Rubrics For Learning and Lesson Plan Crafting (Individual Activity)
Rubrics For Learning and Lesson Plan Crafting (Individual Activity)
Rubrics For Learning and Lesson Plan Crafting (Individual Activity)
PC 314
Assessment in Learning
The learning plan The learning plan is The learning plan The learning plan
Content of the is well crafted. interesting to read. shows some needs
Learning and potential. improvement.
Lesson Plan
40 Points
(37-40 points) (33-36 points) (29-32 points) (24-28 points)
The learning plan The learning plan is The learning plan The learning plan
is very informative relevant and gives some new shows very little or
Quality of and relevant. provides sufficient information and no new
Information information. relevant ideas to information, and
and Ideas of the
some extent. expresses little or
Learning and
no relevance to the
Lesson Plan
20 Points
(19-20 points) (17-18 points) (15-16 points) (12-14 points)
There are no errors There are a few There are a number There are numerous
in spelling, errors in spelling, of errors in errors in spelling,
punctuation, and punctuation, and spelling, punctuation, and
grammar. grammar, but the punctuation, and grammar that the
Composition intended meaning grammar, making intended message is
Writing Styles is still clear. some of its parts compromised.
20 Points difficult to
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