Tech Notes For SGLG LGPMS
Tech Notes For SGLG LGPMS
Tech Notes For SGLG LGPMS
Types of opinion:
● Unqualified - signifies that a clear opinion is
rendered which means that the financial
statements present fairly, in all material
aspects, the results of the operations and the
financial condition of the local government unit
(LGU) for the period and date indicated,
based on existing government standards, and
in compliance with government laws, rules
and regulations.
● Qualified - Indicates that certain material
transactions and/or accounts have been found
to be improper, are questionable or are
requiring more solid justifications and
therefore have not been passed in audit. The
transactions and/or accounts under questions,
however, are not so significant relative to the
total operations of the subject entity, as to fully
negate other aspects of operations which
were found to be in order
● Adverse - Reveals that the financial
statements of the government entity do not
fairly present its results of operations and
financial condition, and are not in compliance
with prescribed laws and applicable
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CY 2021
2. Compliance with the Adherence of LGUs in FDP which requires them ● 3 Conspicuous places: Actual Provinces, cities and municipalities: Full
Full Disclosure Policy of to fully disclose particular financial transactions to posting within LGU premises, and compliance with FDP (CY 2020 all quarters
Local Budget and show how funds are managed, disbursed and photos that show actual presence of and CY 2021 1st quarter), posting in:
Finances, Bids and used. Posting requirements pursuant to Section posted documents for the FDP
Public Offerings (CY 84 of Republic Act No. 10352 (GAA) FY 2013 and (Certified Form 2E (Photo 1. Three conspicuous places
2020 all quarters, CY DILG MC 2013-140. documentation) 2. FDP Portal
2021 1st quarter), posting ● Actual posting in FDPP, and list of -AND-
in: e-SRE posting is also to be checked to verify fully-compliant LGUs on FDPP from
a. Three conspicuous compliance of LGUs with the requirements of BLGS-PCMD Posting of 2019 LGU e-SRE in BLGF portal
places posting online their Statement of Receipts and
b. FDP Portal Expenditures
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Prepare for challenges posed by disasters
2.1. Composition (a) On LDRRMC composition, pursuant to ⮚ Executive Order, Ordinance, or Provinces, cities, and municipalities:
Rule 5, Sec. 2 and 3 of the IRR of R.A. similar issuance creating the ⮚ LDRRMC Members include, in
No. 10121, council members must include LDRRMC addition to heads from different
heads from different specified government government and non-government
and non-government offices, as well as: offices:
● Four (4) accredited CSO members; 1. At least four (4) accredited CSO
and members; AND
● One (1) representative from the private 2. At least one (1) private sector
sector. member.
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CY 2021
2.2. Meetings (b) On LDRRMC meetings, Rule 5, Section 5 ⮚ LDRRMC Minutes of the Meeting Provinces, cities, and municipalities:
states that meetings “shall be held every for CY 2020 & 2021 ⮚ LDRMMC Meetings must be
three months” to ensure that the councils convened:
would be more able to perform their duties 1. At least once during the 3rd and 4th
in protecting the integrity of their LGUs’ quarter of CY 2020; and
DRRM programs and initiatives. 2. During the 1st and 2nd quarter of
CY 2021
3. Established Local Compliance with minimum requirements of Provinces, cities, and municipalities:
Disaster Risk establishing an LDRRM Office responsible for ⮚ Must meet relevant standards under
Reduction and the development and implementation of 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3.
Management Office programs or strategies relative to disaster risk
(LDRRMO) reduction pursuant to Sec. 12 of RA 10121
Implementing Guidelines for the
Establishment of LDRRM Offices or
Barangay DRRM Committee in LGUs.
3.1. Local Disaster (a) On LDRRMO Head – NDRRMC-DILG- ⮚ Appointment of LDRRM Officer – Provinces and cities except Manila and
Risk Reduction DBM-CCC JMC 2014-1 provides for the Head of Office with CSC Quezon City:
and creation of a permanent (plantilla) position attestation ⮚ LDRRMO Heads must:
Management for a Local DRRM Officer serving as head ⮚ Appointment of LDRRM Officer – 1. Hold plantilla position (LDRRMO
Officer (Head of the LDDRM Office. It also specifies the Head of Office with copy of CSC IV); and
of Office) corresponding salary grade per LGU type Resolution granting the LGU 2. Receive at least SG 22.
and the minimum qualification standards authority to take final action on
for the position. its appointment, in case LGU is Special cities (Manila & Quezon City):
accredited ⮚ LDRRMO Head must:
⮚ Letter for CSC Field Office 1. Hold plantilla position (LDRRMO
transmitting copy, and requesting V); and
attestation, of appointment, in 2. Receive at least SG 24.
case LGU is not accredited
1st to 3rd class municipalities:
For cases with consideration: ⮚ LDRRMO Head must:
● Appointment documents of 1. Hold plantilla position (LDRRMO
retired/resigned LDRRMO Head III); and
(attested/approved thru CSC 2. Receive at least SG 18.
Resolution on Authority to
approve appointments) 4th to 6th class municipalities:
● Proof of separation from service, ⮚ LDRRMO Head must:
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b. DRRM administration and training; and appointment, in case LGU is ⮚ Must have at least one (1) plantilla
c. DRRM operations and warning. accredited LDRRMO staff.
⮚ Letter for CSC Field Office
transmitting copy, and requesting 4th – 6th Class municipalities:
attestation, of appointment, in ⮚ Must have at least one (1) designated
case LGU is not accredited LDRRMO staff.
⮚ Executive order or similar
issuance for designation of Consideration is given to a province, city
LDRRMO staff and 1st – 3rd Class municipality whose
LDRRMO staff is/are employed as
contractual/job orders assigned to the
LDRRMO, or is/are designated as
LDRRMO staff.
3.3. LDRRMO 4. On work space – this refers to the ⮚ Photo-documentation of the Provinces, cities, and municipalities:
Work Space physical space within LGU premises LDRRMO workspace
which is allocated for the LDRRMO to Must have a work space allocated for
occupy for the purposes of the conduct LDRRMO’s functions and operations.
of its functions and operations.
4. Approved Provincial PDPFP guides future land use and physical For PDPFP: Provinces:
Development and developments and the location of programs, ● List of Provinces with approved
Physical projects and activities in the province. PDPFP from NEDA Must have an approved and updated
Framework Plan ● List of Provinces with PDPFP PDPFP covering CY 2021.
(PDPFP) or The PDPFP is a six-year medium-term under review from NEDA
Comprehensive development plan, guided by a long-term ● Actual PDPFP Updated PDPFP are those approved from
Land Use Plan vision, with the first three years aligned with ● For Approved PDPFP: Regional year 2011 to 2021.
(CLUP) the priorities of the Governor. The PDPFP is Land Use Committee (RLUC)
updated on the third year to take into account Endorsement AND Sanggunian Consideration is given to a province whose
recent development thrusts of the new/re- Panlalawigan Resolution PDPFP is still under review, provided that
elected governor. adopting the PDPFP results of risk assessment should have
● If PDPFP is yet to be approved: already been incorporated in the final draft
CLUP determines the specific uses of land Certification from RLUC or of PDPFP, as certified by RLUC or NEDA-
and other physical and natural resources, both Regional NEDA stating that the RO
private and public, within their territorial final draft is currently under
jurisdiction including areas co- managed with review and results of risk Cities and municipalities:
the national government and, as appropriate, assessment is already
management plans for ancestral domains, incorporated therein, Must have an approved and updated
critical watersheds, river basins, and protected CLUP with zoning ordinance covering CY
areas. For CLUP: 2021.
● List of Cities and Municipalities
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The Zoning Ordinance serves as the statutory with approved CLUP from Updated CLUP are those approved from
tool to implement the CLUP. Department of Human year 2011 to 2021.
Settlements and Urban
Development (DHSUD) Consideration is given to a city or
● Actual CLUP municipality whose CLUP is still under
● For Approved CLUP of review, provided that results of risk
Component CM: Zoning assessment should have already been
ordinance enacted by the incorporated in the final draft of CLUP, as
Sangguniang Bayan/ certified by PLUC/ Regional/Central
Panlungsod AND Sangguniang DHSUD.
Panlalawigan Resolution
approving the CLUP/ZO
● For Approved CLUP of
● Certification from Provincial
Land Use Committee (PLUC)
or Regional/Central DHSUD
stating that the final draft is
currently under review and
results of risk assessment is
already incorporated therein, if
CLUP is yet to be approved
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CY 2021
6. Presence of Local Sec. 11 (b) of R.A. No. 10121 states that ● Local Climate Change Action Provinces, cities, and municipalities:
Climate Change among the duties of LDRRMCs is to “Ensure Plan with Sanggunian Resolution
Action Plan the integration of disaster risk reduction and adopting the LCCAP Must have an approved LCCAP or
(LCCAP) climate change adaptation into local ● Approved PDPFP, CLUP, or approved PDPFP/CLUP/CDP, as
development plans, programs and budgets as CDP, if LCCAP is integrated in verified by the DRR- CCA Focal Person
a strategy in sustainable development and any of these plans of the concerned DILG-RO, containing:
poverty reduction.” In addition, the National 1. Results of risk assessment; and
Disaster Preparedness Plan: Disaster 2. Climate change adaptation and
Preparedness Minimum Standards Vol. 2 mitigation actions.
states that LCCAPs are required for
provinces, cities and municipalities. LCCAP or related plans must cover CY
The LCCAP sets out the strategies of an LGU
to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate
change. Depending on the planning scenarios
in the LGUs, the LCCAP may either be
integrated into the PDPFP/CLUP/CDP or it
may be a stand-alone document.
7. Approved A Contingency Plan is a scenario-based plan ● Contingency Plan approved by Provinces, cities, and municipalities:
Contingency Plans for a specific and projected natural and/or LDRRMC for top 1 high-risk
(CP) human-induced hazard. It aims to address the natural hazard Must have an approved Contingency Plan
impacts of the hazard to people, properties, ● Contingency Plan approved by for the top 1 and top 2 high-risk natural
and environment; and/or to prevent the LDRRMC for top 2 high-risk hazard of the LGU (as indicated in LGU
occurrence of the emerging threats through natural hazard Hazard Profile section), verified by the
the arrangement of timely, effective, ● Sanggunian resolution adopting DRR-CCA Focal Person of the concerned
appropriate, and well-coordinated responses each Contingency Plan DILG-RO. Each CP must contain:
as well as the efficient management of 1. Anatomy of the Hazard;
resources. 2. Scenario Generation;
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3. Affected Population;
Assessment will focus on contingency plans 4. Coordination, Command &
for the identified top 2 high-risk natural Control Protocols; and
hazards in the LGU, as identified in the 5. Activation, Deactivation &
PDPFP/CLUP or related plans. Non- Activation Protocols
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3. Local Code for Measures the effectiveness of LGU’s policies, ● Ordinance approving the Local Code for Provinces, cities and municipalities: Code for
Children programs and services for children to Children Children must be updated not earlier than CY
promote, safeguard and support their core 2016, or the existing Code has been amended
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10. DSWD-accredited Capability of the LGU to advance the welfare ● List of residential care facilities Provinces and HUCs: At least one accredited
LGU-managed and well-being of the vulnerable sectors such accredited by DSWD-Standards LGU-managed residential care facility for
residential care facility as children, women, PWD and senior citizens Bureau vulnerable sectors (e.g. women, children, senior
for the vulnerable with the provision of care facilities such as ● Accreditation of the facility issued by citizens and PWDs)
sectors Bahay Pag-asa or Youth Home, Group DSWD- Standards Bureau
Homes and other similar entities pursuant to ● In case partner-facility is managed by Consideration is given to an LGU that has a
RA 10630, RA 9710, RA 7277, RA 9994, and DSWD Field Office: (a) Accreditation standing partnership with an entity (DSWD Field
RA 7432, which are LGU-managed or owned. issued by DSWD- Standards Bureau; Office or private SWDA) managing a DSWD-
and (b) Proof of transfer of residents accredited residential care facility, as
Residential care facility (RCF) refers to a (e.g. legal documents) substantiated by a valid Memorandum of
center or institution that provides residential ● In case partner-facility is private Social Agreement detailing institutional arrangements
care service to the poor, vulnerable and Welfare and Development Agency of the two parties, or a proof of transfer of
disadvantaged individuals or families in crisis, (SWDA): (a) Accreditation of the facility resident(s) to partner-DSWD FO managed
providing appropriate intervention geared issued by DSWD- Standards Bureau; facility.
towards the healing, recovery and and (b) Memorandum of Agreement
reintegration of residents to between LGU and partner-organization
family/community. Valid accreditation is a managing the facility
recognition that the RCF met minimum
standards set by the government within a
particular period.
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● 8.5% for 1st to 2nd income class
● 10.2% for 3rd to 4th income class
6. Equal to, or above TB Case Notification Rate refers to the ● LGU HSC CY 2018 and CY 2019 which Provinces, cities and municipalities: CY 2019
2018 benchmark for number of notified TB, all forms for every is based on the data from the Integrated accomplishment is equal or above the 2018
TB Case 100,000 population. This indicator highlights TB Information System (IT IS) accomplishment result
Notification Rate local government efforts to improve
Tuberculosis (TB) surveillance to provide early
treatment to those who need it and prevent
complications--a primary step towards
achieving disease elimination.
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Implement education reforms and programs to support the vision of quality education for all
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1b. Ranked among the Recognition of the LGU’s exceptional and ● Recognition received from Provinces, cities and municipalities:
Top 20 (Top 20 Provinces, substantial efforts and practices in promoting and DTI-CB Belongs to the Top 20 provinces, Top 20
Top 20 Cities and Top 20 enticing business, investment and employment ● List of Top 20 Provinces, Top 20 cities or Top 20 municipalities of the 2020
Municipalities) of the through its services, facilities or infrastructures Cities, and Top 20 Competitiveness Index; OR met item 1a;
2020 Competitiveness and innovations as assessed by the Department Municipalities in the 2020 OR met items #2 to #7
Index of Trade and Industry – Competitiveness Bureau Competitiveness Index from
2. Presence of Local Demonstrates that the LGU values promotion of ● Ordinance creating LEDIP Provinces and cities: Established
Economic Development efforts to ensure local economic growth and Office/Unit LEDIP Office/Unit i.e., has structure,
and Investment attract investments with the establishment of an ● Executive order or similar organization and staff (An equivalent office
Promotions Office/ Unit office or issuance designating a Local may not necessarily carry the exact name,
designation of personnel intended for it pursuant Economic Development and as long as it performs all the functions a
to DILG MC 2010-113 and/or DILG MC No. Investment Promotions Officer LEDIP office/unit is created for)
(LEDIPO) with listed
Municipalities: Designated LEDIPO (An
functions, duties and
equivalent position may not necessarily
responsibilities carry the exact name, as long as it performs
all the functions a LEDIPO is created for)
3. Presence of citizen’s LGU efforts to encourage businesses and ● Actual posted Citizen’s Cities and municipalities: Citizen’s
charter for securing investments by simplifying business processing Charter (Form 2E: Photo Charter visible within Business Permit and
permits for new and licensing with the establishment of a Documentation) Licensing Office (BPLO) and
business and business Citizen’s Charter pursuant to the ● Ordinance or similar issuance updated to reflect current fees and
renewal ARTA Law, DILG MC No. 2010-113, DILG-DTI adopting citizen’s charter prescribed processing time for
JMC No. 01, s. 2010, DILG MC No. 2016-104, business registrations:
and DILG-DTI-DICT JMC No. 2016-01, and
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5. Updated Local LGU measure to systematize economic database ● Database or electronically HUCs: Computerized or computer
Economic Development for the optimal use and reference of the LGU in generated report where aided tracking system and must be
(LED) data support of DILG MC No. 2010-113 and DILG MC business application forms able to provide all four economic
data required
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6. Local Investment Legislative measure to strengthen initiatives to ● Ordinance adopting the LIIC Provinces and cities: Code must be
Incentive Code (LIIC) draw local and foreign investments through ● Ordinance amending/ revising updated not earlier than CY 2016, or
appropriate policies pursuant to DILG-DTI JMC particular section(s) of existing LIIC the existing Code has been
No. 2011-01. ● PPP Code/JV Code/PEZA Code (as amended or revised by a new
applicable) ordinance enacted not earlier than
Updated LIIC may be in the form of: adopting a CY 2016.
new Code, amending or revising particular
section(s) of existing Code, formulation of Consideration may be given to a
equivalent other investment Codes, as province or city with: (a) existing
applicable: Code that is adopted not earlier than
(1) Public-private Partnership (PPP) Code or CY 2011, or (b) old Code that has
Joint Venture (JV) Code pursuant to DILG MC been amended or revised by a new
2016-120 and DILG-PPP JMC 2019-01. ordinance enacted not earlier than
(2) PEZA Code CY 2011.
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2. Anti-Drug Abuse An audit that looks into ADACs nationwide relative ● List of LGUs that passed CY 2019 Provinces, cities and municipalities:
Council (ADAC) to the following performance indicators: rating from BLGS-PCMD (Philippine Rated highly functional in the CY 2019
Performance Audit organization; meetings; fund allocation; Anti-Illegal Drug Strategy- PMO) ADAC Performance audit
rating, CY 2019 implementation of plans and programs; support to
ADACs by component LGUs; and innovations In case of inconsistency between local data
(DILG MC No.: 2021-27) and NGA data, RAT must fill-out Change
Request Form for further verification.
3. Provision of logistical Extent of assistance of the LGU to support the ● Certified Form 2I Provinces, cities and municipalities: With
support to the PNP operations and maintenance of the local police logistical support provided such as
station ammunition, communication, vehicles, police
station, supplies for CY 2020
4. Organized and trained Participation of community volunteers in helping ● Certified Form 2I Cities and municipalities: 100% of barangays
BPATs, barangay maintain peace and order and public safety within ● List of barangays with organized with organized BPATs, barangay tanods,
tanods, and/or any the community through the BPATs, barangay BPATs, barangay tanods, and/or and/or any similar unit, and trained BPATs,
similar unit tanods, and/or any similar unit for the purpose other similar units barangay tanods, and/or any similar unit
(trained within the last three year not earlier
than 2019)
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CY 2021
To compute:
Crime volume = Total no. of index crime + Total
no. of non-index crimes
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CY 2021
Uphold the integrity of the environment
ICCs/CCs/Municipalities: Organized
SWM Board, no operating open and/or
controlled dumpsite, AND at least two of
the following: (a) approved SWM Plan,
(b) MRF, and (c) sanitary landfill
1. Convened local solid Section 11 of RA 9003 provides for the establishment of a ● Executive Order or similar Provinces, cities and municipalities:
waste management Local Solid Waste Management Board and its composition. issuance creating the SWM
(SWM) board Board 1. SWM Board composition should
Composition: ● Minutes of the Meeting in CY show CSO and private sector
a. Provincial Solid Waste Management Board 2020 membership and the names of
- Chair: Governor or, in the case of Palawan, Chairman of representatives
the Palawan Council for Sustainable Development 2. SWM Board convened at least once
- Members: (a) All the mayors of its component cities and in CY 2020
municipalities; (b) One (1) representative from the
Sangguniang Panlalawigan to be represented by the
chairperson of either the Committees on Environment or
Health or their equivalent committees, to be nominated by
the presiding officer; (c) The provincial health and/or
general services officers, whichever may be recommended
by the governor; (d) The provincial environment and
natural resources officer; (e) The provincial engineer; (f)
Congressional representative/s from each congressional
district within the province; (g) A representative from the
NGO sector whose principal purpose is to promote
recycling and the protection of air and water quality; (h) A
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3. Approved 10-Year Capacity of the LGU to safeguard the environment by ● List of SWM Plans approved Provinces, cities and municipalities:
Solid Waste complying with RA 9003 particularly on the adoption of a 10- and under review by the Approved 10-year SWM Plan
Management Plan year SWM Plan pursuant to Section 2 and 17 of the Act NSWMC
● NSWMC Resolution approving Consideration is given to a city or
the LGU’s SWM Plan municipality with an SWM Plan that is
● Approved SWM Plan still under review of NSWMC
● In the case Plan is still under
review of NSWMC: Received Consideration is also given to a province
copy of LGU’s letter submitting if it has at least 75% of component cities
its Plan for NSWMC’s review and municipalities with approved and/or
submitted SWM plan to NSWMC.
In case of inconsistency in LGU
data and provided data, RAT must
fill-out Change Request Form for
further verification
4. Materials Recovery LGU efforts to safeguard the environment with the ● Certified Form 2E Cities and municipalities: Material
Facility establishment of a materials recovery facility in accordance ● Actual MRF Recovery Facility (MRF), or an existing
with Section 32 of RA 9003 ● If facility is in partnership with partnership with similar entity
a private entity: Memorandum
of Agreement
5. Access to sanitary Upon final sorting, segregation, composting, and recycling in ● Certified Form 2M Cities and municipalities: LGU-managed
landfill (SLF) the MRF, resulting residual wastes should be transferred to ● List of LGUs with access to SLF or access to SLF thru MOA with an
long-term disposal facility or sanitary landfill. sanitary landfill from DENR- entity managing same facility
Sec. 17(h) and 37 of RA 9003 prohibits operation of open and ● Actual sanitary landfill Consideration is given to an LGU with:
controlled dumpsites as final disposal. Sec. 37 cites sanitary ● If in partnership with another 1. Temporary Residual Containment
landfill as final disposal site of residual wastes collected from LGU’s or private entity’s Area, plus ongoing construction of
a city/ municipality, or cluster of cities and municipalities. landfill: Memorandum of LGU’s own sanitary landfill
Agreement 2. Technology that is officially
Sanitary landfill refers to a waste disposal site designed, ● Actual temporary Residual recognized by DENR-NSWMC as an
constructed, operated and maintained in a manner that exerts Containment Area alternative to sanitary landfill
engineering control over significant potential environment ● In case of ongoing
construction of sanitary landfill:
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impacts arising from the development and operation of the actual construction site of SLF;
facility. and project progress report(s)
● In case of other means of
Note that per NSWMC Resolution No. 79, s. 2014, “an Eco- residual waste final disposal:
SWM Park is not an option for waste disposal, does not Proof that said technology is
replace a sanitary landfill and cannot be used to extend the officially recognized by DENR-
operation of open and controlled dumps". NSWMC as an alternative to
sanitary landfill
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2. Establishment of a According to Sec. 43 of the Tourism Act, an LGU -- where ● Certified Form 2E (Photo For provinces, cities and municipalities
Tourist information and tourism is a significant industry, shall establish a tourist Documentation) where tourism is a significant industry:
Assistance Center or information and assistance center which shall serve as one- ● Actual tourist information and Actual existence of a local tourism and
desk stop information center or desk for tourists and tourism assistance center or desk, assistance center or desks with
enterprises which may be located in the promotional materials and references for
provincial/city/municipal hall the tourist sights found in the LGU
● Ordinance or similar issuance
creating the tourist information For LGUs where tourism is not
and assistance center or desk considered as a significant industry, this
criterion is not applicable
3. Establishment of a Recording of tourism data helps an LGU come up with more ● Certified Form 2E (Photo For provinces, cities and municipalities
Tracking system of informed decisions to develop the industry in the locality, as Documentation) where tourism is a significant industry:
tourism data well as, ascertain the economic and social impact of tourism in ● Database or record book Local tourism database either manual or
support of RA 9593. where tourism data are computer-aided
tracked and summarized
At the minimum, tourism data refers to information on the For LGUs where tourism is not
number of tourist arrivals, and registered tourism enterprises. considered as a significant industry, this
criterion is not applicable
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6. Existence of an Documentation of cultural property is a cornerstone of ● Cultural property inventory Provinces, cities and municipalities:
updated Cultural effective cultural heritage preservation and promotion. LGUs ● Acknowledgement letter from Cultural inventory that is:
property inventory in the are to maintain a record of the cultural properties under its NCCA 1. Updated not earlier than 2019
LGU jurisdiction. These local inventories will eventually form part of ● List of LGUs with inventory 2. Adopted by the LGU
the Philippine Registry of Cultural Property (PRECUP) that is submission from NCCA 3. Submitted to NCCA for review
to be managed by the National Commission for Culture and
the Arts (NCCA) (Sec. 16 of RA 10066 and DILG-NCCA JMC
No. 2018-01) Consideration is given to LGUs with
cultural inventory that is updated not
Cultural property refers to all products of human creativity by earlier than 2019, and is yet to be
which a people and a nation reveal their identity including adopted and transmitted to NCCA for
places of worship, schools and natural history specimens and review.
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7. Published narrative of Availability of proper documentation of local narratives aimed ● Certified Form 2E (Photo Provinces, cities, and municipalities:
history and culture to preserve and popularize historical and cultural heritage and documentation) Actual published narrative available for
resources. ● Copy of published narrative of public consumption or reference on the
history and culture (website historical and cultural background of the
printscreen, book, newsletter, LGU
● Proof of LGU acknowledging
narrative published (traditional
or digital) by a third party
● List of LGUs compliant with
this criterion based on 2019
SGLG assessment
Department of the Interior and Local Government
SGLG Technical Notes (For Field Testing purposes only)
CY 2021
Stimulate meaningful participation of youth in local governance and nation-building
1. Local Youth LGU compliance with the organization of a Provinces, Cities, & Municipalities:
Development Council Local Youth Development Council (LYDC), in
(LYDC) accordance with R.A. No. 10742, or the Must have a functional LYDC indicated by
“Sangguniang Kabataan Reform Act of 2015” passing the following indicators:
including the council’s composition, meetings,
and trainings.
1.1. Composition (a) On LYDC composition, Sec 24 (i) of R.A. ● Executive Order, Ordinance, or Provinces, cities, and municipalities:
No. 10742 requires that the LYDC shall be Resolution creating LYDC
composed of: LYDC Members include:
● Two (2) core members from the SK 1. Two (2) core members from the SK;
(President and Vice President of the AND
Pederasyon); and 2. At least eight (8) representatives from
● At least eight (8) but not more than youth organizations or youth serving
nineteen (19) representatives from organizations
registered youth organizations or
youth serving organizations
1.2. Meetings (b) On LYDC meetings, Sec. 24 (l) of R.A. No. ● LYDC Minutes of the Meetings Provinces, cities, and municipalities:
10742 mandates that the LYDC shall for 2020
schedule a meeting every quarter, and as Convened at least once in CY 2020.
often as needed.
1.3. Trainings (c) On LYDC trainings, Sec. 27 of R.A. No. ● Training Certificates Provinces, cities, and municipalities:
10742 requires that members of the LYDC ● Post-Activity Report / Highlights
must undergo mandatory and continuing of the training with photo LYDC Members must have participated in
training programs to enable them to documentation (include if training at least one (1) training on leadership,
perform their roles in nation-building and is LYDC-led) project-development and sustainability, and
other civic duties. other related subjects during their
2. Established Local LGU compliance with minimum requirements Provinces, cities, and municipalities:
Youth Development for establishing a Local Youth Development
Department of the Interior and Local Government
SGLG Technical Notes (For Field Testing purposes only)
CY 2021
Department of the Interior and Local Government
SGLG Technical Notes (For Field Testing purposes only)
CY 2021