Functional Testing Release Notes: Bredex GMBH April 15, 2014

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Functional Testing Release Notes


April 15, 2014

April 15, 2014 1

Functional Testing Release Notes

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GUIdancer is a registered trademark of BREDEX GmbH

Title: Functional Testing Release Notes

File: releaseNotes
Version: V8.0.00170
Released by: BREDEX GmbH
Released at: April 15, 2014

2 April 15, 2014 V8.0.00170


Release Notes
This document presents the relevant differences between ver-
sions and updates, and provides an account of any develop-
ments or known issues with the current release.
For up-to-date information on a release, it is worth looking in
the FAQ’s on the website.
The release notes are presented in chronological order, with
the most recent at the beginning of the document.

Important advice for migrating to new

Existing users who wish to update to a new version should
follow the steps described online to ensure a problem-free

Release Notes for V8.0.00170

New Features and Developments

Support for JavaFX AUT’s

• We have added support for testing JavaFX AUT’s.

• There is an example Simple Adder AUT in the <installation-

directory>/examples/AUTs folder. You can use this to per-
form example tests as described in the cheat sheets.

• You can see the overview of the support via http://

• The toolkit is extensible, and we welcome feedback and


ALM integration: Support for commenting on HP ALM

tasks after a test run

• You can now connect your ITE to a HP ALM repository (ver-

sion 11+) to view tasks from the repository in the ITE.

V8.0.00170 April 15, 2014 3

Functional Testing Release Notes

• You can also add comments to tasks in a HP ALM reposi-

tory when a test has run.

• To use the HP ALM integration, you must use a separate

connector for HP ALM which may incur license costs. Visit
the Tasktop website for more details

ALM integration: Reporting to ALM systems after head-

less execution now supported

• When a test has run via testexec, you can now trigger the
reporting to ALM tools manually from the Test Result Sum-
mary View.

• This allows you to add the test results from your continuous
integration tests to your issues, bugs and features in your
ALM system.

ALM integration: Amount of reported items shown

• When reporting to ALM systems takes place, you can now

see how many tasks were reported to, how many results
were written to each task, and a total amount of tasks
written to in the console.

Support for embedded AUT Agent in testexec

• When executing tests via the command line using the tes-
texec tool, you can now choose to use an embedded AUT
Agent for the test.

• This means that you do not have to start a separate AUT

Agent on the machine you are testing on.

• To use an embedded AUT Agent, don’t enter the -server

parameter. You can either enter a port number for the
embedded AUT Agent to be started on, or you can also
leave out the -port parameter to start the AUT Agent on a
dynamically chosen port.

Create New Version is now available in the dbtool

• You can now create new versions of a Project using the


• Use -createVersion <project-name> <old-version> <new-

to create a new version of an existing Project.

4 April 15, 2014 V8.0.00170


Change tracking in Projects

• You can now configure in the Project properties that changes

to Test Cases, Test Suites and Test Jobs in the Project are
tracked. You can configure a system / environment prop-
erty that is shown alongside the timestamp of the change
to track e.g. who made the changes.

• When change tracking is activated, when you save an edi-

tor for a Test Case, Test Suite or Test Job, the timestamp of
the save as well as the property will be saved and displayed
in the properties view.

• You can specify the amount of changes to track per node,

or the length of time that change tracking information
should be kept. Once the time has passed or the amount
of changes has been reached, the next saving of the node
will result in invalid change information being discarded.

• You can remove all change tracking information from the

Project via the Project properties.

Support for iOS 7

• You can now also test AUT’s written with iOS 7.

New information in Object Mapping Mode : property


• When you collect a component in the Object Mapping

Mode in a Swing or SWT/RCP AUT, you can now see infor-
mation on the properties of that component in the Proper-
ties View.

• The information is shown as a list of properties with their

values. If a value cannot be accessed, this is communi-

• The information is not saved - to see the properties again,

you must re-collect the component in the Object Mapping

• This can be used to help you write tests that use the actions
check property or store property.

Component match heuristic shown for each component

in test results

V8.0.00170 April 15, 2014 5

Functional Testing Release Notes

• In the HTML and XML test result reports, and in the result
reports in the ITE, you can now see the value with which
the component was found when the test was executed.

• This lets you see whether a component is ”easily” found,

or whether a small change may lead to it no longer being
found, so that a preventative remapping may be worth-

Graphics component support for Canvas

• You can now map org.eclipse.ui.forms.widgets that inherit

directly or indirectly from canvas.

• This includes, e.f. org.eclipse.ui.forms.widgets.Hyperlink.

• You can use actions such as click and check existence (and
other actions on the graphics component level) on these

Show where used also available for Test Suites

• You can now use ”show where used” on Test Suites to find
out which Test Jobs they have been reused in.

»F3« always opens selected item

• You can now press »F3« on any Test Case, Test Suite, or
Test Job to open the specification of that item.

• This now includes the actual original specification of the

item itself, to avoid confusion in larger Projects.

Luna AUT’s supported

• AUT’s that use the Eclipse Luna platform can also be tested
with the ITE. This was also possible in version 7.2.

Export improved

• The export mechanism has been improved to use less mem-

ory, allowing larger Projects to be exported.

Toggling relevance of test runs

• You can now toggle the relevance of multiple test runs at


New option for content assist in the Component Names


6 April 15, 2014 V8.0.00170


• You can now configure a delay for the content assist in the
Component Names View.

• In the Preferences (in the Test section, you can enter a delay
in milliseconds. This amount of time will be waited after
each character entry before opening the content assist.

• If you have many component names, and / or don’t require

the content assist as often, then you can increase this value
to be able to type more of your name before seeing con-
tent assist.

• We have also adapted the behaviour of the content assist

to not appear if you remove all of the content of the new
name field in the Component Names View.

• You can press »CTRL+SPACE« at any time to open the con-

tent assist.

Log files now split after 10MB

• Log files that get larger than 10MB are now automatically
split and zipped.

Closing HTML AUT’s via the close button

• If you close a HTML AUT by closing the browser, the ITE will
correctly notice the closure after 5 seconds (configurable)
and will remove the AUT from the running AUT’s view.

• The mechanism works by polling the AUT, and if it is no

longer there after the configured time, the AUT is consid-
ered to be stopped.

• If your AUT may sometimes be unreachable for longer than

the default 5 seconds, you can change this time by using a
process or system property:

• Further information on this is available in this issue:

p2 update site for IDE integration available in installer

• In the development folder of the installation, you can now

find a p2 update site containing the Jubula Feature and
Launch Integration.

V8.0.00170 April 15, 2014 7

Functional Testing Release Notes

Known issues and other information

Problem displaying component names from browsers

• In some siutations, when viewing the Component Names

View from a browser, you may see GUIDs (a long num-
ber/character string) instead of the component name.
• This is a problem displaying the component name at the
moment and can be considered a display error, albeit a
serious one.
• The component names themselves are correct, and can
be seen either by opening the editor, or by refreshing the

Issue with incorrect handling of null in renderers fixed

• Renderers in Swing that return null can now be correctly

• See for more details.

Selenium update

• We have updated the version of Selenium used for HTML

tests to 2.39.

Port number for embedded AUT Agent changed

• The default port number for the embedded AUT Agent is

now 60001.
• You can change the default port number in the prefer-

Table view has been removed from the Object Mapping


• The table view has been removed from the Object Mapping

Problems opening BIRT reports when using IE11

• There is a known issue with BIRT reporting that occurs

when using Internet Explorer 11.
• There is a ticket open in the GUIdancer Bugzilla (https:// and
in the Eclipse Bugzilla ( for
this. The ticket in the Eclipse Bugzilla documents workarounds.

8 April 15, 2014 V8.0.00170


Java 1.4 AUT’s no longer testable

• As of this version, Java 1.4 AUT’s are no longer testable

with the ITE.

Changes to the launcher for the AUT Agent

• The AUT Agent is no longer available under the name autagent-lin

or autagent-sol.

• Use the launcher autagent instead.

Java 7 tests on Mac

• There are still some issues running tests on Mac machines

with Java 7. We suggest using Java 6 on Mac machines for
the moment.

Working directory for ITE and AUT Agent on Linux

• The AUT Agent and the ITE now use the current directory
as their working directory on Linux systems.

The ITE now uses Java 7

• We have updated the version of Java installed with the ITE

to version 7.

The installer requires Java 7

• You will need Java 7 installed to be able to run the installer.

iOS 5.0 no longer supported

• We no longer support testing on iOS 5.0 AUT’s.

Working with RDP connections on Windows 8

• Windows 8 users working with RDP connections for test

execution should ensure that they have installed all up-
dates for Windows.

Updated the version of EclipseLink used

• In this version, we have switched to EclipseLink 2.5.1 and

JPA 2.1.0.

Vista support removed

V8.0.00170 April 15, 2014 9

Functional Testing Release Notes

• We no longer execute tests on Vista: the support for Vista

has been removed for this version.

Multi-window mode for HTML testing on Mac OSX

• There are known issues with starting AUT’s that are using
the multi-window mode on Mac OSX, both in Firefox and
• We have removed these combinations from our tests.

Pure SWT AUT’s no longer tested

• We no longer execute regression tests on pure SWT AUT’s.

We do, however, perform various tests on RCP, which uses
SWT components.

AUT Agent started without console per default

• The standalone AUT Agent is now started without a con-

sole per default.
• If you would like to see the console when starting the AUT
Agent, you must adapt the autagent.ini file.
• In the -vm parameter, use java instead of javaw.

Release Notes for version 7.2.00092

New Features and Developments

Support for linking tests to application lifecycle man-
agement (ALM) repositories

• You can now integrate your automated tests with external

repositories which you have configured in your workspace
and your Project.
• The integration lets you specify a task ID on items in your
Project – most usually the task from an external system for
which this test is relevant.
• You can open the task for a node from the browsers.
• When a test runs via the ITE, the test results from the test
are attached to the relevant tasks in the external reposi-
tory as a comment with a link which can be opened in the

10 April 15, 2014 V8.0.00170


• It is not currently possible to decide on a per-test basis

whether or not to report. If you do not want to report
for a test, then you should remove the checkboxes for re-
porting from the Project properties.

• Test Jobs currently do not report to external systems.

• The integration can be used with Bugzilla 3.6+, JIRA 5.0+

and Trac 0.12+. An integration with HP ALM is not possible
in version 7.2, but was made available in 8.0.

New option in the testexec

• The testexec has a new option in the command line (not in

the configuration file).

• Use the parameter -sx to not write any screenshots to the

HTML or XML files.

Comments can be added to the Project and to categories

• You can now add comments to the Project and to cate-

gories in the Test Suite Browser and Test Case Browser.

New actions for testing checkboxes in SWT tables

• Tables in SWT/RCP AUT’s that have a checkbox in the first

column can now be tested.

• There are actions to toggle the state of the checkbox, and

to check the state of the checkbox.

• The row to be checked is defined either by its selection or

by the mouse position.

Save As... option in image view

• You can now save images from errors in the test directly to
your file system using a new button and the context menu
in the image view.

JProgress bar now supported as graphics component

• You can now map JProgressBar components in Swing and


• The component is supported as a graphics component –

you can check its existence, wait for it etc.

V8.0.00170 April 15, 2014 11

Functional Testing Release Notes

HTML: the <div> tag is supported as a component with


• You can now perform check text actions on components

in HTML AUT’s that use the <div> tag.

Changes to dashboard

• The URL for the Dashboard has been shortened.

• The dashboard URL is now:

• The properties for the dashboard have also been renamed

from com.bredexsw.guidancer to org.eclipse.jubula. Please
ensure you update any properties files you use for the
dashboard server.

Next and previous error buttons in Test Result View that

appears during test execution

• You can now also use the next and previous error buttons
for the Test Result View that appears during test execution.

New test data functions There are new functions available

in the ITE:

• randomInt(exclusive maximum value) – to generate a ran-

dom integer.

• replaceAll(string,regular expression,replacement) – to re-

place parts of a string with something else.

• uuid() – to generate a universal unique ID.

• base64Encode(string) – to encode a string to base64.

• base64Decode(string) – to decode a string from base64.

Known issues and other information

dotnet toolkit renamed to win toolkit

• The dotnet toolkit has been renamed to the win toolkit in

e.g. the Project wizard and properties.

Meters AUT and tests removed

12 April 15, 2014 V8.0.00170


• The meters application has been removed from the sam-

ples project and from the examples directory.

Change to the order of writing test results

• In previous versions, once a test run was finished, the test

results were first written to a file (XML and HTML), then to
the database.
• As of this version, this order has been changed. The test
results are first written to the database.

H2 database version updated

• The drivers used for the embedded H2 database have been

updated from version 1.1.117 to 1.3.168. These two ver-
sions are not compatible, because the file format has been
changed. More information about changes in H2 are avail-
able at
• Old embedded H2 databases are not readable with the
new version of the ITE. You should therefore follow the
migration steps mentioned in the installation manual.

Database driver version updated

• All database drivers used by ITE to generate reports with

Birt have been updated:
– MySQL data base driver version updated from 5.1.10 to
5.1.25, see
– Oracle data base driver version updated from
to, see
– PostgreSQL data base driver version updated from 8.4-
701 to 9.2-1002, see

Libraries for HTML tests version updated

• The version of Selenium used by ITE to interact with HTML

AUTs has been updated from version 2.30.0 to 2.33.0.
More information about changes in Selenium are available

V8.0.00170 April 15, 2014 13

Functional Testing Release Notes

• Version 2.33.0 of Selenium supports Firefox 10esr, 17esr,

19 and 20 and IE10.

• The version of jQuery used by ITE for object mapping and

test execution has been updated from version 1.7.2 to
1.10.1. More information about supported browers are
available at

JaCoCo version updated

• JaCoCo has been updated from version 0.5.9 to 0.6.3,

which fully supports code coverage for Java 7. More infor-
mation about changes in JaCoCo are available at http://

SLF4J version updated

• Version 1.7.2 of SLF4J in combination with version 1.0.7

of LOGBack are now used for logging. More informa-
tion about changes in SLF4J and LOGBack are available
at and http:

Release Notes for Version 7.1

New Features and Developments

Jubula and GUIdancer standalones functionally identical

• The standalone versions for Jubula and GUIdancer have

been unified so that they are functionally identical.

• This means that features such as Code Coverage and iOS

testing that were previously only available in GUIdancer are
now available in both tools.

• Both standalone tools continue to exist. The only differ-

ence between them is their branding.

• Jubula is downloadable by anyone from the BREDEX Test-

ing Resources Portal at:
GUIdancer can be downloaded after purchasing a support

Search scopes supported

14 April 15, 2014 V8.0.00170


• The search dialog now lets you choose whether you want
to search the whole Project, or just the node(s) you have

• If you choose to just search within the nodes you have

selected, then you can specify whether you want to use
the selected node in the Test Suite Browser, the Test Case
Browser, or both.

New mass replace operation for Test Cases

• From the Search Result View, you can now perform a mass
replace of Test Cases.

• If you have searched, e.g. for all places where a Test Case
is reused, and want to replace some or all of those places
with a new Test Case, then you can select the option to
replace the current Test Case references with a new Test
Case reference.

• Any comments, Test Case reference names and the commented-

out state of each replaced Test Case are transferred onto
the new Test Case reference.

• You can also match any propagated component names

and referenced parameters from the old Test Case to prop-
agated component names and parameters from the new
Test Case.

New function for accessing node attribute

• A new function has been added to the set of pre-defined

functions in the ITE.

• The function is: ?getNodeAttribute() and it can have either

name or comment as arguments.

• When name is chosen, the function reads the name of the

node (e.g. Test Case, Test Step) on which it is resolved and
uses this for the test.

• When comment is chosen, the function reads the com-

ment of the node (e.g. Test Case, Test Step) on which it is
resolved and uses this for the test.

New function for accessing values in central data sets

• There is a new function available in the pre-defined func-

tions in the ITE.

V8.0.00170 April 15, 2014 15

Functional Testing Release Notes

• The name of the new function is: ?getCentralTestDataSet-

Value(), and it requires four arguments:

dataSetName: The name of the central data set to search

keyColumnName: The column that is used to find the
correct line of the data set.
entryKey: The value to locate in the key column that will
provide the correct line.
columnName: The name of the column in which the value
to be chosen can be found.

• Within the specified data set, the required value is located

based on the line found using the key column and entry
key, as well as the column name for the actual value.

New option to change the column in a central test data

set used by Test Cases

• If you have used a central test data set in multiple Test

Cases and later realize that you have two columns in the
central test data set that contain the same information,
then you can change all Test Cases that use this central test
data set to just use one column. Once you have done this,
you can remove the unnecessary column from the central
test data set.

• If you have searched, e.g. for all places where a central

test data set is reused, and want to alter Test Cases that
use this central test data set to use a different column in
the central test data set, then you can select the option to
change the central test data set column usage.

• You can change an existing parameter present in the se-

lected Test Cases to target a different column in the central
data set using the dialog that appears.

Multi-window support for HTML AUT’s

• If your HTML AUT uses multi windows (e.g. pop-ups), then

you can now specify this in the AUT configuration.

• AUT’s that are running in multi-window mode show the

Selenium console as well as the AUT when the AUT is

16 April 15, 2014 V8.0.00170


• The Object Mapping Editor has a new button to allow

switching between multiple open windows for mapping
components, and there are new actions in the HTML un-
bound modules to allow you to switch between windows
during the test.

On-click expansion for pictures in HTML reports

• In HTML reports, you can now click on any screenshots

taken on errors and they will be expanded to make the
details more visible.

• Clicking the image again will reduce it to its original size in

the test result report.

Kepler AUT’s can now be tested

• It is now possible to test AUT’s that are based on Kepler.

• Due to improvements in the object recognition, some com-

ponents for RCP AUT’s may need to be remapped.

New actions to correctly shutdown and restart an AUT

• Users testing Swing and RCP AUT’s now have two new ac-
tions to Prepare an AUT for Termination and to Synchronize
the termination and re-start.

• These actions can be used instead of the restart action for

cases where the AUT cannot be restarted using this ac-
tion, or when an AUT needs to be correctly shutdown and
restarted as part of a test (e.g. to save a workspace, set-
tings etc.).

• The actions must be placed on either side of any action

that will cause the AUT to terminate (not to restart). The
prepare for termination action must come first, followed
(not necessarily directly) by an action to close the AUT (e.g.
selecting ”Exit”). Directly after this action, the synchronize
termination and re-start action must be used.

• The action to close the AUT must be an action that causes

the AUT to run through the JVM shutdown hooks to prop-
erly terminate. Do not use the restart action to shut your
AUT down.

• The combination of these three actions allows the AUT to

be shutdown correctly and restarted.

V8.0.00170 April 15, 2014 17

Functional Testing Release Notes

Known issues and other information

Mapping key combination for e4 AUT’s

• In some e4 AUT’s, a key-binding clash may result in the

shortcut for the Object Mapping Mode not working on
certain components.
• If you notice that you cannot map any / certain compo-
nents, please alter the Object Mapping shortcut to an un-
used shortcut.

Multi-window mode much slower on IE

• The multi-window mode for HTML AUT’s is considerably

slower on IE than on Firefox.
• This is a known issue that is registered at Selenium.

Embedded Chronon support removed

• The embedded Chronon support for the standalone ver-

sions has been removed.
• You can still configure your AUT to run with Chronon.

Release Notes for version 7.0

New Features and Developments

Testing of iOS AUT’s now supported

• There is a new toolkit in GUIdancer for testing iOS AUT’s.

• You can write tests for iOS apps and run them on the de-
vice or simulator.
• For more information on the prerequisites for iOS testing,
as well as the information on working with the actions,
please refer to the section on iOS in the Toolkit chapter of
the documentation.

Support for testing AUT’s written with e4

• AUT’s that are written with e4 can now also be tested.

• As a result of this, the starting of RCP AUT’s has changed
slightly – please read the documentation in the section on
Toolkits in the User Manual for more details.

18 April 15, 2014 V8.0.00170


• Currently, GEF figures can only be tested in AUT’s written

with Eclipse 3.x versions.

Addition of Turkish as supported language for the un-

bound modules

• Turkish is now supported in the unbound modules.

GUIdancer is now 64-bit compliant

• The installation of GUIdancer is now architecture-dependent.

• The GUIdancer.ini now contains different JVM-arguments

defining the allocated heapsize:

1024 mb for 32 bit installations

2048 mb for 64 bit installations

HTML Test Result Reports now include screenshots on


• Any screenshots taken automatically during a test (i.e. when

an error occurs) are now also displayed in the HTML Test
Result Reports that can be exported from the Reporting
Perspective or that are generated automatically after the

Properties View and HTML reports parameter visualiza-

tion updated

• The layout of the properties view and the HTML reports

has been updated so that each parameter (test data) now
only takes up one line.

• The name and type of the parameter are in the first col-
umn, and the value (which can usually be edited in the
Properties View is in the second column.

• This makes the Properties View easier to read and to use.

Properties View easier to recognize as uneditable

• When selecting an item from a Browser, the Properties

View is now more recognizable as non-editable.

• The background for the whole table is gray, and the color
of the text has been changed from black to gray.

V8.0.00170 April 15, 2014 19

Functional Testing Release Notes

Double-clicking on any item in a browser opens the rel-

evant editor

• If you double-click on an item in a browser that is, at the

place where you double-click it, actually reused in another
element, then the editor for the item’s direct parent will be
opened, and the item you double-clicked will be selected.

• For example, if you double-click a Test Case in the Test Suite

Browser that is reused in a Test Suite, then the Test Suite
Editor for the Test Suite will open, and the Test Case you
clicked will be selected.

• The same behavior applies to Test Cases reused in other

Test Cases, Test Suites reused in Test Jobs, and Event Han-
dlers reused in Test Cases.

• If the parent comes from a reused Project, then the editor

will not open.

• This behaviour makes it easier to navigate around your


Double-clicking on any item in an editor opens the item

in its own editor

• If you double-click on an item in an editor, then the editor

for the item you clicked will be opened (i.e. as if you had
pressed »F3« - open specification).

• For example, if you double-click a Test Case in the Test

Suite Browser then the Test Case Editor for the Test Case
you clicked will be opened.

• The same behavior applies to Test Cases reused in other

Test Cases, Test Suites reused in Test Jobs, and Event Han-
dlers reused in Test Cases.

• If the item comes from a reused Project, then the editor

will not open.

• Using »ENTER« to open the Add new Test Case reference

dialog has not changed.

• This behaviour makes it easier to navigate around your


Selenium version updated

20 April 15, 2014 V8.0.00170


• The version of Selenium used by GUIdancer to execute HTML

tests has been updated to version 2.30.0.

Chronon version in GUIdancer updated

• GUIdancer now uses version 3.2.129 of Chronon for the

embedded support.

Support for testing on Windows 8

• Windows 8 is now supported for testing AUT’s.

Support for own text renderers in SWT

• If you have components with text that cannot be read due

to it being rendered differently, you can now allow the text
to be read.

• Use setData(TEST_TESTABLE_TEXT), text on the

instance of the item or component whose text you want
to read in your test.

Known issues and other information

Modelling removed

• The Modelling Perspective and the generation of Test Cases

from UML diagrams has been removed from this version.

Migration of existing toolkit extensions

Due to major refactoring in the remote control code of GUIdancer
you must migrate any toolkit extensions you have written.
Theses changes only affect the remote control extension. The
ITE extensions must not be changed. As a first step, we rec-
ommend reading the Extension Manual. Most information
about the new implementation and a simple example can be
found there.
To migrate any existing extensions, the following steps must
be performed:

• Define a target platform for the remote control enviroment

as mentioned in the Extension Manual 2.3.1

• Alter your remote control extension project to be an OSGi-

fragment and set the appropiate host bundle. See Exten-
sion Manual 2.3.1

V8.0.00170 April 15, 2014 21

Functional Testing Release Notes

• Adapt your current implementation as described below.

• Deploy your fragment as described in Extension Manual


All ’old’ implementation classes (*ImplClass) have been re-

moved and rewritten. If you previously used the GUIdancer
implementation classes you will have to change the class you
are extending:

• org.eclipse.jubula.rc.common.tester
in this package the base classes for most of the Tester-
Classes are located. Some toolkit-specific implementations
are in the toolkit bundles named below.

• org.eclipse.jubula.rc.swt.tester
SWT-specific implementation for List, Table, Tree,
Application and Menus

• org.eclipse.jubula.rc.swing.tester
Swing-specific implementation for JList, JTable, JTree,
Application and Menus

You must also write your own adapter factory (Extension

Manual 2.3.1 Create an Adapter), which must be in the
package org.eclipse.jubula.rc.common.adapter.
This adapter factory manages adapters that are needed for
the tester classes. The adapters are necessary for the tester
classes because the tester classes are toolkit-independent.
In the adapter factory you write, you must define which com-
ponent (widget) is adapted by which class. For example, a
JTable is adapted by the JTableAdapter. For this you can reuse
existing SWT or Swing adapters or you can write your own.
If you want to write your own adapter it is important that
you use the GUIdancer interfaces of the adapter, because the
tester classes require this information.
The following packages are important for adapters:

• org.eclipse.jubula.rc.swt.tester.adapter
SWT adapter.

• org.eclipse.jubula.rc.swing.tester.adapter
Swing adapter.

• org.eclipse.jubular.rc.common.tester.adapter.interfa
Interfaces for all adapters.

22 April 15, 2014 V8.0.00170


Migration of GEF accessibility identifer

Due to changes in the structure of our RCP accessor we have
changed the location of the GEF implementation. The bundle
has changed to org.eclipse.jubula.rc.rcp.e3 and
also the packages now begin with
org.eclipse.jubula.rc.rcp.e3. To migrate your ex-
isting plugin you have to do take the following steps:

• Change the target definition as described in the Extension

Manual 3.1.1

• Change the bundle in the MANIFEST.MF

from org.eclipse.jubula.rc.rcp
to org.eclipse.jubula.rc.rcp.e3

• Change the adapter type in the plugin.xml to


• Change all packages in your classes to the new appropriate


Changes to resolving of referenced parameters

• In previous versions, there was an error in the way refer-

enced parameters were resolved, which lead to the data
for the parameter being read each time the parameter was
referenced. This could lead to problems with e.g. time-
sensitive functions. If a Test Case was structured to enter
the date using the ?now() function and then check the en-
tered text (where the data for the text entry and the check
were referenced and ?now() entered at the parent Test
Case), then the entered value and checked value would
not be the same.

• This has been changed for this version, so that references

are resolved at the place where the parameter is defined.

• Any users who have Test Cases whose parameters define

variables which are declared within the Test Case itself will
have to restructure such Test Cases so that the variable is
not set before it is called, e.g.

– Set variable =VARIABLE_SET
– Check variable =VARIABLE_CHECK

V8.0.00170 April 15, 2014 23

Functional Testing Release Notes

• The correct way to structure such Test Cases is as follows:

– Set variable: VAR1
– Check variable:$VAR1

Removal of option ”Create support information pack-


• The menu option:

Help → Create support information package
has been removed.

Chronon support for AUT’s now with separate installa-


• You can now only use a separate installation of Chronon

as a monitoring agent for your AUT.

• The support for the embedded Chronon recording in AUT’s

has been removed.

Some categories, component names and unbound mod-

ules renamed The following items have been renamed in the
unbound modules:

Combo boxes have been renamed to Combo Components.

This is also evident in the abbreviation used for the un-
bound modules and the component names. It has changed
from cbx to cbc.

Tabbed panes have been renamed to Tabbed Components.

This is also evident in the abbreviation used for the un-
bound modules and the component names. It has changed
from tpn to tbc.

Text field / text area / text pane has been renamed to Text
Component. This is also evident in the abbreviation used
for the unbound modules and the component names. It
has changed from txf to txc.

Known issue with using observation mode on Gnome

• When using the observation mode on Gnome, GUIdancer

may close unexpectedly.

• This is documented in issue


24 April 15, 2014 V8.0.00170


Deprecated modules and Test Steps removed

• All unbound modules that were preceded with DEPRECATED

have been removed. These modules should be removed
from use in your Projects before switching to the new ver-

• All Test Steps that had the status deprecated have also
been removed. You should ensure that you no longer use
deprecated Test Steps before switching to the new version.

Updated migration information

• The information on migrating to new versions has been


• The Installation Manual contains the migration informa-


Release Notes for version 6.1.00106

New Features and Developments

GUIdancer supports the testing of .NET AUT’s

• You can now also test .NET AUT’s with GUIdancer.

• Currently, WinForms AUT’s can be tested.

• Further information is available in the section on Toolkits in

the User Manual.

New metric in GUIdancer: Waits and Delays

• There is a new metric in GUIdancer that analyzes the waits

and delays used in a test that has run.

• You can start the metric from a Test Result Report and enter
a parameter for the minimum amount of waited time (in
milliseconds) that should be considered.

• The Search Result View displays all the static waits within
the node you selected. They are sorted according to the
action they belong to, and you can see how much time
each type of wait accumulates to over the test.

V8.0.00170 April 15, 2014 25

Functional Testing Release Notes

New BIRT Report: Test Execution Overview

• There is a new BIRT report available to give an overview of

the test execution.
• This report shows a list of executed, relevant Test Suites
over the time period selected. For each day in the time
period, there is a colored block for the Test Suite to display
its status. Green means that the test ran without any er-
rors. Red means that the test ran, but with errors. Yellow
means that the test ran more than once on that day. White
means that the Test Suite did not run on this day. This re-
port is useful for teams with large amounts of Test Suites
who need to ensure on a daily basis that all Test Suites were

New JaCoCo version used

• GUIdancer now uses JaCoCo version 0.5.9 for code cover-

age. Further information on the changes in the new Ja-
CoCo version can be found in the JaCoCo release notes.

Multiple Test Case Browser instances now supported

• You can now open the Test Case Browser multiple times.
• You can designate one Test Case Browser as the main browser.
This browser will be used for actions such as show specifi-
cation etc.

Workspace dialog now allows remembering of workspace

• You can now select the option to remember your default

workspace in the workspace chooser.

Remember password and auto-login for database

• In the database login dialog, you can select the option to

remember your password.
• If you have selected this option, you can also specify that
the database should be used as the default database you
will be automatically logged in when a database connec-
tion is required.
• The above options are not available for the embedded database.
• To change the database you are connected to, or to change
your default database login, use:
Test → Select Database

26 April 15, 2014 V8.0.00170


Auto-load for default Project

• In the Open Project dialog, you can now identify the se-
lected Project and version number as your default Project.

• You can have one default Project per workspace.

• When you have a default Project set, then selecting:

Test → Open
will automatically load this Project.

• You can remove the default loading in the Test preferences.

Testexec and DBTool can use -dburl instead of workspace

(-data) parameter

• To make working with the testexec and dbtool easier, you

can now use the dburl parameter to specify which database
to connect to during the process.

• This removes the need to specify which workspace to use

(via -data) when working with the testexec and dbtool.

• You can still enter the workspace and the -dbscheme infor-
mation if you prefer not to use the -dburl parameter.

Selenium version and tested browsers updated

• GUIdancer now uses a newer version of Selenium that sup-

ports newer versions of Firefox.

• We have updated our tests to run on Firefox version 15.

Frames and iFrames now supported for Web Testing

• AUT’s that contain Frames and iFrames can now be tested

by GUIdancer

HTML:pre tags now supported as component with text

• In HTML AUT’s, you can now map components that use the
<pre> tag and perform e.g. check text actions on them.

Chronon: Embedded recorder no longer needs to be

commented in

• You can now start the embedded Chronon recording in

GUIdancer without having to comment it in in the .ini file.

V8.0.00170 April 15, 2014 27

Functional Testing Release Notes

• The only exception to this is on Linux systems, where you

must comment Chronon in for the ITE in the .ini file by re-
moving the hash signs from the two lines in the .ini file,
and then restart GUIdancer. If you are starting GUIdancer
from the command line with Chronon on Linux, please en-
sure that your current directory is the GUIdancer directory,
otherwise GUIdancer will not start.

Chronon: New preference page and options for ITE Chronon

• In the preferences dialog, there is now a Chronon category.

In this category, you can select the ITE Chronon page.

• On this page, you can configure options for the embedded

Chronon in the ITE. You can configure the output directory
for the Chronon recording, as well as any include or ex-
clude patterns that should be included and / or ignored for
the recording.

Chronon: Support for Chronon server installation for

use with AUT’s

• When you use Chronon with your AUT, you now have two
choices – you can use the integrated Chronon to record
your AUT or you can specify where your Chronon instal-
lation is, thus allowing you to use the Chronon Recording
Server. This is the recommended choice for working in con-
tinuous integration processes.

Chronon: Support for exclude patterns in AUT configu-


• If you are using the integrated Chronon support for testing

your AUT, then you now have the option to specify exclude
patterns for the recording as well as include patterns.

Chronon: GUIdancer now uses Chronon 3

• GUIdancer now uses Chronon version 3 to perform em-

bedded recording (in GUIdancer itself) and also for the in-
tegrated recording in AUT’s.

JRE version updated

• GUIdancer now uses version 1.6.0_33 of the Java runtime


28 April 15, 2014 V8.0.00170


Known issues and other information

Removed BIRT Reports for Object Mapping Quality

• The BIRT reports for monitoring object name quality (OM-

NameQuality and OMNameQualityChart) have been removed.

Mac OSX Mountain Lion gatekeeper prevents install4j

generated installer from starting

• This is caused by a too-restrictive setting on the Mountain

Lion gatekeeper security feature.

• Setting the security level to Mac OSX Lion compatible level

resolves the issue.

Actions: Check selection of entry by index/value only

checks one entry

• The actions for checking whether an item in a list is se-

lected have been adapted so that they only accept one
piece of data, and not comma-separated values as was
previously the case.

• To check whether multiple items are selected, use a data

set which contains a list of the items to check.

Announcement for next release: removal of deprecated

unbound modules and major API change to RC code

• In the next release, we will remove the unbound modules

in all toolkits that are marked as deprecated. Please ensure
that you have replaced any modules marked as deprecated
before updating to the first released version in 2013.

• Due to changes we will be making to our implementation

classes for the RC components (actions on components),
there will also be major API changes which will affect ex-
tensions that have been written.

Release Notes for version 6.0.1

New Features and Developments

Chronon support

V8.0.00170 April 15, 2014 29

Functional Testing Release Notes

• GUIdancer now allows the use of an embedded Chronon

recorder and also the production of Chronon recording
files during automated tests (Jubula Feature users: this fea-
ture is currently only available in the standalone version).

• Activating the embedded Chronon recorder in GUIdancer

will result in your actions being recorded in a monitoring
file which can be used for analysis purposes should you
encounter any errors.

• You can also configure your AUT to use Chronon as a mon-

itoring agent so that you can generate recording files from
your automated tests.

• The currently used version of Chronon is 2.0. There are

some performance issues still in this version that may lead
to test runs and performance being affected, particularly in
larger AUT’s and Projects. Please follow the instructions in
the documentation for increasing heap size and ensuring
the capability of your test machines.

• We do not recommend having Chronon running at all times,

due to possible performance degradations through the mon-
itoring. Instead, we recommend that you activate the Chronon
recorder when you are trying to reproduce an error.

Tests updated to newer versions of IE and Firefox

• The tested versions for web AUT’s now include IE 9 and

Firefox 10

Known issues and other information

Release Notes for Version 6.0.007x

New Features and Developments

New Dashboard application to view test result reports
in the browser

• GUIdancer contains a new web application which displays

the Functional Test Reporting Perspective.

• Using this Dashboard, you can open and analyze Test Re-
sult Reports in a web browser without having to start GUIdancer,
and over the network.

30 April 15, 2014 V8.0.00170


• The Dashboard consists of a server for the Dashboard (

dashboardserver.exe) can be found in <INSTALLA-

• You can start the application in the browser by entering:


• The Dashboard can also be started in a default mode which

starts the dashboardserver with default parameters (for the
embedded database) and opens the browser on your ma-

New JaCoCo Version allows large reports to be sent to


• GUIdancer now uses the latest version of JaCoCo, 0.5.5

• In the new version, large reports must not be created as

zipped files on the AUT Agent machine, but can be sent
to the ITE as well. We have successfully performed code
coverage analysis with JaCoCo in GUIdancer on an AUT
with 72,000 classes.

• Any increase to heap space must now be done for the ITE,
no longer for the AUT Agent, as the handling for reports is
now in the client code.

• The documentation has been updated, and now also in-

cludes tips on using JaCoCo to see the Lines of Code exe-
cuted by the test (Class files must be compiled with Debug
information) and warns against using JaCoCo at the same
time as other byte-code manipulations.

• JaCoCo can now be used if you are using the embedded

AUT Agent.

Mylyn tasks can be created from the Functional Test Re-

porting Perspective

• In the Functional Test Reporting Perspective, you can now

create a Mylyn report from within an open Test Result View
for a test run.

• The Mylyn task is created with the information available in

the node you select from the test result.

• This can be used to make entering e.g. issues in bug-

tracking systems about failed tests more comfortable.

V8.0.00170 April 15, 2014 31

Functional Testing Release Notes

Mylyn connectors for Bugzilla and Trac available with


• In addition to local tasks, there are now Mylyn connectors

for Bugzilla and Trac available with GUIdancer.
• The connectors must be configured to your system and are
available from Add Task Repository in the New Task Dialog.
• The connector for Bugzilla supports 3.0 and later, the con-
nector for Trac supports 0.10 to 0.12 through Web and

Altered license terms for maintenance contracts

• The license terms for maintenance contracts have changed.

Maintenance contracts are no longer automatically renewed,
but customers are reminded two months in advance of
their expiration.
• New maintenance contracts can be purchased before the
expiration of the old contract for a discount, or for the full
price if they are purchased after the expiration of the old
maintenance contract.

Test Execution Duration now shown for each node in

Test Result View

• The amount of time taken to execute each Test Step, Test

Case and Test Suite is now shown in the Test Result View.
• You can use this information to see whether your tests or
parts of your tests are taking longer than you expected
them to, without having to set timers or manually check
• The HTML and XML reports generated or exported for the
test results also show the execution times.
• You can switch off the decoration in the GUIdancer client
in the label decoration preferences.

Parameter values now shown for each node in Test Re-

sult View

• The parameter values entered or used at a specific level

(Test Case, Test Step) are now shown in the Test Result

32 April 15, 2014 V8.0.00170


• You can use this information to see which data were used
for your Test Cases, without having to click through each
individual node in the Test Result View. This can be espe-
cially useful if you have one Test Case that runs multiple
times with different datasets.

• You can switch off the decoration in the GUIdancer client

in the label decoration preferences.

Missing data decoration now shown in the Test Case Ed-

itor and Test Suite Editor

• When working on a Test Case or Test Suite in their respec-

tive editors, you will now see small red crosses on any ref-
erenced Test Cases or Test Steps in that editor which have
missing data at this level (i.e. data that should be entered
in this editor).

• This will help avoid problems with forgetting to enter data

in the Properties View.

Functions can be entered as parameter values

• Alongside concrete values (abc), references (=P1) and vari-

ables ($VAR), you can now enter functions as data, or as
parts of your data.

• The sign to introduce a function is the question mark: ?

Any question marks used as test data will have to be

escaped using one or more backslashes as of this new
version. A warning in the console view will appear after
importing your Project if you have any unescaped ques-
tion marks in your data. You can then use the search
function to find them and mask them.

• There are functions available out of the box for various

mathematical calculations and for working with dates.

• Functions can be embedded in other functions, e.g. ?add(?sub(3,2),4)

to add the result of (3-2) to 4.

• Functions can also make use of other data entry options

in GUIdancer such as variables (?add($VAR1,=P1) adds
the number in the variable VAR1 to the number in the ref-
erence P1).

V8.0.00170 April 15, 2014 33

Functional Testing Release Notes

• You can add your own functions via an extension point.

Categories now supported in the Test Suite Browser and

Central Test Data Editor

• It is now possible to create categories for Test Suites and

Test Jobs in the Test Suite Browser, as well as for central
data sets in the Central Test Data Editor.

• Existing Projects will be shown as having two categories

(Test Suites and Test Jobs) in the Test Suite Browser as was
previously the case. However, you can now rename, delete
and rearrange categories in the Test Suite Browser.

Teststyle framework and some guidelines now also in


• There is a new properties page in the Project properties for


• The Teststyle framework is a feature that allows Projects to

be analyzed for their adherence to standards, best prac-
tices and rules for test specification.

• The framework was previously a part of GUIdancer and has

now been migrated to Jubula.

• Jubula contains a small set of standard rules for test spec-

ification. Teststyle in GUIdancer contains more guidelines
and rules for naming conventions, test specification and
test structure.

Analysis framework in GUIdancer

• A new analysis framework has been added to GUIdancer to

gain information on the size, ratios and details of a Project.

• The analysis framework currently contains three example

metrics that can be run on existing or new Projects.

Save As New Test Case

• There is a new option in the Test Case Editor and Test Suite
Editor to save selected items as a new Test Case.

• The selected nodes are added to a new Test Case whose

name you define.

34 April 15, 2014 V8.0.00170


• The nodes are not copied, but their references are: the
effect is the same as if you had manually created a new
Test Case and added the Test Cases to it.

New action: Store Property Value

• The abstract toolkit contains a new action on the Graphics

Component component to store the value of a property.

• The action works in a similar way to the Check Property ac-

tion, except that the expected value must not be entered.
Instead, the actual value is saved into a variable you define.

• You can use this value later on in the test, or you can com-
pare various values using the actions to compare string val-
ues or compare numeric values.

• One example use case for this new action is to test table
filters. The rowCount of the table can be saved into a vari-
able before filtering, and the rowCount after filtering into
a different variable. The variables can then be compared
with each other to ensure that the second value is less than
the first, for example.

New extensible adapter mechanism for Swing compo-


• GUIdancer now allows you to add support for renderers for

Swing components without the getText() method.

• An example of the adapter mechanism can be found here:

• This does not replace the support for custom Swing ren-
derers that can be changed directly by your developers.

• If you are able to change the renderers yourself, you can

still implement one of the following in your renderer:

public String getTestableText(); public String getText();

Completeness check shown as progress window

V8.0.00170 April 15, 2014 35

Functional Testing Release Notes

• After saving in the ITE, the completeness check which val-

idates the state of the Project (test data, object mapping,
missing Test Cases etc) is now shown explicitly as a progress

• This results from performance improvements made to the

completeness check.

Eclipse Marketplace Client now accessible from within

the ITE

• You can now open the Eclipse Marketplace Client from the
Help menu.

• You can use the Marketplace Client to search for new soft-
ware to install.

• Please be aware that we do not test GUIdancer for com-

patibility with plugins installed via the Marketplace that
are not provided by BREDEX GmbH or the Eclipse Jubula
project and therefore recommend caution when installing
new software.

Changes to layout of properties view for test results

• The properties view for test results now shows all test data
as two columns: the parameter name and the value.

• This reduces the amount of space required to see test data

for test results.


• There is an undocumented variable that can be set as an

environment variable to increase the delay between start-
ing an AUT and checking that it is there.

• This delay was named GD_AUT_STARTUP_DELAY and has

now been updated to TEST_AUT_STARTUP_DELAY. Any
customers using this variable should update it in their test

Selenium update

• The version of Selenium used by GUIdancer has been up-

dated to 2.12.0.

36 April 15, 2014 V8.0.00170


Known issues and other information

License Agreement changes

• There have been changes to the way maintenance con-

tracts work.

• Please check the license agreement for more details.

Text input problems on Mac systems for RCP (Indigo)

• Due to an issue in SWT, text input of characters involving

the »SHIFT« key (upper case letters, some special charac-
ters) on Mac for RCP AUT’s that use Indigo as a target plat-
form does not work in this version.

• The issue has been fixed in SWT and will be available in

Eclipse Juno.

New workspaces required

• Due to changes to internal IDs, a new workspace is re-

quired for this version.

• You can export your database preferences from your old

workspace and import them into your new one.

• Other preferences must be noted and manually updated in

the new workspace.

AUT Agent takes longer to start

• In the current version, the AUT Agent takes longer to start

than in previous versions.

• If you try to connect to an AUT Agent before it is running,

you will receive an information message that the connec-
tion could not be established.

• You may need to bear this in mind for automated tests in

a continuous build and test environment.

V8.0.00170 April 15, 2014 37

Functional Testing Release Notes

Release Notes for version 5.2.00265

New Features and Developments

Object mapping: Degree of recognition accuracy for a
test run can be viewed

• The Object Mapping Editor has been extended so that the

accuracy of component recognition is persisted and can be
• As well as displaying the state of component recognition
when a technical name is collected from the AUT ( → page
41) , the degree of recognition accuracy is also noted for
each test run.
• You can see the values for the recognition accuracy in two
new BIRT reports in GUIdancer.
OMNameQuality shows a breakdown of the component
names used in your test, and displays the degree of
accuracy they were located during the test. You can
use this report to see whether there are any component
names that may need to be remapped (i.e. who are
close to the threshold of not being found) before the
test encounters a Component Not Found error.
OMNameQualityChart This report is a visual (graph) rep-
resentation of the accuracy with which components were
located during the test run. You can use the report
to help you decide which components may need to be
remapped, as they may soon result in a Component Not
Found error during the test.

Mylyn: Refactored Test Cases are added to context

• When working on a Mylyn task in app, Test Cases you

create using the refactor function are now automatically
added to the context.

Mylyn: Test Cases opened via »CTRL+SHIFT+T« are added

to context

• When working on a Mylyn task in GUIdancer, Test Cases

opened using the key combination »CTRL+SHIFT+T« are
now automatically added to the context.

Mylyn: Test Cases added via Test Case reference dialog

are added to context

38 April 15, 2014 V8.0.00170


• When working on a Mylyn task in GUIdancer, Test Cases

added using the Add Test Case reference dialog are now
automatically added to the context.

Teststyle: Rules can now be viewed via the Properties


• When working with Teststyle, you can now open the Project
properties dialog to see the rule that has been flouted via:
Show Teststyle Rule
from the Problem View.

Changes to BIRT reports

• The BIRT report GUIdancerFULL has been removed.

• There are new BIRT reports:

– GUIdancerComments shows a table of all failed relevant

tests for the time specified, including the comment title
that can be entered in the Test Result Summary View.
This report is useful for delivering daily status reports of
the tests.
– GUIdancerDuration shows the duration of the chosen
– GUIdancerExecutionHistogram shows the proportion of
executed, failed and non-executed Test Steps for a test.
This report is most useful when one specific Test Suite is
compared to see its progress over time.
– TestresultSummary shows a table of the Test Result Sum-
mary View for the dates and tests chosen.

• You can now also enter the Test Job as a parameter for
the report. The Test Suites in the Test Job are still displayed
individually, however.

License Dialog: Restart prompt

• Once a license has been added via the Preferences, a di-

alog is shown to remind you to restart GUIdancer before

• From the dialog you can choose to restart GUIdancer auto-


Embedded gdagent

V8.0.00170 April 15, 2014 39

Functional Testing Release Notes

• If you are starting your AUT and running your tests on your
local machine, you can now connect to an embedded AUT
Agent directly from the ITE.

• This saves you having to start an AUT Agent on localhost.

• This is also useful for testers working with Jubula as a fea-

ture in an Eclipse installation.

• The embedded AUT Agent is started on port 60000 by de-

fault; this number can be changed in the preferences.

Figure 1: Embedded AUT Agent

Refactor: Replace with Test Case

• In the Test Case Editor and Test Suite Editor, there is a new
option to replace one or more selected Test Cases with an-
other Test Case from the library.

• A new wizard takes you step-by-step through the replace-

ment process, letting you transfer component names, match
parameters and add further information for the new Test

• This feature should help testers who want to restructure

their tests after creating a reusable module to replace one
or more Test Cases.

Object Mapping Editor: Cleanup unused component names

• In the Object Mapping Editor, there is a new option in the

context-sensitive menu.

• Via Cleanup → unused component names

you can start a search for any component names that are
no longer used in Test Suites for this AUT.

• Once the search is finished, you can delete all of these

unused names from the Object Mapping Editor. If they
are then no longer used in the entire Project, they can be
deleted from the Component Name Browser.

40 April 15, 2014 V8.0.00170


Figure 2: Deleting unused Component Names

HTML Test Result Reports can be expanded again

• Following changes made for the initial contribution to Eclipse,

the HTML Test Result Reports could not be viewed properly
in the previous version.

• In this release, the nodes in the HTML reports can be ex-

panded and collapsed to view the whole test progress.

State of component recognition displayed when collect-

ing technical names

• When a component (technical name) is collected from an

AUT, it receives a colored dot corresponding to the accu-
racy of the object recognition for this component at the
time of collecting.

A green dot signifies that the component could be found

with an exact match, and was the only component above
the threshold.
A yellow dot means that the component is an exact match,
but that multiple other components were also above the
A red dot means that this component cannot be relocated
in the current state of the AUT

V8.0.00170 April 15, 2014 41

Functional Testing Release Notes

Figure 3: HTML Reports

• As a side effect, the colors on the component names (green)

and technical names (red) that were displayed in previous
versions are now no longer shown. Once the Object Map-
ping Editor has been saved, all names are shown with plain
black icons.

Figure 4: Colored Dots for Object Mapping

Migration wizard re-enabled

• When migrating to the new version of GUIdancer, the mi-

gration assistant will automatically notify you that your database
scheme is out-of-date.

• You can then select which Projects to import (these must

have been exported from the database prior to migrating!).

42 April 15, 2014 V8.0.00170


• The assistant will drop the tables in the database, recreate

the necessary tables and import the Projects you specified.

Figure 5: Migration Wizard

Copy ID to Clipboard also for Test Suites

• The ability to copy a unique ID to the clipboard to reference

a GUIdancer element in external systems has also been im-
plemented for Test Suites.

• You can now copy the ID of a Test Case or a Test Suite to

the clipboard, and also open an element based on its ID in
the clipboard using »SHIFT+F9«

The DBTool is more verbose

• The command line tool to import, export and delete Projects

in the database, the DBTool, has been updated so that it is
more verbose.

Progress View

• The ITE now uses the progress view to show longer-running

activities such as test execution, connecting to AUT’s etc.

Edit Parameters Dialog in Central Test Data Editor can

be opened via double-click

• In the Central Test Data Editor it is no longer necessary to

open the Edit Parameters Dialog via context-menu, as it
can now also be opened via double-click on the data set
you wish to edit.

Mac keyboards now supported, new mechanism for adding

keyboard layout files

V8.0.00170 April 15, 2014 43

Functional Testing Release Notes

• In the AUT configuration dialog for SWT and RCP AUT’s,

the Keyboard Layout combo box now only offers layouts
that have been defined for GUIdancer. German (DE) and
English (US) are defined as standard.

• As well as being able to add keyboard layouts for other

keyboards, you can also define platform-specific keyboard
layouts (e.g. for Mac)

• The documentation has been updated to describe the new

mechanism for adding keyboard layouts.

Known issues and other information

autrun directory has changed

• The autrun application has been moved from its own di-
rectory in the installed version to within the server folder.
The autrun directory no longer exists.

• Scripts using the autrun option will have to be adjusted to

reflect this change.

The type of error an Event Handler reacts to cannot be

changed once the Event Handler has been added

• In the current version, the type of error you choose for an

Event Handler cannot be changed in the Properties View
once the Event Handler has been added.

• If you want to change the error type for an Event Handler,

then you must delete it and re-add it with the correct error

JFace decoration error

• Under some circumstances, there may be an error in the

decoration resulting from our use of the org.eclipse.jface.resource.Compo
This results in a Null Pointer exception.

• If this occurs, please restart GUIdancer.

Necessary SWT Version

44 April 15, 2014 V8.0.00170


• To be able to test AUT’s on Mac systems, the required SWT

version is 3.6.

• The required SWT version for Windows and Unix systems

is 3.1.

French (FR) keyboards

• The current keyboard layout mechanism for SWT and RCP

keyboards does not work for French (FR) keyboards.

• Testers with AUT’s in French should consider using a Cana-

dian keyboard layout or any other keyboard where the
base keys do not include special characters such as am-

Release Notes for Version 5.0 and 5.1.00155

New features and developments

Code coverage

• GUIdancer now lets you run code coverage for Java appli-
cations written in Java 1.5 or higher.

• The code coverage tool JaCoCo is supported out-of-the-

box and can be added to your AUT configuration in the
AUT configuration dialog.

• You can view the results of the code coverage monitoring

from the Test Result Summary View.


• GUIdancer has a new feature to improve the quality and

structure of the tests you write.

• The Teststyle plugin lets you define guidelines for your Project
and informs you when a guideline is not upheld.

• You can set the message level (information, warning, error)

for the guidelines as well as the context they should be
valid for.

• Teststyle is added by default to all Projects. You can alter

the Teststyle settings via the Project properties.

V8.0.00170 April 15, 2014 45

Functional Testing Release Notes

New license mechanism

• The license mechanism in GUIdancer has been changed.

• GUIdancer no longer uses a license server to manage float-

ing licenses. The new individual user licenses can be re-
quested from the GUIdancer team as part of your mainte-
nance contract.

• The licenses can be entered in the Preferences, under: GUIdancer

- Licenses.

ID Attribute Name for HTML AUT’s

• Each supported component in HTML AUT’s can have its

own attribute used to identify it during test execution.

• In your AUT configuration, you can define an attribute

name which should be used as an identifier for compo-

• For example if your attribute name is: testid

(e.g. <div testid=”Username”></div>)
then you would enter testid in the AUT configuration.

Test debugging - continue without Event Handler

• There is a new option in GUIdancer to make running inter-

active tests more comfortable.

• On the toolbar, there is a new button to ”Continue without

Event Handler”. You can use this button in combination
with the ”Pause on Error” option.

• If a test you are running encounters an error, the test is

paused die to the Pause on Error option. You can then click
”Continue without Event Handler” to ignore the error and
continue as if no error had occurred.

Copy ID to clipboard and open Test Case via its ID

• There is a new option in the Test Case Browser to copy the

unique ID for a Test Case to the clipboard.

• You can use this ID to refer to the Test Case from exter-
nal systems such as bug-tracking systems or requirements
management systems.

• You can open a Test Case based on its ID by pressing »SHIFT+F9«.

46 April 15, 2014 V8.0.00170


Support information package

• To reflect the changes to the support system, the option to

send a support email has been updated to create a .zip file
as a support information package.

• Should you find an error, you can upload the information

package to Bugzilla as a part of the error description.

New database configuration

• The configuration tool and database configuration tool are

no longer a part of the installation package.

• The configuration options for the database connections are

now in the preferences under: Test - Database Connec-

• The embedded database is configured as the default. You

can add other database configurations using the buttons
and the dialog to add database connection details.

• You can export and import your database preferences us-

ing the File → Export menu.

New -data parameter in the test executor and dbtool

• As the database configurations are now in the preferences,

you must enter a workspace (where the correct preferences
are saved) for test execution via the test executor and for
working with the dbtool.

• The workspace parameter is -data <path to workspace>.

• The workspace parameter cannot currently be entered in

the configuration file for the test executor, it must be en-
tered directly into the command line interface.

Project migration to the new version

• We have changed our database abstraction layer from Hi-

bernate to JPA/Eclipse Link.

• For this reason, the migration of your Projects to the new

version cannot be carried out automatically by the database
migration tool.

• Instructions on migrating your Projects and clearing your

database scheme are in the Installation Manual.

V8.0.00170 April 15, 2014 47

Functional Testing Release Notes

Amount of results shown in the Test Result Summary

View is now configurable

• You can now configure how many results should be shown

in the Test Result Summary View based on how old they
• In the Test result preferences, you can specify how many
days’ worth of test result summaries should be shown. The
default is set to 30 days.
• You can see the current setting in the Test Result Summary
• Results not displayed are not removed from the database
and are still considered for report generation. They are
simply not visible to make filtering and sorting over more
recent results more comfortable.

Two new BIRT reports

• There are two new reports that can be generated from the
Test Result Summary View.
• The first is a report that shows code coverage for the cho-
sen Test Suites.
• The second is a report that shows any comments written
for unsuccessful Test Suites which can be used as a daily
summary of the test status.

BIRT reports show comment title for executed Test Steps

• If you have a BIRT report which shows the executed Test

Steps for a Test Suite, you can hover over the point on the
graph marking the number of executed Test Steps to see
the title of any comment you wrote for the test run.
• If the expected Test Steps and executed Test Steps are the
same (i.e. the whole test ran), you will not see the com-

Test execution speed increased

• We have significantly increased the speed at which tests

are executed.
• Should you want to slow a test down to watch it, then
you can set a step delay in the Properties View for the Test

48 April 15, 2014 V8.0.00170


• You may notice that some tests require explicit synchro-

nization (e.g. waiting for windows to appear or to close)
to ”keep up” with the increased speed. If you prefer, then
adding a step delay of 1000(ms) should produce the test
execution speed from previous versions.

Extensions must be adapted

• As there have been changes to our API, any extensions

you are using in your Projects must be adapted to the new

• The largest change is that package prefixes have been changed.

Instead of com.bredexsw.guidancer, the new name
is org.eclipse.jubula.

• Other changes include modified class names (the GD prefix

has been removed or replaced by JB).

• Your client and RC (server) extensions must be adjusted

and recompiled with the new Jar files.

Support for div containers in HTML

• We now support components created using <div></div>

containers on the level of Graphics Component.

• This means you will be able to perform certain checks on

such components and also send clicks to them.

Support for lists in HTML

• You can now check the existence of entries in lists created

in HTML using the <ol> and <ul> tags.

Support for sliders, date and time, spinner and scale

components in SWT

• The SWT components slider, date and time, spinner and

scale components in SWT are now supported as Graphics

• This means you will be able to perform certain checks on

the components as well as click them or in them.

New names for various GUIdancer components

• We have renamed various parts of GUIdancer:

V8.0.00170 April 15, 2014 49

Functional Testing Release Notes

– What we previously referred to as the client (the ap-

plication where tests are written) is now known as the
Integrated Test Environment (ITE).
– The gdrun command for starting AUT’s is now called
autrun. The command is also now called autrun and
must be changed in any scripts that use it.
– The command line client for test execution is now called
the test executor. The command is called testexec
and must be changed in any scripts that use it.
– The RCP Accessor is now called the RCP Remote Control
– The environment variables that can be used in GUIdancer
have also been renamed:
* GD_COMP_NAME (used for setting a unique name
for RCP components) is now called TEST_COMP_NAME.
* GDAutStarterPort (used to set a default port number
for the system) is now called TEST_AUT_AGENT_PORT.
* GDUDV_ (used to set your own environment variables
is now called TEST_UDV.
* The pre-defined test execution variables are now pre-
ceded with TEST_ instead of GD_.

New perspective names

• The perspectives have been renamed. Each perspective

type (specification, reporting, execution) is preceded by
Functional Testing.

New and moved menu options

• The ITE now contains a menu point: File .

• This menu allows you to import and export database pref-

erences to GUIdancer, to save, rename, refresh and exit the

• The previous Project menu is now called Test . Here

you will find the menu options that used to be under Project ,
including creating, deleting, importing and exporting Projects.

Moved preferences

• The preferences for the test can now be found in the pref-
erence dialog under the option Test.

50 April 15, 2014 V8.0.00170


New BIRT version

• If you create your own reports for GUIdancer from this ver-
sion, then you must use version 2.6.1 of the BIRT viewer
and engine. Our reports are created with this version of
BIRT and Eclipse version 3.6.1.

Known issues
OS X: Green borders in AUT "flicker" in Object Mapping

• This issue occurs when collecting components from an SWT

or RCP AUT running with the Cocoa implementation of
SWT. As such, this problem may affect AUT’s running on

• When the mouse is moved over components in the AUT,

the green border alternately disappears and reappears with
each movement. A component cannot be collected when
the green border is not visible. In order to work around
this issue, it may be necessary to move the mouse within
the component until the green border (re)appears.

Release Notes for version 4.3.01105

This release is a patch to fix a problem that occurred in the
unbound modules concrete whereby the tree component had
a false component type. The database and license are the
same as in version 4.3.01105.

Release Notes for version 4.3.01105

New features and developments

Mylyn integration

• The Mylyn plugin is now available for use within the ITE.

• You can connect to repositories (e.g. bug-tracking systems)

to work on testing tasks directly in the ITE.

V8.0.00170 April 15, 2014 51

Functional Testing Release Notes

• You can also create your own local tasks, and reduce the
amount of Test Cases visible to only those required for the
current task.

Central test data

• The ITE has a new editor for managing data centrally for a

• The Central Test Data Editor can be opened via a button

on the toolbar.

• Within the editor, you can add data sets which can then
be referenced in Test Cases.

New data option and display in Properties View

• The Properties View now shows what type of data is cur-

rently being used for a Test Case.

• The possible data sources are:

Referenced Test Case the data being used have come di-
rectly from the original specification of this Test Case.
Local Test Case the data being used were entered for this
Test Case. You can change from local to referenced
test data using the combo box to reset the default value
from the referenced Test Case.
Central test data set the data have come from a central
test data set.
Excel data file an Excel file has been entered as the data

New search dialog and options

• There are new options to search for items and test data
within a Project.

• The search dialog can be opened from the toolbar and of-
fers searches for:

Keywords Names of Test Steps, Test Cases, Test Suites,

Test Jobs and categories in the Project
Test data Data contained in Test Cases, Test Steps and
central data sets
Files File types and contents in the workspace

52 April 15, 2014 V8.0.00170


Tasks Tasks from repositories

• Search results are shown in the Search Result View. Items

can be opened in their editors by double-clicking the spe-
cific search result.

Manual Test Steps

• You can now define manual Test Cases

• There is a new module for a manual Test Step.

• Manual Test Cases can be combined into Test Suites and


• During execution, a dialog appears to inform the manual

tester which steps to perform.

• The tester can mark the action as passed or failed and can
write comments about the Test Step.

• The result reports from manual tests can be examined and

analyzed just like result reports for automated tests.

Testing AUT’s started by other AUT’s

• It is now possible to test an AUT that was started by an-

other AUT.

• There is a new mode for the AUT Agent to allow this, the
lenient mode.

• AUT’s started in this way must be of the same toolkit as

the original AUT.

• For each newly started AUT, a new AUT ID is generated

with a running number.

Test results

• Test results that are reopened from the Test Result Sum-
mary View now contain complete information about each
Test Step.

• Test results can also be exported from the Test Result Sum-
mary View in HTML and XML format.

• The option to automatically clean up test result details is

now part of the Project properties, and no longer a user

V8.0.00170 April 15, 2014 53

Functional Testing Release Notes

• In the Test Result Summary View, you can now enter com-
ments about each test run to document the reason for fail-
ing or passing.

New split pane view for the Object Mapping Editor

• The Object Mapping Editor has a new view – the split view.

• In the split view, each category (assigned names, unas-

signed component names and unassigned technical names)
has a different pane.

• This allows you to navigate to the place you require in

each category separately to make mapping in large Projects
more comfortable.

New actions

• Check existence of window by title

• Check text at mouse position in trees

• Store value at mouse position on trees

• Store value on selected node in trees

• Store value at mouse position in tables

New parameters for existing actions

• The action for selecting a node from a tree now also has
the parameter extend selection so that multiple nodes can
be selected in trees.

• The parameters for actions requiring modifiers (control, alt

etc.) have been changed so that a space-separated list of
modifiers can be entered. Content assist is available for the
modifier parameters.

Protection for reused Projects

• There is a new option in the Project wizard and Project

properties to protect a Project.

• We recommend marking a Project as protected if you are

using it as a library (referenced) Project for another Project.

• In protected Projects, Test Cases cannot be deleted, and

the edit parameters dialog cannot be opened.

54 April 15, 2014 V8.0.00170


• This is to stop any irrevocable changes being made that

would affect the Projects that reuse the protected Project.

• The protected status of Projects can be altered in the Project


Viewing BIRT reports in embedded database

• BIRT reports generated from the Test Result Summary View

can now be viewed when using the embedded database.

Show where used on Test Suite

• The action Show where used (»F6«) is now also possible

on Test Suites that have been reused in Test Jobs.

Open specification action

• There is a new action available on Test Cases and Test

Suites which have been reused (in other Test Cases or in
Test Jobs).

• Use »CTRL+F6« to open the specification of the selected

Test Case or Test Suite in the relevant editor.

• This action is possible even if the Test Case or Test Suite to

open is hidden due to an active filter.

Open Test Case action

• There is a new dialog to open an existing Test Case or mul-

tiple Test Cases in their editors.

• Use »CTRL+SHIFT+T« to open the dialog and select the Test

Cases to be opened.

• This action is possible even if the Test Case or Test Suite to

open is hidden due to an active filter.

Show corresponding specification in Object Mapping Ed-


• In the Object Mapping Editor there is a new option to show

the corresponding specification of a component name.

• You can use this option when a component name appears

in the Object Mapping Editor that you should have over-

V8.0.00170 April 15, 2014 55

Functional Testing Release Notes

• The Search Result View only shows places which could

have lead to this component name appearing in the Ob-
ject Mapping Editor, not all places in the test where it has
been used.

Key combination to switch views in the client

• We have introduced shortcuts to switch to specific views in

the specification perspective.

• To switch to the Test Suite Browser, use »ALT+SHIFT+1«

• To switch to the Test Case Browser, use »ALT+SHIFT+2«

• To switch to the Properties View, use »ALT+1«

• To switch to the Data Sets View, use »ALT+2«

• To switch to the Component Names View, use »ALT+3«

• To switch to editor, use »F12«

The key combinations can be changed in the preferences.

Support for custom renderers in Swing

• Custom renderers in Swing AUT’s can now be tested as

long as the renderer implements either getText() or getTestable-

• The method signatures you implement must be:

public String getTestableText(); public String getText();

• If you don’t have a getText() method, then we recommend

using the getTestableText() option to avoid conflicts.

Dropping Test Cases directly into the editor area

• You can now drop Test Cases directly into the editor, with-
out having to place the Test Case before or after another
Test Case in the editor.

• The Test Case is placed at the bottom of the tree in the


56 April 15, 2014 V8.0.00170


Other information
New workspace recommended for 4.3

• We recommend setting up a new workspace for version


Object mapping in RCP AUT’s that do not use GEF

• We have fixed an issue with automatic component naming

in RCP AUT’s.

• Customers testing RCP AUT’s where no GEF bundles are

present are advised to remap their components.

Release Notes for version 4.2.01053

New features and developments

Eclipse 3.6 supported

• Tests can be written for Eclipse applications that are written

in 3.6

Viewing test results

• Full test result details that are still in the database can now
be opened in the Test Result View from the Test Result
Summary View.

• This lets you review tests that ran overnight directly in the

Automatic database migration

• The ITE now contains a database migration wizard.

• When a connection to a database is made in a new version,

the ITE automatically recognizes whether the database ver-
sion is incompatile.

• If so, you can start the migration wizard. You specify which
Projects should be imported into the new database (the
Projects must have been exported from the previous ver-

• The migration wizard converts the database automatically

to the new version.

V8.0.00170 April 15, 2014 57

Functional Testing Release Notes

Commenting out Test Cases

• You can now comment out Test Cases and Test Steps in

• Items that have been commented out are inactive and are
neither validated for Test Suite completeness, nor executed.

New parameters for table actions

• Actions on tables now have new parameters for row oper-

ator and column operator.

• You can now select rows and columns based on their title
and also determine how you want the selection to occur
(equals, matches, simple match, not equals).

New parameter for select actions

• Actions that select items from tables, lists and trees have a
new parameter for mouse button.

• You can now define which mouse button should be used

to select the item.

Number of failed Test Steps shown

• The Test Result Summary View now also has the informa-
tion about how many Test Steps failed in a test run.

Information about whether test result details are avail-


• The Test Result Summary View now also has the informa-
tion about whether the details for a test run are still in the

• If the results are still available, then the Test Result View
can be reopened.

Spring to next/previous error

• In the Test Result View which opens when you open the
results for a test run from the Test Result Summary View,
you can use two new toolbar buttons to spring to the nex-
t/previous error.

Showing comments for Test Cases

58 April 15, 2014 V8.0.00170


• Any comments you write on Test Cases are now visible as a

tooltip when you hover over the Test Case in the browsers
or in the search result view.

Pause on error

• There is a new button on the toolbar to pause the test

execution if an error occurs.

• This can be switched on and off during a test run and al-
lows you to easily stop the test to see what went wrong.

• The test can be continued by clicking the pause test exe-

cution button on the toolbar.

Using running AUT details to define an AUT

• AUT’s that have been started using the gdrun command

can now be automatically defined in the ITE.

• You can select the option to create an AUT definition from

the running AUT’s view for any AUT that is currently un-

Show referenced children

• There is a new option in the preferences to show refer-

enced children in Test Cases in the Test Case Browser.

• This preference is activated by default.

• Deactivating the preference means that any children of

referenced Test Cases are not displayed in the Test Case

• This can help in particularly large Projects to inprove per-


New action

• There is a new action to wait for the menu component.

Other information
XML and HTML reports scheduled for removal

• The XML and HTML reports that can be generated by the

ITE (configurable in the preferences) are scheduled for re-
moval in the next versions.

V8.0.00170 April 15, 2014 59

Functional Testing Release Notes

• There will be an alternative feature to create a HTML report

from the test result report, as long as the test details are
still in the database.

• For queries about this plan, please contact the support


Deprecated unbound modules earlier than 3.0 sched-

uled for removal

• The unbound modules that have been deprecated in ver-

sions earlier than 3.0 are also scheduled for removal in the
upcoming version.

• We always recommend updating to the latest version of

the unbound modules and removing any references to dep-
recated modules in your tests.

New unbound modules for tables and for select actions

on lists, trees and tree-tables

• Because we have added new parameters to actions on

these components, there are new unbound modules for
the actions.

• The old unbound modules have been set to deprecated.

• We recommend updating any deprecated modules in your

tests with the new modules.

• You can see what the new module is by looking in the

deprecated module - these now contain the new actions.

Merging in the Object Mapping Editor

• The option to merge components in the Object Mapping

Editor has been temporarily deactivated for this release.

Release Notes for version 4.1.01039

New features and developments

New option in delete Project dialog

• When you delete a Project, you can now decide whether

you want to keep the test results for the Project or delete
them as well.

60 April 15, 2014 V8.0.00170


Performance improvements

• We have further improved the performance for the saving

and loading of Projects. The validation of Test Suites now
runs as a background job so that test specification can con-
tinue while the tests are being validated.

• Test Suites must be validated before they can be executed.

Generated names penalty removed

• The generated names penalty has been removed from the

object mapping configuration area and from the object
recognition calculation.

Optional automatic screenshots when errors occur

• You can now define whether or not screenshots should

automatically be taken when an error occurs.

• Screenshots taken in this manner are saved into the database

and can be viewed in the Image View by clicking on the
failed Test Step.

• You can alter this preference in the Test Result preference


• In the command line client, screenshots are automatically

taken unless you include the parameter -s.

New relevance flag for test results

• You can now specify at the beginning of each test exe-

cution whether the test results are relevant for your test

• You can alter this preference in the Test Results preference


• In the command line client, test executions are automati-

cally relevant unless you include the parameter -r.

MAC OSX no longer in BETA

• We have now removed the BETA status of our MAC sup-


• Please be aware that pure SWT tests are not supported on

MAC systems.

V8.0.00170 April 15, 2014 61

Functional Testing Release Notes

• Testing RCP AUT’s also has some limitations on MAC, e.g.

the action to select a value from a combo box does not
work, and there are problems with the selection of tabs by
their values.

• The license server will now run on MAC machines, as long

as the development kit for the environment is installed.

Other information
Compatibility with 4.0

• The database is compatible with version 4.0, so your 4.0

database can continue to be used with 4.1.

• The server and client components have been changed, so

these will need to be reinstalled for 4.1.

• There have been no changes to the license mechnism or

license administrator - you do not need to reinstall your
license server.

Eclipse plugin removed

• The functionality to run the ITE as an Eclipse plugin has

been removed.

HTML actions deprecated

• The action follow link in HTML is deprecated. Use the ac-

tion click on Graphics Component instead to follow links.

• The action select window is also deprecated, and has not

yet been replaced with a new action in this release.

New database configurations in DB Configuration

• We have added separate database configurations in the

DB Configuration Tool for Oracle 8,9 and 10 as well as the
embedded database and Oracle XE.

• There are also two new options: MySQl and Postgresql.

These are shown as unsupported: we have tested that the
ITE can connect to them and open Projects, but do not let
our full tests run on them at this time.

New colors for Test Cases

62 April 15, 2014 V8.0.00170


• The unbound modules are now colored blue to make them

easier to distinguish from other Test Cases.
• We have also made Test Cases that cannot be directly edited
slightly grayer to make it easier to see which Test Cases are

Known issues
Console output for DBTool

• The DBTool does not yet produce an output when param-

eters are false or when errors occur.

Edit parameters dialog

• When editing parameters via the edit parameters dialog, it

is currently necessary to save the Test Case and reopen it
to see the changes in the Properties View.

Merging component names in the Object Mapping Edi-


• At the moment, the merging of component names does

not work in the Object Mapping Editor.
• You can use the Component Name Browser to merge com-
ponent names instead.

Release Notes for version 4.0.01205

New features and developments

New implementation for HTML testing

• We have a new implementation for the testing of HTML

• The new HTML toolkit is multi-browser compatible and has
been tested for Windows (for IE6 and higher and for Fire-
fox 2 and higher), Linux (Firefox 2 and higher) and Mac
(Firefox 2 and higher and Safari 3 and higher).
• Firefox 3.6 is not yet supported.
• The new implementation also supports the testing of dy-
namic components.

V8.0.00170 April 15, 2014 63

Functional Testing Release Notes

• Please be aware that Frames and IFrames are not yet sup-
ported in this new implementation.

New handling for starting AUT’s

• It is now possible to start multiple AUT’s.

• Each AUT now receives an ID which can be used to dif-

ferentiate between various AUT’s (or instances of the same
AUT) for object mapping, observation, and test execution.

• Some buttons that were previously on the toolbar have

been moved to the Test Suite Browser and the new Run-
ning AUTs View.

New gdrun option to start AUT’s independently of the


• AUT’s can now be started in one of two ways.

• They can be started as in previous versions via an AUT con-

figuration. There is also a new option to start an AUT with-
out an AUT configiration, independently of the ITE.

• For this, you can use the command gdrun with parameters
for toolkit, AUT ID etc.

• This option is not currently available for HTML or SWT


New running AUT’s view

• There is a new view in the specification perspective which

shows a list of running AUT’s.

• The AUT’s are shown using their ID.

• Via this view, you can start Test Suites and stop AUT’s.

Testing different AUT’s in one test

• Being able to start multiple AUT’s and the new gdrun com-
mand mean that it is now possible to test multiple AUT’s
(or instances of the same AUT) in one test.

• Test Suites can now be combined to Test Jobs. A Test Job

executes each Test Suite on the specified AUT.

64 April 15, 2014 V8.0.00170


• This feature is currently only available for AUT’s that are

written with the same toolkit (e.g. Swing) or when the
Project toolkit is set to concrete (i.e. no specific actions for
particular toolkits are used in the test).

• All AUT’s to be tested in a Test Job must have been started

using the gdrun command.

New reporting perspective

• The ITE has a new reporting perspective. After every test

run, the test results are now stored in the database. Both
detailed results and a test result summary are saved.

• The test result summaries are shown in the new Test Result
Summary View. You can use this view to sort and filter
your test results.

• The test result details can be automatically removed from

the database after a specified number of days. This feature
can be activated and configured in the preferences.

Generation of test result statistics

• From the Test Result Summary View, you can create BIRT
reports of your test runs.

• There is a selection of example reports available in the Test

Result Summary View.

• You can also use a BIRT designer to create your own re-

• The built-in BIRT reports can currently only be used with an

Oracle Database.

Duplicate AUT configuration

• To ease the configuration of multiple AUT’s, there is now

the option to duplicate an existing AUT configuration.

New action: take screenshot of active window

• There is a new action in the concrete toolkit to take a

screenshot not of the whole screen, but of the currently
active window.

New action: check property on figure

V8.0.00170 April 15, 2014 65

Functional Testing Release Notes

• For the RCP toolkit, there is a new action to check the

property of a figure in GEF editors.

Timestamps in test result reports

• The HTML and XML test reports have been extended so

that timestamps for each step are documented.

Mac BETA Support

• The Mac Version is still in beta status.

• Pure SWT AUT’s cannot be started by on Mac systems. RCP

AUT’s, however, can be.

New options for the DBTool

• The DBTool has two new options: -deleteall deletes all

Projects (and test results) in the database. -keepsummary
leaves the test result summaries in the database when a
Project is deleted.

Altered XML Scheme for extensions

• We have made a small change to the XML scheme for ex-


• In the ComponentConfiguration.xml the tag componentClass

has changed.

• Instead of specifying your component class as:


Use the following:

<componentClass name="javax.swing.JComboBox"/>

AUT Starter renamed AUT Agent

• To reflect the change in behavior of the server component,

we have renamed the AUT Starter to AUT Agent.

• The commands to start and stop the Agent have also changed.
See the user manual for more details.

66 April 15, 2014 V8.0.00170


Fix for GEF Editor figure recognition

• We have fixed an error for figure recognition in multi-page

GEF editors.

• Figures are now correctly found if an editor has multiple


New licenses

• Version 4.0 requires new licenses. You can request your

new license from the support team.

New support service available

• We have updated our support service so that customers

can also purchase premium support for questions relating
to test environment, process etc.

• Full details about the new support service are in the license
agreement and in the shop.

Alternative classloading

• We have made some changes to the classloading for AUT’s.

• Should you notice any problems when starting your AUT’s

with the new version, you can switch to the old classload-
ing mechanism by performing one of the following:

– Setting an environment variable GD_USE_CLASSIC_CL=true

– Setting the Java property -DGD_USE_CLASSIC_CL=true

Running the License Server on Windows 7

• When starting the License Server as a Service (for example,

after installing GUIdancer with administrator access rights),
the firewall must be explicitly configured to allow incoming
traffic for the License Server process.

Known issues
Refresh problem in the Component Name Browser when
renaming components in the Object Mapping Editor

• After renaming a component name in the Object Mapping

Editor, the Component Name Browser is not refreshed until
the Project is re-opened.

V8.0.00170 April 15, 2014 67

Functional Testing Release Notes

• We recommend renaming component names in the Com-

ponent Name Browser until this issue is resolved.

Incorrect display of technical component name

• In some cases, a technical name may be collected from

the AUT in the form guidancer.concrete.button instead of
Button/Radio Button/Checkbox, for example.

• This is a problem with the display of the component name

and does not in any way affect the object recognition or

Pausing and stopping test execution during restart AUT

• There is a known issue which occurs when a test is paused

or stopped while the action restart AUT is being executed.

• Doing this leads to the buttons on the toolbar being in-

correctly disabled. Please wait until the action is finished
before stopping or pausing the test, to avoid this problem.

Start Incomplete Test Suite is no longer supported

• The action to start an incomplete Test Suite is no longer


Closing an AUT in the observation mode

• AUT’s cannot currently be stopped during a test.

• If the observation mode is running, and you close the AUT

(e.g. via File-Close), this leads to the object mapping for
the Test Case being falsely marked as incomplete.

Default Event Handlers in Test Suites: RETURN

• The return default Event Handler in Test Suites does not yet
exist, although this is documented.

Automatically ending Check Mode

• When recording a verification step in Observation Mode,

the button Ok, but stop Checking does not end the Check
Mode. The mode must be ended manually.

68 April 15, 2014 V8.0.00170


Release Notes for version 3.2.02004

This release is a patch for version 3.2.01081 which contains
updates to the documentation.

New software license version

• The software license has been updated.

• You can read the new license in the installation directory in

the guidancer folder.

New object mapping shortcut

• The standard shortcut to collect objects from an AUT in the

Object Mapping Mode is now: »CTRL+SHIFT+Q«. You can
see and change this shortcut in the preferences.

Release Notes for version 3.2.01081

New features and developments

New actions

• This version contains a variety of new actions to:

– Check enablement, existence and selection of items in

– Open context menus with any button (right, left or mid-
– Check the existence of tabs.
– Check the value of a specific tab.
– Check the existence of a value in a row or column in a
– Check the editability of a selected cell in a table.
– Check the editability of a cell at a specific mouse posi-
– Refresh components in a web application.

Collecting components using clicks

V8.0.00170 April 15, 2014 69

Functional Testing Release Notes

• Customers whose AUT’s cannot accept keystrokes can now

set the object mapping preferences to collect components
using clicks.

Improvement for dynamic web testing

• There is now a new option in the object mapping prefer-

ences to refresh components in a web application. This can
be used during object mapping to recognize newly added
components since the last refresh.

• This action is also available as a Test Step to achieve the

same effect during a test.

Switching database and database configurations

• There is a new database configuration tool to select, add

and configure databases for use with the ITE. More infor-
mation on this is available in the Installation Manual.

• It is now possible to switch between databases or database

users in the ITE. This saves having to restart the client to
switch the database.

Windows 7 supported

• Version 3.2 has been tested with Windows 7 as well as XP

and Vista.

Other information
Administrator privileges required for configuration tools
and license administrator

• The configuration tool, the database configuration tool

and the license administrator may require administrative

• Run these tools as an administrator to be able to configure

your installation.

New AUT Agent commands under Linux

• The AUT Agent commands under Linux have changed.

• To start the AUT Agent, enter: ./AutStarter (-p <port number>

• To stop the AUT Agent, enter:

70 April 15, 2014 V8.0.00170


Fixed issue with a component name

• We have fixed a falsely calculated component name in the

unbound modules for dragging and dropping list items.

• The affected component names are: nn_dragSource_lst

and nn_dropTarget_lst.

• Customers who have used unbound modules containing

these component names should take the following steps
to update their Projects:

1. Open the Project and switch the version of the unbound

modules from 3.1 to 3.2.
2. Find the places where the affected component names
were used in the test by using F7 on the unbound mod-
ules for dragging and dropping in lists.
3. Any affected places will display a message in the Com-
ponent Names View: no component type exists!.
4. Make a note of the component name that you used
5. Make a small change in the Test Case Editor to make
the editor ”dirty” and save the editor.
6. Add the component name that you previously used in
this Test Case and save the editor again.

Known issues
Selection of multiple SWT list items under Linux

• There is an issue in some versions of GTK and the selection

of multiple list items.

• Items further down in the list may be clicked falsely. This is

a known error in GTK.

Release Notes for version 3.1.2003

This release is a patch for the previous 3.1.01019 version. For
more information about the 3.1 version, see the previous re-
lease notes.

V8.0.00170 April 15, 2014 71

Functional Testing Release Notes

New features and developments

New timer actions

• Application - Start Timer - This action allows you to start

a timer with a given name. In addition to the timer name
this action requires a variable in which to store the start

• Application - Read Timer - Use this action to read the cur-

rent value of a timer you have started and store this value
in a given variable.

• Application - Check Numeric Values - With this action two

numeric values can be compared. Valid comparison meth-
ods are e.g. "less-than" or "greater-or-equal-than".

Other information
Fix for GEF figure recognition

• The figure recognition in the GEF toolkit has been cor-


• Figure positions will now be correctly calculated regardless

of which side the palette is on.

Connect to AUT Agent

• The issue in the previous release with connecting to the

AUT Agent and then disconnecting before a Project was
open has now been fixed.

Wait for Window actions

• The Swing implementation for the Application - Wait for

Window... actions has been modified.

• The modification fixes an issue with the occasional incor-

rect evaluation of the window status.

• Affected actions are: Wait for Window, Wait for Window

to Close and Wait for Window Activation

72 April 15, 2014 V8.0.00170


Release Notes for version 3.1.01019

New features and developments

GEF support

• We have added support for the figure canvas and figure

testing for RCP applications.
• See the section in the user manual on GEF testing and the
reference manual for details on testing applications with
GEF components.
• GEF actions can not be recorded using the observation

Eclipse 3.5 compatibility - important information

• You can now test applications written with Eclipse 3.5.

• Existing customers wishing to test Eclipse applications on
more than one platform should activate the new generate
names option in the AUT settings.
• This option improves the generated names and object recog-
nition for buttons in RCP wizards and dialogs. It is deac-
tivated in existing Projects and activated in new ones. Ac-
tivating this option will mean remapping affected compo-
nents from the AUT.
• The affected components can easily be found by filtering
the Object Mapping Editor using this text:
Delete the affected components and then refresh the Ob-
ject Mapping Editor. You will then see the component
names which need to be remapped.

Mac OSX BETA support

• Testers wishing to try out the BETA for Mac support are
invited to do so.
• The license manager cannot run on a Mac system; it must
be installed on a Windows or Linux system.

New actions

• The action Copy to clipboard has been added to the Ap-

plication component. This can be used on native dialogs
during the test, to enter filepaths etc.

V8.0.00170 April 15, 2014 73

Functional Testing Release Notes

• We have updated the actions on tables to allow selection

and checking of cells by the header value as well as the
column index. Entering an integer will result in the col-
umn being found based on its position. Entering a string
will mean that the column is found based on its header
text. Header texts currently only support the equals oper-
ator. Old table actions are now deprecated and should be
exchanged for the new actions.

• It is now possible to select and check the selection of check-

boxes on SWT Trees.

RCP component name generation

• In the AUT settings, there is a new option for RCP AUT’s to

generate unique names for buttons in dialogs and wizards.

• This option is automatically on for new Projects and deac-

tivated in existing Projects.

• If your tests must be platform independent, we recom-

mend activating this option for your existing Projects. Infor-
mation on how to easily remap the affected components
is available above in the section on Eclipse 3.5.

Filter in Object Mapping Editor

• The Object Mapping Editor now has a text filter like the

• Unlike the browsers, the Object Mapping Editor filter searches

based on both the text and the technical component type
in the editor.

Control decoration

• We have added control decoration to various components

in the user interface to help new users understand some
of the more advanced options.

New cheat sheet

• A new cheat sheet on using Event Handlers is available in

the help menu.

Show unused Test Cases

• There is a new filter in the Test Case Browser – show un-

used Test Cases.

74 April 15, 2014 V8.0.00170


• Use this filter to refactor and clean up your tests by identi-

fying which Test Cases are no longer referenced.

Show where used on Test Cases

• This action now also works on Test Cases from reused


• This means that you can easily search for references to

deprecated unbound modules from our Test Case library
in your Project to switch them.

New preferences

• In the preferences, you can choose to hide the information

behind Test Step names.

• You can also deactivate the option to show the original

Test Case name behind a new name when you rename a
reused Test Case.

Other Information
Coolbars and Toolbars in Eclipse

• To fix an issue with the recognition of coolbars in Eclipse,

we have introduced better component recognition for cool-
bars and toolbars.

• Customers testing RCP applications will have to remap their

toolbar and coolbar buttons unless these have been given
names by the development team.

Whitespaces in commands

• The action execute external command has been changed

to allow whitespaces in commands and in parameters.

• Relative paths can be written simply with the white spaces

included. You will need to use quotes (") around the path
or command if you are using path fragments (e.g. ./ or
../) for the relative path.

• When using absolute paths, use quotes (") around the

command or parameter containing the whitespaces.

V8.0.00170 April 15, 2014 75

Functional Testing Release Notes

For example, instead of:

C:\Program Files\guidancer\guidancer.exe
-data C:\Program Files\guidancer\ws
"C:\Program Files\guidancer\guidancer.exe"
-data "C:\Program Files\guidancer\ws"

• In Linux, quotes may be placed around the command and

the parameter. Windows cmd.exe can only accept quotes
in either the parameter or the command.

• Please bear in mind that strings within the quotes are not
checked for validity.

Absolute and relative searches in tables

• The relative search in tables now searches starting from the

next item after the selected item.

• Move actions in the table search relative to the mouse po-


Keyboard mappings

• We have added documentation how to add keyboard map-

ping files to the RCP accessor.

New parameters for the keyboard modifiers

• The parameters »CMD« and »MOD« have been added to

actions for key combinations to allow testing on MAC sys-
tems, and to ensure platform-independent testing across
Windows, Unix and MAC systems.

Known issues
Connecting to the AUT Agent

• When no Project is open, connecting to the AUT Agent

and disconnecting again results in no longer being able to
connect to the AUT Agent until the ITE is restarted.

Exit Code 11

• Restarting an RCP AUT may cause an error in Eclipse which

displays an error code 11.

76 April 15, 2014 V8.0.00170


• This can be hindered by updating the launcher to Eclipse

version 3.3 and using the parameter --launcher.supressErrors (Executable) .

Click in component

• We do not recommend using the percentages 0 and 100

for click in component when scrollbars surround the com-

GIJ and OpenJDK

• These are not supported.

V8.0.00170 April 15, 2014 77

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