Vocabulary: Match The Parts of The Sentences

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1. Match the parts of the sentences.

1. There are usually blankets in ....... a. a bathroom.
2. Our living room table is on ....... b. a desk.
3. People have got showers in ....... c. a dining room.
4. A student often studies at ....... d. a carpet.
4. People often have meals in ....... d. a bedroom.

2. Choose the correct answer.

1. There is often an armchair in the oven / sink / living room.
2. There is cheese in the dishwasher / fridge / mirror.
3. There is usually a sink in a dining room / cupboard / kitchen.
4. You can cook in a shower / microwave / shelf.
5. Birds often come into the garden / cushions / washing machine.

3. Which household items are in unusual places? Write the names of the six items below.

1. ………………… 4. …………………
2. ………………… 5. …………………
3. ………………… 6. …………………

7 Extra Practice 1


4. Read the speech bubbles. Then complete the sentences about the students’ activities at 8.00 last
night. Use the Past Continuous affirmative or negative.

1. Diana: What a great TV programme!

2. Anne: Tim, kick the ball

3. Paul: Linda, do you think I should buy these jeans?

4. Emily: This pizza is great!

5. Dan: I don’t understand this maths problem!

1. Diana ………………… (read) a book.

2. Anne and Tim ………………… (play) football.
3. Paul and Linda ………………… (prepare) dinner.
4. Emily ………………… (eat) a hamburger.
5. Dan ………………… (do) his homework.

5. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the affirmative or negative form
of the Past Continuous. Make the sentences true for you.

1. My parents ………………… (watch) TV at midnight last night.

2. I ………………… (have) breakfast at eight o’clock this morning.
3. It ………………… (rain) at 9.00 this morning.
4. My friends………………… (play) on the computer at 4.00 yesterday afternoon.
5. My teacher ………………… (talk) to my parents at 8.00 last night.

6. Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Past Continuous.

sing • not cry • take • not play

1. The thief ………………… pictures of the house at 10.00.

2. We ………………… football at 3.00 yesterday afternoon.
3. What song ………………… you ………………… all morning?
4. The baby ………………… at 12.00 last night.

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