HG Basas

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Let’s Try This

Suggested Time Allotment: 15 Minutes
Try to remember that last time you felt valued by others and the way you made others felt
valued. Identify the incidents, your thoughts or ideas about the situations, your feelings and
your behavior or action. Use the templates below to encapsulate those moments:

The last time I felt valued The last time I made others felt valued

Incident: It was only recently when I felt valued. Incident: I gave my sister her favorite Enhypen
It was when my father console me when I was album in her Birthday.
crying because my mom blamed me for something
that I really didn’t do.
Thoughts: It was so comforting and I feel blessed Thoughts: I believe that by simply giving people
to have a father like that. He let me cry to get over gifts, even the simplest one will make them that
it and let me buy something I want as a they are valued, because they know that you
consolation. I really felt that I was being loved in thought about them when buying that certain gift.
that moment.
Feelings: I am thankful and treasured about that Feelings: I certainly know that she treasured that
moment within my heart. Thanks to it, I was over gift. She was so thankful that I thought that
it now. thanks to it, I can see my sisters smile.
Behavior: It was a simple action but it literally Behavior: It wasn’t as expensive as I thought it
moved my heart. Because I realize how my father would be, but she said that she loved them so
actually love more than I think. I love him and I much. She was so thankful and love what I gave
was thankful that he is my father. her.

Processing Questions:
1. Did you find it difficult/easy to answer? Why?
-I find it kind of easy because it was only remembering good times. I actually enjoyed it because using the
help of this module, I think I appreciated them more than before.

2. What do you notice with your answers?

-I notice things like ‘I never really think of this before but now,’ something like ‘I actually felt like this that
time’, and such..

3. What is your reaction upon seeing all your answers?

-My reaction is as simply as smiling from eyes to ears. I am thankful for my family who always
understand my shortcomings and love me as who I am.
Let’s Explore This
Suggested Time Allotment: 15 minutes


Think of a person whom you want to talk to (can be friend, teacher, guidance counselor,
brother, sister or cousin, parent or guardian). Write his/her name separately on a 1/4 size
paper using a permanent marker or a pen. Face the mirror, post the name of your
chosen person on the mirror. Imagine that that person is facing you. Talk to yourself in the
mirror and to the person you chose guided by the following instructions.

Instructions: Imagine that you are looking at the mirror, and from the mirror you
see yourself. Please talk to yourself and say that “I am proud of you because you are _The
girl who didn’t gave in despite it being hard. I’m so proud of you because you
have a goal that you want to achieve, and understand things you find it hard to
understand. _”
Then, your friends pop up in the mirror (post the name of your friends in the mirror),
please tell your friends that “You should be happy with me because I’m _We both like
each other, hang out, comforting when things are hard and isn’t right and get
through little things together ._.”
Then, your teachers pop up in the mirror (post the name of your teachers in the
mirror), please tell them that “You should be happy with me because I’m _so happy that
you all understand us in ODL. Especially my adviser who always reply to me as
fast as she could despite her have lots of things she needed to do. _.”
Then, your brothers/sisters pop up in the mirror (post the name of your
brothers/sisters/cousins), please tell them that “You should be happy with me because
I’m _sorry for always bullying y’all. Its just me, even though I know that I’m in
the wrong, I always blame you all for it. I’m sorry and I love you__.”
Then, your parents pop up in the mirror (post the name of your parents/guardian or whom
you consider as your parent in the mirror), please tell them that “You should be proud of me
because I’m __so sorry for always talking back. I’m sorry for not understanding
you both and always put my feelings first all the time. But I know you know how
much I love you more that anyone else in the world. Thankyou for all the
sacrifices and for spoiling us by getting what we want. I love you both so
Answer the processing questions on a separate clean paper. Make sure to write your name,
title of the worksheet as the heading of the activity and compile it in your portfolio.

Processing Questions:
1. How did you find the activity?
-It was fun. I let out things I wanted to say for so long. Even though I know that they won’t be able
to read this, I still let out things in my chest and I love this feeling.

2. How do you feel about talking to yourself? Your friends? Teachers? Family?
- It’s nice. Because I let out the things I always hidden within myself.

3. What have you discovered about yourself during your self-talk?

-I discover that I was a strong woman more than I think who I am.
4. How is the activity helping you enhance your self-worth?
-I was able to understand things like I realize that I was more than I worth myself to

You can do it

Complete the sentences and write it on a one whole sheet of paper with the Self-
affirmation Exercise. Compile it in your portfolio.
Self-affirmation Exercise
1. My proudest moment was _When I won 2nd place in the quiz bee competition _.
2. My strengths are_I was able to Understand things If I put my mind into it and also I have a lot of
people who truly love me _.
3. My source of joy is _Anime, Manhwa and of course the people around me __.
4. My friends really appreciate me as a __Person. They love me and treat me like a real family__.
5. I can overcome all the challenges in life because I have a goal and people who support my back_.
6. I will reach my dreams because I want both my friends and family to be proud of me and of course, I
want myself to live in luxury_.

What I have Learned

Suggested Time Allotment: 5 minutes

Think of our current crisis (Covid-19 Pandemic) situation. Recall a moment where you
have done something that you felt confident and your sense of self-worth is high. What can you
say to yourself in that situation? What have you done? Write your answers on a sheet of paper.

-My most proudest and confident situation that I’ve ever done this time of pandemic is
that I always followed health protocols and always stay home. I only go outside if it’s necessary.
I also share tips to avoid coming in contact of the said virus, because I know that it’s been hard
for every each of us, the things planned getting on-hold, and losing love one’s because you can’t
see him as a whole himself when dying, things like that. I am proud because I did simple things
like this.

Share your thoughts and feelings

Suggested Time allotment: 5 minutes

Answer the following questions on a clean sheet of paper.

1.What positive statement would you say to yourself to be reminded of your strengths and

- ‘My failure doesn’t define my future but rather through failures will I find the taste of true
success’ because I value myself as I value the works I makes.

2. How will you deal with life obstacles or negative feelings?

- I always find someone to comfort me so I can get up and strive hard again so that I won’t be left out
and will always be positive because it’s so hard to stay depressed and I hate that. So I always try hard
to not stay my negative feelings lingered and stay positive as hard as I can.
3. What would you do to empower yourself?

-I always empower myself by always thinking positive and setting my self a goals to achieve.

4. What are your realizations as to your capability in handling and surviving the current
health crisis right now?

- Being knowledgeable is the key to make things work and to avoid the lingering virus
this time of pandemic. No one has perceive this Corona to happen but we need to act
according to the situations and follow the change in our society.

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