Formaldehyde Degradation in Tilapia Muscles Using Various Solutions

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Amaro, M. D., Dequito, A. M., Galapon, R. G., Malubay, E. Q.

, - Formaldehyde Degradation in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)

Muscles Using Various Solutions
Pacuan, K. A., Ramos, A. C., Villanueva, N. C.



In consumption of food, besides meat, the other main source of protein that most

consumes, are fish. Fish have always been accessible to every region and has proven to be

one of the most capable of providing a wide range of nutrients. People from all over the globe

have deemed it one of the healthiest foods among every other due to its nutritional value

which contains essentials in fighting micronutrient deficiencies.

Fish, in densely populated countries, is considered to be significant in supplying the

protein intake of residents, given that it is often lower than average. Apart from its health

benefits, fish is often the most easily obtained and affordable food protein in most developing

countries, making it easily the main source of protein of 20% of the world. It is predicted that

the demand for fish will rise to 50% in 15 years’ time, and shipment of fishes from all around

the globe would require perishable food to be delivered.


The tilapia farming industry in the Philippines have rapidly grew since it was

established in the eighties with the innovation and usage of procedures created by the national

R & D institution regarding the breeding and growing of these fishes in freshwater ponds and

cages. With this continuous growth, this easily made the country the largest grower of

Tilapia, worldwide, having contributed 76,142 metric tons of farmed tilapia. Any household

would tend to ensure that the freshwater fishes they consume are as fresh as they can be. This

makes the marketing channel short such that producers would be able to sell their produce

directly to retailers than having to go to wholesalers, first.

Amaro, M. D., Dequito, A. M., Galapon, R. G., Malubay, E. Q., - Formaldehyde Degradation in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Muscles Using Various Solutions
Pacuan, K. A., Ramos, A. C., Villanueva, N. C.

Formaldehyde is a putrid gaseous chemical used to create building materials, as well

as products used at homes (Beane, 2009). Also mentioned in a study conducted by Hoque,

Raman, and Alam (2018), formaldehyde, when dissolved in water, is called formalin. These

are commonly used as industrial disinfectants and as preservatives in funeral homes and

medical labs. It can also be used as a preservative in some foods and in products such as

antiseptics, medicines, and cosmetics.

Formaldehyde occurs naturally in the environment, but may form as a result of

cooking and smoking. Most living organisms, including humans, make small amounts of

formaldehyde as part of normal metabolic processes (Blair, 2009).

According to the study of Nawshad, Islam, and Khan (2018), formaldehyde can be

harmful to human health. When consumed at a higher concentration, it may cause damage to

internal organs such as the lungs, and may lead to cancer. Formaldehyde exerts burning

sensation and inflammation of the liver and kidneys. In addition, there is evidence linking

formaldehyde with nasopharyngeal cancer because of its carcinogenic properties. Thus, the

use of formaldehyde in food is prohibited in some countries.

Traders and suppliers often resort to using this to preserve the marketability of fishes.

According to Sutapa (2017), recently, several media outlets have reported on formalin

preserved fish across Asia. Fish are dipped in formalin before being transported from fishing

ports to ports, the use of formalin to store fish is widespread. The Food Safety and Standards

Authority of India (FSSAI) Referral Laboratory on fish and fish products and the Central

Institute of Fisheries Technology (CIFT) - Kochi reported the presence of residues of these

chemicals in freshly marketed fish, inter-state fish consignments, and even in ice used during

transportation. Although the amount of formalin in fish decreases overtime during storage, it

Amaro, M. D., Dequito, A. M., Galapon, R. G., Malubay, E. Q., - Formaldehyde Degradation in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Muscles Using Various Solutions
Pacuan, K. A., Ramos, A. C., Villanueva, N. C.

cannot be removed completely. Consumption of fish adulterated with formalin can cause

health conditions such as abdominal discomfort, vomiting, and renal injury.

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) officials have also conducted

tests at fish markets and harbors all over India to test for formalin after receiving a lead that

fish sourced from nearby locations were chemically contaminated. Several studies like this

were conducted in India and Bangladesh, giving compact evidence in proving that the use of

formaldehyde in fishes can really be dangerous or can cause serious health problems if not

measured correctly.

As stated by Arashisar, Hisar, and Kaya (2004), there is a specific amount of natural

formaldehyde found in freshwater fishes. The study showed that there is a value of 1.85 µg/g

formaldehyde in Oreochromis niloticus or Tilapia found in ponds of Freshwater Station,

Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute (BFRI) and Mymensingh.

Although found naturally in food, a fact sheet from the Occupational Safety and

Health Administration (OSHA) states that the risky amount of formaldehyde intake starts

from 0.75ppm and 2ppm as its ceiling. Also, as established by the Agency for Toxic

Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), the chronic inhalation minimal risk level of

formaldehyde is set 0.003ppm. Both studies have linked exposure to excessive amounts of

formaldehyde to chronic irritation and in worse cases, cancer.

In an article released by Foodiez News (2011), rinsing the fishes with water is one of the most

effective home remedies in removing formaldehyde content in fishes. In another article, the site

mentioned that adding vinegar to water, creating an aqueous solution, increases the amount of

formaldehyde removed from 60% to 98%. In addition, Bode (2007) mentioned that Turmeric, with

Amaro, M. D., Dequito, A. M., Galapon, R. G., Malubay, E. Q., - Formaldehyde Degradation in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Muscles Using Various Solutions
Pacuan, K. A., Ramos, A. C., Villanueva, N. C.

Curcumin as its main constituent, serves as a preventive substance against ailments including cancer

that is a risk factor of excessive formaldehyde intake.

Generally, water is an effective way of removing the formaldehyde content in fishes.

In the context of this study, it is used as a component in the solution that serves as a remedy

in the removal of natural formaldehyde occurrence in Tilapia to lessen the health risk factors

of the chemical present.

In getting the accurate level of formaldehyde in Tilapia, the spectrophotometric

method with Nash reagent will be used. In Bangladesh, an experiment was conducted for

analysis of formaldehyde presence in abundant freshwater and marine fish species by

spectrophotometric method. The freshwater fish rohu, Thai koi, and marine fish loyitta,

chhuri sold from local markets were used as caught samples and were tested for detection of

formaldehyde content.

According to Radcliff (2018), the spectrophotometer is a device that is used to

measure light at a specific wavelength. A spectrophotometer consists of two parts, which are

the spectrometer that provides light at a specific wavelength and the photometer that

measures the intensity of light. A research in Syria conducted by Yasri, N., Seddik, H., and

Mossalb M. showed how the spectrophotometric method measured the level of formaldehyde

in natural phenomena including rain and fog. The study developed a selective and simple

spectrophotometric method for the detection of low level formaldehyde, providing accuracy

and precision for the routine application of formaldehyde detection. The developed method

depends on the formation of a red violet color product from the telomerization of FA with TA

in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid and trace NaNO2 amounts. The colored product

that was formed is stable at a temperature less than or equal to 25 °C and does not interfere

with substances normally present as pollutants.

Amaro, M. D., Dequito, A. M., Galapon, R. G., Malubay, E. Q., - Formaldehyde Degradation in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Muscles Using Various Solutions
Pacuan, K. A., Ramos, A. C., Villanueva, N. C.

Nash reagent is composed of 3 components which are 2,4-pentanedione (0.2%),

Acetic acid (0.1 M) and Ammonium acetate (3.89 M). A conducted research in North

Carolina states that broken up formaldehyde in aqueous samples was resolved at

submicromolar levels by derivatization with Nash's reagent trailed by fluid chromatography.

Thus, this method requires sample arrangement but even in the presence of other aldehydes

and ketones, the chromatogram is simple.


Formaldehyde is a chemical used for food preservation and pest control. It occurs

naturally in various animals, including fishes, as part of their metabolic process. This has

raised some concerns as the presence of excessive formaldehyde in fishes is known to pose

health risks to humans.

In view of this, the researchers have decided to conduct an experimental study to

determine the amount of formaldehyde present in the tilapia and to know the effectiveness of

three proposed solutions composed of water, white vinegar, and turmeric powder in the

degradation of formaldehyde content in tilapia.


This study determined the formaldehyde content of Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus),

once treated with formalin and cured with the proposed solutions. The researchers used

water, white vinegar, and turmeric powder as removing agents for the formaldehyde content

in Tilapia. This contributes to the society by acquainting consumers with the dangers of

formaldehyde present in food, as it also acts as a chemical to cure fishes from parasites and is

used as a preservative. The study also aims to inform the community of the possible health

risks caused by excessive formaldehyde present in Tilapia. The result of the study could

Amaro, M. D., Dequito, A. M., Galapon, R. G., Malubay, E. Q., - Formaldehyde Degradation in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Muscles Using Various Solutions
Pacuan, K. A., Ramos, A. C., Villanueva, N. C.

educate the people with the proper and effective removal of formaldehyde that would result

in less possible health risks caused by formaldehyde.


This study aimed to utilize a solution from locally available materials to degrade the

formaldehyde content in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). The objectives of the study

included the detection of the formaldehyde content in Tilapia. This research aimed to lessen

the formaldehyde content in the fishes. This study also targeted the avoidance of the possible

health risks obtained from excessive amount of the substance. Thus, by formulating an

effective solution, the researchers hope to contribute to the society, consumers, and future



The main focus of this research was to find out if the proposed solutions: water; water

and white vinegar; and water, white vinegar and turmeric would remove the formaldehyde

content of the treated Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). The research samples that were caught

from Laguna de Bay and bought in Alabang Wet Market consisted of twenty-five (25)

Tilapia: five (5) were untreated and twenty (20) were treated with formalin. This research

was conducted with a limited number of samples and was only done on Tilapia (Oreochromis

niloticus) fish. The primary data gathering method used was done by experimentation that

measured the formaldehyde content and by doing statistical analysis illustrated in the graphs.

The gathered data were analyzed using the limit of detection (LOD) and absorbance.

Amaro, M. D., Dequito, A. M., Galapon, R. G., Malubay, E. Q., - Formaldehyde Degradation in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Muscles Using Various Solutions
Pacuan, K. A., Ramos, A. C., Villanueva, N. C.


This study aimed to determine the significant changes of formaldehyde levels after the

solutions are utilized as degradation agents. This research aimed to answer the following


1. How much formaldehyde is present in tilapia based on the results of the


2. How much formaldehyde content is removed in tilapia after the following


a. Water

b. Water and Vinegar

c. Water, Vinegar and Turmeric Powder

3. What proportion of the proposed solution aids is the most effective in the removal

of formaldehyde content on a fish?

a. 100% Water

b. 40% Water, 60% Vinegar

c. 40% Water, 50% Vinegar, 10% Turmeric Powder

Amaro, M. D., Dequito, A. M., Galapon, R. G., Malubay, E. Q., - Formaldehyde Degradation in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Muscles Using Various Solutions
Pacuan, K. A., Ramos, A. C., Villanueva, N. C.



To be able to attain the objectives set forth in this research undertaking, the

researchers employed an experimental study that aimed to detect changes in the levels of

formaldehyde content in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) after using their proposed solutions

that included water, water and white vinegar, water, white vinegar and turmeric powder.


The collection of data was mostly from the Tilapia fishes from Laguna de Bay to

ensure its freshness. The detection of the presence of Formaldehyde in Tilapia was measured

by the UV-Visible Spectrophotometer that was provided by the Bureau of Fisheries and

Aquatic Resources. The researchers were supervised by one of the authorities in the Bureau

of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. The experiment required 5% Trichloroacetic acid and

Nash reagent (Acetyl Acetone and Ammonium Acetate) that was also provided by Bureau of

Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. The variables that were required for the solution are mostly

found in markets and these were water, white vinegar, and turmeric powder that were bought

from Alabang Wet Market.

The Tilapia were filleted in one of the researcher’s house to ensure efficient usage of

time for sample preparation. The experimentation was held in the Bureau of Fisheries and

Aquatic Resources because of the availability of the equipment and reagent that the

experiment required, specifically the UV-Visible Spectrophotometer and Nash reagent. The

experiment was conducted on the Aquatic Toxicology laboratory to fulfill its requirement for

a controlled environment.

Amaro, M. D., Dequito, A. M., Galapon, R. G., Malubay, E. Q., - Formaldehyde Degradation in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Muscles Using Various Solutions
Pacuan, K. A., Ramos, A. C., Villanueva, N. C.

The researchers proceeded with an experimental approach in order to gather data for

their study and utilized most of the materials provided by the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic

Resources - Aquatic Toxicology Laboratory including the UV-Visible Spectrophotometer

that serves as the main equipment for detecting the amount of formaldehyde in the samples.

Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) was first used in the filleted fish samples in order to break

down the proteins and make it a homogenous mixture with the help of a vortex mixer that

uses a quickly oscillating circular motion.

A centrifuge was used to separate the solids out of liquid chemical solutions of the

samples inside the test tubes by their densities. Then, the liquid solution that remained in the

separation was transferred to a volumetric flask in order to attain a margin of error set at


Distilled water was then added to the solution to fill up to at least 25mL of the

volumetric flask. Parafilm was also used to cover the flasks that did not have their own

covers for easy mixing.

A pipettor was used to transfer 3mL of the solution to glass test tubes. Nash reagent

composed of acetic acid, ammonium acetate, and acetyl acetone was added to aid the

absorption of light.

A heater set at 60˚C was utilized to submerge the test tubes for the Nash reagent to

react with the formaldehyde content of each sample for 10 minutes. This reagent produces

Diacetyldihydrolutidin complex that is measured to obtain the level of formaldehyde in the


Five portions of 1mL from each solution was transferred to the sterilized 96-microtiter

plate before placing it on the plate reader for the actual testing of light absorption. The results

Amaro, M. D., Dequito, A. M., Galapon, R. G., Malubay, E. Q., - Formaldehyde Degradation in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Muscles Using Various Solutions
Pacuan, K. A., Ramos, A. C., Villanueva, N. C.

were then calibrated using a computer program provided by the Bureau of Fishes and Aquatic


The visible spectrophotometry method served as an indicator to detect the absorbance

of formaldehyde in the samples. This method was utilized with the application of the

principle of Beer-Lambert’s Law.

Amaro, M. D., Dequito, A. M., Galapon, R. G., Malubay, E. Q., - Formaldehyde Degradation in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Muscles Using Various Solutions
Pacuan, K. A., Ramos, A. C., Villanueva, N. C.

Fig.1: Vortex Mixer Fig. 2: Centrifuge

Fig. 3: Laboratory heater Fig. 4: UV – Visible


Amaro, M. D., Dequito, A. M., Galapon, R. G., Malubay, E. Q., - Formaldehyde Degradation in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Muscles Using Various Solutions
Pacuan, K. A., Ramos, A. C., Villanueva, N. C.

25 Tilapia bought
from public market in

Freeze for 1 day

5 Tilapia treated with 5 Tilapia treated with 5 Tilapia treated with 5 Tilapia treated with
5 untreated Tilapia 10% Formaldehyde 10% Formaldehyde 10% Formaldehyde 10% Formaldehyd

Use vortex mixer to mix

the sample in tube
Soak in a water and Soak in a water, white
Keep in room Keep in room Soak in water for 1
turmeric solution for vinegar, and turmeric
temperature temperature hour
1 hour solution for 1 hour
Use centrifuge to
separate solid and liquid
components for 10 mins

Fillet, mush, and weigh

5g then put in sample

Treat with 30ml

Trichloroacetic Acid

Transfer the liquid to a

100ml volumetric flask
and mix with distilled

Use pipettor to get 3ml of

the liquid sample and
transfer to a test tube

Place in a laboratory
heater in 60 o for 15

Let it cool then shake


Amaro, M. D., Dequito, A. M., Galapon, R. G., Malubay, E. Q., - Formaldehyde Degradation in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Muscles Using Various Solutions
Pacuan, K. A., Ramos, A. C., Villanueva, N. C.

Use the pipettor to

transfer the solution into
the 96 micro plat

Put the 96 micro plate in

the UV-Visible
Use the pipettor to transfer
Amaro, M. D., Dequito, A. M., Galapon, R. G., Malubay, E. the
- intoFormaldehyde
the 96 Degradation in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
micro plate
Muscles Using Various Solutions
Pacuan, K. A., Ramos, A. C., Villanueva, N. C.


The procedure of the data gathering has been done by obtaining information in

libraries and internet research studies that were relevant on the chosen subject of the study

conducted. Prior to the data gathering procedures, letters of permission for the involved

institutes such as Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, and Muntinlupa Science High

School were drafted and finalized before being sent either via email or personally presented.

This was done to ensure that there will be no conflict regarding the possible breaching of

research ethics or any legal matters. As soon as the approval from both parties were received,

the researchers began the preparation of the research samples and proposed solutions.

As soon as the 5 set-ups were prepared, (1) untreated with formaldehyde, (2) treated

with formaldehyde, (3) treated with formaldehyde, and soaked in water, (4) treated with

formaldehyde, and soaked in a water, and white vinegar solution, (5) treated with

formaldehyde, and soaked in a water, white vinegar and turmeric powder solution. With the

amount of time indicated in the research design.

Once each set-ups’ samples were completed and placed into their corresponding test

tubes weighing 5 grams each, the samples were taken to the Aquatic Toxicology Laboratory.

There, the actual experiments were conducted. The data were also interpreted into numerical

values to indicate the changes of the levels of Formaldehyde and answer the core research

questions of this study.


Amaro, M. D., Dequito, A. M., Galapon, R. G., Malubay, E. Q., - Formaldehyde Degradation in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Muscles Using Various Solutions
Pacuan, K. A., Ramos, A. C., Villanueva, N. C.

The data were tabulated and analyzed comparatively. One way of analysis of

Variance was used to assess the significant differences among the different Formaldehyde

content in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) before and after applying the solutions which were

formulated with water, white vinegar, and turmeric Powder. The level of significance was

both set on 0.05 and 0.01. The error presented in the result may be assumed as the standard

deviation and the number of analysis per sample is five (n=5).


The experimentation of the study utilized various solutions such as water, vinegar and

turmeric powder as a removing agent of formaldehyde content in fishes. The study focused on
Amaro, M. D., Dequito, A. M., Galapon, R. G., Malubay, E. Q., - Formaldehyde Degradation in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Muscles Using Various Solutions
Pacuan, K. A., Ramos, A. C., Villanueva, N. C.





U n t r eat ed Tr eat ed Tr eat ed w i t h W at er Tr eat ed w i t h w at ee U n t r eat ed

an d v i n eg ar

determining the amount of formaldehyde content in each of tilapia (Niloticus oreochromis) after

exposing it to the various solutions .

TABLE I. Determining Levels of Formaldehyde Content of Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Using

Various Solution.

Table 1 shows that the result of the light detection in the solution with use of limit of detection

values provided by Aquatic Toxicology Laboratory. For untreated fishes, the limit of detection is at

0.17 µg/g resulting to 3.81±2.13 (µg/g) formaldehyde content. For Treated fishes, the limit of

detection 0.03 µg/g resulting to 518.37±28.84 (µg/g).For the sample treated with Water, The limit of

detection 0.11 µg/g resulting to 495.07±25.37 (µg/g). For the sample treated with water and vinegar

fishes, the limit of detection 0.17 µg/g resulting to 429.37±98.62 and lastly the fishes treated with

Water, Vinegar and Turmeric has a limit of detection 0.11 µg/g resulting 512.23±11.58 (µg/g).

Amaro, M. D., Dequito, A. M., Galapon, R. G., Malubay, E. Q., - Formaldehyde Degradation in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Muscles Using Various Solutions
Pacuan, K. A., Ramos, A. C., Villanueva, N. C.

Figure 1 Determining Levels of Formaldehyde Content of Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)

Using Various Solution.

This graph illustrates the amount of formaldehyde content of Tilapia

(Oreochromis niloticus) in each set-ups. It shows that the highest formaldehyde content is

the “treated” set-up. It has 518.37 µg/g amount of formaldehyde. The second to the

highest amount of formaldehyde is the set up “treated with water, vinegar and turmeric

powder” with an amount of 512.23 µg/g. The third is the set-up “treated with water “it has

a 459.07 µg/g. The fourth is the “treated with water and vinegar” with an amount of

429.37 µg/g. The untreated set-up gained the lowest amount of formaldehyde which is


Formaldehyde Absorbance Slope 0.02225

(x) (y)
0 0.06893
3 0.1275 Intercept 0.06582
6 0.20073
12 0.33293 r2 0.9999
24 0.60047
30 0.73273

Table 2.1. Calculated Slope, Intercept

Table 2. Standard Calibration Curve
and r2
Table 2 and table 2.1 illustrates the standard calibration curve of the formaldehyde content

and the Absorbance of light in detecting the formaldehyde in UV- spectrophotometer. The

measurements were given by the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resource- Aquatic Toxicology


Amaro, M. D., Dequito, A. M., Galapon, R. G., Malubay, E. Q., - Formaldehyde Degradation in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Muscles Using Various Solutions
Pacuan, K. A., Ramos, A. C., Villanueva, N. C.

Figure 2. A calibration curve

Calibration curve showed linear responses with linearity of coefficient r2, of 0.99. Linearity range is

from 0 µg/g to 33 µg/g Figure 2 shows a calibration curve

Sample Aliquot Average Sample Formaldehyde Sample Average Standard

Codes HCOH absorbance mass amount Derivation
(x’) (y’)
U 4.6822 0.17 5 3.81 0.762

T 1.6099 0.03 5 518.37 115.674

TW 1.9856 0.11 5 495.07 99.014 33.308 5

TWV 4.6822 0.17 5 429.37 85.874

TWVT 1.9856 0.11 5 512.23 102.446

Table 3. Result of Concentration of Formaldehyde Content of Tilapia

(Oreochromis niloticus) Using Various Solution.

This table showed the calculated Aliquot HCOH (x’) and the Average absorbance (y’)

Amaro, M. D., Dequito, A. M., Galapon, R. G., Malubay, E. Q., - Formaldehyde Degradation in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Muscles Using Various Solutions
Pacuan, K. A., Ramos, A. C., Villanueva, N. C.

of the Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) per set-up. It was calculated by using the formula of

Beer Lambert law.


The purpose of this experimental research is to determine which proposed solution aids is the

most effective in the removal of formaldehyde content in Tilapia. This research aims to answer the

following questions:

1. How much formaldehyde is present in Tilapia based on the result of the spectrophotometer?

2. How much formaldehyde content is removed in Tilapia after the following treatments?

a. Water

b. Water and Vinegar

c. Water, Vinegar and Turmeric

3. What proportion is most effective?

a. 100% Water

b. 60% Vinegar, 40% Water

c. 50% Vinegar, 40% Water, 10% Turmeric Powder

The researchers presented their findings in a form of tables and graphs. These data represent

the levels of formaldehyde measured from different set-ups after the experimentation. An

experimental research design was the most appropriate for this research because this design enables

the researchers to test their hypothesis by reaching valid conclusions about the relationship between

the independent variables which are the proposed solutions and the dependent variable which are the

25 samples of tilapia.

Amaro, M. D., Dequito, A. M., Galapon, R. G., Malubay, E. Q., - Formaldehyde Degradation in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Muscles Using Various Solutions
Pacuan, K. A., Ramos, A. C., Villanueva, N. C.

In measuring the limit absorbance of formaldehyde present in the tilapia based on the results of the

spectrophotometry, the researchers used the limit of detection of each samples and calculated its

mean, and got a result of 0.118µg/g. With the help of the Spectrophotometric method and Nash

Reagent, the researchers found out that the level of formaldehyde present in Tilapia (Oreochromis

niloticus) is 3.81µg/g. It shows that there is a naturally occurring formaldehyde content in the fish

and that the amount present was dangerous for the health with regard to the Occupational Safety and

Health Administration (OSHA)’s statement: “the risky amount intake starts from 0.75ppm and 2ppm

as its ceiling”.

After performing the following treatments with the solutions: water; water and vinegar; and

water, vinegar, and turmeric, the researchers found out that water removed 23.3ppm of

formaldehyde, water and vinegar removed 89.0ppm of formaldehyde, and water, vinegar, and

turmeric removed 6.14ppm of formaldehyde. According to the results, the 60% Vinegar and 40%

Water solution is more effective after it was able to remove 65.7ppm more formaldehyde than the

100% Water in the Tilapia. It shows that Vinegar and Water can be combined in order to lessen the

formaldehyde content of a fish.


The conducted study regarding the determination of the levels of formaldehyde contents

found in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), after being treated with the different proposed solutions by

the researchers, came to a conclusion that the most effective removing agent was the water and

vinegar solution.

The amount of formaldehyde detected from the different set-ups has shown that this is

the most effective, due to it having the most difference among others. And though it may

Amaro, M. D., Dequito, A. M., Galapon, R. G., Malubay, E. Q., - Formaldehyde Degradation in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Muscles Using Various Solutions
Pacuan, K. A., Ramos, A. C., Villanueva, N. C.

have the most significant effect, the formaldehyde content wasn’t completely degraded and

removed as the reading from the spectrophotometer indicated, that the levels from each set-up

were still at a high rate; thus, showing the ineffectiveness of the other materials used in the


Therefore, the researchers proved from the experiment the irreversible effect of

formaldehyde towards food, specifically tilapia. This also resulted to the conclusion that any

surface of food, even with the formaldehyde solution set at a percentage of 1%, it

immediately sets, raising the content at an extreme rate; making thorough removal of the

substance too difficult to be done. Thus, this emphasizes the dangers and consequences of the

chemical substance, once in contact with fishes meant to consume, is to health.

The experiment aided by the light absorbance in the solutions provided an insight on

the possible agents effective for removing the formaldehyde in fishes. This helped the

researchers analyze the results that could potentially help the community in providing a risk-

free environment for food consumption in fishes with the use of simple household materials.


After conducting the study on the effectiveness of different solutions on removing the

formaldehyde in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), the start of various studies with correlation to

this research may be a new and improved. This study may serve as a foundation for future

studies in the field of aquatics, particularly tilapias and health to lessen the health risks obtained

from marine animals consumed by the Filipino household. The researchers suggest a more in-

depth exploration of the local marine-related issues and studies to avoid creating a gap in local

and foreign literature that serves as the bases for the whole study. The level of formaldehyde

used as part of the control setup and the amount of turmeric powder used in the experimental

setup should also be carefully modified to avoid a disproportionate solution and to prevent

further errors. It is also recommended that future researchers utilize other locally available

Amaro, M. D., Dequito, A. M., Galapon, R. G., Malubay, E. Q., - Formaldehyde Degradation in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Muscles Using Various Solutions
Pacuan, K. A., Ramos, A. C., Villanueva, N. C.

household materials as removing agents for the formaldehyde content in the fishes like citric

acids, and baking soda. To avoid ethical issues and to abide for legality purposes, it is also

advised to strictly follow and research more on the rules and regulations with regards to the use

of fish as it is under the Vertebrates Animal Section as stated by the Philippine Animal Welfare

Society (PAWS). Furthermore, a larger scale research may be conducted on saltwater fishes or

on a different species of freshwater fishes for a clearer comparison and interpretation of data.

Amaro, M. D., Dequito, A. M., Galapon, R. G., Malubay, E. Q., - Formaldehyde Degradation in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Muscles Using Various Solutions
Pacuan, K. A., Ramos, A. C., Villanueva, N. C.


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Muscles Using Various Solutions
Pacuan, K. A., Ramos, A. C., Villanueva, N. C.

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Amaro, M. D., Dequito, A. M., Galapon, R. G., Malubay, E. Q., - Formaldehyde Degradation in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Muscles Using Various Solutions
Pacuan, K. A., Ramos, A. C., Villanueva, N. C.

Appendix A:

Amaro, M. D., Dequito, A. M., Galapon, R. G., Malubay, E. Q., - Formaldehyde Degradation in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Muscles Using Various Solutions
Pacuan, K. A., Ramos, A. C., Villanueva, N. C.

Appendix A
Picture of the Study

Inquiry at Bureau of Fisheries and Test tubes provided by BFAR

Aquatic Resources

Fig. 2.1: Tilapia (Niloticus oreochromis)

Fig. 2.2 : Materials needed in the study
bought from Alabang wet market

Fig. 3: Three solutions (Water, Water Fig. 4: Preparing the samples

and Vinegar, and Water, Vinegar and
Amaro, M. D., Dequito, A. M., Galapon, R. G., Malubay, E. Q., - Formaldehyde Degradation in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Muscles Using Various Solutions
Pacuan, K. A., Ramos, A. C., Villanueva, N. C.

Amaro, M. D., Dequito, A. M., Galapon, R. G., Malubay, E. Q., - Formaldehyde Degradation in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Muscles Using Various Solutions
Pacuan, K. A., Ramos, A. C., Villanueva, N. C.

Fig. 8.2: Using a pipettor, transferring Fig. 9: Putting Nash Reagent to the test
3mL of the solution to the test tubes tubes

Fig. 10: Heating the samples in 60 Fig. 11: Transferring the solution in the
degrees celcius 96 microtiter plate

Amaro, M. D., Dequito, A. M., Galapon, R. G., Malubay, E. Q., - Formaldehyde Degradation in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Muscles Using Various Solutions
Pacuan, K. A., Ramos, A. C., Villanueva, N. C.

Fig. 11.1: Putting the 96-microtiter Fig. 12: With Sir Marc and Sir James
plate into spectrophotometer to from Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic
determine the level of formaldehyde in Resources
each samples

Amaro, M. D., Dequito, A. M., Galapon, R. G., Malubay, E. Q., - Formaldehyde Degradation in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Muscles Using Various Solutions
Pacuan, K. A., Ramos, A. C., Villanueva, N. C.

Appendix B:


Amaro, M. D., Dequito, A. M., Galapon, R. G., Malubay, E. Q., - Formaldehyde Degradation in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Muscles Using Various Solutions
Pacuan, K. A., Ramos, A. C., Villanueva, N. C.

Computation and Data Analysis

Sample Test Parameters Test Method

Specification Result (µg/g)
Untreated Formaldehyde Spectrophotometeric
Limit of 3.81±2.13
Nash Reagent
(LOD): 0.17
Treated Formaldehyde Spectrophotometeric Limit of 518.37±28.84
Nash Reagent detection
(LOD): 0.03
Treated with Formaldehyde Spectrophotometeric Limit of 495.07±25.37
Water Nash Reagent detection
(LOD): 0.11
Treated with Formaldehyde Spectrophotometeric Limit of 429.37±98.62
water and Nash Reagent detection
Vinegar (LOD): 0.17
Treated with Formaldehyde Spectrophotometeric Limit of 512.23±11.58
Water, Nash Reagent detection
Vinegar and (LOD): 0.11
Turmeric µg/g
TABLE I. Determining Levels of Formaldehyde Content of Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Using Various




U n t r eat ed Tr eat ed Tr eat ed w i t h W at er Tr eat ed w i t h w at ee U n t r eat ed

an d v i n egar

Figure 1. Determining Levels of Formaldehyde Content of Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Using Various
Amaro, M. D., Dequito, A. M., Galapon, R. G., Malubay, E. Q., - Formaldehyde Degradation in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Muscles Using Various Solutions
Pacuan, K. A., Ramos, A. C., Villanueva, N. C.

Formaldehyde Absorbance Slope 0.02225

(x) (y)
0 0.06893
Intercept 0.06582
3 0.1275
6 0.20073
12 0.33293 R2 0.9999
24 0.60047
30 0.73273

Table 2. Standard Calibration Curve

Table 3. Calculated Slope, Intercept and


Figure 2. A calibration curve.

Sample Aliquot Average Sample Formaldehyde Sample Average Standard
Codes HCOH absorbance mass amount Derivation
(x’) (y’)
U 4.6822 0.17 5 3.81 0.762

T 1.6099 0.03 5 518.37 115.674

TW 1.9856 0.11 5 495.07 99.014

33.308 5
TWV 4.6822 0.17 5 429.37 85.874

TWVT 1.9856 0.11 5 512.23 102.446

Table 3 Result of Concentration Content of Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Using Various Solution.

Amaro, M. D., Dequito, A. M., Galapon, R. G., Malubay, E. Q., - Formaldehyde Degradation in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Muscles Using Various Solutions
Pacuan, K. A., Ramos, A. C., Villanueva, N. C.

Appendix C:

Amaro, M. D., Dequito, A. M., Galapon, R. G., Malubay, E. Q., - Formaldehyde Degradation in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Muscles Using Various Solutions
Pacuan, K. A., Ramos, A. C., Villanueva, N. C.

Amaro, M. D., Dequito, A. M., Galapon, R. G., Malubay, E. Q., - Formaldehyde Degradation in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Muscles Using Various Solutions
Pacuan, K. A., Ramos, A. C., Villanueva, N. C.

Amaro, M. D., Dequito, A. M., Galapon, R. G., Malubay, E. Q., - Formaldehyde Degradation in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Muscles Using Various Solutions
Pacuan, K. A., Ramos, A. C., Villanueva, N. C.

Amaro, M. D., Dequito, A. M., Galapon, R. G., Malubay, E. Q., - Formaldehyde Degradation in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Muscles Using Various Solutions
Pacuan, K. A., Ramos, A. C., Villanueva, N. C.


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