Subject Pronouns: in English Subject Pronouns I, You, He, She, It, We, They
Subject Pronouns: in English Subject Pronouns I, You, He, She, It, We, They
Subject Pronouns: in English Subject Pronouns I, You, He, She, It, We, They
In French The subject pronouns are je or j’ (I), tu (you), il (he), elle (she), on (one),
nous (we), vous (you), ils (they), and elles (they).
To say you, use tu to talk to a friend, a family member, or someone your age. Use
vous to talk to more than one person or to an adult who is not a family member.
Monsieur et madame, comment allez-vous?
Tu as quel âge, Eva?
To say they, use elles when you are talking about two or more females. Use ils when
talking about a group of males or a mixed group of males and females.
Clara et Émilie? Elles ont treize ans.
Hugo et Julie? Ils ont quinze ans.
The pronoun on has no direct equivalent in English. It can mean one, we, or people
in general.
En France, on parle (speak) français.
C Underline the subject in each sentence. Then write the subject pronoun that could
replace each subject.
1. Michel est mon ami. __________Il____________
2. Valentin et moi parlons français. ______________________
3. Le professeur s’appelle M. Cartier.______________________
4. Charlotte a dix-huit ans. ______________________
5. Mme Lambert et Mme Gidon sont professeurs. ______________________
6. Nicolas et Benjamin adorent le tennis. ______________________
7. Nathan et Amandine ont vingt ans. ______________________
D Look again at the subject pronouns you wrote in the last three items in Activity
C. In your own words, explain why you chose each pronoun.
1. Mme Lambert et Mme Gidon
2. Nicolas et Benjamin
3. Nathan et Amandine