of the FSS, different results can be observed depending on the treatment. There
are cases in which patients who performed resistance and strength training at 80% of their
MR worsened, thus increasing their score on the FFS after 1 month of rehabilitation,
obtaining even worse scores than those of the controls of the same study, which were
maintained [11]. However, when reviewing the scores obtained after 1 month of
treatment, other studies were favourable and reduced their FFS score [16]. This could be
related to the fact that, in this last study, the rehabilitation consisted of aerobic exercise
and did not include strengthening exercises, in addition to the fact that it was performed
only three sessions per week, while in the trial that obtained the worst results, the
frequency of training was daily, seven sessions per week. This can lead to us infer about
the importance of cardiovascular training in these patients, since the respiratory muscles
in more advanced stages of the disease are severely affected [30]. It would be the object
of study if moderate aerobic exercise would act as an adjunct against this critical factor
of ALS, in order to reduce the anguish and fatigue that this generates in patients.
Although, as has been seen in the case of multiple sclerosis, the mechanisms related to
fatigue and corticospinal function are altered by the abnormalities in the CNS causing
these neurological diseases, the response to exercise and fatigue seems to be different
from that in healthy subjects [31].

Even so, in both aforementioned studies, the distance in the 6MWT was improved after
1 month [11, 16]. Regardless of the fatigue that it caused, it seems that the patients who
underwent strength training and perceived greater fatigue were able to walk a greater
distance compared to that obtained as soon as they started treatment. Specifically, the
difference was 71 m, while it was maintained in the controls with usual treatment. That
is, it seems that, with passive patient care, fatigue can be controlled more safely than with
strength exercises, which can lead to a feeling of exhaustion [32]. However, they seem to
be more able to carry out activities of daily living and their muscles could be more
prepared to carry out fundamental activities (such as walking) for a longer period of time

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than patients with a more sedentary lifestyle, according to the results of the tests that have
been compared.

This raises questions about the relevance of a balance between perceived fatigue and the
improvements obtained with physical exercise therapy. Since what is observed in this
review is that the appearance of fatigue is not always an indication of regression in the
disease, but a stage that sometimes extends to a few days, and rest would be recommended
in them, with continued improvement [11]. For this reason, recovery from this post-
training weakness is of vital importance. In fact, there are studies that focus precisely on
the recovery cycles of muscle speed in relation to the number of motor units and the
changes that occur in sickness [33].

In the longer term, specifically 6 months after beginning rehabilitation, the FSS was
performed on patients, and a score increase on this scale (which is not positive) was
observed in the group that performed the tests. Exercises with the highest frequency (5
days/week) compared to the group that had workout sessions 2 days/week [10]. A fact
that agrees with the results analysed after only 1 month of treatment. Consequently, it is
possible to meditate on whether establishing more than 3 days of weekly training could
increase the exhaustion of the patients, according to the scores obtained from the FSS. If
this fact is related to the measurement of FVC that this trial took in its patients (also at 6
months), it can be seen how the group that worked with a lower volume of sessions
exceeded by more than 10% the group of cases in spirometry. Therefore, it is suggested
that perhaps submaximal aerobic activity in patients with neuromuscular diseases,
allowing for adequate rest, avoids overexertion [34] and that this is not effective to
achieve a greater lung capacity, but all treatment or physical exercise must be adapted to
the capacities of the patient with ALS [35].

Regarding the rest of the FVC percentages extracted from the long-term studies reviewed
(6 months), it was observed that the patients in the control group had a decrease of around
15-25% in their spirometric values, while patients in the case groups had a decrease of
around 7-15% in their spirometric values [5, 13, 15, 17]. Therefore, it could be said that
physical exercise therapy has a positive impact on slowing down the deterioration of the
patient's respiratory muscles.

Strengths and weaknesses

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As a strength, this is the first scientific document that studies the relationship between
therapeutic physical exercise in patients with ALS and the effect it produces in these
subjects, both at a functional level on subjective scales (ALSFRS-R and FSS) and on
objective physiological aspects (FVC and 6MWT).

In this study, the lack of revision of those articles that were not written in one of the
following languages can be considered as a weak point: English, French, German,
Spanish or Portuguese. Likewise, it is possible that certain nuances of the original version
of the articles analysed may not have been accurately interpreted in their translation.

In addition, those documents that were outside the analysed databases (PubMed,
SCOPUS, Cochrane, SciELO, PEDro, CINAHL and MEDLINE) remained outside the
scope of this study.

5. Conclusion

Therapeutic physical exercise could help to slow down the deterioration of the
musculature of people with ALS, thus facilitating the performance of their daily activities
and therefore maintaining the levels of their scores on the ALSFRS-R functionality scale,
especially in the medium and long terms, compared to those in patients with ALS with
mostly passive treatments.

The survival of patients was not benefited in relation to a therapeutic physical exercise
programme, but their respiratory muscles did improve the levels measured in the FVC,
which leads to an improvement in their quality of life until the end of their disease.

Carrying out a treatment that includes physical activity in patients with ALS helps to
counteract the muscle weakness caused by the degeneration of poorly innervated cells, as
it strengthens healthy cells, and these patients obtained better results in the 6MWT after
several months of rehabilitation.

Regarding the type of exercise, it could be inferred that a moderate intensity and not very
high frequencies (two sessions/week) combining strengthening and aerobic resistance
could be the best option to observe improvements in patients with ALS and avoid the
onset of fatigue in these patients, since it is possible that their FSS values increase with
more intense therapies.

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Author Contributions

Laura Ortega-Hombrados, Guadalupe Torres-Molina, Manuel Gonzalez-Sánchez and

María Ruiz-Muñoz, conceived the study, and all authors participated in the study design.

Laura Ortega-Hombrados, Guadalupe Torres-Molina, Alejandro Galán-Mercant, and

María Ruiz-Muñoz collected the data.

Laura Ortega-Hombrados, Guadalupe Torres-Molina, Alejandro Galán-Mercant and

Manuel González-Sánchez analyzed the data and

Laura Ortega-Hombrados, Guadalupe Torres-Molina, Alejandro Galán-Mercant, Manuel

González-Sánchez and María Ruiz-Muñoz drafted the manuscript.

All authors gave comments on the earlier versions of the manuscript. All authors edited
the manuscript and approved the final version.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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