Influence of Delayed Placement of Composites Over Cured Adhesives On Dentin Bond Strength of Single-Application Self-Etch Systems Asaka2006
Influence of Delayed Placement of Composites Over Cured Adhesives On Dentin Bond Strength of Single-Application Self-Etch Systems Asaka2006
Influence of Delayed Placement of Composites Over Cured Adhesives On Dentin Bond Strength of Single-Application Self-Etch Systems Asaka2006
Clinical Relevance
The delay in placement of composite over single-application self-etching adhesive sys-
tems was a crucial factor influencing dentin bond strength compared to a composite
placed immediately after the polymerization of adhesives.
10 minute delayed placement groups for the sys- dentin surface is air dried after application of the adhe-
tems used. Significant lower bond strengths were sive, because these adhesives contain solvents such as
obtained for the immediate placement groups water, ethanol and acetone. If water or other solvents
except for OF. From SEM observations, cohesive like ethanol remain in the adhesives, the mechanical
failure of the dentin surface was more pro- properties should decrease due to the incorporation of
nounced with the longer delay in placement. The bubbles inside the polymerized adhesives.
data suggest that delayed composite placement It has been reported that an adverse acid-base reac-
over the cured adhesives are suggested for tion and adhesive permeability may contribute to the
optimum dentin bond strength of single-applica- incompatibility between some simplified adhesives and
tion self-etch adhesive systems. resin composites (Tay & others, 2003a,b; Suh & others,
2003). The new, simplified adhesives contain uncured
acidic monomers in the oxygen-inhibited layer, which is
The demand for esthetic restorations has placed a focus in direct contact with the resin paste. Adverse interac-
on the development of bonding systems that provide tions between acidic functional monomers in adhesive
adequate bonding ability to tooth structure over an and tertiary amines in resin paste may occur. Clinical
extended period of time (Van Meerbeek & others, 1998). procedures to eliminate this kind of incompatibility
The steps required for these bonding procedures have should be developed.
been reduced to eliminate some of the technique sensi-
This study examined the relationship between a delay
tivity and practitioner variability associated with using
in composites placed over the cured adhesive and the
adhesive systems in clinical situations. Single-applica-
dentin bond strengths of several single-application self-
tion self-etch adhesive systems have been developed to
etch adhesive systems. The null hypothesis to be tested
simplify and shorten bonding procedures by combining
was that the dentin bond strengths of each single-appli-
dentin conditioning, priming and bonding steps. These
cation self-etch adhesive is independent of the time
products are simply applied on the dentin surface for
delay before composite placement over the cured adhe-
the prescribed period of time followed by light irradia-
tion (Van Meerbeek & others, 2003).
Micromechanical interlocking through the creation of METHODS AND MATERIALS
a hybrid layer is currently accepted as one of the major Single-application self-etch adhesive systems with the
mechanisms of resin bonding to dentin (Nakabayashi, combination of composites used were Adper Prompt L-
Kojima & Mashuhara, 1982; Van Meerbeek & others, Pop/Filtek Z250 (AP, 3M ESPE, St Paul, MN, USA), AQ
1992; Inokoshi & others, 1993). It is generally accepted Bond Plus/Metafil C (AQ, Sun Medical, Shiga, Japan),
that the smear layer that forms on ground dentin Fluoro Bond Shake One/Beautifil (FB, Shofu Inc,
should be removed or altered with acidic conditioners to Kyoto, Japan), G-Bond/Solare (GB, GC Corp, Tokyo,
achieve good adhesion between the demineralized Japan), One-Up Bond F Plus/Palfique Estelite (OF,
dentin and an applied bonding system (Prati & others, Tokuyama Dental, Tokyo, Japan) and Xeno CF
1998; Pashley, 1991; Nakabayashi & Saimi, 1996). After Bond/Xeno CF (XE, Dentsply Sankin, Tokyo, Japan) as
removal of the smear layer, the conditioned dentin sur- shown in Table 1. Some adhesive systems are only
face should be wetted using hydrophobic resin available in Japan. The adhesive system AP is provided
monomers. Single-application self-etch adhesives dis- by a unique container known as L-Pop; AQ is provided
solve the smear layer and demineralize the superficial by a bottle with sponge; FB, OF and XE are provided by
dentin to facilitate penetration of resin monomers. The two bottles and an equal amount of bottle A and B were
etching effect of the single-step self-etch systems is mixed prior to application; and GB is a one-bottle self-
related to acidic monomers or organic acid solutions etch system. All adhesive systems were used in combi-
that interact with the mineral component of dentin and nation with manufacturers’ recommended restorative
enhance monomer penetration. Water plays an impor- resins. An Optilux 501 (Kerr/Demetron, Danbury, CT,
tant role as an ionizing medium for etching the dentin USA) curing unit was used, and light intensity of the
and acting as a facilitator of monomer penetration curing unit was set at 600 mW/cm2 as measured with a
(Ikemura, Kuoro & Endo, 1996; Ikemura & others, Dental Radiometer (Model 100, Kerr/Demetron).
Mandibular incisors extracted from two-to-three year
After infiltration into dentin, the adhesive must suffi- old cattle and stored frozen (-20°C) were used as a sub-
ciently polymerize to create a durable bond. stitute for human teeth (Nakamichi, Iwaku &
Hypothetically stronger bonding resin might lead to Fusayama, 1983; Fowler & others, 1992; Schilke & oth-
higher bond strengths to dentin (Pashley & others, ers, 1999). After removing the roots with an Isomet low-
1995). After infiltration of the resin monomers into par- speed saw (Buehler Ltd, Lake Bluff, IL, USA), the pulps
tially demineralized dentin, subsequent polymerization were removed and the pulp chamber of each tooth filled
of the adhesive is required to create a stable bond. The
20 Operative Dentistry
with cotton to avoid penetration of the embedding The mounted teeth with dentin exposed were randomly
media. The labial surfaces of the bovine incisors were assigned to each restorative material, with a sample
ground on wet 240-grit SiC paper to make a flat dentin size of 10 per experimental group.
surface. The tooth was then mounted in cold-curing Adhesive tape was used to define the area of the tooth
acrylic resin to expose the flattened area and stored in for bonding, and a Teflon (Sanplatec Corp, Osaka,
tap water to minimize the temperature rise from the Japan) mold 2.0-mm high and 4.0 mm in diameter was
exothermic polymerization reaction of the acrylic resin. used to form and hold the materials to the tooth sur-
Final finish was accomplished by grinding on wet 600- face. The adhesives were applied to the dentin surface
grit SiC paper to expose an area of dentin approxi- followed by light irradiation according to each manu-
mately 6-8 mm in diameter, which is sufficient for bond facturer’s instructions (Table 2). Though they are cate-
strength testing. After ultrasonic cleaning in distilled gorized into a single-application self-etch adhesive sys-
water for one minute to remove any debris, these sur- tem, the adhesive application procedures are different.
faces were washed and dried with a three-way syringe. The restorative was condensed into the mold immedi-
Asaka & Others: Influence of Delay in Composite Placement on Dentin Bond Strength 21
ately, and 1, 2, 5 and Table 3: Shear Bond Strength (Mean ± SD) to Bovine Dentin
10 minutes after Resin Paste Application Delay Period
light irradiation of
Code Immediately 1 minute 2 minutes 5 minutes 10 minutes
the adhesives, then
AP 9.5 ± 2.2 a
9.5 ± 2.0 a
12.6 ± 1.8 b
13.1 ± 2.3 b
14.0 ± 2.4b
light irradiated for [9/0/1/0] [9/0/1/0] [9/0/1/0] [7/2/1/0] [5/3/1/1]
30 seconds. The
AQ 7.3 ± 2.4 c
7.5 ± 2.7 c
12.2 ± 3.1 d
11.8 ± 1.5 d
11.9 ± 2.2d
For the adhesive system OF, no significant differences Bowen RL, Cobb EN & Rapson JE (1982) Adhesive bonding of
were found for dentin bond strengths among the dif- various materials to hard tooth tissues: Improvement in bond
ferent composite placement periods to cured adhesives. strength to dentin Journal of Dental Research 61(9) 1070-1076.
This is presumably the result of the excellent polymer- Camps J & Pashley DH (2000) Buffering action of human dentin
ization ability of the dye-sensitized photopolymeriza- in vitro Journal of Adhesive Dentistry 2(1) 39-50.
tion system employed in this adhesive. The initiator Cook WD (1992) Photopolymerization kinetics of dimethacrylates
system of OF contains dye-sensitizer, co-initiator and using camphorquinine amine initiator system Polymer 33 600-
borate derivative (Table 1). The energy transfer reac- 609.
tion from dye-sensitizer to co-initiator takes place by Fowler CS, Swartz ML, Moore BK & Rhodes BF (1992) Influence
light irradiation forming an excited state of co-initiator. of selected variables on adhesion testing Dental Materials 8(4)
Then, the polymerizable radical species are formed by 265-269.
reaction of the borate derivative with the activated co- Ikemura K, Kouro Y & Endo T (1996) Effect of 4-acry-
initiator with hydrogen ions derived from the dye-sen- loxyethyltrimellitic acid in a self-etching primer on bonding to
ground dentin Dental Materials Journal 15(2) 132-143.
sitizer and acidic functional monomers (Kitasako & oth-
ers, 2000). These unique features of the polymerization Ikemura K, Tay FR, Hironaka T, Endo T & Pashley DH (2003)
reaction of the adhesive might relate to the results of Bonding mechanism and ultrastructural interfacial analysis
of a single-step adhesive to dentin Dental Materials 19(8)
the bond strength test. 707-715.
The experimental null hypothesis was not confirmed. Inokoshi S, Hosoda H, Harnirattisai C & Shimada Y (1993)
The dentin bond strengths of several single-application Interfacial structure between dentin and seven dentin bonding
self-etch adhesive systems were affected by the time systems revealed using argon ion beam etching Operative
delay prior to composite placement over the cured adhe- Dentistry 18(1) 8-16.
sives. Since clinical success with these simplified adhe- Jakubiak J & Rabek JE (1999) Photoinitiators for visible light
sive systems sometimes depends on technique-sensitive polymerization Polimery 44 447-461.
and material-related factors, further research based on Kitasako T, Nakajima M, Pereira PN, Okuda M, Sonoda H,
the clinical situations is still needed to solve these kinds Otsuki M & Tagami J (2000) Monkey pulpal response and
of problems. microtensile bond strength beneath a one-application resin
bonding system in vivo Journal of Dentistry 28(3) 193-198.
CONCLUSIONS Nakabayashi N, Kojima K & Masuhara E (1982) The promotion
Current developments in adhesive systems have of adhesion by the infiltration of monomers into tooth sub-
focused on a reduction in the clinical steps with stable strates Journal of Biomedical Materials Research 16(3) 265-
bond and hermetic seal of the restoration. Based on the
results of this study, the placement time of composite Nakabayashi N & Saimi Y (1996) Bonding to intact dentin
Journal of Dental Research 75(9) 1706-1715.
to cured adhesive may be an important factor influencing
dentin bond strength of one-step self-etch adhesive sys- Nakamichi I, Iwaku M & Fusayama T (1983) Bovine teeth as
tems. Morphological changes of the fracture site also possible substitutes in the adhesion test Journal of Dental
Research 62(10) 1076-1081.
were observed from the SEM analysis of the composite
side of adhesive test specimens dependent upon time of Nyunt MM & Imai Y (1996) Adhesion to dentin with resin using
placement of the composite. Further research with sulfinic acid initiator system Dental Materials Journal 15(2)
clinical studies will be required to establish perform-
ance of the simplified adhesive systems. Oliveira SS, Marshall SJ, Habelitz S, Gansky SA, Wilson RS &
Marshall GW Jr (2004) The effect of a self-etching primer on the
continuous demineralization of dentin European Journal of
Acknowledgement Oral Science 112(4) 376-383.
This work was supported, in part, by a grant from the Ministry of Pashley DH (1991) Dentin bonding: Overview of the substrate
Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan to with respect to adhesive material Journal of Esthetic Dentistry
promote the multi-disciplinary research project; a grant from the 3(2) 46-50.
Dental Research Center, Nihon University School of Dentistry, Pashley DH, Ciucchi B, Sano H, Carvalho RM & Russell CM
2004; and a grant-in-aid Scientific Research (B) (2) 11470408 (1995) Bond strength versus dentine structure: A modeling
from the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture of approach Archives of Oral Biology 40(12) 1109-1118.
Prati C, Chersoni S, Mongiorgi R & Pashley DH (1998) Resin-
(Received 23 August 2004) infiltrated dentin layer formation of new bonding systems
Operative Dentistry 23(4) 185-194.
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