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Seat No.: _____ Enrolment No.




Subject Code:BP504TP Date: 11/01/2021

Subject Name: Pharmaceutical Microbiology
Time: 10:30AM TO 12:30PM Total Marks: 54
1. Attempt any THREE questions from Q-1 to Q-6.
2. Q.7 is compulsory to attempt.
3. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
4. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 (a) Define microscopy. Discuss specimen preparation for electron microscopy. 06
(b) Describe physical, chemical and biological monitors for sterilization. 05
(c) Discuss sterility testing of sulphacetamide eye drops as per IP. 05

Q.2 (a) Explain applications of animal cell culture in pharmaceutical research. 06

(b) Discuss standards for clean room classifications and its applications. 05
(c) Enlist suitable method for sterilization of following:
1. i.v sets 2. Culture media 3. Milk 4. Serum 5. Rubber closures 6. Petriplate
7. Suturing needle 8. Blanket 9. Eye ointment 10. Paraffin oil 05

Q.3 (a) Describe lytic and lysogenic cycle for virus multiplication. 06
(b) Draw a well labeled lay out of aseptic area. 05
(c) Write a note on: Bacterial endospore. 05

Q.4 (a) Classify staining techniques. Explain Gram staining in detail. 06

(b) Name organisms used to perform microbiological assay of following:
1.Tetracycline 2.Candidicin 3. Mitomycin 4.Ampicillin 5. Chloramphenicol. 05
(c) Elaborate types of spoilage in pharmaceutical formulations. 05

Q.5 (a) Classify sterilization techniques. Explain Autoclaving in detail. 06

(b) Write a note on transformed cell cultures with examples. 05
(c) Describe contribution of Louis Pasteur in Microbiology. 05

Q. 6 (a) Define total and viable counts. Discuss methods for measurement of bacterial counts.06
(b) Write a note on anaerobic growth medium. 05
(c) What is fungal dimorphism? Discuss taxonomy of fungi. 05

Q.7 (a) Explain the following terms:

1. Psychrophiles 2.Lithotrophs 3.MIC 4.iMViC 5.Virion 6.Microaerophiles 06

(a) Describe preservatives for pharmaceutical products. 06

(a) Write a note: Bacterial Flagella. 06


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