Lecture-6 (Cache Attacks) CS665-Fall 2018: Secure Memory Systems

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Lecture-6 (Cache Attacks)

CS665-Fall 2018
Secure Memory Systems

Before That: Bit of Crypto (Information)

Modular exponentiation, be mod n

Exponent e is used for decryption

Your password ~ Exponent e

CS665: Fall 2018 Biswabandan Panda, CSE@IITK 2


0 0 1 0 1
CS665: Fall 2018 Biswabandan Panda, CSE@IITK 3
Flush (Evict) + Reload
Step 0:Spy maps the shared
library, shared in the cache


CS665: Fall 2018 Biswabandan Panda, CSE@IITK 4

Flush + Reload
Step 0:Spy maps the shared
library, shared in the cache
Step 1:Spy flushes the cache
Clflush block


CS665: Fall 2018 Biswabandan Panda, CSE@IITK 5

Flush + Reload
Step 0:Spy maps the shared
library, shared in the cache
Step 1:Spy flushes the cache

Step 2: Victim reloads the

cache block

CS665: Fall 2018 Biswabandan Panda, CSE@IITK 6

Flush + Reload
Step 0:Spy maps the shared
library, shared in the cache
Step 1:Spy flushes the cache
Hit, block
Step 2: Victim reloads the
cache block
Step 3: Spy reloads the cache
block (hit/miss)
CS665: Fall 2018 Biswabandan Panda, CSE@IITK 7
What are the Cache Block Addresses?

0 0 1 0 1
CS665: Fall 2018 Biswabandan Panda, CSE@IITK 8
Flush + Flush
Step 0:Spy maps the shared
library, shared in the cache


CS665: Fall 2018 Biswabandan Panda, CSE@IITK 9

Flush + Flush
Step 0:Spy maps the shared
library, shared in the cache
Step 1:Spy flushes the cache
Clflush block


CS665: Fall 2018 Biswabandan Panda, CSE@IITK 10

Flush + Flush
Step 0:Spy maps the shared
library, shared in the cache
Step 1:Spy flushes the cache

Step 2: Victim reloads the

cache block

CS665: Fall 2018 Biswabandan Panda, CSE@IITK 11

Flush + Flush
Step 0:Spy maps the shared
library, shared in the cache
Step 1:Spy flushes the cache
Step 2: Victim reloads the
cache block
Step 3: Spy flushes the cache
block again
CS665: Fall 2018 Biswabandan Panda, CSE@IITK 12

CS665: Fall 2018 Biswabandan Panda, CSE@IITK 13


On a hit at the LLC, clflush has to flush L1+L2 of the victim too

On a miss at the LLC, do nothing (faster than hits)

CS665: Fall 2018 Biswabandan Panda, CSE@IITK 14

Clflush [DIMVA ‘16]

CS665: Fall 2018 Biswabandan Panda, CSE@IITK 15

Prime + Probe

CS665: Fall 2018 Biswabandan Panda, CSE@IITK 16

Prime + Probe
Step 0:Spy fills the entire
shared cache


It’s the Memory Stupid :) Biswabandan Panda, CSE@IITK 17

Prime + Probe
Step 0:Spy fills the entire
shared cache (sets)
Step 1: Victim evicts cache
blocks while running


CS665: Fall 2018 Biswabandan Panda, CSE@IITK 18

Prime + Probe
Step 0:Spy fills the entire
shared cache
Step 1: Victim evicts cache
Voila blocks while running

Step 2: Spy probes the cache


If misses then victim

has accessed the set
CS665: Fall 2018 Biswabandan Panda, CSE@IITK 19
Covert Channel
Step 0: Receiver gets data from
L1 (fast, bit “0”)
Step 1: Sender thrashes LLC
and back-invalidates L1

Step 2: Receiver gets data from

DRAM (slow, bit “1”)

CS665: Fall 2018 Biswabandan Panda, CSE@IITK 20

The Subtle Issues

• Flush + Reload: Demands Page Sharing, Fine-grained, low-noise

(variant is flush+flush)

• Evict + Reload: An alternative for Flush + Reload, Almost equally

effective (variant is Evict + Time)

• Prime + Probe: Does not demand page sharing, coarse grained, high-
noise, need to find out the eviction set

CS665: Fall 2018 Biswabandan Panda, CSE@IITK 21

More Subtle Issues: Flush + Reload

• Works across CPU sockets

• Works on non-inclusive caches

• However, it can only recover statically allocated data

CS665: Fall 2018 Biswabandan Panda, CSE@IITK 22

More Subtle Issues: Evict + Reload

• No flush instruction

• Attacker can use huge pages

• Applicable to processors without clflush instruction

• Only work with inclusive caches in the same CPU socket

• Need information about LLC slices

CS665: Fall 2018 Biswabandan Panda, CSE@IITK 23

Subtle Issues with Prime+Probe

• Need to create an eviction set(s): Refer “LLC side-channels are


• LLC slicing information is needed: Need to reverse engineer

CS665: Fall 2018 Biswabandan Panda, CSE@IITK 24

The Notion of Time

• Gap between Evict and Reload, Flush and Reload, Prime and Probe

• A subtle parameter for a successful attack

CS665: Fall 2018 Biswabandan Panda, CSE@IITK 25

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