Characterization and Modeling of Brushless DC Motors and Electronic Speed Controllers With A Dynamometer
Characterization and Modeling of Brushless DC Motors and Electronic Speed Controllers With A Dynamometer
Characterization and Modeling of Brushless DC Motors and Electronic Speed Controllers With A Dynamometer
Proper characterization of brushless DC (BLDC) motors and electronic speed controllers (ESCs) is key to improving
the range, endurance, and payload capacities of electric aircraft. Many components for electric vertical take off and
landing (eVTOL) aircraft are sourced from commercial-off-the-shelf vendors, however, these vendors often do not
provide all the important characteristics that are essential for rigorous engineering application. To address this issue,
a custom dynamometer was developed to study the performance characteristics of different BLDC motors and ESCs,
and is capable of testing motors up to 200 W DC from 7.2 V to 15 V. Recording DC power, AC power, and mechanical
power at various operating conditions allows for the evaluation of the BLDC motor/ESC system. From the sets of
experimentally recorded data, a mathematical model is developed using first principles analysis. Unique to this work
is separate modeling of the BLDC motor and ESC, with a focus on the ESC, which is typically neglected in formal
Q = KT IDC (7)
where ω is the motor’s rotational speed, VE is the induced
voltage generated in the motor’s coils from a rotating mag-
netic field, IDC is the DC current flowing through the motor’s
coils, and Q is the mechanical torque of the motor. Motor
constants KT and KE relate electric properties to mechanical
properties for a motor, and are elementary constants in mo- Fig. 5: Left: Torque vs RPM relation. Right: Torque vs
tor theory. They are functions of the magnetic field strength, current relation.
material design of the motor, number of turns in the induc-
tors, and overall electrical design of the motor. To demon-
strate the key concepts of motor performance, an equivalent There are two key points along the Q vs ω line: the stall torque
brushed motor circuit (Refs. 5, 6, 14) is shown in Figure 4. Qs and the no-load speed ωNL . Stall torque Qs is defined as the
torque generated from the motor when the shaft is no longer
rotating, and is the maximum torque the motor can produce.
Such a torque is useful for preventing mechanical rotation,
for example holding robot arms at constant angles. The other
point is the no-load speed ωNL , which is the RPM that the mo-
tor shaft spins when no load is applied to the motor. This is the
maximum RPM that the motor shaft spins. Both of these are
significant as they relate to the maximum performance of the
motor: either maximum rotational speed or maximum load.
Fig. 4: Simplified brushed motor electrical circuit, the arrows Power output from the motor is the product of the mechanical
indicate component voltage drop. output torque with the mechanical RPM, given by equation 2,
and can be reformulated, using equation 10, as:
A simplified steady-state circuit contains a motor resistance KT KT KE
Rm and an induced back voltage KE ω from the rotating mag- Pm = ( [VDC − Io Rm ] − ω)ω
Rm Rm
Pm = [VDC − Io Rm ]ω − ω (11)
Rm Rm
Equation 11 is plotted in Figure 6, revealing a concave down
parabola. With this, the maximum power rotational speed
ωmax P can be found by differentiating equation 11 with re-
spect to ω:
= [VDC − Io Rm ] − 2 ωmax P = 0
dω Rm Rm
1 VDC − Io Rm ωNL
ωmax P = ( )= (12)
2 KE 2 Fig. 7: System powers and efficiency vs RPM.
Maximum power lies at half of the no-load speed ωNL , when 75% for brushed motors. A typical plot of a motor’s efficiency
the distribution between torque and RPM is balanced at half of curve is shown in Figure 7. Motor performance is augmented
the maximum speed ωNL and at half of the maximum torque by changing the voltage of the motor, which is done using the
Qs . throttle setting.
The motor equations thus far have assumed that the motor
was operating at the full supply voltage VDC . A more real-
istic model for motor operation is shown in Figure 8, which
includes a voltage regulating device. The voltage regulator
scales the output voltage proportionally to some input signal,
called the throttle TR . With a lower throttle setting, the voltage
acting across the motor is reduced. For example, if the throttle
setting is 60% (TR = 0.6), 0.6VDC acts across the motor.
User throttle TR is a value between 0-1, and has been normal-
ized appropriately. The throttle is analogous to the gas pedal
on a car, depending on how far down the gas pedal is pressed,
more or less fuel enters the engine. With more fuel, the en-
gine produces more power, and the car responds appropriately.
Fig. 6: Motor output power vs RPM. For a BLDC motor, increasing the throttle changes the voltage
acting on the motor.
Note from Figure 6 that at both the no-load speed ωNL and at
stall torque Qs the mechanical output power is 0, again cor-
responding to the limits of the motor. Since the input and
output powers have been identified, the overall efficiency can
be evaluated.
The ratio of mechanical output power to DC input power is
the system efficiency:
Pm Qω
ηsys = =
Fig. 8: Simplified brushed motor diagram with a voltage
− Io )
ηsys = VDC −KE ω
VDC ( Rm ) Changing the voltage seen by the motor is accomplished by
augmenting the throttle TR into the voltage regulator. This de-
Maximum efficiency of the system occurs at ωopt , and can be
creases the voltage acting across the motor, and thereby mod-
found by differentiating equation 13 with respect to the RPM:
ifies the performance of the motor. The influence of throttle
dηsys KT (KE2 ω 2 − 2KE VDC ω + (VDC
2 −I R V )
o m DC
TR is apparent when an equivalent circuit, as shown in Figure
= =0 8. Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law to Figure 8 yields:
dω VDC (VDC − Rm ω)
√ VDC TR = IDC Rm + KE ω (15)
ωopt = (14) the torque-current relation, equation 9, remains unchanged for
a given VDC . However, the user throttle TR appears when eval-
The optimal RPM for system performance is typically be- uating the motor’s performance:
tween 75% to 95% of the motor’s no-load speed, and can KT KT KE
have a maximum efficiency of 95% for brushless motors and Q= [VDC TR − Io Rm ] − ω (16)
Rm Rm
Pm = [VDC TR − Io Rm ]ω − ω (17)
Rm Rm
− Io )
ηsys = (18)
changing the input throttle to the motor shifts the plots in a
predictable manner. The change in performance for differ-
ent throttles is shown in Figures 9, with throttle TR increasing
from left to right. Fig. 10: Six MOSFET configuration for an ESC.
1 Psw,on = VDS Irmston fsw (24)
Psw = VDC Irms (ton + to f f ) fsw (21) 2
where fsw is the switching frequency, and is set by either the
Pcond = Irms R (22) user or closed loop controller.
Similar logic is used to determine the switching off losses:
where ton ,to f f , and fsw are the time to switch on in seconds,
time to switch off in seconds, and switching frequency in Hz, 1
respectively. Switching losses originate with a changing volt- Psw,o f f = VDS Irmsto f f fsw (25)
age and current acting across the MOSFET. Resistive losses
are evident in all physical conducting elements. Diode losses Here, to f f is the time for the MOSFET to stop conducting, ie
and capacitive effects have also been included in some mod- between ti,o f f and ti, f . With the switching on and off power
els (Refs. 15, 16). Favorable qualities to have in a MOSFET modeled, the total switching loss is:
are fast switching times, low forward voltage drop, low on
resistance, and high breakdown voltage (Ref. 9). Psw = Psw,on + Psw,o f f
A dynamometer is an instrument used to study the perfor-
mance of a motor, which consists of a load varying device
and sensors to monitor the motor’s performance. The main
Fig. 13: Instantaneous voltage and current waveforms over 2 Fig. 14: Key components of a dynamometer.
cycles for a BLDC motor at VDC = 7.2V . Note the difference
in time between waveforms of different throttles. component of any dynamometer is the brake, which is respon-
sible for absorbing the motors mechanical output power and
Total power loss during MOSFET operation is the sum of the for changing the load on the motor. Recording the power at
switching and conductive losses, and is stated as: each operating point allows for performance plots of the mo-
1 2 tor to be experimentally obtained. As a result, a Magtrol mag-
PMOSFET = VDS Irms (ton + to f f ) fsw + Irms R (27) netic hysteresis brake (HB-10) was acquired to vary the load
on the motor. Construction of the brake consists of a rotating
A single MOSFET contains both a linear and quadratic com-
pole structure and a coil, shown in Figure 15. Due to the con-
ponent of power loss with the rms current. If there were
struction of the brake, (Ref. 18): mechanical torque is only a
only one MOSFET to block the entire supply voltage, then
function of the input current to the brake, Q = f (Ibrake ), and
VDS = VDC . For a given amount of Irms , it is evident from
is easily controlled. Unlike an electric motor, the mechani-
equation 27 that minimizing switching losses occurs when fsw
cal torque of the brake is independent of operational RPM,
= 0, indicating that the MOSFET only has conductive losses.
making a magnetic hysteresis brake an attractive options for
In an ESC, the switching frequency fsw shows a strong corre-
studying electric motor performance. The brake’s input cur-
lation to the input throttle TR . For an actual ESC, the effect of
rent to output torque relationship can be obtained, as shown
MOSFET switching on the trapezoidal voltage and rectangu-
in Figure 15 (Ref. 19).
lar current waveforms are shown in Figure 13.
A snapshot of the instantaneous waveforms over approxi- Augmenting the torque on the motor via the brake changes
mately 2 electrical cycles for throttle settings of 40%, 70%, the motor’s torque, RPM, and mechanical power. A change
and 100% demonstrates the effect MOSFET switching has on in mechanical power also alters the AC and DC power of the
the waveforms. When comparing individual waveforms, the system. Recording the mechanical, AC, and DC powers at
most obvious result is that there is less chattering in the wave- each operating point allows the performance of the system
forms as the throttle increases. For example, 40% throttle con- to be evaluated. This operation is then repeated for different
Referencing a line voltage with respect to another line voltage
is referred to as a line-to-line voltage. Voltages in this system
can be referenced to 3 different points: the DC ground N, the
system’s neutral point N ∗ , or another line voltage. Line-to-
line voltages of vAC and vBC are combined with currents iA and
iB to find the instantaneous power pinst in the 3-phase system
via the 2-wattmeter method:
DC, AC, and mechanical power analyzers were developed in- where T represents the period of the AC signal.
house using Labview DAQs. Two DAQs were required, as
the sampling frequency of the system operated at 250 kHz Another important concept when discussing AC circuits is the
to properly capture the AC signals of the BLDC motors. Of root-mean-square (rms) value of a signal. This allows for a
key importance was developing an AC power analyzer that single, steady-state, value to describe the intensity of a signal.
could adequately sample the motor’s trapezoidal voltage and For a line-to-line voltage signal, for example vAC (t), the rms
rectangular current waveforms. value of the signal is:
VAC = rms{vAC (t)} = v2AC (t)dt (32)
T 0
The two-wattmeter method was used to experimentally record Multiple iterations of the experimental dynamometer were re-
the AC power entering the motor (Refs. 12, 21, 22), and re- quired before necessary sampling requirements were satisfied.
lies on recording the three phase voltages vAN (t), vBN (t), and The resulting dynamometer was a modular, reconfigurable ex-
vCN (t) along with two of the line currents iA (t) and iB (t). perimental apparatus allowed for testing different BLDC mo-
vAC (t) = vAN (t) − vCN (t) (28) tors and ESCs under a variety of operating conditions. Two
NI-USB 6251 DAQs and two SC-2345 signal conditioning
devices were required to accurately capture the motor’s AC
vBC (t) = vBN (t) − vCN (t) (29) waveforms that were previously shown in Figure 13.
Both of these observations are consistent with the brushed mo-
tor model. An important distinction between the DC and AC
motor model for BLDC motors is the evaluation of AC power
in a 3-phase system. In the brushed motor model, power to
run the voltage regulator and brushed motor are both DC. In
the presented AC motor model, AC power runs the brushless
motor and DC power runs the ESC, shown in Figure 3. Pri-
mary objectives for the proposed model are:
Fig. 17: Final dynamometer configuration. This model adapts the concepts from the brushed motor model
for BLDC motors, by mapping DC values of VDC and IDC into
AC values of VLL,rms and Irms . Key points of the motor model
The motor was mounted directly to the torque sensors, which include predicting the torque-RPM relation, properly captur-
in turn was mounted to a physical structure, shown in Figure ing the torque-current relationship, and accurate prediction of
17. A central shaft connected the BLDC motor to the brake the AC power required to run the motor. A novel mapping be-
via bearings and flexible shaft connectors. Along this central tween VLL,rms , Irms , and PAC is found by examining the trape-
shaft was an optical tachometer that recorded the shaft’s rota- zoidal voltage and rectangular current waveforms of BLDC
tional speed. This setup was used to experimentally record motor.
BLDC motor and ESC performance before modeling work
was attempted. Initial testing of BLDC motors revealed ex-
Waveform Evaluation
perimental performance plots similar to brushed motor per-
formance plots, indicating that a similar model can be used
Waveforms entering a BLDC motor are time varying in na-
for both brushed and brushless motors.
ture, and are shown in Figure 18. The derivation of the
AC power entering a BLDC is built upon the following as-
SYSTEM MODELING sumptions: The voltage waveform is trapezoidal (Refs. 5–7),
the current waveforms are rectangular (Refs. 5–7), and that
Once sufficient experimental data was recorded with the dy- power, for any waveforms, can be calculated using the 2-
namometer, an analytical model of the system was created wattmeter method (Refs. 8, 21, 22). By using the exact wave-
using first principles based engineering. This model relies form shapes of BLDC motors, the AC power can be calculated
on evaluating the root-mean-square (rms) values of voltage from recorded rms values for VLL,rms and Irms . Note that ex-
and current waveforms, adapting the bushed motor model for perimentally the 2-wattmeter method is used to determine the
BLDC motors, and developing equations that capture the DC AC power, but this section describes a method to model the
to AC power transformation across an ESC. AC power using rms values VLL,rms and Irms .
This section describe model of an electric propulsion systems
by using a novel equivalent circuit approach. To accomplish
this, during motor testing the active power PAC , as well as
other key parameters related to AC power, are recorded:
VLL,rms = (33)
Fig. 18: Expected voltage and current waveforms entering a
IA + IB BLDC motor.
Irms = (34)
It will be shown that VLL,rms maps to the motor’s mechanical From Figure 18, it can be seen that the voltage and current
rotation ω, whereas Irms relates to the motor’s output torque. waveforms oscillate between peak voltage Vpk and peak cur-
rent I pk values. To determine the AC power in these wave- Now that PAC is written in terms of peak voltage and current
forms, the waveforms for vAN ∗ , vBN ∗ , and vCN ∗ are mathe- values, equations 36 and 38 can be used to relate these quan-
matically defined and then subtracted from one another to tities to VLL,rms and Irms values.
find vAC and vBC . Once piece-wise functions for vAC and r
vBC exist, the rms values for any piece-wise waveform can 27
PAC = VLL,rms Irms ≈ 1.64VLL,rms Irms (41)
be found (Ref. 8). The relation between the line-to-line rms 10
voltage and peak voltage is:
Equation 41 is similar in nature to DC power PDC = VDC IDC .
For AC power, voltage and current must be evaluated as rms
20 p
VAC = Vpk (35) quantities, and the factor of 27/10 can be thought of as an
exchange rate between rms values and active power for 3-
Due to the balanced loading condition between vAB , vBC , and phase AC circuits. Values for VLL,rms and Irms are not only
vCA , the rms values for all line-to-line voltages are equal to important for the power content of the AC signal, but are used
one another: to model the motor’s mechanical performance as well.
20 Brushless DC Motors
VAB = VBC = VCA = VLL,rms = Vpk (36)
An equivalent motor circuit for BLDC motors and the ESCs
Equation 36 can be extended to include any phase voltage sub-
can be found by modifying the existing DC motor model, Fig-
tracted from one another, the resulting rms value is the same
ure 8, to include AC rms quantities. This augmented model
as VLL,rms . This is most notable for:
serves to predict the performance metrics of the motor and the
VLL,rms = VAC = VBC (37) required AC and DC powers of the system. In the next section,
this motor model is expanded to include the ESC.
and describes the AC line-to-line voltage acting across the An actual circuit for a BLDC motor requires 3-phases to com-
motor. The rms value of iA can be computed in a similar man- mutate the motor. However, it has been shown that the AC
ner to vAC : r power to run the motor is only related to VLL,rms and Irms ,
2 meaning these values can be used to make a simplified ‘quasi-
IA = I pk (38)
3 single phase’ circuit, like a DC circuit. With this, the pre-
Again, these are equal to the line rms current Irms due to the sented motor model initially used the circuit diagram in Figure
balanced loading condition: 20 to capture the electromagnetic properties of the brushless
motor and ESC system.
Irms = IA = IB (39)
Fig. 22: VLL,rms vs Irms for an EMAX 1900KV motor and Fig. 23: Predicted and experimentally obtained VLL,rms vs
MultiStar 30A ESC at VDC = 7.2 V. Note that all voltages are Irms for an EMAX 1900KV motor and MultiStar 30A ESC at
below VDC . VDC = 7.2 V.
Predicted values for VLL,rms agree well with experiment up to which is similar to equation 10 for the equivalent brushed mo-
90% throttle. Somewhere between 90% and 100% throttle, tor model. From equation 49, the BLDC motor’s output power
the ESC begins to saturate and can no longer provide the re- can be found:
quired 0.675VDC TR voltage. Not all DC voltage is converted Pm = Qω
into AC voltage due to physical losses and thus equation 45
over-predicts the actual rms voltage value at higher throttle
settings. Saturation is a phenomenon that occurs at high con- KT ω 3 KT KE
Pm = [ √ VDC TR −Io (Rm +RESC )]− ω2
trol inputs, and takes place in this system between 90% and Rm + RESC 2π Rm + RESC
100% throttle. Physically, this means that some DC voltage (50)
cannot be converted into AC voltage due to inherit hardware Equations 49 and 50 are plotted against experimentally ob-
limitations in the ESC. Saturation is ESC dependent, as it was tained data in Figure 25. Careful examination of the torque
found that different ESCs had different maximum throttle set- vs RPM relation for a BLDC motor further demonstrates ESC
tings before saturation occurred. saturation at high throttle settings. Note that the horizontal
spacing between throttle settings is a consistent 1230 RPM,
As a result of this upper saturation limit, the model presented whereas between 90% and 100% throttle there is only a 750
here is only valid up to 90% throttle where no saturation RPM displacement. The ESC saturates and cannot produce
occurs and equation 46 is valid. At throttle setting >95% the required rms voltage, and thus the motor has a slower ro-
a nonlinearity occurs, which means that equation 46 over- tational speed from equations 10 and 49.
predicts the amount of voltage available to the motor. An
From equation 50 and 25, the motor’s output power is a con-
area of future work is to further explore the region between
cave down parabola and has a peak power point at half the no-
90% and 100% throttle, because at 100% the absolute lim-
load speed of the motor. With the output mechanical power of
its of the system’s performance can be evaluated. However,
the motor defined, an expression for the required AC power to
within the non-saturated region, the torque-RPM relationship
drive the motor can be determined.
is predicted well. To determine the relationship between volt-
age, throttle, and RPM, equation 42 can be combined with
equation 47:
( √ VDC TR − RESC Irms ) = Irms Rm + KE ω
√ VDC TR = (RESC + Rm )Irms + KE ω (48)
which yields a more useful form of the AC motor equation.
Here the influence of user throttle and DC voltage is linked
to the physical parameters of the motor, and is similar to the
brushed motor model, equation 15. This modified equivalent Fig. 25: Predicted and experimentally obtained Q vs RPM
motor model is shown in Figure 24, and has been updated to and Pm vs RPM curves for an EMAX 1900KV motor and
include the equivalent RESC . MultiStar 30A ESC at VDC = 7.2 V.
Fig. 26: Predicted and experimentally obtained PAC vs RPM PDC = PESC + PAC (52)
and Irms vs RPM curves for an EMAX 1900KV motor and
MultiStar 30A ESC at VDC = 7.2 V. which states that the DC power is either lost to the ESC as heat
or is converted into AC power to run the motor. Using equa-
tions 3 and 52, the efficiency of the ESC can be reformulated
increases Irms , less power is available to the motor. Predicted
and experimental results for the rms current and AC power are PAC PESC
shown in Figure 26. ηESC = = 1− (53)
Representing the BLDC motor as an equivalent AC circuit Increasing ESC efficiency indicates that power lost to the ESC
predicts the motor’s performance well. The next section seeks PESC should be minimized. However, what if the power lost
to model the ESC. to the ESC PESC was exactly 0? Under these conditions, the
ESC is operating with an efficiency of 100%. An ideal ESC
Electronic Speed Controller implies that DC and AC powers are equal to one another:
An ESC is responsible for properly modulating the DC power PDC = PAC for an ideal ESC (54)
into the proper AC waveforms for a brushless motor. A series
of MOSFETs control the commutation interval, based on the
To explore how DC current is converted into AC current, first
rotor’s position. The length of time that the MOSFETs are
an ideal power transformer will be examined. Next, this work
conducting controls the rms voltage to the motor. Objectives
is extended to include power losses associated with a non-
for ESC modeling are to determine: the DC current IDC draw
ideal transformer. A key concept in the transmission of elec-
out of the DC power supply, physical characteristics of the
trical power, or any power, is that the input and output power
ESC that are invariant of the motor, and to accurately model
must remain accounted for:
the power loss of the ESC PESC . Traditionally, the ESC is
neglected in formal analysis. However, this work seeks to Pin = Pout
determine a physics based model of the ESC, and to identify
physical parameters that uniquely describe ESC operation. Vin Iin = Vout Iout
It was shown in a previous section that MOSFETs contain
some power loss related to switching and conduction. These For ideal electrical systems (Ref. 9), a reduction in voltage
MOSFET power losses must be included in the subsequent requires an increase in current such that if Vout < Vin then it
ESC power loss model. From the brushless motor model sec- is guaranteed that Iout > Iin . Exchanging voltage for current
tion, equation 47 has already identified a conductive power stems from the fact that power must remained balanced, and
loss of an ESC. To describe the ESC switching power losses, the electromagnetic system will work to achieve this. Power
first ideal ESC behavior will be examined. Next, actual ESC cannot be created or destroyed, but merely changes form. This
performance will be examined and the difference between the logic can be extended for an ideal ESC, by using the relations
ideal and actual relations represents the total power loss of the for DC and AC power from equations 1 and 51:
ESC. r
Figure 27 shows a diagram that relates the DC input power to VDC IDC =
27 3
( √ VDC TR − RESC*I 0 )I
rms rms
the AC output power of an ESC. Here VDC and IDC are aug- 10 2π
mented into VLL,rms and Irms . Based on the equivalent motor
circuit: VLL,rms , Irms , and VDC are known, whereas the DC cur- 3 27
rent draw IDC is unknown. VDC IDC = VDC TR Irms (55)
π 20
For an ideal ESC, the equivalent resistance RESC = 0, meaning
that no voltage is dropped across the inverter. Equation 55 can
be further simplified:
3 27
IDC = TR Irms
π 20
IDC 3 27 10
= TR ≈ TR (56)
Irms π 20 9
Fig. 29: IDC vs Irms for a MultiStar 30A ESC and EMAX 935
KV motor.
Note that this IDC /Irms relationship is a straight line, with re-
gion above the line representing a nonideal transformer with
ηESC < 1. Above the ideal line means more DC current
(power) is required to generate the same AC power when com-
pared to a point closer to the ideal line. By examining actual
ESC behavior, an expression for the ESC power loss can be
3 27
(ton + to f f ) fsw = (C1 − )TR +C0 (62)
π 20
Fig. 31: Predicted and experimentally obtained IDC and Irms
Recall that for a MOSFET, ton and to f f are set by the physi-
vs RPM curves for an EMAX 1900KV motor and MultiStar
cal characteristics of the device, whereas fsw is controlled via
30A ESC at VDC = 7.2 V.
the duty cycle to the gate of the MOSFET. It was first shown
in Figure 13 that the MOSFET switching frequency fsw de-
creases with increasing throttle setting TR .
Combining the ESC transformer relations with the equivalent
brushless motor model allows one to determine the required Equation 62 reveals that the coefficients C1 and C0 describe
DC current and power. Using the rms current expression, the on and off times of the specific MOSFETs used by the
throttle setting, and equation 57, the DC power can be evalu- ESC. Different ESCs use different MOSFETs, and hence can
ated: be uniquely described by their MOSFET timing coefficients
C1 and C0 . The microcontroller of the ESC regulates the
PDC = VDC (C1 TR +C0 )Irms (59) amount of switching to keep the motor commutating based
of the phase voltages and the user throttle.
which shows that the DC power is correlated to both the throt-
tle and the rms current. Recall that throttle sets the speed of
the motor and the rms current sets the torque of the motor.
Therefore, it becomes pertinent that both variables appear in
the final DC power equation. With AC and DC power deter-
mined, an expression for ESC power can be derived.
An ESC is a non ideal component, indicating that power loss
occurs across the device. The ESC operation section con-
tained a literature review of MOSFET power losses, revealing
that MOSFETs contain both conductive and switching power
losses. The next focus is to arrive at an ESC power loss equa-
tion that contains both a switching loss and a conduction loss,
similar to equation 27. From the BLDC motor modeling sec- Fig. 32: Left: ESC transformer diagram for a MultiStar 30A
tion, it was shown that the motor model has already identified ESC. Right: Predicted and experimentally obtained PESC vs
2 R
an Irms Irms curve for an EMAX 1900KV motor and MultiStar 30A
ESC conductive power loss across the ESC. The re-
maining item to quantify is the ESC’s switching losses. ESC at VDC = 7.2 V.