Ffa/F3 Financial Accounting
Ffa/F3 Financial Accounting
Ffa/F3 Financial Accounting
Paper FFA/F3
Financial Accounting
Mock Examination 2
Question Paper
1 In accordance with IAS37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets, which of the
following criteria must be present in order for a company to recognise a provision?
1 There is a present obligation as a result of past events.
2 It is probable that a transfer of economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation.
3 A reliable estimate of the obligation can be made.
A All three criteria must be present.
B 1 and 2 only
C 1 and 3 only
D 2 and 3 only (2 marks)
2 Which one of the following types of book-keeping error is never indicated when a trial balance of
nominal ledger account balances is extracted?
A Errors of commission
B Errors of omission
C Errors of principle
D Transposition errors
(2 marks)
3 Nooma Co owns 55% of the ordinary shares of Matic Co. What is the correct accounting treatment of
the revenues and costs of Matic Co in the consolidated statement of profit or loss of the Nooma Group?
A The revenues and costs of Matic Co are added to the revenues and costs of Nooma Co on a line
by line basis.
B 55% of the profit after tax of Matic Co should be added to Nooma Cos consolidated profit after
C 55% of the revenues and costs of Matic Co are added to the revenues and costs of Nooma Co on
a line by line basis.
D Only dividends received from Matic Co are shown in the consolidated statement of profit or loss
of Nooma Co.
(2 marks)
5 W Co, a sales tax registered trader, bought a new printing machine. The cost of the machine was
$80,000, excluding sales tax at 17.5%. The delivery costs were $2,000 and installation costs were
$5,000. Before using the machine to print customers' orders, a test was undertaken and the paper and
ink cost $1,000.
What should be the cost of the machine in the company's statement of financial position?
A $80,000
B $82,000
C $87,000
D $88,000 (2 marks)
6 The electricity account for Jingles Co for the year ended 30 June 20X1 was as follows.
Opening balance for electricity accrued at 1 July 20X0 300
Payments made during the year
1 August 20X0 for three months to 31 July 20X0 600
1 November 20X0 for three months to 31 October 20X0 720
1 February 20X1 for three months to 31 January 20X1 900
30 June 20X1 for three months to 30 April 20X1 840
Jingles Co expects the next bill due in September to be for the same amount as the bill received in June.
What are the appropriate amounts for electricity to be included in the financial statements of Jingles Co
for the year ended 30 June 20X1?
Statement of Statement of
financial position profit or loss
A $560 $3,320
B $560 $3,060
C $860 $3,320
D $860 $3,060 (2 marks)
7 Which of the following is a fundamental qualitative characteristic of useful financial information included
in the IASBs Conceptual framework for financial reporting?
A Relevance
B Reliability
C Prudence
D Accruals (2 marks)
8 S & Co sell three products A, B and C. The following information was available at the year end.
Basic Super Luxury
$ per unit $ per unit $ per unit
Original cost 10 9 20
Estimated selling price 9 12 26
Selling and distribution costs 1 4 5
units units units
Units of inventory 500 1,250 850
In accordance with IAS2 Inventories, what is the value of inventory at the year end?
A $23,500
B $31,000
C $31,850
D $32,750 (2 marks)
10 At 1 January 20X3, Attila Co had an allowance for receivables of $35,000. At 31 December 20X3, the
trade receivables of the company were $620,000. It was decided to:
1 Write off (as uncollectable) receivables totalling $30,000, and
2 Adjust the allowance for receivables to 5% of receivables, based on past experience.
What is the combined expense that should appear in the companys statement of profit or loss for the
year, for irrecoverable debts and the allowance for receivables?
A $24,500
B $26,000
C $34,000
D $35,500
(2 marks)
11 The annual sales of a company are $235,000 including sales tax at 17.5%. Half of the sales are on
credit terms, half are cash sales. The receivables in the statement of financial position are $23,500.
What is the output tax?
A $17,500
B $20,562.5
C $35,000
D $41,125 (2 marks)
12 Beta purchased some plant and equipment on 1 July 20X1 for $40,000. The scrap value of the plant in
ten years' time is estimated to be $4,000. Beta's policy is to charge depreciation on the straight line
basis, with a proportionate charge in the period of acquisition.
What is the depreciation charge on the plant in Beta's financial statements for the year ended 30
September 20X1?
A $900
B $1,000
C $3,600
D $4,000 (2 marks)
13 The following figures are taken from the statement of financial position of GEN Co.
Inventory 2
Receivables 3
Cash 1
Payables 3
Bank loan repayable in 5 years time 3
What is the current ratio?
A 1.33
B 2.00
C 1.00
D 0.33 (2 marks)
14 A particular source of finance has the following characteristics: fixed payments, a fixed repayment date,
it is secured on the assets of the company and the payments are classified as an expense.
Which of the following best describes this source of finance?
A A redeemable preference share
B An irredeemable preference share
C A loan note
D An overdraft (2 marks)
15 Tong Co acquired 100% of the $100,000 ordinary share capital of Cheek Co for $1,200,000 on 1
January 20X5 when the retained earnings of Cheek Co were $550,000 and the balance on the
revaluation surplus was $150,000. At the date of acquisition the fair value of plant held by Cheek Co
was $80,000 higher than its carrying value.
What is the goodwill arising on the acquisition of Cheek Co?
A $320,000
B $400,000
C $470,000
D $550,000 (2 marks)
16 During the year ended 31 December 20X1, Alpha Rescue had the following transactions on the
receivables ledger.
Receivables at 1 January 20X1 100,000
Receivables at 31 December 20X1 107,250
Goods returned 12,750
Amounts paid into the bank from receivables 225,000
Discount received 75,000
Discounts allowed 5,000
What were the sales for the year?
A $107,250
B $240,000
C $250,000
D $320,000 (2 marks)
17 Financial analysts calculate ratios from the published financial statements of large companies. Which
one of the following reasons is UNLIKELY to be a reason why they calculate and analyse financial ratios?
A Ratios can reduce lengthy or complex financial statements into a fairly small number of more
easily-understood indicators.
B Ratios can indicate whether a business is at serious risk of insolvency.
C Ratios can help with comparisons between businesses in the same industry.
D Ratios can indicate changes in the financial performance and financial position of a business over
(2 marks)
18 Cat Co has held 85% of the share capital of Dog Co for many years. During the current year Cat Co sold
goods to Dog Co for $15,000, including a mark up of 25% on cost. 60% of these goods were still in
inventory at the year end.
The following extract was taken from the accounting records of Cat Co and Dog Co at 31 March 20X8.
Cat Co Dog Co
$'000 $'000
Opening inventory 650 275
Closing Inventory 750 400
What is the figure for inventory to be included in the statement of financial position of the Cat Group at
31 March 20X8?
A $1,151,800
B $1,152,250
C $1,197,750
D $1,148,200 (2 marks)
19 A companys quick ratio has increased from 0.9:1 at 31 December 20X1 to 1.5:1 at 31 December
20X2. Which of the following statements relating to this increase is correct?
A The increase was due to an improvement in inventory management procedures so that more
inventory is sold before it becomes obsolete.
B The increase was caused by the repayment of a long-term loan during the period.
C The increase was caused by an increase in selling price in the period of the companys main
D The increase was caused by an increase in the price during the period of the main raw material
necessary for production. (2 marks)
21 A machine was purchased for $100,000 on 1 January 20X1 and was expected to have a useful life of
10 years. After 3 years, management revised their expectation of the remaining useful life to 20 years.
The business depreciates machines using the straight line method.
What is the carrying value of the machine at 31 December 20X5?
A $50,000
B $63,000
C $72,000
D $75,000 (2 marks)
22 Your organisation has received a statement of account from one of its suppliers, showing an outstanding
balance due to them of $1,350. On comparison with your ledger account, the following is determined:
Your ledger account shows a credit balance of $260
The supplier has disallowed a cash discount of $80 due to late payment of an invoice
The supplier has not yet allowed for goods returned at the end of the period of $270
Cash in transit of $830 has not been received by the supplier
Following consideration of these items, what is the unreconciled difference between the two records?
A $nil
B $10
C $90
D $(180) (2 marks)
23 A company is preparing its statement of cash flows for the year ended 31 December 20X2. Relevant
extracts from the accounts are as follows.
Statement of profit or loss $
Depreciation 15,000
Profit on sale of non-current assets 40,000
25 Teo Co acquired 95% of the ordinary share capital of Mat Co 31 December 20X0. The following
information relates to Mat Co:
20X0 20X1
$000 $000
Retained earnings 700 800
Revaluation surplus - 100
700 900
The fair value of the non-controlling interest in Mat Co at the date of acquisition was $45,000.
What is the amount reported for non-controlling interest in the statement of financial position of the Teo
Group as at 31 December 20X1?
A $45,000
B $55,000
C $85,000
D $90,000 (2 marks)
27 Which, if any, of the following journal entries is correct according to their narratives?
Debit Credit
$ $
1 B receivables ledger account 450
Irrecoverable debts account 450
Irrecoverable balance written off
2 Investments: Q ordinary shares 100,000
Share capital 100,000
80,000 shares of 50c each issued at $1·25 in exchange for shares in Q.
3 Suspense account 1,000
Motor vehicles account 1,000
Correction of error debit side of Motor vehicles account undercast
by $1,000
A None of them
B 1 only
C 2 only
D 3 only (2 marks)
28 Jay Co values inventories on the first in first out (FIFO) basis. Jay Co has 120 items of product A valued
at $8 each in inventory at 1 October 20X9. During October 20X9, the following transactions in product
A took place.
3 October Purchases 180 items at $9 each
4 October Sales 150 items at $12 each
8 October Sales 80 items at $15 each
18 October Purchases 300 items at $10 each
22 October Sales 100 items at $15 each
What is the closing balance on the inventory account at 31 October 20X9?
A $1,500
B $2,560
C $2,628
D $2,700 (2 marks)
29 Freds trial balance did not balance so he opened a suspense account with a debit balance of $346.
Control accounts are maintained for receivables and payables.
Fred discovered the following:
1 The sales day book was undercast by $400.
2 Purchases of $520 from the purchases day book have only been recorded in the payables ledger
control account.
3 Profit on sale of non-current assets of $670 had been recorded in the sundry income account as $760.
What is the remaining balance on Freds suspense account after these errors have been corrected?
A $264 credit
B $136 debit
C $956 debit
D $1,266 debit (2 marks)
31 Where, in a company's financial statements complying with International Financial Reporting Standards,
should you find the proceeds of non-current assets sold during the period?
A Statement of cash flows and statement of financial position
B Statement of changes in equity and statement of financial position
C Statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income and statement of cash flows
D Statement of cash flows only (2 marks)
32 If the current ratio for a company is equal to its quick ratio, which of the following statements is true?
A The current ratio must be greater than one.
B The company does not carry any inventory.
C Receivables plus cash is greater than payables minus inventories.
D Working capital is positive. (2 marks)
33 The closing inventory of Epsilon amounted to $284,000 at 30 September 20X1, the reporting date.
This total includes two inventory lines about which the inventory taker is uncertain.
1 500 items which had cost $15 each and which were included at $7,500. These items were
found to have been defective at the end of the reporting period. Remedial work after the reporting
period cost $1,800 and they were then sold for $20 each. Selling expenses were $400.
2 100 items which had cost $10 each. After the reporting period they were sold for $8 each, with
selling expenses of $150.
What figure should appear in Epsilon's statement of financial position for inventory?
A $283,650
B $283,800
C $284,000
D $284,450 (2 marks)
34 Which of these statements about research and development expenditure are correct?
1 If certain conditions are satisfied, research and development expenditure must be capitalised.
2 One of the conditions to be satisfied if development expenditure is to be capitalised is that the
technical feasibility of the project is reasonably assured.
3 The amount of capitalised development expenditure for each project should be reviewed each
year. If circumstances no longer justify the capitalisation, the balance should be written off over a
period not exceeding five years.
4 Development expenditure may only be capitalised if it can be shown that adequate resources will
be available to finance the completion of the project.
A 1 and 2 only
B 1 and 4 only
C 2 and 3 only
D 2 and 4 only (2 marks)
Accounting ratios have just been calculated from the financial statements for the financial year that has
just ended. These show an abnormally high average time to collect receivables, compared with ratios
calculated for the previous financial year.
Which of the following may help to explain this unusually high turnover period for trade receivables?
1 There was an unusually large sale on credit close to the end of the financial year.
2 The company has seasonal trade, and sales in the final quarter of the year are always higher than
in the other quarters.
3 However, sales in the final quarter of the year that has just ended were lower than in the previous
A Reason 1 only
B Reason 2 only
C Reason 3 only
D Reasons 1, 2 and 3
(2 marks)
1 You have been given the following information relating to a limited liability company called Nobrie. This
company is preparing financial statements for the year ended 31 May 20X4.
Revenue 66,600
Cost of sales (13,785)
Gross profit 52,815
Distribution costs (7,530)
Administrative expenses (2,516)
Investment income 146
Finance cost (1,177)
Profit before tax 41,738
Tax (9,857)
Profit for the year 31,881
Retained earnings brought forward at 1 June 20X3 28,063
Retained earnings carried forward at 31 May 20X4 59,944
20X4 20X3
$'000 $'000 $'000 $'000
Non-current assets
Cost 144,844 114,785
Accumulated depreciation (27,433) (26,319)
117,411 88,466
Current assets
Inventory 24,931 24,065
Trade receivables 18,922 13,238
Cash 3,689 2,224
47,542 39,527
Total assets 164,953 127,993
Equity and liabilities
Ordinary share capital 27,000 23,331
Share premium 14,569 10,788
Revaluation surplus 15,395 7,123
Retained earnings 59,944 28,063
116,908 69,305
Non current liabilities
6% loan note 17,824 24,068
Current liabilities
Bank overdraft 5,533 6,973
Trade payables 16,699 20,324
Taxation 7,989 7,323
30,221 34,620
Total equity and liabilities 164,953 127,993
Additional information
(a) During the year ended 31 May 20X4, the company sold a piece of equipment for $3,053,000,
realising a profit of $1,540,000. There were no other disposals of non-current assets during the
(b) Depreciation of $5,862,000 has been charged.
(c) There were no amounts outstanding in respect of interest payable or receivable as at 31 May 20X3 or
(d) There were no dividends paid or declared during the year.
Prepare a statement of cash flows for Nobrie for the year ended 31 May 20X4 in accordance with IAS 7
Statement of cash flows. (15 marks)
2 The draft statements of financial position of Spyder and its subsidiary company Phly at 31 October
20X5 are as follows.
Spyder Phly
$'000 $'000 $'000 $'000
Non-current assets
Tangible assets
Land and buildings 315,000 278,000
Plant 285,000 220,000
600,000 498,000
Shares in Phly at cost 660,000 -
Current assets
Inventory 357,000 252,000
Receivables 525,000 126,000
Bank 158,000 30,000
1,040,000 408,000
2,300,000 906,000
Equity and liabilities
$1 ordinary shares 1,500,000 600,000
Reserves 580,000 212,000
2,080,000 812,000
Current liabilities
Payables 220,000 94,000
Total equity and liabilities 2,300,000 906,000
Answers to Mock Exam 2