ELS Week 3 Format

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Module 6: The Earth’s Eternal Heat

Activity 4: My Notepad

In your own words, how do the three (3) major processes of heat transfer affect the
temperature of the Earth? Write your answer on the space provided.


CRITERIA 10 points 5 points 3 points

Knowledge Concepts are Concepts are The paper
Integration integrated into integrated into demonstrates that
student’s own student’s own the author, to a
insight. Student insight. But some certain
provides remarks of the extent,
that show conclusions are understands and
analysis and not supported in has applied
synthesis of ideas. the body of the concepts learned
paper. in the course.
Content The content is Sufficiently Limited content
focusing clearly developed content with inadequate
enough for the with adequate elaboration and
scope of the elaboration or explanation.
lesson. explanation
Style Precise, Generic use of a Limited word
illustrative use of variety of words choice and control
variety of words and sentence of sentence
and sentence structures that structure that
structure to may describe the may or may not
describe the topic topic describe the topic
appropriately. appropriately. appropriately.
Activity 6: Picture Analysis
Read and analyze figures A in page 9 and figure B in page 10. Answer the questions
stated below.

a. Figure A shows the process of convection in the earth’s mantle. How

does it affect the formation of mountains and the temperature in the
surface (ground)?

b. How the convection current affects the movement of tectonic plates?


c. How convection in earth’s interior and conduction in the surface affect

the temperature in our atmosphere?

d. How subduction cause the formation of land mass like mountains and

e. Why does earthquake occur in subduction zone? (The area where

subduction occur)

Synthesis: Based from figure A and B, how convection and conduction is interrelated?
Values Integration: How can pressure and stress be an agent to achieve success in life?
What I Can Do
Activity 6: Illustrate and Explain
Illustrate the example indicated in the given scenario in the box where conduction
and convection are applied. Then, relate it to the processes occurring in the Earth’s
internal heat.


Chocolate candy in your hand will eventually melt as the heat from your body is
released and makes it melted.

A heater in the hot air balloon heats the air. The air inside is trapped causing the
balloon to rise.

Activity 7. ACRONYM!
Use the word MAGMATISM as an acronym. Use each letter to represent word/s
that is related to the lesson.
Additional Activities

Read the poem below and answer the question that follows.

by Jemie Ann A. Quiroba
(Mataasnakahoy Senior High School)
HUMSS 12 SY 2019-20

I kept myself
I hid to deep
Burned and pressured
I must go out, must go with the flow
My red tears shouted pain, as it glows
So as I am, later on it would be tough
I freed my burning self and I'll go reach the top

What is the message of the poem?



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