Department of Computer Science & Engineering: Course File
Department of Computer Science & Engineering: Course File
Department of Computer Science & Engineering: Course File
Prepared by
Syllabus as proposed by
Module I
Software Engineering –Objectives, Definitions , Software Process models - Waterfall Model,
Prototype model, RAD, Evolutionary Models, Incremental, Spiral Models [4L]
Software Project Planning, Feasibility Analysis, Technical Feasibility, Cost- Benefit Analysis,
COCOMO model. [4L]
Module II
Structured Analysis, Context diagram and DFD, Physical and Logical DFDs, Data Modeling, ER
diagrams, Software Requirements Specification [5L]
Module III
Design Aspects :Top-Down And Bottom-Up design; Decision tree, decision table and structured
English, Structure chart, Transform analysis Functional vs. Object- Oriented approach. [3L]
Module – IV
Unified Modeling Language Class diagram, interaction diagram: collaboration diagram,
sequence diagram, state chart diagram, activity diagram, implementation diagram. [4L]
Module V
Able to understand and analyze user requirements and develop SRS, design good quality
data models for realizing the requirements
Develop process models and create design documents following principles of SSAD
CO3 methodologies like DFD, Structured chart and design good quality processes understanding
concepts of coupling and cohesion
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO1 PSO2
CO1 3 3 1 3 2
CO2 2 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 2
CO3 3 3 3 1 2 3 2 3 3
CO4 3 3 3 1 2 3 2 3 3
CO5 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 2
CO6 3 3 3 1 2 2 2 2 3 3
CO Key phrases for reference
CO1 Understand and apply the basic principles of SE; compare SDLC models; feasibility study
CO2 Understand and analyze user requirements; develop SRS; design data models
CO3 Develop & create design; SSAD using DFD; structured chart; coupling; cohesion
CO4 Develop & create design using OOAD; apply UML usecase, sequence, class, activity, etc.
Apply project management techniques; project plan; estimation using FP/COCOMO;
configuration management; software quality
CO6 Verification & validation; testing types; test strategies; test case design
1 Introduction to Software Engineering T1 TA2 TM1
SDLC models – Waterfall model, Prototyping model- features,
2 T2, T3 TA2 TM1
advantages and disadvantages
SDLC models – Spiral model- features, advantages and disadvantages,
3 T2, T3 TA2 TM1
comparative analysis
SDLC models – Incremental model, Evolutionary model, RAD,
4 T2, T3 TA1 TM1
comparative analysis, advantages and disadvantages
5 Feasibility study through Cost benefit analysis T1 TA1 TM1
Requirement-definition, characteristics, functional and non-functional
6 T3, R3 TA2 TM1
requirement, SRS & its components
Data Flow diagrams – Context diagram, symbols of DFD, levels of
7 T1, T7 TA2 TM1
DFD, rules for decomposition of DFD
Illustration of DFD with a case study, Introduction to Data dictionary
8 T1, T7 TA1 TM5
(DD) and sample DD for the case study
Data modeling using ERD and designing table structures using the TM3
9 T1, T7 TA1
example case study TM5
Introduction to OOAD using UML, introduce different UML diagrams
10 T6, T8 TA2 TM1
and their uses
11 UML use case diagram with example case study T6, T8 TA1 TM4
12 UML activity and class diagram with an example case study T6, T8 TA1 TM4
13 UML Sequence, collaboration and statecharts with example T6, T8 TA1 TM4
Software architecture using structured chart – DFD conversion through
14 T1, T7 TA1 TM1
transform and transaction analysis
15 Modularity-pros & cons, coupling and cohesion T1, T2 TA1 TM1
16 Types of coupling & cohesion, impact on quality of design T1, T2 TA1 TM2
Low level design specifications using structured English, decision tree
17 T1, T7 TA1 TM7
& decision table
18 Reusability, abstraction, features of good design, architectural metrics T1, T7 TA2 TM1
19 Implementation – Coding practices & documentation standards T1, T2 TA1 TM3
20 User interface design – features of good interfaces T1, T2 TA1 TM3
Software testing, Verification and validation, Unit testing – black box T1,
21 TA1 TM4
and white box testing & their significance T4, T5
White box testing with Control flow graph and identifying test paths
22 T3, TA1 TM4
with McCabe’s cyclomatic complexity metrics
T5, T6
23 Black box testing techniques, test plan and test cases T1, T5 TA1 TM1
24 Integration testing, System testing and Acceptance testing T1, T3 TA1 TM1
25 Other types of Testing – Load, Stress, regression, performance testing, T1, TA1 TM1
Traceability of models T2, T3
26 Software project management concepts, planning, estimation, T1, T6 TA2 TM1
scheduling, resource management, etc.
27 Software estimation – different types, introduction to Function point T1, R2 TA1 TM5
analysis with examples
28 Estimation using COCOMO - basic, intermediate & advanced and their T1, T# TA1 TM5
29 Comparison of FP and COCOMO, Halstead’s metrics T1, T3 TA1 TM1
30 Project scheduling using Gantt chart & PERT charts T2, T3 TA3 TM6
31 Resource planning & team structure – types of teams T2, T3 TA1 TM1
32 Software Project Management Plan (SPMP), project monitoring using T1 TA1 TM1
Earned value analysis
33 Software Risk management – types of risks, identification of risk, T1 TA2 TM1
planning for risk mitigation & monitoring, RMMP
34 Software quality assurance (SQA) - activities, models – ISO, CMM, T1, TA2 TM1
PCMM, etc. T3, T6
35 Reliability & availability, Reliability models T1, T3 TA2 TM1
36 Software configuration management (SCM), version control T2, T3 TA1 TM1
37 Software metrics – Project & process metrics T1, T4 TA2 TM1
38 Software Engineering paradigms – OOAD, Aspect oriented, Cloud T1, R4 TA2 TM2
based, Agile, Component based, etc. - evolution & challenges
Text Books:
Web references:
Teaching Methodology
Teaching Aid
TA1. White Board & Marker TA2. PPT Presentation TA3. S/W Tools
No Topic CO PO PSO
UML Use case diagrams using case study CO2, CO4 PO1, PO2 PSO1, PSO2
2. Software risk analysis and management, RMMP CO5 PO1, PO11 PSO2
Testing – Traceability of artifacts, Load, Stress,
3. CO6 PO1, PO5 PSO1, PSO2
regression, performance
CO Key phrases for reference
CO1 Understand and apply the basic principles of SE; compare SDLC models; feasibility study
CO2 Understand and analyze user requirements; develop SRS; design data models
CO3 Develop & create design; SSAD using DFD; structured chart; coupling; cohesion
CO4 Develop & create design using OOAD; apply UML usecase, sequence, class, activity, etc.
Apply project management techniques; project plan; estimation using FP/COCOMO; risk
management; configuration management; software quality
CO6 Verification & validation; testing types; test strategies; test case design
Topic PO PSO
1. Estimation using UCP ( industry requirements) PO2, PO11 PSO2
CO Key phrases for reference
CO1 Understand and apply the basic principles of SE; compare SDLC models; feasibility study
CO2 Understand and analyze user requirements; develop SRS; design data models
CO3 Develop & create design; SSAD using DFD; structured chart; coupling; cohesion
CO4 Develop & create design using OOAD; apply UML usecase, sequence, class, activity, etc.
Apply project management techniques; project plan; estimation using FP/COCOMO; risk
management; configuration management; software quality
CO6 Verification & validation; testing types; test strategies; test case design