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Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Oral Communication in Context
Alternative Delivery Mode
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education

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Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio
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Author: Dorcas Menoc Bandiala
Content Editor: Daryl A. Pamisa
Language Editor: Ma. Alemil L. Fontilar
Proofreader : Ma. Alemil L. Fontilar
Illustrator/s: Xyrujon Alfred M. Bandiala and Caille B. Antiporta
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Oral Communication in
Module No. 3
Strategies to Avoid
Communication Breakdown

First Semester
First Quarter
2 hours

This instructional material was collaboratively developed and reviewed by educators

from public and private schools, colleges, and/or universities. We encourage
teachers and other education stakeholders to email their feedback, comments, and
recommendations to the Department of
Education at [email protected].

We value your feedback and recommendations.

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

“Communicationworksforthosewhoworkatit.”~John Powell~


By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
 explain why there is communication breakdown
 use various strategies to avoid communication
 identify strategies used by speakers evaluate the
effectiveness of an oral communication



Communication breakdown, as defined by Emily Rodgers

in her online article, “is a failure to exchange information,
resulting in a lack of communication.”

What does “lack of communication” mean? To answer that question let us look at
the examples of communication breakdown in the workplace or in any given
communication scenario as provided by Rodgers .

1. A staff member making a mistake due to miscommunication or not enough

information given in training. In the classroom context, you as a learner, may
make mistake in doing your task because of miscommunication or lack of

2. Two members of staff doing the same task and not realizing. In the classroom
context, it could be two members in the group make a duplication of activity and leave
out one task undone instead.

3. A colleague not treating a client correctly. A classroom officer showing unfair

treatment to one classmate for his/her attitude/appearance for instance, may cause
misunderstanding among students.
4. Certain vital tasks not being completed either on time or to the highest
standard because no one in the team is giving updates to each other. This
happens most of the time in the classroom when members in a group do not try to
communicate, express themselves, or reach out to one another.

5. An overworked manager sending an email missing vital information to their

team because they’ve got a client on their case about completing work. A group
leader or SSG president, for example, may fail to disseminate important
announcement to the class because he/she is pressured to finish another task.

6. A junior spreading Chinese whispers about the current state of a project’s
completion because they misheard what their manager was saying. In a
classroom scenario, student A tells student B that Student C may not be able to
graduate but student A is not so sure about it because he/she only overheard a
conversation of her teachers. The act of spreading the “talk” is called gossiping.
Passing on wrong information may result to communication breakdown.

According to Rodgers, communication has a great impact to a team. So if you

expect to have a successful class, a team, a group work - it requires communication
that is “well-oiled machine to individual parts that simply cannot function without each
other” between you and the one you are communicating with or among members of a
the group.


Rodgers (2017) presented key communication barriers that cause communication


1. Lost in translation

Lost in translation occurs across emails

when the receiver perceives the message
differently because of lack of tone. It could
also be a misinterpretation of a message
because of the presence of words that have
double meanings.

Lost in translation is not necessarily

referring to a language barrier but to how the
receiver interprets the words, phrases or
sentences received.

The man in the image can be seen

reading an email but ended up confused.
Confusion comes in when a person does not
understand what he is reading.

He needs clarification at his end by either asking the source what was meant in
the message or by asking someone who has background information of what was
sent. Otherwise, communication breakdown will take place if this is not resolved.

2. The attention span of a gnat

This refers to human attention span which

accordingly, can only listen for 8 seconds
meaning we have less time to remain engaged
to what we have just listened to before switching
off or start thinking of other things, thus missing
important information.
3. Too much information
If there is no efficient communication flow
plus the problem of sharing information to wrong
people, overload of information can result to
True, there is a plethora of information
around the world. We can only do so much by
giving it to the right people at the right time and
at the right amount because too much of
anything can be dangerous, so to speak.

Knowing a lot of things is good but when too

much information is given and received and yet
this information is sent and received wrongly, it
could lead to tremendous problem.

Effective communication needs wisdom as to what, how much or how little, when
and to whom information is to be given.

4. Under pressure
High-stress jobs or tasks mean
there’s often no time to communicate
properly. If you’re on a tight deadline or
you’re behind on your target, you’re not
going to waste precious minutes
formulating the perfect email, and doing
such practice will result to greater

On the same note, if you show

yourself too busy and too preoccupied
with something, your classmate or friend
who is supposed to share with you an
information may opt to back off in
communicating with you for fear of
interrupting you or for fear that they may
be either rejected or scolded.

If the stress in your jobs get in your way

and you allow it to block communication between you and your classmates or group
mates, you are inviting in communication breakdown.

Amidst your stressful tasks, you need to handle yourself properly, manage your
stresses, and carefully plan the tasks to do without jeopardizing the quality of your
work or assignments. Moreover, never sacrifice your relationships with people just
because you are too preoccupied. Take time to relax before doing anything else.

Language Barriers

Language and linguistic differences may become barriers to communication. But

it is not also a guarantee that when two people
speak the same language, they understand
each other because if the receiver still does
not understand the words used in the
message received, the words used may act as
a barrier.
This goes to mean that even if people
speak in the same language, but in different
jargon, still, there is a language barrier.

Jargon is a set of specialized vocabulary

in a certain field. Engineers have their own
jargon that only people in their profession
understand. Doctors of Medicine have their
own jargon that patients may not understand.
To avoid communication breakdown,
engineers, doctors, scientists have to use
layman’s vocabulary of simple words.

The sample image is a conversation between an engineer and a doctor.

Misunderstanding is possible if they will
both use their respective jargon.

3. Psychological Barriers

The psychological condition of the

receiver affects his/her message
reception of the message. For example,
someone who is stressed or anxious will
not be as receptive to the message as
compared to the one who is not
When we are at the peak of our
anger, it is easy for us to say things that
we may later regret and we may also
misinterpret what other people are
saying. This anger becomes a
psychological barrier. Thus, there is a need for us to manage our stresses and our
emotions at all costs should we want to avoid communication barrier.

The image above shows an example of psychological barrier when Mario who is
thinking on how to tell his mother about failing grades could not concentrate to what
Lani was saying. Here, he missed relevant information from Lani.
4. Physiological Barriers
Physiological barriers may
emanate from the receiver's physical
condition. For example, a receiver
with a defective hearing may not be
able to grasp the entirety of the
spoken words, especially with noisy

In this image, Moira’s stomach

ache hinders her from listening to her
5. Physical Barrier
teacher’s discussion.

Physical barriers refer to the geographic

location between the communicators. It is
basically referring to the distance or proximity
between the sender and receiver.
As said, communication is easy when
communicators are within short distances where
there can be many options to use for
Now that technology is widely used for
communication, it is equally important to know
the best and the most appropriate channel to use
in overcoming communication barriers.

Observe the communicators in this image. Leo is shouting so Mike could hear.
Their distance is keeping them from hearing each other properly.
6. Attitudinal Barriers
Prejudices and other related biases are examples of attitudinal barriers. These
are behaviors or perceptions of any of the communicators that hinder them from
interacting effectively.
Attitudinal barriers to communication may
arise from personality conflicts, poor management,
and reluctance to change, or no motivation.
Effective listeners of messages should attempt to
hurdle their own attitudinal barriers to effect
effective communication. Open-mindedness and
willingness to learn new things are vital in
overcoming barriers.

The sample image is showing a listener’s

prejudiced attitude towards the speaker. This kind
of attitude is a barrier to communication.
7. Using generalizations and stereotypes

Speakers who make unqualified

generalizations undermine their own clarity
and credibility. Be cautious not to get holed in
the habit of using stereotypes, or making
generalizations about complex systems or

Another form of generalization is

"polarization" or creating extremes. Try to be
sensitive to the complexities of situations,
rather than viewing the world in black and

The sample image shows how

generalization causes misunderstanding and
if not corrected may lead to communication

8. Jumping to an immediate conclusion

Confusing details with inferences is a
common factor. Do not pretend you know the
reasons behind events, or that certain facts
necessarily have certain meanings.

Make sure you have all the information you

can have, and then talk clearly about the facts
or interpretations you attach to those.

In the sample image, the boy hastily made

a conclusion about why the girl was sweating
profusely which irked the girl. Making
conclusions without proofs will create
problems in communication.

9. Dysfunctional feedbacks

Ignoring or not responding to a suggestion or query quickly undermines effective

communication. Interrupting others while they are talking also creates a poor
atmosphere for communication.
In the sample image, a very common classroom scenario, what seems like an
ordinary communication situation often leads to communication breakdown. Even
when a simple query is not addressed, or is being blocked by something or someone
else, or when the sender himself is not sensitive to the reactions, comments,
suggestions or questions of his audience/receiver, chances for communication
breakdown are tremendous

10. Lacking the confidence

Lacking confidence can be a big barrier to effective communication. Being shy,

difficulty being assertive or low self-worth can block your ability to express your
needs and opinions known.
Also, a lack of knowledge of
your own rights and opportunities
in a given situation can prevent
you from telling your needs

In most cases, bullying and

shaming by peers cause extreme
shyness among individuals which
eventually leads to one’s inability
to express thus, fail to
communicate. Students, be
assertive, know your rights, and
develop your self-esteem!

 Loss of morale
When you experience communication breakdown, there is a tendency
that your sense of purpose, and enthusiasm towards the task, may also be

 Demotivation
Communication breakdown results to weakening or even loss of one’s
motivation to do what you are supposed to do.

 Embarrassment
A person who has experienced communication breakdown with his team
or is the cause of the communication barrier will eventually feel guilty and
incompetent over that failure and will feel haunted by that embarrassment.

 Anger
Communication breakdown is so annoying that anyone involved can get
into serious trouble.

 Tension among the team

Everybody in the team gets affected when communication breakdown
strikes. Chances are people will be pointing fingers to one another. The
question here is who’s to be blamed? No one. Everyone in the team is
responsible and is equally important in solving the problem.

 Stress caused to individuals

Communication breakdown does not only affect the one who caused it
but equally, it affects the person who received the message but failed to

 Loss of clients, business and sales (or friends/relationships)

Communication breakdown is really harmful. It will not only break
relationships, it can even do worse. It means losing people who trust you and
whom you trust. Now, you don’t want that to happen, do you?

 Disorganization
Nothing goes right when a communication breakdown occurs. Things,
situations, relationships just fall apart and for all you know, you are facing
broken pieces. Don’t wait for that to happen. Do something before things got
shattered because of careless communication.

 Gossip
When communication goes out of control, rumors begin to spread like a
virus. Wrong information breaks out and spread faster than the truth that’s
why treat communication with proper care. Communicate properly and

These are simple things to do to ensure communication is never a problem

1. Observe
Take the time to observe how each member of your team works, talk to them in
regular one-to-ones, and discuss how best they like to receive information, relating to
their job role, and then how they feel they can best use this information for others.

2. Options
Whether giving your team another computer-based tool, introducing more
huddles and meetings, encouraging them to pick up the phone more, or urging them
to physically walk round to a person’s desk, giving them communicative options will
help them feel less trapped in the restrictive vices of the email world.

3. Sharing is caring
Updates, updates, updates! Site-wide updates are vital for keeping everyone in
the know. This is within reason. Don’t rely on email for this. Meeting and discussion
with the team are important.. Your team members deserve transparency.

4. Practice makes perfect

Providing consistent training sessions on how and why we communicate, the best
way to write an email, communicating with everyone or with the whole class or team
and how to give feedback in the most effective way will lift communication
breakdowns the more you do them. Training are also a great way to bring groups/
class together who may not already be in direct contact with each other, building
morale through one shared goal.

5. One team, one dream

If you resolve a communication breakdown and teach your team the value of
communication, the benefits abound. Good communication builds a strong team that
people want to engage in, it streamlines work processes, it equips individuals with the
tools to take on anything that’s thrown at them and ultimately makes whatever you
are doing, a success.

Those mentioned above are generally found in the following strategies in

communication on how to overcome barriers:

1. Active Listening

Active listening is a skill that can be acquired and improved with practice.
However, this skill can be difficult to achieve and will, therefore, take time and delay.
'Active listening' means actively listening or fully focusing on what is being said rather
than just 'hearing' the message of the speaker.

Active listening involves listening with all senses. There are both verbal and
non-verbal indicators that convey active listening. Non-verbal signs include smiling (if
appropriate), making eye contact, nodding at appropriate times, and avoiding
interruptions. These non-verbal cues relay the message that you are interested in
what the speaker has to say, and that your attention is fully invested. Giving verbal
signs of active listening can also be meaningful. Paraphrasing involves looking for
slightly different terms to repeat the main idea of the speaker and is also a great way
to show active listening.

2. Use Common Language

It is important to consider the audience that you are speaking to and use
language that can be easily understood. Avoid using unfamiliar terminology or jargon
when speaking to clients and their families. An important tool to use when speaking is
to stop occasionally and ask questions to ensure that your message is being
understood as intended.

3. Give Constructive Response

While the response that you give the speaker/sender may occasionally be
negative, it is important that it be constructive in nature. The goal of the feedback
should be to further the abilities of the speaker. This will bond the interpersonal
relationship, and enhance future communications.

3. Focus on the issue, not the speaker

Try not to take all personally, and similarly, express your own wants and opinions
in terms of the job at hand. Solve problems rather than attempt to manipulate others.

5. Be genuine rather than control.

Be yourself, openly, and honestly. Be honest with yourself, and center on
working well with the persons around you, and acting with integrity.

6. Empathize rather than remain alone.

Although professional relationships entail some borders when it comes to
interaction with colleagues, it is important to show sensitivity and to really care about
the people you work with. If you don't care about them, it will be difficult for them to
care about you when it comes to being together.

7. Be patient towards others.

Allow for other points of view, and be liberated to other ways of doing things.
Diversity affects creativity and innovation.

8. You have to promote yourself and your own experiences.

Be strong about your own rights and needs. Undervaluing yourself motivates
others to undervalue you, too.
2. Conciseness
To be concise basically means, getting straight to
1. Completeness the point. There should be no beating around the
It is very important that that receiver gets to hear bush. Thus, irrelevant or redundant information
everything so that proper responses, reactions, should be eliminated within the communication
evaluation or feedback could be done. That is process.
what complete communication is.

3. Consideration 4. Concreteness
There is a need for the speaker to consider the When information sent by the sender to the
receiver’s mood, status, background, receiver is supported by facts, figures, or real-life
preferences, needs and the like to build rapport examples and situations, effective
him/her. Once rapport is established, effective communication takes place.
communication is possible.

5. Courtesy 6. Clearness
Respecting the culture and beliefs of the receiver The use of simple, specific word in expressing
creates a positive impact in the communication ideas ensures clarity in communication. This
process. signifies when the speaker focuses on a single
objective to avoid confusing the audience.

7. Correctness
Credibility and effectiveness of the message can be achieved by eliminating grammatical
errors in the communication process. This implies that correctness in grammar creates a
positive impact on the audience.
Activity 1. Observe and resolve

Observe 3 of the following environments listed below and identify at least 2

barriers to communication present in each environment then provide solution. Write
your answers on your Communication Activity Notebook.


At home online classroom Facebook

In school in a jeepney bank transaction
In the neighborhood at a store / mall Phone Conversation

Environment 1:
Barrier 1:


Barrier 2:


Environment 2:
Barrier 1:


Barrier 2:


Environment 3:
Barrier 1:


Barrier 2:

Activity8. Create and convince. Create a video interview on encouraging the youth
to be “MAKERS NOT BREAKERS OF COMMUNICATION.” Write the rubrics on your
Communication Activity Notebook for scoring purposes.

1. Your video must contain about an interview

2. Your interview should highlight the advantages of effective
3. Be creative. You can add effects to your video.
4. Videos may be submitted via online classroom prescribed by your teacher

Rubric for Evaluating Speech Presentation

Criteria VGE GE SE LE N
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
1. The ideas in the presentation are organized.
2. The message is expressed clearly.
3. There are sufficient supporting ideas.
4. The choice of words is appropriate for the
5. Biases are avoided.
6. Speech is free from grammatical mistakes.
7. Ideas are communicated vividly and
8. Non-verbal cues are appropriate.
Legend: Scoring:
VGE-To a very great extent; VGE-33-40;
GE-To a great extent; GE-25-32;
SE-To some extent; SE-17-24;
LE-To a little extent; LE-9-16; N-8
N-Not at all

Baraceros, Esther L. and Lintao, Rachelle, B. (2010). English 4: Oral

Communication in Context (First Edition). Quezon City: Rex
Bookstore, Inc.

Dapat, Jose Rizal O., Sadorra, Bryan Eli B., and Lumabi, Bethany Marie C.
(2016). Oral Communication in Focus. Quezon City: Lormar
Publishing, Inc.

Diaz, Rafaela Hernandez. (2014). Speech and Oral Communication for College
Students, Revised Edition. Quezon City: National Bookstore

Flores, C and Lopez E (). Effective Speech Communication 5th Edition.

National Bookstore: Philippines.

Galero-Tejero, E. () Doorways to English Language Proficiency: A self

improvement program. National Bookstore: Philippines

Sipacio, P.J.F. & Balgos, A.R.G. Oral Communication in Context for Senior
High School. Types of Speech Styles. p35. 2016. C&E Publishing Inc.
Quezon City, Philippines.

Internet Links:

steps Date Retrieved May 22, 2020

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3a3fgUkw6c Date Retrieved May 25, 20

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education - Alternative Delivery Mode (DepEd-ADM)
Office Address: Masterson Avenue, Upper Balulang, Zone 1,
Cagayan de Oro City, Cagayan de Oro, Lalawigan ng Misamis Oriental
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