Generic Name: Ordered: Indications: Contraindications Before

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Generic/Brand Route, Indication/ Adverse/Side Nursing Rationale Client Teaching

Name and Dosage & Mechanism of Effects, Drug Responsibilities
Classifications Frequency Action Interactions
Generic Name: Ordered: Indications: Contraindications Blood Before: - Take the
Prochlorperazine I.V. To control dyscrasias, bone - Check doctor’s - To avoid error medication
Edisylate Infusion, severe nausea marrow depression, order medication upon giving exactly as
2.5 to 10 and vomiting cerebral administration the directed and do
Brand Name: mg not to arteriosclerosis, coma, record. medication. not change the
Compazine exceed 5 Mechanism of coronary artery dosage or
mg/min. Action: disease, hepatic - Don hand gloving - To avoid schedule. Before
Classifications: Maximum: Prochlorperazine dysfunction, transmission you stop taking
40 mg daily works by hypersensitivity to of your medicine,
Chemical Class: centrally phenothiazines, microorganis talk to your
Phenothiazine, Timing: blocking myeloproliferative m and to doctor.
piperazine Q3-4 hrs dopamine disorders, pediatric follow protocol
receptors in the surgery, extreme CNS During - Instruct the
Therapeutic Duration: medullary depression, severe - Introduced self - To establish patient to take
Class: Unknown chemoreceptor hypertension or trust and prochlorperazine
Antianxiety, trigger zone and hypotension, rapport with food or a
antiemetic, peripherally subcortical brain injury, full glass of milk
antipsychotic Other blocking the usage of significant - Positioned - to prevent or water to
Forms: vagus nerve in amounts of CNS nauseated aspiration of avoid stomach
P.O., I.V., the GI tract to depressants (20 lb) patients who vomitus; may upset.
I.M., P.R reduce nausea have received have
and vomiting. Adverse Reactions : prochlorperazine depressed - Advise the
CNS: Akathisia, altered carefully cough reflex. patient to avoid
temperature alcohol and
regulation, dizziness, - Red, dry, hot - This patient is over-the-
drowsiness, skin; full at risk for heat counter
extrapyramidal bounding pulse; stroke if medications that
reactions (such as dilated pupils; exposed to a may contain
dystonia, dyspnea; high ambient CNS
pseudoparkinsonism, confusion; temperature, depressants.
tardive dyskinesia) CV: temperature over the sun's rays,
Hypotension, 40.6° C; elevated or a high fever - To reduce the
orthostatic blood pressure associated symptoms of
hypotension, are all indicators with -a severe orthostatic
tachycardia EENT: of a high core illness. hypotension,
Blurred vision, dry temperature. advise the
mouth, nasal patient to slowly
congestion, ocular - Notify your doctor - To avoid rise from lying
changes, pigmentary and take complications and sitting
retinopathy ENDO: immediate steps positions.
Galactorrhea, to lower your
gynecomastia GI: body - Avoid risky
Constipation, epigastric temperature. behaviors like
pain, nausea, vomiting driving a car
GU: Dysuria, After: before you
ejaculation disorders, Document the For proof and know how the
menstrual procedure evidences medication
irregularities, urine affects your
retention SKIN: mental and
Decreased sweating, physical
photosensitivity, abilities,
pruritus, rash Other: particularly
Weight gain within the first
few days of
Interactions: treatment.
aluminum- or - Be aware that
magnesium-containing the drug can
antacids, antidiarrheals cause your urine
(adsorbent): Possibly to turn a
inhibited absorption of reddish brown
oral prochlorperazine color. It also
amantadine, has the
anticholinergics, potential to
antidyskinetics, make sun-
antihistamines: exposed skin
Possibly intensified gray-blue.
anti cholinergic
adverse effects, If any of the
increased risk of following symptoms
prochlorperazine- continue for more
induced hyperpyretic than a few hours,
effect amphetamines: stop taking the
Decreased stimulant medication and
effect of consult your
amphetamines, doctor:
decreased Exaggerated
antipsychotic effect of restlessness,
prochlorperazine tremor, involuntary
anticonvulsants: twitching Other
Lowered seizure signs to report
threshold antithyroid include light-
drugs: Increased risk colored stools,
of agranulocytosis vision changes,
sore throat, fever,
and rash.

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