Instructions NP EX19 6b
Instructions NP EX19 6b
Instructions NP EX19 6b
Open the file NP_EX19_6b_FirstLastName_1.xlsx, available for download from the
SAM website.
If you do not see the .xlsx file extension in the Save As dialog box, do not type it. The
program will add the file extension for you automatically.
With the file NP_EX19_6b_FirstLastName_2.xlsx still open, ensure that your first
and last name is displayed in cell B6 of the Documentation sheet.
If cell B6 does not display your name, delete the file and download a new copy from the
SAM website.
1. Kaito and Naomi Sato started collecting musical instruments as a hobby a few years ago
and are now organizing their collection in an Excel workbook. Naomi asks for your help
in updating and analyzing the data.
Switch to the Brass worksheet. Unfreeze the top row of the worksheet.
2. Sort the data in the Brass table first in descending order by the Purchase Date field and
then in descending order by the Est. Value field.
3. Insert a Total Row in the Brass table, and then use the Total row to calculate the total of
the values in the Price and Est. Value fields.
4. Naomi wants to highlight the brass instruments she and Kaito bought on the same date.
Apply a conditional formatting rule to the range E3:E10 that uses Green Fill with Dark
Green Text for duplicate values.
5. Switch to the Percussion worksheet. Freeze the first column of the worksheet.
6. Format the range B2:G10 as an Excel table with headers using the Gold, Table Style
Medium 12 table style. Enter Percussion as the name of the table.
7. Naomi and Kaito bought a new snare drum last week, and Naomi wants to include it in
the Percussion table.
Add the record shown in Table 1 to the end of the Percussion table.
11 Snare Sousa Good 2/16/2 100 150
drum 2
New Perspectives Excel 2019 | Module 6: SAM Project 1b
8. Naomi and Kaito have more string instruments than any other type. Naomi wants to
summarize the string instrument data using subtotals to show the value of each type.
Switch to the Strings worksheet and add subtotals as follows:
c. Insert subtotals into the range B2:G12, with the subtotals appearing at each
change in the Instrument column value. The subtotals should use the SUM function
and include subtotals for the Price and Est. Value fields.
9. Switch to the Wind worksheet and remove the duplicate record based on the values in
the Instrument, Manufacturer, and Condition columns. The duplicate record has an
incorrect Purchase Date of 7/11/2020.
10. The data bars in the last two columns make some of the numbers hard to read and could
coordinate better with the formatting of the Wind table.
Change the Data Bars conditional formatting for the range F3:G12 to use the Gradient
Fill Orange Data Bar format.
11. Naomi wants to calculate the totals for the instrument collection data. Switch to the All
Instruments worksheet, and then create the following formulas:
a. In cell B40, use the COUNTA function with a structured reference to count the
values in the Instrument column of the Instruments table.
b. In cell F40, use the SUM function with a structured reference to total the values in
the Price column of the Instruments table.
c. In cell G40, use the SUM function with a structured reference to total the values in
the Est. Value column of the Instruments table.
12. Naomi and Kaito are preparing to sell some of the instruments, and Naomi wants to
include the sales date in the Instruments table
Add a table column to the end of the table.
Your workbook should look like the Final Figures on the following pages. Save your changes,
close the workbook, and then exit Excel. Follow the directions on the SAM website to submit your
completed project.
New Perspectives Excel 2019 | Module 6: SAM Project 1b