CBLM Prepare and Serve Other Type of Desserts
CBLM Prepare and Serve Other Type of Desserts
CBLM Prepare and Serve Other Type of Desserts
This will be the source of information for you to acquire knowledge and skills
in this particular competency independently and at your own pace, with minimum
supervision or help from your facilitator.
Remember to:
Work through all the information and complete the activities in each section.
Read information sheets and complete the self-check. Answer keys are
included in this package to allow immediate feedback. Answering the self-
check will help you acquire the knowledge content of this competency.
Perform the task sheets and job sheets until you are confident that your
output conforms to the performance criteria checklist that follows the sheets.
Submit outputs of the task sheets and job sheets to your facilitator for
evaluation and recording in the Accomplishment Chart. Outputs shall serve as
your portfolio during the institutional competency evaluation.
80 Hours
List of Competencies
Learning Outcomes:
Written examination
Learning Experiences/Activities
Read: Information Sheet LO1.4.1.1 This Learning Outcome deals with the
development of the Institutional
Prepare other types of desserts Competency Evaluation Tool which
trainers use in evaluating their
1. Prepare petit four bases
trainees after finishing a competency of
2. Cut and assemble bases for the qualification.
petit four glace
3. Prepare and flavor fillings to Go through the learning activities
required consistency outlined for you on the left column to
gain the necessary information or
4. Prepare petit four glace for
knowledge before doing the tasks to
glazing practice on performing the
5. Decorate petit four glace to requirements of the evaluation tool.
enhance customer eye appeal The output of this LO is a complete
6. Display petit four glace Institutional Competency Evaluation
Package for one Competency of BREAD
Perform: Task Sheet LO1. Your output shall serve as one of your
portfolio for your Institutional
Competency Evaluation for Preparing
and Display Petits Fours.