Discp. Discipline UR Ews - SC ST: Tamil Nadu & 9 0 0
Discp. Discipline UR Ews - SC ST: Tamil Nadu & 9 0 0
Discp. Discipline UR Ews - SC ST: Tamil Nadu & 9 0 0
(Marketing Division)
IndianOil Southern Region, IndianOil Bhavan, No. 139, Uttamar Gandhi Road, Chennai - 600034
Notification for Eneasement of Trade/Technician Apprentices under the Apprentices Act. 1961
at IQCL-Southern Reeion (MD)
Indian Oil Corporation Limited, one ofthe largest commercial undeUaking in India and a Fortune "Global 500" Company, as a measure of Skill
BuldingInitiativefor theNation,proposesto engageTechnical& Non-TechnicalTradeApprenticesatits Locationsin StatesofSouthIndia
(Tamil Nadu& Puducherry,Karnataka,Kerala,AndhraPradesh& Telangana).
Applicationsareinvitedfromcandidatesmeetingthefollowingqualification& otherparametersforengagementasApprenticesunderApprentices
Act, 1961/1973/1992(asamendedfromtimeto time) intheTrade/Disciplinesmentionedbelow:
Page 1 of 8
STATE )iscp. Discipline Period of Tot UR EWS sc iT )BC >wBD
;ode Apprenticeship al (NC
(in Months) Jj_
12 15 8 1 2 0 4 0
Famil Nadu 26 Technician Apprentice
& Mechanical
:3uducherry 27 Technician Apprentice - Electrical
28 Technician Apprentice -
29 Technician Apprentice - Civil
30 Technician Apprentice - Electrical
& Electronics
31 Technician Apprentice -
12 10 6 1 1 0 z 0
<amataka 32 Technician Apprentice
33 TechnicianApprentice- Electrical
34 Technician Apprentice -
35 TechnicianApprentice - Civil
36 TechnicianApprentice - Electhcal
& Electronics
37 Technician Apprentice -
12 8 6 0 0 0 z 0
<erala 38 Technician Apprentice
39 TechnicianApprentice - Electrical
40 Technician Apprentice -
41 TechnicianApprentice- Civil
42 TechnicianApprentice - Electrical
& Electronics
43 Technician Apprentice -
12 9 6 0 1 0 z 0
ftndhra 44 Technician Apprentice
Pradesh Mechanical
45 TechnicianApprentice - Electhcal
46 Technician Apprentice -
47 TechnicianApprentice - Civil
48 TechnicianApprentice - Electncal
& Electronics
49 Technician Apprentice -
12 8 5 0 1 0 z 0
Telangana 50 Technician Apprentice
51 TechnicianApprentice - Electrical
52 Technician Apprentice -
53 TechnicianApprentice- Civil
54 Technician Apprentice - Electrical
& Electronics
55 Technician Apprentice -
Tamil Nadu 56 Trade Apprentice-Accountant 12 99 46 9 18 0 26
Kamataka 57 TradeApprentice-Accountant 12 54 24 5 8 3 14
Kerala 58 Trade Apprentice-Accountant 12 30 16 3 3 0 8
12 16 8 1 2 1 4
Andhra 59 Trade Apprentice-Accountant
12 12 7 1 1 0 3
Telangana 60 Trade Apprentice-Accountant
15 10 6 1 1 0
Tamil Nadu 61 Trade Apprentice- Data Entry z:
& Operator(Fresher)
Puducherry 62 Trade Apprentice- Data Entry 15 5 4 0 0 0 1 "19
Operator(Skill Certificate Holders) (VH-5
15 4 3 0 0 0 1 HH-5
Karnataka 63 Trade Apprentice- Data Entry
15 2 2 0 0 0 0 MD-4
64 Trade Apprentice- Data Entry
Operator(Skill Certificate Holders)
Page 2 of 8
STATE Discp. Discipline Period of Tot UR E sc ST OBC
Code Apprenticeship al w NCL)
(in Months) s
15 3 3 0 0 0 0
Kerala 65 Trade Apprentice- Data Entry
15 2 2 0 0 0 0
66 Trade Apprentice- Data Entry
Operator(Skill Certificate Holders)
15 3 3 0 0 0 0
Andhra 67 Trade Apprentice- Data Entry
Pradesh Operator(Fresher)
Trade Apprentice- Data Entry 15 2 2 0 0 0 0
Operator(SkillCertificate Holders)
15 3 3 0 0 0 0
Telangana 69 Trade Apprentice- Data Entry
15 2 2 0 0 0 0
70 Trade Apprentice- Data Entry
Operator(Skill Certificate Holders)
14 10 6 1 1 0 2
Tamil Nadu 71 Trade Apprentice- Retail Sales
& Associate(Fresher)
Trade Apprentice- - Retail Sales 14 5 4 0 0 0 1
Puducherry 72
Associate (Skill Certificate
Trade Apprentice- Retail Sales 14 4 3 0 0 0 1
Kamataka 73
Associatef Fresher)
Trade Apprentice- - Retail Sales 14 2 2 0 0 0 0
Associate (Skill Certificate
Trade Apprentice- Retail Sales 14 3 3 0 0 0 0
Kerala 75
76 Trade Apprentice- - Retail Sales 14 2 2 0 0 0 0
Associate (Skill Certificate
Trade Apprentice- Retail Sales 14 3 3 0 0 0 0
Andhra 77
Pradesh Associate(Fresher)
14 2 2 0 0 0 0
78 Trade Apprentice- - Retail Sales
Associate (Skill Certificate
14 3 3 0 0 0 0
Telangana 79 Trade Apprentice- Retail Sales
14 2 2 0 0 0 0
80 Trade Apprentice- - Retail Sales
Associate (Skill Certificate
TOTAL 480 261 37 60 9 113
**NOTE: The reservation for PwBD as indicated for the Discipline of Trade Apprentice (Accountant), Trade Apprentice Data
Entry Operator (Fresher & Skill Certificate Holders), Trade Apprentice Retail Sales Associate (Fresher & Skill Certificate
Holders)'shall beappliedon horizontalbasis,across all categories,asper the Governmentguidelines.PwBDare noteligibleto
apply for Discipline Code 01 to 55.
. not less than 40% ofa specified disability where specified disability hasnot been defined in measurable terms and
. a disabilitywherespecifieddisabilityhasbeendefinedin measurableterms.
The candidates are required to submit a Disability Certificate issued by competent authority as per the Rights of Persons with
DisabilitiesRules, 2017failingwhichtheircandidatureasPwBDcandidateswill notbeconsidered.
Persons with Benchmark Disabilities must be capable ofperforming the task assigned to them/take instructions using suitable aids and
appliances. Engagement ofapprentices belonging to PwBD category will be from categories below:
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1. PV-LowVision, Blind P=Physical; V=Vision; H=Hearing;
2. PH-Hard of hearing. Deaf L=Locomotors;
3. PL-Musculoskeletal (OH-OA/OL), Dwarfism, OH=Orthopaedic Handicap;
Acid attack victim. Cerebral Palsy, Leprosy cured OA=One Arm;
4. Multiple (a combination of above) OL=One Leg
Deployment of PwBD with other disabilities, may put such PwBDs at risk, considering ours being a hazardous industry, hence
not included.
STIPEND: Rate of stipend payable to apprentices per month shall be as prescribed under Apprentices Act, 1961/1973/Apprentices Rules
1992 and as amended from time to time.
Prescribed Oualification/ElisibilitvCriteria:
1. For DisciplineCode-01/06/11/16/21-TradeApprentice(Fitter)-Matricwith2(Two)yearITI(Fitter)course.
2. ForDisciplineCode- 02/07/12/17/22- TradeApprentice(Electrician)-Matricwith2(Two)yearIT1(Electrician)course.
3. For Discipline Code- 03/08/13/18/23 - TradeApprentice (Electronic Mechanic)-Matric with2 (Two) yearIT1 (Electronic
Mechanic ) course.
7. For Discipline Code- 27/33/39/45/51 - Technician Apprentice (Electrical) -3 years Diploma in Electrical Engineering withminimum 50%
marks inaggregateforGeneral andOBC& 45%incaseofSC/ST/PwBDcandidatesforreserved positions from a recognized Institute/University..
8. ForDisciplineCode- 28/34/40/46/52- TechnicianApprentice(Instrumentation)-3yearsDiplomainInstrumentationEngineeringwith
minimum 50%marks inaggregateforGeneral andOBC& 45% incaseofSC/ST/PwBDcandidates forreserved positions from a recognized
Page 4 of 8
TLFor all discipline codes : The qualificationprescribed shall be from a recognizedUniversity/Institute as a full time reeular course in
relevantdiscinlines.QualificationacquiredthroughPart-time/ Correspondence/ DistanceLearningmodeshallrenderthecandidateineligible.
18. Diplomaunderrecognized lateral entry scheme(Class XII/1TI)admitted inthe secondyearofDiplomacourse shall alsobeconsidered.
19. The candidates who have undergone Apprenticeship earlier or pursuing Apprenticeship Training in an Industry as per the
Apprenticeship Act, 1961/1973/1992 asamended from time totime orjob experience for a period of 1 year or more areNOT eligible.
20. Applicants who have completed three years after acquiring the prescribed qualification for engagement of TECHNICIAN
APPRENTICE i.e.. Diploma in engineering in relevant discipline shall NOT BE ELIGIBLE for engagement asTechnician apprentice.
21. In case the date of Declaration of result is not mentioned in the Mark Sheet, the candidate must submit a certificate mentioning the date of
22. Candidates registered with Local / State Employment Exchange(s)/ Vocational Rehabilitation Center for Person with Benchmark Disability
(PwBD) andmeetingtheprescribed eligibility criteria, arerequired to apply Online, failinewhichtheir candidature will not beconsidered.
23. Candidateswith qualificationacquiredthroughDistanceLearningModeor PartTime Modeor CorrespondencemodeshallNOTbe
24. Candidates possessing higherprofessional qualifications such asB.E or equivalent, MBA or equivalent or MCA / CA/ ICWA, LLB shall
NOT be considered. Suppression of infoniiation regarding possession or pursuing higher qualification shall render a candidate ineligible for
consideration at any stage ofselection/termination or any time during engagement.
2. The Written Test will be conducted with Objective Type Multiple Choice Questions(MCQ's) consisting of four options with one correct
. Generic Aptitude
. Reasoning Abilities
. Basic English
Page 5 of 8
3. Thecandidateswill haveto qualifysuccessfullythrougheachstageoftheselectionprocessi.e. WrittenTest(Minimum40% relaxableby 5%
for candidates from SC/ST/PwBD categories against reserved positions) and Pre-engagement medical fitness for being adjudged suitable for
4. Candidates are advised to ensure that they are medically fit asper Indian Oil's pre-engagement medical standard. Candidates are advised to go
through the "Guidelines and Criteria for physical Fitness for Pre-engagement medical Examination" before they commence the application process.
Theguidelines areavailableinthefollowing link : httDS://vvvvvv. iocl. com/PeoDleCareers/Careers. asDx->Pre-engagement Medical Format.
E. Concessions /Relaxation:
1. SC/ST/PwBDcandidatesappearingforWrittenTestwill bereimbursedsinglesecondclassrailwayfarefromthenearestrailwaystationofthe
mailingaddressto theplaceoftestandbackbytheshortestrouteonproductionofticket,providedthedistanceisnotlessthan30KMs.
2. SC/ST/OBC (NCL-NonCreamy Layer) candidatesapplying for Unreserved (UR) seats shall be considered subject to their fulfilling the
standards applicable to candidates belonging to General category.
F. General Instructions:
1. Candidates are advised to carefully read the fuU advertisement for details of Educational Qualification and other eligibility criteria
before submission of online application on or before28th Aueust 2021 ®5 p.m.
2. Candidates are advised to register asa Trade Apprentice online in the following portals under the respective State aspertheir Trades below:
5. All the candidates are advised to keep the copy of the printout of the online application form for reference as candidates are required to quote
their application no. and date of birth for downloading admit cards from our website: www. iocl. com or at (https://www. iocl. conVPeoEle
Careers/job. aspx)
6. Candidatesare advisedto periodicallyvisit our abovewebsiteas all future correspondence and latest informationwith
regardto Written Test shall beonly onour websiteand/orby email/sms-alerts.
7. Anycorrigendum/addendumetc.or updateswithregardto this advertisementshallbemadeavailableonourwebsite:
www. iocl. com or at (httDS://www. iocl. com/PeopleCareers/job. aspx) ONLY.
8. Candidateshaveto apply for ANY ONEDISCIPLINECODEONLY.Candidatesapplyingfor morethanonedisciplineCodewill not be
considered and their applications will be summarily rejected.
9. Wherever CGPA/OGPA or Letter Grade is awarded in the ITI/Degree/Diploma in Engineering Examination, its equivalent aggregate
10. Thecandidatureoftheapplicantwouldbeprovisionalandsubjectto subsequentverificationofcertificatesandtestimonials. Incase,
it is detected at any stage of engagement or thereafter, that a candidate does not fulfil the eligibility norms and/or that he/she has furnished
any incorrecfc'doctored/false information/certificate/documents or has suppressed any material fact(s), his/her candidature will stand
cancelled. Ifanyoftheseshortcomingsis/aredetectedevenafterengagement,his/herengagementisliableto beterminated.
11. Engagementof selectedcandidatesis subjectto his/herbeingdeclaredmedicallyfit asperthe requirementoftheCorporation. All such
engagement will also besubject to all relevant Rules/policies/guidelines ofthe Corporation.
12. ThedecisionoftheManagementwill befinalandbindingonall candidatesonall mattersrelatingto eligibility acceptanceorrejectionofthe
applications,modeofselection,cancellationoftheselectionprocesseitherin partorfull etc.Nocorrespondencewill beentertainedinthisregard.
Fillingupoftheseatsissolelyatthediscretionofthemanagementbasedonsuitabilityofcandidatesandnoclaimwill ariseforengagement,ifsome
oftheseseatsarenot filled dueto unsuitability/insufficientnumberofcandidates.
Page 6 of 8
13. Applications/Registration which are incomplete or are received in any other mode/fonn, or not fiilfilling the eligibility criteria and/or those
received after the last da"teof submission ofon-line applications shall not be considered "Eligible" and treated as "Rejected". Canvassing ofany kind
shall disqualifythe candidate.
14. Mere selection in written examination or empanelment after the selection process shall not confer any right ofengagement to the Applicants.
15. Upon completion of the Apprenticeshipperiod, the Corporation shall have NO obligationto offer employment to such apprentices
NOR can an Apprentice claim right for employment on the grounds ofcompletion of Apprenticeship.
G. Requirement beforefilling online Application Form:
1. The candidate must have an active email ID and Mobile number which must be valid for at least 1 year as all future
communications with candidates will take place through email/Sms alerts. Candidates are advised to mention their correct
email id/mobile number and keep checkingtheir e-mail /Sms messages as all future communications includingcommunication
to download admit cards for Written Test shall be sent only through emaiI/Sms alerts.
5. Other Requirements :
a) Candidateto register themselves asanApprentice with appropriate authority oftherespective Stateagainstwhichthey areapplying. You need
to registerat Apprentices -> Apprentice Registration.
b) Candidateshould havea PANCard.
c) Candidate should have an Aadhar Card.
d) Candidateshouldhavea BankAccount& ChequeBook withtheirnamesprinted.
H. How to Apply:
1. Candidates meeting the prescribed eligibility criteria may apply online from 13"'August 2021 (10. 00 A^M. ) to 28 August 2021^
(5. 00 P.M.) through the link which will beprovided in our corporate website www. iocl.com(Careers-> Latest Job Opening-> Engagement of
TradeApprentices'in Southern Region(Marketing Division)- FY2021-22-Phase-1.OnlyOnline mode ofApDlications will beaccepted.
2. Afterfillinguptheonlineapplication,thescannedcopyofthelatestcolourphotograph,scannedcopyofthedocumentsnamelyproofofDate
of Birth(XthStd cenificate/mark sheet), prescribed educational qualification, caste certificate asapplicable and signature to beuploaded without
fail. Intheabsenceofanysingledocument, theapplication shallbesummarily rejected. Eligiblecandidateswill beintimated bye-mail/Sms for
downloadingadmit cardfor theWritten Test.
3. Thoseapplicationswhichareincomplete/notuploadedwithself-attestedcopiesofcertificates/notinlinewiththeterms& conditionswillbe
liable for rejection.
I. Verification of Documents:
CandidatesqualifiedintheWrittenTestshallbecalledforverificationoftheoriginaldocuments.Thefollowingoriginaldocumentsalongwitha self
attestedcopy shouldbefurnishedatthetimeofverification:
a) Xthstd/SSLC/Matriculationcenificate/marksheetissuedbytheconcernedEducationBoardasproofofDateofBinh.Nootherdocument
will be accepted for verification ofDate of Birth.
Page 7 of 8
b)Latest Castecertificate byreserved category candidatesinthePerforma prescribed bytheGovt. andissuedbyCompetent Authority only.
c) Forclaiming thebenefit ofOBCcategory, thecandidate should submit a latestCaste Certificate (not more than6 months old) in the Profomia
prescribed by Govt. of India, which would, among others, specifically mention that the candidate does not belong to the persons/sections
(creamy layer) as mentioned in column 3 of the schedule to the DepaUment of Personnel & Training, Government of India OM
N0.36012/22/93- Estt.(SCT) dated08.09. 1993.Candidatesbelongingto OBCcategorybut falling in creamylayerarenot entitled to OBC
reservationbenefits.Accordingly,suchcandidatesmaychooseto applyforthepositionsprovidedtheymeettheagecriteriaapplicableto UR
candidatesandindicatetheircategoryas "UR". IndianOil CorporationLtd.(Southern Region) beinga Central Public SectorUndertaking,
only thosecommunitiesthatarementionedinthecommonlistofOBCapprovedbyCentralGovernmentshallbetreatedasOBCforthepurposeof
d) Certificate from the Institute stating that the Candidate haspursued through regular mode and the yearofpassing.
e) Semester-wise / Year-wise mark sheets of 1T1(NCVT) / HSC/ Graduation/Diploma in Engineering.
f) Final IT] ( NCVT ) Certificate/HSC/Graduation/ Diploma in Engineering issued by the respective Board / Authority.
(Please note that any change in date of the Written Examination or the City will be intimated through the IOCLwebsite. Hence candidates
are advisedto regularly check the websitefor any updates).
1 Proof of Date of Birth - Xth std /SSLC /Matriculation cenificate / mark sheet mentioning the Date of
Birth. School leaving certificate
Certificate ofthe prescribed educational qualification
Attested copy of the Caste certificate in the prescribed format issued by the Competent Authority if
Sienature in black ink.
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