Where No One Has Gone Before

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Where No one Has Gone



Written by Christine Roth


This playset is an accessory for the Fiasco role-playing game by Bully Pulpit

Fiasco is copyright 2009 by Jason Morningstar.

The Score

Playset location

Space – the final frontier. These are the adventures of some people in space,
exploring planets, stars, galaxies – and making some really bad decisions on
their way.

Movie Night

Movies: Star Trek I – X, Galaxy Quest. TV Shows: Star Trek The Original
Series, Star Trek The Next Generation, Star Trek Voyager, Star Trek Deep
Space Nine, Babylon 5, Star Trek Enterprise.

... in Deep Space


1 Family and Romance

a Siblings, close or distant

h Parent and child
c “Secret” romance
d Family by a ritual
e Former lovers
f Unofficial relatives

2 Crew

a Empathetic humanist and cold sceptic

h Counsellor and counselled
c All-knowing bartender and hard-drinking crewman
d Blunderer and repairer
e Always on the same shift
f Scientist and object of research

3 Contestants

a …for the same job

h …in a ridiculous game
c …for the same heart
d …in crime
e …in the ship’s / space station’s jazz band
f …without knowing
4 Friendship

a Friends despite all differences

h Old friends from back home
c Best buddies until that day…
d Forced to be friends
e Bunk buddies
f Soul mates from different planets

5 Crime

a Intelligence group members

h Petty criminal and security officer
c Fraud and confidant
d Former cellmates
e Drug dealer and addict
f Extremists

6 Hierarchies

a Captain and first officer

h Ambassador and liaison officer
c Religious cult leader and believer
d Peace negotiator and terrorist
e Visiting scientist and his old mentee
f “I’m sick of always being your subordinate!”

... in Deep Space


1 To go

a …and tell them about that thing you found

h …where no one has gone before
c …to the academy, whatever the cost
d …up the career ladder
e …finally on that shore leave
f …beyond human boundaries

2 To Escape

a …from the restraints of your culture

h …after settling one last score
c …before your lies are uncovered
d …with the information
e …that loneliness
f …with the only thing you really care about

3 To get respect

a …by showing them you were right in the first place

h …by tricking them all
c …by the one person that matters
d …by doing the right thing, even if it costs you
e …for your genius
f …from your superiors
4 To make

a …the profit of your lifetime

h …finally one good decision
c …a life of your own
d …the one thing right again
e …it out of this hellhole
f …a discovery that will change everything

5 To get over

a …the dark shadows of your past

h …the one you’ve always loved
c …and sit in the captain’s chair
d …not being human
e …your legacy
f …because all is going to hell anyway

6 To find

a …out the truth about that accident

h …the spy that has infiltrated the crew
c …your courage
d …redemption for that thing you did
e …a worthy recruit
f …the cure for the epidemic

... in Deep Space


1 Working in space

a The hangar
h Machine room
c Sickbay / infirmary
d Science lab
e Bridge
f Captain’s room

2 Floating in Space

a Small star base on an asteroid

h Apparently uninhabited class M planet
c Escape pod 6
d On a shuttle craft
e Ruins of a lost civilization
f Inside an ion storm

3 Uncomfortable Places

a Inside a secret wall

h Jefferies tube
c Stasis chamber
d In a holding cell / the brig
e Air lock
f Under the tactical console
4 Relaxing

a Private quarters
h Hydroponic garden
c Exercise room
d The bar
e The holodeck
f Officer’s club

5 Far away from home

a On board of an alien vessel

h Fighting pit
c In captivity
d In a space suit, outside of the ship / space station
e Rendezvous point
f In another dimension

6 Meeting spots

a Turbolift
h Mess hall
c At the main reactor
d Transporter room
e Cargo bay 3
f Secret room

... in Deep Space


1 Valuables

a 29 bricks of gold-pressed latinum

h Medal of honor
c Sealed drug stash
d Secret pass phrase
e Shield modulations
f Self destruction sequence

2 Weapons

a A romulan disruptor
h A photon torpedo
c Hypo spray loaded with an anesthetic
d Bladed weapon like Bat’Leth / sword
e A federation standard phaser
f Genetically engineered virus

3 Useful

a Self-sealing stem bolts

h Standard tricorder
c A slightly modified combadge
d Hyperspanner with a small dysfunction
e Information about a new tactical maneuver
f Probe
4 Alien Stuff

a An ominous chest, unopened

h An old mask, purchased from an alien trader
c A mind-linking device
d The only artifact from a deserted planet
e 20 bottles of romulan ale
f Ancient alien writing

5 Sentimental

a An old watch
h A photograph
c The recording of a Klingon opera
d Chipped tea cup with matching saucer
e Box of old letters
f A goldfish in a bowl

6 Strange Things

a Erased mission log

h A voucher for that shady space bar
c Claim of responsibility
d Glittering powder
e Suicide note
f Portable stasis field generator

... in Deep Space

A Deep Space

Insta setup
Relationships in Deep space

For three players...

• Empathetic humanist and cold sceptic
• Best buddies until that day…
• Always on the same shift
For four players, add...
• Contestants … without knowing
For five players, add...
• “I’m sick of always being your subordinate!”

Needs in Deep space

For three players...

• To escape … before your lies are uncovered
For four or five players, add...
• To go … up the career ladder

Locations in Deep space

For three or four players...

• On a shuttle craft
For five players, add...
• Turbolift

Objects in Deep space

For any number of players...

• A slightly modified combadge
• Secret pass phrase

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