Folio No. 2054517 / 23: Statement Date: 01-Oct-2021
Folio No. 2054517 / 23: Statement Date: 01-Oct-2021
Folio No. 2054517 / 23: Statement Date: 01-Oct-2021
First Holder
Nominee Details : PAN
Nominee Name Percentage KYC
Shilarani Nayak 100% FATCA Please provide
SKYC Not Available
CKYC No. Not Available
PEDWRG Balanced Advantage Fund Growth 48.52 33.47 977.995 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 47,452.32
Nomination in an individual folio helps in seamless transfer of units in case of an unforeseen event. This facility is available free of cost.
~ Effective from July 01, 2020, stamp duty @ 0.005% will be deducted from the Net investment amount. Units will be allotted for the balance amount i.e. net investment amount - stamp duty.
Stamp duty will be computed using the formula ((Investment amount-transaction charges, if any)/100.005)*0.005.
Current : Entry Load - Nil. Exit Load w.e.f 01-Jan-2019 [including SIP,STP,SWP&Micro(SIP) wherever available] - If redeemed or switched out upto 10% of the units (the
limit) within 1 Year - Nil, excess of the limit within 1 Year - 1%, after 1 year - Nil. For lumpsum investment/switch in, the applicable load will be based on the load structure
as on the date of investment/applicable NAV date. For SIP/STP transactions, load for each transaction is based on the applicable load structure as on the registration date. For
details, please refer to SID and Addenda available on