Reviewer Panganiban Pe

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 Drowning is one of the  is a way of improving

leading cause of death for water safety for
children and adult. yourself and those
around you
 Ensure every
member of your  avoiding common
family learns to dangers, developing
swim fundamental water
safety skills
 Employ layers of
protection including  knowing how to
barriers to prevent prevent and respond to
access to water, life drowning
jackets, and close emergencies.
supervision of
 Water competency has
children to prevent
3 main components:
 Water
 Know how to help
someone in trouble
in the water safely,  Swimmin
call for emergency g skills
help and CPR.
 Helping
 Enrolling in swimming
- sensible precautions when
classes for the whole family
you’re around water
is a great idea or move to
improve water competency  Know your
limitations, including
 swimming skills, water
physical fitness,
smarts and helping others.
medical conditions.
 Never swim alone; 5. Hazard such as
swim with lifeguards vegetation and animals
and/or water
watchers present.
5 skills you need in every type of
 Wear an approved
water environment that you may
life jacket appropriate
for your weight and
size and the water a. Enter water that’s over
activity. your head, then return to the
 Always wear a life
jacket while boating, b. Float or tread water for at
regardless of least 1 minute.
swimming skill.
c. Turn over and turn around
 Swim sober. in the water.
 Understand the d. Swim at least 25 yards.
dangers of
e. Exit the water.
hyperventilation and
hypoxic blackout. -HELPING OTHERS-
 Know how to call for  These actions will help your
help. family avoid emergencies –
and help you respond if an
Understand and adjust for the
emergency occurs:
unique risks of the water
environment you are in, such as: a. Paying close attention to
children or weak swimmers you
1. River currents
are supervising in or near
2. Ocean rip currents water.
3. Water temperature b. Knowing the signs that
someone is drowning.
4. Shallow or unclear
c. Knowing ways to safely assist a
drowning person, such as “reach
or throw, don’t go”.
LESSON2: WATER SURVIVAL 2. Are vertical in the water but
unable to move or tread water.
3. Are motionless and face down
in the water.
 Children, inexperience
 Rescue and remove the
swimmers and all boaters
person from the water
should wear approved life
(without putting yourself in
 Always swim in a lifeguarded
 Ask someone to call
emergency medical services
 Provide close and constant (EMS). If alone, give 2
attention to children you are minutes of care, then call
supervising in or near water EMS.

 Learn swimming and water  Begin rescue breathing and

safety survival skills CPR.


 a. If a child is missing, check
the water first: seconds A person who is drowning has the
greatest chance of survival if these
count in preventing death or
steps are followed:
 Recognize the signs of someone
 b. Alert the lifeguard, if one in trouble and shout for help.
is present.
 Rescue and remove the person
 c. Recognize the signs of from the water without putting
someone in trouble and yourself in danger (Reach and
shout for help. A swimmer
needs immediate help if  Ask someone to call emergency
they: medical services (EMS). If alone
give two minutes of care, then
1. Are not making forward call EMS.
progress in the water.
 Begin rescue breathing and CPR
LESSON3: FUNDAMENTALS OF and to those recovering from
SWIMMING injury.

SWIMMING  Butterfly is the most recent

innovation in swimming and
the act of propelling oneself
also the hardest way to swim
through the water by using the
through the water.
arms and legs. It is the art of
floating or moving progressively in DEFINITION OF TERMS
the water by the hands and feet.
1. Breathing means moving
BENEFITS air into and out of the lungs.

1. FITNESS 2. Streamline refers to fully

extended position, with both
arms stretched above your
3. RECREATION head, biceps pressed behind
your ears, hands on top of
SWIMMING STROKES each other with your back
 Freestyle is the common straight, and when in the
term for front crawl. It is the water toes pointed.
fastest way to swim through 3. Gliding is a streamline,
the water. arrow like position as the
 Backstroke is likely the body moves with no leg
most relaxing stroke of all to action.
swim. It is sometimes called 4. Kick is part of a stroke
the reverse of freestyle. performed by legs and feet.
 Breaststroke is the oldest 5. Kicking is a training drill
swimming stroke and which only the legs are
actually the most popular used.
and common way to swim
overall. It is a fantastic 6. Flutter kick is an
stroke that can fit anyone of alternative vertical kick used
any age from new swimmers in freestyle and backstroke.
7. Pull is the part of stroke with less oxygen when you
performed by arms are swimming.

8. Pulling is the training drill ATTIRE AND EQUIPMENT

in which only the arms are
 SWIMSUIT: As for the cut
of the suit, the one- piece
9. Catch is the movement creation is advisable for
when the hand starts to women rather than two-
exert pressure on the water piece suits. But for men,
during an arm stroke. there are several options
to choose depending on
10. Crawl is a stroke which
the type they want to
is used in freestyle racing.
wear. Beginning with the
11. Sculling refers to small most basic and affordable
inwards and outwards is the briefs. Next men
movements with the hands can also choose the
and arms. relatively new cut, the
Square – Leg Suits or the
12. Stroke is a method of Jammers which is the
propulsion thru the water. most commonly used suit
13. Warm – up exercises are in competitions.
the practices and “loosing”  CAP: Latex is the most
up sessions a swimmer does common cap. This is
before swimming. cheaper and
14. Drill is a practice easier to adjust.
exercise to improve specific Silicone is solid that
aspects of techniques. offers tighter and
longer life
15. Oxygen Deficit means a but more expensive.
temporary shortage of
oxygen in the body created  GOGGLES: There are no
by exertion. With practice, one- size-fit all goggles so
your body will learn to cope definitely, play around
them until you find the
right pair that makes you - The best way to prevent
feel comfortable swimming injuries is simply
to swim with proper
 NOSE CLIPS: If you have
trouble with water getting up
your nose - Make sure you always
while swimming especially warm-up. Start slow and
when doing the gently glide through the
backstroke, give water and make easy pulling
nose plugs a try. and kicking.

 EAR PLUGS: If you have - Also ensure you take the

trouble with water time to stretch after every
getting inside your ear, workout.
give ear plugs a try.
- Take basic precautions.
 KICKBOARD: This is Don’t swim alone, don’t
designed to allow you stay swim when the conditions
afloat warrant caution, don’t mix
while working on your kick. alcohol and exercise and
You don’t have to never dive into shallow
worry water.
about your arms or turning
your heads to

 PULL BUOYS: This are

designed to fit between a
swimmer’s thighs and when
extended out in the water,
these will keep the hips
afloat, preventing the need
for a kick.

hydrocortisone is also
an option.
 Chlorine Damaged
Hair - Wet your hair
 Cramps- Drink lots of with fresh water prior
fluids or when you feel to entering the pool.
thirsty, stay relaxed in Also make sure you
the water and make use conditioner
sure you regularly immediately after your
stretch after every swim.
workout to develop
 Swimmer’s Ear - If
1. Observe proper swimming
you feel that water is
inside your ear canal,
make sure you shake it 2. Take a shower before
out. You can also try entering the pool.
ear drops, which are
3. The University is not
available in the
responsible for any loss or
damage of your belongings.
 Dry Skin - Use lotion
4. Report immediately any
or aloe vera gel to
untoward incident to the
soothe the skin. It is
swimming instructor.
very effective at
relieving the dry and 5. Observe cleanliness in the
rough sensation pool area.

 Chlorine Burn- Use 6. Food and drinks are not

moisturizers especially allowed.
made for damaged
7. Swimming alone is not
skin in the face. If you
prefer something more
8. Swimming during stormy LESSON4: ESSENTIAL
weather is prohibited. STRETCHING RULES

9. Students who had been  Go slowly. Imagine that

sick or with physical disorder jumping into the splits would
should seek medical not be a comfortable thing to
clearance from the university do. Use that same caution
physician. with any stretch to avoid
10. Students with no P.E
class are not allowed in the  Never bounce. Once you get
pool area. into your stretch and feel the
tension on a muscle, hold it
11. Avoid running, diving,
there. Never force a muscle
pushing, spitting, and
to stretch further than is
urinating in the pool.
relatively comfortable. –

 Hold your stretch. Hold each

position for at least 20 – 30
seconds. –

 Be consistent. The muscles

are tight because they
haven’t been taught to
elongate or relax. So make
stretching a priority and do it


yourself in the streamline
position. Stretch and make
yourself as tall as possible,
slowly lean to one side and
hold that position as you
stretch your back. Return to
starting position, and then body away and feel the
slowly lean to the opposite stretch throughout your
side. You can also do the chest. Repeat with your
streamline stretch on the other arm.
ground. When doing this
 FOREARMS. First stretch,
way, you are also able to
with one arm horizontal in
point your toes and stretch
front of you from the elbow
your ankles as well.
down; point your fingers
 TRICEPS. Raise one arm toward the ceiling. Using
straight into the air above your other hand, gently
you, and bend press back on your fingers.
at the elbow as if you were Repeat the stretch for both
going to pat yourself on the arms.
 NECK. Stand up straight and
Using your opposite arm,
use your left hand to grasp
reach over and gently pull on
your right wrist behind your
the outside
back. While keeping yourself
of your elbow.
facing forward, lean head to
 BACK. Face a wall and the left as if you were trying
place your palms flat on the to touch your ear to your
wall, shoulder width apart, shoulder. Use your left hand
two feet or so above your to steady your right arm so it
head. Slowly move back so can’t rise up, thus allowing
that your arms are almost you to stretch. Repeat with
straight, and lean your head the positions reversed to
and chest forward between stretch the other side of your
your arms. neck ad well.

 CHEST. First stretch, start

by facing a wall and
extending your arm against it
with your palm open and flat
on it. Keeping your arm in
this position, slowly turn your
CORE STRETCHES also raise the arm on the
side of the body you are
 LOWER BACK. Sit on the
stretching and reach as you
chair (with or without arms)
and place your feet so that
they are flat on the floor in LOWER – BODY STRETCHES
front of you about shoulder
 QUADRICEPS. This stretch
width apart. Ensure you are
will have you standing on
sitting up with proper posture
one foot, so you may want to
and your head is in line with
stand near a wall or other
your body. Slowly turn your
object that you may hold for
upper body to one direction
while preventing your hips
and legs from moving. Use  HAMSTRINGS. Slightly
either the arm on the chair or bend your knees then lean
press against the outside of forward and reach your
your leg to increase and hold fingertips to the ground.
the stretch. Repeat this When you reach the point
stretch for your opposite side you can go no farther, don’t
as well. bounce forward to try and
reach deeper. Just hold a
 ABDOMINALS. Lie face
stretch steady.
down with your stomach on
the floor. Without moving  CALVES. Facing a wall,
any muscles in your lower stand about a foot away and
body, push yourself up with place your hands on the wall
your arms and hold once with your palms open. Start
you feel a stretch in your by slowly moving your right
abdominals. leg back while keeping your
foot flat on the ground, toes
 OBLIQUES. Stand up
facing forward. As you’re
straight with your feet about
doing this, you will bend
shoulder width apart. Lean
slightly with your left knee.
slowly to one side until you
Stretch until you feel a
feel a stretch in your side. To
stretch in your right calf
increase the stretch, you can
muscles. Repeat with the top of your foot
reversing the role of each stretching.
Objective: To make safe entry
 HIPS. Lie flat on your back and safe exit in the pool, this
and choose a leg to start simple activity will also check
with. Bend at the knee and the arms strength of the
bring it toward your chest. individual which is very
From here, cross it over your important in swimming.
body and set it on the
ground while keeping your
back flat on the wall.  Steps: 1. Sit on the side of
the pool facing the water
 GROIN. Sit on the floor with
your legs in front of you; pull and put both arms on side
your heels in toward your
2. Slowly twist your body round
center. And press the
and slide backwards.
bottoms of your feet
together. In this position,  Emphasis: Let your arms
your knees will be facing out carry your weight by keeping
to the side. Place your hand
around your ankles and use it straight until you find yourself
your elbows to very gently completely inside the water.
press down against the  Suggestion: Have some
inside of your knees. exercise to develop
 ANKLES. While standing arms strength ( i.e. push up )
with your feet even and
shoulder width apart, feel  JUMP OUT
free to hold on to a chair or a  Steps: 1. Also use slide-in
wall for support, place one entry method
foot on its toe about a foot
behind where you started. for getting out of the pool.
Then slowly move the heel
2. Put your hands up on the side
forward while leaving the
and twist
toes in place until you feel
yourself round out of the water mouth and nose go below
back the surface, breathe out and
blow steady bubbles 4.
to sitting position on the poolside.
Breathe slowly, and stay
 Emphasis: Let your arms relaxed. Repeat the motion
carry your weight at least 20 times in a row.

by keeping it straight until you find  Emphasis: Do not continue

yourself to breathe out when you lift
your head up. Do not scratch
completely outside the water. your faced when emerging
 Suggestion: Have some into the water. Avoid
exercise springing leg action.

to develop arms strength ( i.e.

 JUMP OUT: Reverse  Objective: Hold your breath
Procedure in the water; if you don’t
BOBBING know how to hold your
breath you will have a hard
 Objective: To breath it time learning the different
should flow in a relaxed skills in swimming. But once
manner; holding the breath you’re able to hold your
wastes energy. breath properly for as long
 Steps: 1. Facing the wall on as you can, it will build your
standing position, hold on to confidence to continue your
the gutter with both hands. quest in learning how to
2. Move your head up and swim.
down from just above the  Steps: 1. Facing the wall on
surface of the water to just standing position, hold on to
below the surface. 3. Breath the gutter with both hands.
in only when your mouth is 2. Inhale through your mouth
above the surface of the and bring the air all the way
water. As soon as your to the stomach not in the
chest area. 3. Immediately hold your breath. 2. Bend
submerged yourself under the hips and knees, round
the water by bending your your back and tuck in your
knees with the help of chin. 3. From tuck position,
pushing your arms using the allow your body to float
gutter. 4. While under the naturally. 4. Hold the
water keep yourself relaxed, position as long as you can
try opening your eyes and until you need to exhale.
closing your mouth. 5. When
 Emphasis: Make sure to
you feel that your chest is
inhale deeply and hold your
about to burst, you may
breath so you can float
slowly release the air
easily and keep the position
through your nose or
of the head, neck, arms and
through your mouth or
legs properly.
maybe to both and gradually
move up by extending or DEAD’S MAN FLOAT
putting yourself in standing
 Objective: To experience the
natural buoyancy of the body
 Emphasis: Follow the while the arms and legs are
procedure properly and completely relaxed.
increase your ability to hold
 Steps: 1. From a standing
your breath gradually by
position, put your arms
starting with 5 seconds, 10,
forward, inhale deeply and
15, and at least 20 seconds
hold your breath. 2. Round
TUCK FLOAT your neck and tuck your
chin. The arms and legs
 Objective: To give you
should be completely
senses of how the body
relaxed. 3. Assume the
floats naturally and help you
dead’s man float position
feel the center of your
and allow the body to float
naturally. 4. Hold the
 Steps: 1. From a standing position as long as you can
position, inhale deeply and until you need to exhale.
 Emphasis: Make sure to LESSON5: FRONT CRAWL
inhale deeply and hold your
breath so you can float
easily and keep the position  Objective:
of the head, neck, arms and
 To push off the wall in
legs properly
streamline position is an
STREAMLINE FLOAT important skill to learn as it
encourages you to stretch
 Objective: To learn how to
out or to make yourself long
stretch the body into
and to find the most efficient
streamline position and
body position in gliding.
reach maximum buoyancy –
Long push off or glide will
allowing the water to support
help cut the distance and
the body.
eventually save energy for a
 Steps: 1. Inhale deeply and successful long distance
hold your breath. 2. Move swim.
into dead’s man float
 Steps:
position. 3. Gradually extend
the arms and legs into the  1. Start with both arms in
streamline position. 4. Hold front: for right handed
the position as long as you individual put your left hand
can until you need to exhale. over your right hand and
place right put on the wall
 Emphasis Make sure to
and vice-versa for left
inhale deeply and hold your
handed person. 2. Get air
breath so you can float
through your mouth and
easily and keep the position
simultaneously put your face
of the head, neck, arms and
down on the water and push
legs properly. If your legs
off the wall using your right
start to sink, tighten your
or left feet. 3. As you glide,
back and hips.
exhale the air through your
nose and assume the
streamline position as long
as you are still moving. 4.
When you stop moving, Lesson 3: GLIDE, KICK, AND
apply the standing recovery RIGHT ARM PULL
 Steps:
 Emphasis
 1. Apply the following
 - The head down position sequence in performing
must come first before the lessons 1 and 2. 2. Then
push off on the wall using start swinging your right arm
your right or left foot. - Keep applying the proper
your arms together in a procedure in arm stroke.
streamline position. - Wait With your left arm stationary
until you stop before in front. 3. Continue until you
proceeding to standing a reach your maximum
recovery position. capacity.

Lesson 2: FLUTTER KICK  Emphasis: Ensure to follow

the sequence in performing
 Objective: To practice flutter
lesson 3, this is to avoid
kick while maintaining the
confusion when the arm and
streamline body position.
leg are moving
 Steps: simultaneously specially to
those who lack skill in
 1. Apply the following steps coordination.
in executing lesson 1. 2.
When you feel you are about Lesson 4: GLIDE, KICK, AND
to stop, start applying flutter LEFT ARM PULL
kick. 3. Continue until you
 Lesson 4 is almost the same
reach your maximum
with lesson 3 except with the
arm pull. This time, you will
 Emphasis be swinging the left arm. The
right arm is in a stationary in
 - Ensure to follow the front.
sequence and keep your
legs straight while executing
flutter kick.
Lesson 5: GLIDE, KICK, AND

 Objective:  To develop the coordinated

arms and legs freestyle
 To develop the coordinated
action and side breathing
two-arm freestyle action with
with control of the timing,
control of the timing, which is
which is the complete action
also the complete action in
in freestyle.
freestyle with the absence of
breathing.  Steps:

 Steps:  1. Apply the following

sequence in performing
 1. Apply the following
lessons 1,2,3, and 4. 2. Start
sequence in performing
with right arm stroke when
lessons 1,2,3, and 4. 2. Start
the right arm is in catch
with right arm stroke, after
position then turn your head
completing the cycle tap the
to the right side. 3. Inhale
left hand as a signal for the
through your mouth and
left hand to do the arm
exhale through your nose. 4.
stroke. 3. Continue the
Continue the action in lesson
alternating arm action until
6 until you reach the other
you reach the other side of
side of the pool or your
the pool or your capacity.
 Emphasis:
 Emphasis
 - Ensure to follow the
 - Ensure to follow the
sequence in performing
sequence in performing
lesson 5 of front crawl
lesson 6 of front crawl
stroke. - Perform the drill
stroke. - Perform the drill
slowly and smoothly.
slowly and smoothly.
LESSON7: FUNDAMENTALS OF head in hyperextended
SWIMMING ( BACK CRAWL ) position. 2. Let go of the
gutter and slowly push off
 Objective:
using your legs. 3. Establish
 To give you a sense of how an extended body position,
the body floats naturally in breathe in and out
back position while the arms comfortably and float for 5
and legs are spread seconds.
diagonally and completely
 Emphasis:
 - Keep your arms at your
 Steps:
side and keep yourself
 1. Assume a supine lying relaxed. - Keep your eyes as
position with your arms if you are looking at the
obliquely upward and legs ceiling.
apart (star fish). 2. Keep the
LESSON 1: Lay-out Floating
position as long as you can.
Position with Sculling and
 Emphasis: Flutter Kick.

 - When floating, breathe in  Objective:

and out very gently so that
 To keep you afloat in one
your lungs stay full of air to
place or to move gently
keep you afloat.
through the water in a back
Preparatory Position 2: Push and position.
Float on Back
 Steps:
 Objective
 1. Hold on to the gutter and
 To establish the preparatory place your feet on the wall at
position in backstroke. around hip level. Put your
head in hyperextended
 Steps: position. 2. Let go of the
 1. Hold on to the gutter and gutter and slowly push off
place your feet on the wall at using your legs establishing
around hip level. Put your an extended legs, arms,
body position and head  Steps:
position. 3. Gradually add a
 1. Hold on to the gutter and
slow flutter kick then
place your feet on the wall at
immediately follow the arm
around hip level. Put your
movement (sculling). Stretch
head in hyperextended
out your hands and keep
position. 2. Let go of the
your fingers together. Angle
gutter and slowly push off
your palms out and in,
using your legs establishing
leading with your little finger,
an extended legs and body
trace a figure of eight with
position, quickly put the
your hands. 4. Continue the
arms above the head and
arms and legs action until
under your ears, hands
you reach the other side of
interlocking each other,
the pool or your maximum
body. 3. Maintain the
position then apply full-
 Emphasis: speed flutter kick until you
reach the other side of the
 - Keep your arms beside
pool or your maximum
your body while doing the
sculling. - Keep your eyes as
if you are looking at the  Emphasis: Keep your body
ceiling. (legs, hips, head and arms in
streamline position).

LESSON 3: Controlled Two-arm

LESSON 2: Streamline Back
 Objective:
Position with Kick.
 To develop the complete
 Objective:
backstroke action with
 To practice full-speed control and coordination of
backstroke kick while both arms.
maintaining the correct body
 Steps:
 1. Hold on to the gutter and
place your feet on the wall at
around hip level. Put your
head in hyperextended
position. 2. Let go of the
gutter and slowly push off
using your legs establishing
an extended legs and body
position. Quickly put the
arms above the head and
under your ears, hands
interlocking each other,
body. 3. Maintain the
position then apply full-
speed flutter kick, pull both
arms bringing it to the side of
your body. 4. Start the arm
pulling using your right arm,
when the right arm finishes
the cycle, it’s time for the left
arm to do the same thing. 5.
Repeat the switch until you
complete the controlled two-
arm backstroke.

 Emphasis:

 Perform the drill slowly and

smoothly. Let the shoulder
roll lead the way when
performing the controlled
two arm backstroke.

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