Lec Activity15 Respiratory System

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NUR11O1 Integrated Human Anatomy and Physiology

Department of Biology
Institute of Arts and Sciences
Far Eastern University

Name: Santiago, Prancheska Abigayle P. Section: 12 Date Submitted: December 7, 2020

The respiratory system enables breathing as well as the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
between the air in the lungs and the blood. In addition, the respiratory organs are also responsible in the
transport of gases in the blood and tissues.


15.01A. Describe the functions of the It is the network of organs and tissues that helps us breathe.
respiratory system. This system helps our body absorb oxygen from the air so
your organs can work. It also cleans waste gases, such as carbon
dioxide, from the blood.

NUR11O1 Integrated Human Anatomy and Physiology
Department of Biology
Institute of Arts and Sciences
Far Eastern University
15.02A. Describe the anatomy of the The upper respiratory tract is made up of the:
respiratory passages, beginning at the 1. Nose - The nose is the only part of the respiratory system that is
nose and ending with the alveoli. visible externally and is the route for air entry into the respiratory
2. Pharynx -
The pharynx (plural: pharynges) is the part of the throat behind
the mouth and nasal cavity, and above the oesophagus
and trachea
3. Nasal cavity - Air is drawn in via the nostrils or external nares
and enters the large nasal cavity, which is divided into two by the
nasal septum.
4. Sinuses - The paranasal sinuses are four paired, air-filled
cavities found inside bones of the skull. These sinuses are named
for the skull bones that contain them: frontal, ethmoidal,
sphenoidal, and maxillary.
5. Larynx - Larynx, also called voice box, a hollow, tubular
structure connected to the top of the windpipe (trachea); air
passes through the larynx on its way to the lungs.
6. Trachea - The trachea is nearly but not quite cylindrical but is
flattened posteriorly. In cross-section, it is D-shaped, with
incomplete cartilaginous rings anteriorly and laterally, and a
straight membranous wall posteriorly. The trachea measures
about 11 cm in length and is chondromembranous.

The lower respiratory tract is made up of the:

7. Lungs - The lungs are a pair of spongy, air-filled organs located
on either side of the chest (thorax). The trachea (windpipe)
conducts inhaled air into the lungs through its tubular branches,
called bronchi. The bronchi then divide into smaller and smaller
branches (bronchioles), finally becoming microscopic.
8. Bronchi and bronchioles - Bronchioles are air passages inside
the lungs that branch off like tree limbs from the bronchi—the
two main air passages into which air flows from the trachea
(windpipe) after being inhaled through the nose or mouth.
The bronchioles deliver air to tiny sacs called alveoli where
oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged.
9. Air sacs (alveoli) - Tiny air sacs at the end of the bronchioles
(tiny branches of air tubes in the lungs). The alveoli are where
the lungs and the blood exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide
during the process of breathing in and breathing out.

NUR11O1 Integrated Human Anatomy and Physiology
Department of Biology
Institute of Arts and Sciences
Far Eastern University
15.02B. Describe the structure of the The lungs are a pair of spongy, air-filled organs located on either
lungs, and define respiratory side of the chest (thorax). The trachea (windpipe) conducts
membrane. inhaled air into the lungs through its tubular branches, called
bronchi. The bronchi then divide into smaller and smaller
branches (bronchioles), finally becoming microscopic.
The membrane separating air within the alveoli from the blood
within pulmonary capillaries. It consists of the alveolar wall, the
capillary wall, and their basement membranes. The respiratory
membrane is very thin (less than 0.5 mm).
15.03A. Explain how contraction of the Quiet breathing, also known as eupnea, is a mode of breathing
muscles of respiration causes changes that occurs at rest and does not require the cognitive thought of
in thoracic volume during quiet the individual. During quiet breathing, the diaphragm and
breathing and during labored external intercostals must contract. Forced or labored breathing
breathing. involves the sternocleidomastoid and scalene muscles to lift the
upper rib cage even more than in normal breathing. By lifting the
upper portion of the rib cage the action of the intercostals is
15.03B. Describe the changes in alveolar During inspiration, the increased volume of alveoli as a result of
pressure that are responsible for lung expansion decreases the intra-alveolar pressure to a value
moving air into and out of the lungs. below atmospheric pressure about -1 cmH2O. At the end
of inspiration, the alveolar pressure returns to
atmospheric pressure (zero cmH2O). During expiration, the
opposite change occurs. At the end of inspiration, the alveolar
pressure returns to atmospheric pressure (zero cmH2O).
During expiration, the opposite change occurs. ... This forces the
500 ml of inspired air out of the lung during 2–3 seconds
of expiration. By the end of expiration, the pressure drops
gradually and become atmospheric again.

NUR11O1 Integrated Human Anatomy and Physiology
Department of Biology
Institute of Arts and Sciences
Far Eastern University
15.03C. Explain how surfactant and Surfactant is a surface-active lipoprotein complex formed by type
pleural pressure prevent the lungs from II alveolar cells. The proteins and lipids that comprise surfactant
collapsing and how changes in pleural have both a hydrophilic region and a hydrophobic region. By
pressure cause alveolar volume to absorbing to the air-water interface of alveoli with the hydrophilic
change. head groups in the water and the hydrophobic tails facing
towards the air, the main lipid component of surfactant,
dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine, reduces surface tension. It also
means the rate of shrinking is more regular because of the
stability of surface area caused by surfactant. Pleural pressure is
the pressure in the pleural space. When this pressure is lower
than the pressure of alveoli they tend to expand. This prevents the
elastic fibers and outside pressure from crushing the lungs. It is
a homeostatic mechanism. Due to the adhesive force of
the pleural fluid, the expansion of the thoracic cavity forces the
lungs to stretch and expand as well. This increase in volume leads
to a decrease in intra-alveolar pressure, creating a pressure lower
than atmospheric pressure.
15.04A. Explain the factors that affect Membrane thickness – the thinner the membrane, the faster the
gas movement through the respiratory rate of diffusion. The diffusion barrier in the lungs is extremely
membrane. thin , however some conditions cause thickening of the barrier,
thereby impairing diffusion.
Membrane surface area – the larger the surface area, the faster the
rate of diffusion. The lungs normally have a very large surface
area for gas exchange due to the alveoli.
Pressure difference across the membrane
Diffusion coefficient of the gas
15.04B. Describe the partial pressure The partial pressure gradients are opposite of those present at the
gradients for O2 and CO2. respiratory membrane. The partial pressure of oxygen in tissues is
low, about 40 mm Hg, because oxygen is continuously used for
cellular respiration. In contrast, the partial pressure of oxygen in
the blood is about 100 mm Hg.
The pressure gradient drives CO2 out of tissue cells and into the
capillaries. The blood returning to the lungs through the
pulmonary arteries has a venous PO2= 40 mm Hg and a PCO2= 45
mm Hg. ... The partial pressures of oxygen and carbon
dioxide change as blood moves through the body.

NUR11O1 Integrated Human Anatomy and Physiology
Department of Biology
Institute of Arts and Sciences
Far Eastern University
15.05A. Explain how O2 and CO2 are Oxygen is carried both physically dissolved in the blood and
transported in the blood. chemically combined to hemoglobin. Carbon
dioxide is carried physically dissolved in the blood, chemically
combined to blood proteins as carbamino compounds, and as
15.06A. Describe the respiratory areas The respiratory center is located in the medulla oblongata and
of the brainstem and how they produce pons, in the brainstem. The respiratory center is made up of three
a rhythmic pattern of ventilation. major respiratory groups of neurons, two in the medulla and one
in the pons. In the medulla they are the dorsal respiratory group,
and the ventral respiratory group. The medulla oblongata is the
primary respiratory control center. Its main function is to send
signals to the muscles that control respiration to cause breathing
to occur. The pons is the other respiratory center and is located
underneath the medulla. Its main function is to control the rate or
speed of involuntary respiration.
15.06B. Name the neural mechanisms The medulla and the pons are involved in the regulation of the
that can modify the normal rhythmic ventilatory pattern of respiration. The medulla oblongata is the
pattern of ventilation. primary respiratory control center. Its main function is to send
signals to the muscles that control respiration to cause breathing
to occur. The pons is the other respiratory center and is located
underneath the medulla. Its main function is to control the rate or
speed of involuntary respiration.
15.06C. Explain how blood pH, CO2, Central chemoreceptors in the medulla are sensitive to changes in
and O2 levels affect ventilation. the pH level. A decreased pH level influences the mechanics
of ventilation and maintains proper levels of carbon dioxide and
oxygen. When ventilation is disrupted, arterial PCO2 increases
and an acid-base disorder develop.
15.07A. Describe the regulation of During exercise, ventilation might increase from resting values of
ventilation during exercise and the around 5–6 litre min−1 to >100 litre min−1. Ventilation increases
changes in the respiratory system linearly with increases in work rate at
that result from exercise training. submaximal exercise intensities. Oxygen consumption also
increases linearly with increasing work rate at submaximal
intensities. Exercise increases the vascularization of the lungs.
This allows the more blood flow in and out of the lungs. This
enhances the uptake of oxygen, since there is greater surface area
for blood to bind with haemoglobin.

NUR11O1 Integrated Human Anatomy and Physiology
Department of Biology
Institute of Arts and Sciences
Far Eastern University
15.08A. Describe the effects of aging on Changes to lung tissue: Muscles and other tissues that are near
the respiratory system. your airways may lose their ability to keep the airways
completely open. This causes the airways to close
easily. Aging also causes the air sacs to lose their shape and
become baggy.

III. CONCLUSION: Make general statement (Maximum of three sentences on what you have learned on this
All of our organ systems is coordinating with the brain. Through respiratory we are able to perform activities
because it is responsible for food absorption and nutrient distribution to our body.


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