The Greenland Paddle: Its Construction and Use
The Greenland Paddle: Its Construction and Use
The Greenland Paddle: Its Construction and Use
About two and half years ago I met Tom Lucas on one of Al's Hudson River trips out of Cold Spring. He was using a
Greenland paddle, and it just looked right--especially after I blew a bunch of rolls with my Werner paddle, including the
all-time mud roll in which I left the paddle stuck in the mud, after nearly impaling myself on it. I came out of the boat and got
to shore, and Tom caught a glimpse of the four inches of the paddle sticking above the surface from where I planted it in the
mud at Peekskill and, making like Arthur pulling Excalliber from the rock, managed to retrieve it. On the train back to Cold
Spring, I tried to pick Tom's brain for everything he knew about Greenland paddles, because about that time he had written
an article on Greenland paddling for The Drift and obviously knew his subject. In the article he alleged that one could
be made from a two by four.
That week I hied myself to The Home Depot and bought a couple of stud-grade spruce 2x4's, and made my first Greenland
paddle following the rules of thumb in Tom's article (length-- anywhere between your wrist and finger tips with arm extended
over your head). I inlaid some mahogany tips to keep the wood from splitting, mopped on a couple of coats of high gloss spar
varnish, and the next time I met Tom, about four weeks later, on a Connecticut River trip, he expressed amazement that I
actually did it.
"But you said in your article that a two-by-four would work," I said.
"Yeah, but I didn't know it could actually be done!" he remarked.
There may be a moral in all of that somewhere. I'm not exactly sure what it is--something about those
who tell don't know and those who know aren't telling, perhaps. In any case, gentle reader, you have
been warned.
That first paddle was seven feet long, a little too narrow for the Sea Lion I was paddling at the time, so I made another one
about seven-feet two or three inches long, and gave away the first one, which has done its new owner yeoman service lo these
past two or more years.
Eager to propel my kayak faster and more efficiently, I omitted an important step in making that second paddle. I failed to use
a good piece of wood. Too lazy to make another trip to the Home Depot, or too cheap to shell out the $1.99 they wanted for
those eight-foot lengths of stud-grade spruce, I made use of a couple of bad pieces of wood I had purchased on my first trip.
Using what I thought was the best stuff out of a bad batch, I laminated the blank for the paddle from the straightest and
soundest bits and pieces I could scrounge. Once again, I inlaid mahogany tips and slathered on a couple of coats of varnish.
Looked right spiffy, it did. But the piece I used for the shaft was spalted, and although it had a nice figure in it, on a trip in
The Thousand Islands it cracked across the grain. Now, it didn't crack all the way through, mind you--just enough to make it
a little flexible. I should have thrown it away right then, but being either lazy or cheap (maybe both?), I pried the crack open
and flooded that baby with epoxy, poured it right in there and watched the excess ooze out. I made another paddle and kept
number two for a spare. It got a free ride down the Saguenay Fjord on the back of my boat, and I was fortunate enough never
to have to use it. Don Gorski was not so fortunate, however.
Greatly aided by the use of the Greenland paddles, I developed some proficiency in
bracing and rolling, and on a trip out of Barn Island with Jane Ahlquist, the big G
expressed an interest in the paddles I was using. I demonstrated my skills and generously
offered him my spare so he could give it a shot. . . . I helped him back into his boat while
Jane picked up the pieces of the paddle, floating in the tranquil waters of Fischer's
Sound. It snapped on his second effort. Hardly an endorsement for Greenland paddles or
their maker. Use good wood.
Greenland paddles are almost always made unfeathered, but paddle number three began to warp until it looked like an
airplane propeller. A high school baton twirler could have moved the kayak like an airboat just by spinning that paddle
without dipping it in the water at all. Yet the twist never seemed to affect its efficiency for either paddling or rolling.
Part of the beauty of the Greenland paddle for rolling is that it virtually orients itself on the surface. When you push up to the
light, as Derrick Hutchinson puts it, if you let go of the Greenland paddle, it will float flat on the surface in the correct
orientation for planing. All you have to do is grab it with your wrists cocked before you start your sweep. Being symmetrical
about all three axes, it has very little tendency to dive. It's also very easy to control when sculling, which involves slicing either
a horizontal or vertical figure-eight through the water. Euro-style paddles with their feathered, asymmetrical spoon blades
have a mind of their own and struggle against you to exert it by fluttering and diving. But twisted as it was, paddle number
three still behaved itself, and I would probably have kept on using it, if I hadn't tried Erika's paddle.
Up to this point, my paddles were more or less based on the design used by Cricket and Betsie Bay and looked something like
the paddle in Figure 1-a. The blades were about 3 1/2 inches wide at the tip (the full width of the 2 x4) and maintained that
width up to about ten inches from the throat where they tapered into the loom. The looms were as round in cross section as I
could get them. In fact, I prided myself on the round shafts, which I made using a set of antique rounding planes. I felt that
people who made paddles with squarish looms lacked the skill to make them round. Regarding the blades, my object had been
to get as much area as possible to maximize the bite on the water--in other words to deviate as little as possible from the idea of
the conventional paddle. Erika's paddle, made by Mark Rodgers, had a squarish shaft and narrower blades, which formed a
straight taper from the tip to the loom like the paddle in Figure 1-b.
Such blades have considerably less area and less bite on the water than my parallel-bladed ones, but when I tried Erika's
paddle in the Greenland style boat I had just bought, I seemed to move faster. Erika explained that the rectangular-sectioned
shaft fitted the grip between thumb and forefinger and held the blade at the correct angle--the "dig" angle as Andy Steever
calls it in his book Oars and Oar Making. I had become aware of the importance of this dig angle because I noticed that I
frequently splashed my way along with a very audible "plop," as did other Greenland paddlers. I also noticed I was pulling a
sizeable whirlpool behind the blade, which is inefficient. I had tried several techniques to eliminate it, including kind of poking
the blade into the water with a stabbing motion, somewhat as if I were harpooning an imaginary whale swimming alongside
my boat. But because of its squarish loom, Erika's paddle entered the water more quietly and didn't pull a whirlpool. I didn't
have to harpoon an imaginary Moby Dick. Figure 2 illustrates the "dig angle."
The narrower blades--they were 3 1/4" wide at the tips( still wide for an Eskimo paddle, Erika said)-- required a faster
cadence, but with a limited amount of power it is always easier to take many smaller bites than fewer larger ones, and the
older I get, the more limited my power. The smaller blades make it easier to maintain an efficient cadence against wind or
current, much like riding a bicycle in a lower gear while going up hill. As kayakers, we are basically one-speed bikes, and it is
better to keep that gear ratio on the low side. Vellodrome racers use one unbelievably high gear, and flatwater racers use a
paddle with lots of area, but they are conditioned athletes competing under specialized conditions, and we are cruisers (at least
I am) who must deal with a variety of conditions, and the lower ratio is for me. Moreover, the narrower blades with their
constant taper, make it easier to grab them anywhere along their length for the extended paddle strokes, which are an
essential part of the Greenland repertoire.
Some Greenland blades have a "shoulder " where they meet the loom as in Figure 1-c. I have heard two plausible reasons
for it.
First, it allows for more blade area by carrying the width up the blade instead of making
the tip wider, thereby still allowing one to grip the blade anywhere for extended strokes.
Second, the shoulder encourages water to drip off the blade, an important consideration
for paddling in cold water if you don't want to soak your sealskin gloves.
However, because the shoulder inhibits the use of the slide stroke, a valuable Greenland technique, I believe it is a
disadvantage. Surely, the shoulder is unnecessary for helping to orient your hands on the paddle. Because you grip the
short-loomed paddle at the throat (where the blade meets the loom), you can always judge its position quickly by feel. Back to
Erika's paddle.
Besides the narrower blades, rectangular-sectioned loom, and straight taper from the tip to the throat, there were two more
features about it that I liked.
It had much thinner edges than I had been accustomed to putting on my paddles.
It was unvarnished. It had an oil finish of some sort, but it was not smooth and shiny like
the paddles I had been making.
And my paddles, smooth and shiny as they were, were not as smooth and shiny as some of the commercially available
Greenlanders. More than once that smooth and shiny paddle had slipped out of my increasingly arthritic hands--once during a
roll right smack under the middle of the George Washington Bridge. Smooth and shiny is not good.
So I took some measurements from Erika's paddle (and some from Captain Al's, for his was similar, only bigger), and came
up with a design I believe suited me. Referring to Tom Lucas's article for the proportions,
I made the paddle seven-feet three inches long with a seventeen and a half inch loom
(which was too short as I discovered more than one year later) and a width of 3 1/4" at
the tips. I gave the loom a husky cross section of 1 5/8" by 1 5/16".
Twelve years or so ago I had purchased a twelve-foot western red cedar 4 x4, which had been aging in my cellar rafters ever
since. I forget why I bought it, but it was a beautiful piece of wood--clear, straight, and fine-grained. I resawed it
perpendicular to the annual rings, in effect coming up with two quarter-sawn 2"x4"s. I fashioned the paddle in the manner
indicated below and dipped it in the water for the first time on October 22, 1994 on Barnegat Bay, and used it as my number
one paddle for over a year--something over 400 hours. It has no finish, and although it has weathered to a beautiful gray, it is
smooth enough to slide effectively for the slide stroke but has never slipped out of my hands. Although western red cedar is
softer than spruce and not as strong, it is lighter and strong enough. I dispensed with the cross-grain inlaid tips but believe
some precaution should be taken to prevent the tips from splitting, although the paddle is probably in greater danger from a
car door than it is from a rock. I have made a few repairs, but nothing major--glued down a minor split and worked out some
dings and nicks in the edges. All-in-all it has been a satisfactory paddle.
Nevertheless, the good can always be made better--can't it? I made a paddle for a friend
and made the blades much thinner than those on mine. Her paddle was extraordinarily
light--less than twenty-four ounces. The thinner blades might be more efficient.
I read an article in Anorak that our current obsession with short paddles--in the seven-foot range--was erroneous. Longer
paddles have greater tip speed, so they ought to drive the boat faster, right? So I made an eight-foot paddle with thin blades.
Wrong. The paddle would have had greater tip-speed if I had the strength to move the tips through the water fast enough. But
I was on the wrong end of the lever. The resistance of the water was multiplied through the greater length.
Stick with the proportions in Tom Lucas's article. Steve Burkhardt, who is six-foot seven
uses a paddle about seven-foot two.
There is a neat Eskimo paddle in the American Museum of Natural History with bone tips and edges--h'mm. Bone is hard to
come by. How about plastic tips and edges to protect cedar from the ice? So I found a great retail outlet for plastic and made
one by mortising the plastic to the cedar. I doubt whether epoxy (or any glue) would be good for this job. Were I to make
another edged paddle, I would mortise the tips, but use bronze ring nails to hold on the plastic edges. The bronze nails
properly placed would also inhibit splitting. In fact, on my recent paddles, I have driven brass pins across the grain at the tips
for that purpose.
My current number-one paddle is seven-feet five inches long--the absolute longest I can make using the Inuit rules of thumb. It
weighs about 1 1/2 pounds. It has thin blades and a longer loom than my first cedar paddle--19 1/2" compared to 17 1/2"--the
distance from the little finger of the right hand to the little finger of the left when my elbows are bent as if I were going to do a
pullup. I had wrongly determined that distance on the earlier paddle, perhaps measuring the distance between my thumbs.
Those two and a half inches make a world of difference. With the earlier paddle, because the loom is too short, in order to
increase the leverage, I frequently grip the paddle below the throat on the flat of the blades. This throws off the dig angle,
which spoils the efficiency considerably. On my next paddle, I may increase that distance another inch. One writer
recommends making the loom the same width as the boat in front of the cockpit. Pay attention to the length of the loom!
Undoubtedly, the Greenland paddle is a less hydrodynamically efficient propulsive device than the modern Euro-style paddle,
whose wide spoon-shaped blades bite with less slippage. Unfortunately, I am not as biologically efficient as I should be to
derive optimum benefit from the more efficient paddle. I am slipping, and a slipping paddle suits me fine. On the positive side,
the Greenland paddle is a more generalized and less specialized tool than the Euro-style paddle. Its unspecialized symmetry
suits it for sculling, bracing and rolling. Its center of effort is much closer to the paddler than that of a comparable Euro-style
paddle: 18 1/2" inches on my current number one paddle, vs. 21 1/4" inches on my Werner paddle, which permits a faster
cadence. However, the slide stroke allows me to increase the lever arm dramatically from 39" to 66 1/4" inches (vs. 50" on the
Werner, unextended, because it is rarely used in the extended position)--thus allowing strong sweep strokes for turning. The
blades on my paddle (made of one piece of Western Red Cedar) are as thin as I dared to make them. The paddle flexes with
each stroke, and when I did some rolls, a kayaker who observed me was amazed at how much the paddle flexed. (They must
have been pretty poor rolls because the legs, not the paddle, should be applying the force.)
There are many ways to make a Greenland paddle. But they fall into two basic methods: laminate it or carve it from one piece.
The laminated types allow different widths and thicknesses to be glued up into a blank thereby eliminating a lot of rough
shaping by removing wood. It is also possible to use different types of wood in the lamination and to orient the grain in order
to control flexibility. My experience to date, however, shows that one-piece paddles are more flexible, which I like. I also think
that if you have the right tools, a one-piece paddle is faster to make because you don't have to do a lot of clamping up and
waiting for the glue to cure, etc. Carving a Greenland paddle from one piece is not difficult, but there are a couple of things to
keep in mind. First, lay out your paddle carefully on an accurately squared piece of wood. Second (and this applies to
laminated paddles as well), work from center lines drawn on all six sides. Figures 3 and 4. The easiest way to do the rough
shaping is with a bandsaw, but other tools will work--a Sawzall or a heavy-duty saber saw. The classic way to rough out the
blank is with a drawknife or a crooked knife. (It takes only a little longer than with a bandsaw.) Careful work with an ax
would suffice. The best tools for the final shaping are a couple of planes, a spokeshave, and perhaps a rasp or a Sureform tool.
Next, lay out the paddle accurately, both plan and profile. As Figures
3 and 4 show, there are a bunch of lines in the profile view. To simplify things, you could omit the edge profile in
your initial layout and draw it in after you have shaped the blank to the center line profile and before you begin
beveling from the centerlines to the edges. Work the paddle uniformly--keep the ends balanced as you go along. In
Figure 7 the beveling is complete, and the redrawn edge profile has been worked off. Notice how in order to save
weight the profile of the blade sweeps down from the loom in a curve before it straightens out about ten inches
away from the shoulder. But the important thing is to WORK FROM THE CENTER LINES.
Finally, after you have achieved a precise but very angular paddle with sharp edges and a well-defined
center ridge, drill for the brass pins, and do the final shaping and rounding as shown in Figure 8. A 2-in. pin
driven in from each edge should suffice. There is no need to drive them exactly opposite each other. I use a variety
of planes and spokeshaves for shaping. Using the longest plane possible in a given situation, a jackplane, helps
keep things square. But a 6-inch block plane is very useful as well. A straight-bladed spokeshave with a curved
stock is very useful in shaping the narrow part of the blade where it sweeps in a curve up to the loom. To
transform the loom from a rectangular cross section to a squarish oval, I still use a some antique rounding planes,
but they are not necessary. After I have it shaped as accurately and smoothly as I can with cutting tools, I sand it. I
use a palm sander where possible on the blades and sand the loom by hand. I start with 60 grit paper and proceed
through 100 and 150 grit. After I have it smooth, I paint it with water to raise the grain, and sand it again with 150
grit and finish off with 220. Cedar requires no finish, but if you insist upon some sort of protective coating, I would
stay away from anything that produces a smooth, shiny, and slippery surface.
I have mentioned some things about using a Greenland paddle. The technique differs really very little from that used with a
Euro-style paddle. The cadence is faster because the blades are narrower, and because the center of effort is closer to the
paddler, the paddle can be carried lower permitting the strokes to be more sweeping than with the Euro-style paddle, where
the strokes tend to be more vertical. Carrying the paddle lower results in less fatigue and keeps the blades more out of the
wind, which diminishes the closer one gets to the surface of the water. What Derrick Hutchinson says in Sea Kayaking 4th
edition comparing the basic touring stroke to the racing stroke is an accurate description of the basic Greenland stroke. His
whole description is worth reading, even for experienced paddlers, but I cite only a part of it here:
. . . It is important, therefore, that the paddle blade is placed well forwards. It is then
propelled backwards with a vigorous pulling movement involving the shoulder and the
hip muscles--indeed the whole of the upper torso. This is also referred to as "upper-body
rotation." The pulling action ends when the lower hand is level with the hips. The speed
with which this pulling blade is lifted from the water is governed by the rotation of your
The paddle is placed further out from the side of the hull than it is during the racing
stroke, giving the stroke a slight sweep rather than a downward plunge. The upper blade
presents a more acute and therefore more favorable angle to any beam wind with hardly
any likelihood of the paddle being snatched or twisted from the upper hand by the wind.
Moreover, because the paddle action is lower, it is less tiring on the arms and shoulders.
(Derek C. Hutchinson, The Complete Book of Sea Kayaking, Fourth Edition, The Globe
Pequot Press, Old Saybrook, Connecticut, pp. 46-47. Reprinted by permission.)
Remember the appropriate dig angle Figure 2 illustrates the "dig angle." --a paddle that enters too perpendicularly will
plop and draw air behind it. Strive for a stroke with no splash and no whirlpool being pulled by the tip of the blade. I
frequently follow the tip of the paddle with my eyes to check on its efficiency. A smooth and efficient forward stroke is as
satisfying as a well-performed roll.
Because of its short loom which blends smoothly into the blades, the Greenland paddle is well suited for extended strokes,
which are used most commonly for sweeps, sculls, and rolls. In the extended position, the Greenland paddle, with its shorter
lever arm, actually exceeds the lever arm of the Euro-style paddle considerably, so turns, braces, and rolls can be very easily
accomplished. However, there is another stroke associated with the Greenland paddle, the slide stroke, a stroke often ignored
by converts to the Greenland paddle.
In his article Tom Lucas quotes John Heath's description of the slide stroke from Sea Kayaker, which I will not
repeat. However, I have experimented considerably with the stroke, and have discovered some things about it I
would like to pass along.
Basically, the stroke consists of a series of extended paddle strokes on alternate sides.
The stroke requires the paddler to make these alternating extended strokes as rapidly and as smoothly as possible. Perhaps
best done with a storm paddle, a Greenland paddle with normal blades and a loom about afoot or more shorter than a
standard paddle, it is effective with a standard paddle as well.
To do the stroke,
starting on the left side, rotate your torso to the right and reach as far forward as you
can and quickly slide your forward (left) hand backward to the center of the loom and
your right (rear) hand backward along the blade as far as you can. With my current
seven foot-five-inch paddle, I manage to get about ten or twelve inches from the end of
the blade. You are now in the position illustrated in Figure 9-a.
Keeping your forward (left) arm straight or slightly flexed, rotate your upper body to the
left until just before the paddle is perpendicular to the side of the boat. Continuing to
rotate your body, allow the left elbow to flex as it lifts the blade from the water and, still
gripping the center of the loom, allow the paddle to slide through your right hand until
the two hands bump. You are now in the position illustrated in Figure 9-b.
When the hands bump, the right grips the loom, and the left relaxes as the right arm
extends, pulling the paddle through the left hand to the position shown in Figure 9-c,
which is the end of the complete cycle.
Although it looks as if the blade hand slides forward to meet the loom hand, the reverse is true. The blade hand remains
basically still, allowing the paddle to slide through it until the loom hand bumps it, and then the blade hand grips the loom,
becoming the loom hand; the loom hand relaxes, becoming the blade hand, and all the while the torso continues to rotate.
P.S. Since this was written, I have modified my ideas somewhat. Steve Winning, who has built several kayaks and a lot of
paddles, keeps the blades on his paddles quite thick in cross section--"egg shaped," he says. they seem to be very efficient and
pull less air than the more flat-bladed paddles. My next paddle will have thicker blades. Lately, I have been doing a lot of
paddling with a 5' 4" storm paddle, which moves the boat very well. it also makes the slide stroke imperative. There is no
faster way to learn the slikde stroke than with a short paddle. Greenland paddles are inexpensive and failry easy to make. Half
the fun of this Greenland paddling business is trying out new ideas.
Who knows, maybe you'll be the one to rediscover the ledgendary ten-knot paddle.
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Notes From A Novice:
by Tom Lucas
I first became intrigued with Greenland paddling technique for purely aesthetic reasons. On a weekend trip to the Chesapeake
Bay last spring I observed several paddlers, all recent converts to Greenland-style equipment, using these short skinny sticks
with remarkable skill. The easy grace with which they handled their boats, upright, upside down and in between was
wonderful to watch. One of the things that always appealed to me about kayaks was their elegance and kayaks never appeared
quite so elegant as when they were being propelled with Greenland paddles.
I bought my own Greenland paddle in July of 1992, a "Greenlander" from Betsie Bay Kayak and all aspirations to
grace and elegance quickly dissipated. My forward stroke splashed and clunked and got me nowhere. My sweeps failed to turn
the boat and my roll, hard earned over the winter in weekly pool sessions simply vanished. I was very discouraged, but not
defeated. I read whatever I could. I laid down my conventional paddle and used the Greenlander exclusively, beginning in a
small pond (on windless days no less!) and graduating from there.
"In executing this stroke, the paddle is gripped with the thumb and forefinger around
the loom and the remaining fingers around the inboard end of the blade. Forward
movement is achieved by twisting the torso, not by pulling or pushing on the paddle. In
the beginning it is helpful to exaggerate this movement while locking the elbows in place.
On the day after paddling if anything hurts besides your abdominal obliques, you
probably were doing the stroke incorrectly."
I'm convinced that Greenland paddles, like baseball bats have a "sweet spot". When a pitched ball is struck with the sweet
part of the bat, an economical swing; smooth, compact and quick, will drive, the ball an extraordinary distance.
The ball is said to "fly off the bat", like an animate object with a power all its own. On the best days when you find the sweet
spot of the Greenland paddle (and you don't always find it), something similar takes place. The traditional strokes seems
effortless and the kayak glides not through the water but over it. It is truly a cause for joy.
A special case modification of the traditional stroke is worth noting here. Sometimes it is necessary to accelerate the kayak
rapidly, e.g. when punching through surf or catching a ride on a following wave. To do this with a Greenland paddle, the
hands are spread a little further apart and the paddle is held nearly vertical. The stroke is hard and as close to the gunwale as
possible. The acceleration achieved in this manner belies the narrowness of the blade; it is surprisingly effective.
The slide stroke is a little more difficult to describe as well as perform. Once again, John
The "smooth, continuous movement" is the tough part. When I use this stroke, I find
that my hands rarely come together at the middle of the loom. Rather, the upper hands
stops about 6 to 8 inches shy of the lower- a kind of "half slide" that facilitates the
linking of strokes. As in the traditional stroke, the hands are kept low and rotation of the
torso provides the primary thrust. In addition, the upper blade is pushed forward and
down throughout the stroke for added power. This is similar to the forward stroke with a
conventional paddle.
The cadence for the traditional stroke is roughly 60 repetitions per minute, or better, for the half-slide about 40-50 per minute.
Both strokes result in comparable cruising speeds. I find that I switch frequently between the two, sometimes just to vary
rhythm and break the monotony, sometimes in response to wind and sea.
The slide stroke is particularly useful because it can be modulated almost endlessly to accommodate the conditions
immediately at hand. For example, in a steep quartering sea it might be appropriate to execute an extreme slide on one side of
the kayak and a minimal slide on the other in order to keep one course. A short time later it might be appropriate to tone
down the difference between the strokes and a short time after that to reverse the difference. This ability to vary your response
quickly to changing conditions is a great advantage in rough seas. And far from being a nuisance, it's actually enjoyable. It's
also less taxing over the course of a long day on the water.
The slide stroke is the bridge to the extended-paddle position and the extended position is the only effective way I know to turn
a kayak with a Greenland paddle. A sweep stroke with both hands on the loom is futile. In the extended-paddle position the
upper hand grips the non-working blade at or near the end, while the lower hand grasps the loom just below the inboard end
of the same blade. The sweep itself is performed exactly as with a conventional paddle but now there is a full 4.5 -5 ft. of
paddle on the sweep side. This provides both a powerful lever for turning the boat and a stable platform for supporting an
aggressive lean throughout the sweep. This combination is extremely effective. I have never been able to turn my boat as well
with a conventional paddle as I can with my Greenlander.
The extended-paddle position is also the bridge to Greenland style braces, rolls and sculls. But that is another story best
reserved for another day. For now I only hope that I have aroused your curiosity regarding Greenland technique and given
'you some helpful information to get started. There are some relatively inexpensive traditional paddles on the market or better
yet, you can make one from a standard 2 x 4. Remember though, you probably won't like it at first and a few brief attempts is
not really a fair test. I suggest you strap the paddle to the deck of your kayak and use it a little each time you go paddling. If
you still don't like it, just leave it on your deck; it makes a great spare. It's readily accessible and since it requires no assembly,
it is easy to put to use in a real emergency.
There has been some controversy recently regarding the advantage of the conventional vs. the Greenland paddle (ANorAk
June/July, 1992 and August/September, 1992). When couched as an all-or-nothing proposition, this is a red herring issue. Just
as there is no one perfect boat for all people and all conditions, there is no one perfect paddle. There are pluses and minuses to
both styles. For me the pluses fall heavily in favor of the Greenland paddle. For you the answer might be different. The best
way to make that determination is to take paddle in hand and use it. Perhaps you might find that you like what you discover
or that you can adapt some of what you learn to your own paddling style. Perhaps not.
I leave you with a quote from a man who surely never paddled a lick in his life but whose words are nonetheless right on the
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Kayaking Skills
Hand Rolling by Gerry David April 1997
The Greenland Paddle by Gerry David April 1997
Greenland Paddling by Tom Lucas April 1997
Building the Outer Island by Jay Babina Nov 1997
The Tuilik - Then and Now by Tom Carroll Nov 1997
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Kayaking Safety
In The Fog by Captain Denis J. Blaise April 1997
Deceptive But 'Orrible Off-shore Winds by Paul Caffyn April 1997
Planning For A Strait Crosing by Paul Caffyn April 1997
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The Links listed here we believe have material that is of interest and value to all kayakers. MASK
however, does not endorse any commercial aspects of these links. If you find a broken link please let me know and I
will repair it [email protected]
Atlantic Coastal Kayaker
Covering the Coast from Canada to the Caribbean
Paddler Magazine
Preview, review and commentary on Paddler's newsstand magazine
Seakayaker Magazine Premier sea kayaking publication -- covering the world of sea kayaking
American Canoe Association
Fun and information for all types of paddlers
British Canoe Union - Headquarters
The governing body for the Sport and Recreation of canoeing in the United Kingdom
The US Coast Guard -- Office of Boating Safety
This Office's aim is to improve boating safety
By The Sea
By The Sea is a huge site with links to sites for boat builders, building supplies, plans, safety, instruction, classified ads.
Guillemot Kayaks
Sea kayak design company - Guillemot Kayaks
The Kayak Centre Located in Wickford RI - They have a good selection of boats and accessories
Coastal Kayaking Association
The Coastal Kayaking Association is a non dues paying paddling club for experienced paddlers in S.E. Georgia
Connecticut Sea Kayakers
Florida Sea Kayaking Association a State wide club with chapters all over Florida
for Sea Kayakers Interested in Paddling the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean areas
Maatsuyker Canoe Club Tasmania. I recommend you look at this one. A big site with lots of links
Search and Rescue Society of British Columbia
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Hand Rolling
by Gerry David
Whatever: I have shifted my attention to the hand roll because I’d like to be able to come up whether or
not I have a paddle in my hand. And that’s where I’m becoming a menace to others. As a result of some recent
success with a hand roll I developed on my own, some people actually believe I know what I’m doing and have
encouraged me to share my knowledge (ignorance?). This hand roll is very forgiving and requires no athletic
ability. I have performed it successfully in varying conditions—once in three to five-foot seas with fifteen-knot
winds and two other times in fifteen to twenty-knot winds with two to three-foot chop. So it is not just a swimming
pool trick. But it is important to be able to do it on both sides so the wind can assist you. Sounds good? Read on, but
be warned that the guru who now addresses you speaks at this writing with about four months experience with the
hand roll. You may want to reach for the salt shaker.
On the basis of when the leg pressure is applied, Dutky distinguishes three basic types of
Do not attempt to sit upright by hoisting yourself up in a vertical arc. (See fig. 1)
Throwing what Dutky terms your "assist hand" over the high side will help right you. Your "support hand" is
the last one to leave the water. Your assist hand is the other one.
Figure 2. View from the stern (Kayaker's support hand is the right)
Sitting upright -- wind coming from Tucking forward and capsizing Reaching up and applying
the right away from the wind. pressure with the right knee
against the thigh brace.
Beginning the scull and sweep while Leaning back -- wind is now Upright and leaning back on the
maintaining knee pressure helping to blow the boat upright. rear deck.
Assist hand is being thrown over.
Support hand is still in the water
of VCP
and Flush
I’m now addicted to building a wood boat each winter. It gives me something to look forward to during the shorter and less
desirable evenings. Woodworking was always a hobby of mine, and I learned a lot of skills building acoustic guitars. The
natural transition of building and kayaking came together.
I named my design after the last island of the thimbles in Branford where I’m always playing. Having built two
kayaks previously, I designed the Outer Island because the type of kayak I wanted to build was not available in
plans. The kayak is not a computer designed vessel. I use the computer to help in my drafting chores, but there’s
no magic button to loft and fair out a kayak. I relied a lot on my paddling experience and artistic taste.
I basically lofted forms based on what I saw in other boats and tried to incorporate all the traits that were favorable to me. It
took about 6 months of cutting, correcting and swearing. Every time I corrected one form, it seemed that two forms each way
now had to be changed. When I finally completed the boat, I dragged it out of the basement, laid it on the lawn and was
disapointed. It was a little too beefy looking. My heart sank and I lived in denial for about two days. Then the saw came out. I
chopped the entire boat in two and lowered it. I also chopped some sections off the sides and re-constructed the entire thing.
People who saw it were already asking about plans. And if they rolled it, they wanted it! It’s now two generations
old and I’m building another right now. I’m always tweaking the forms a bit ... like a 16th off here etc. 8 years
from now I’ll probably be paddling around on a board. This is an expensive hobby. There are 8 being built, and
I’m about $1500. in the red ..mostly because of advertising costs. I’m having a great time with it and meeting the
nicest people from all over the world and that’s worth every nickel.
21" X 17'10"
The Outer Island is a low volume kayak following the West Greenland lines. The kayak is designed for
intermediate and advanced paddlers with it’s 21 inch beam ...yet its quite stable ...comparable to many boats in the
intermediate level. (tippy doesn’t mean better) It’s quite fast with a stronger tracking characteristic yet plenty
maneuverable for sea touring, playing in waves and winding along rocky shores. It rolls easily and will lay on it’s
side with very little sculling effort. Paddlers who know the technique can easily balance brace it! These
characteristics were well thought out in advance and incorporated in to the hull shape ...a major criteria of mine.
Paddlers who like to play in their boats will fully appreciate it’s forgiving traits. Don’t be misled. There’s no ideal
kayak and all boat designs are a series of trade-offs. The boat you’re most comfortable in is the one for you. I’m
being as honest as possible with my enthusiasm. Paddlers who have tried this kayak share my feelings.
If you’re thinking of venturing into building a strip built kayak, get used to having people around your boat, because they will
be. As far as beauty, strip built boats stand alone. I’m now used to a few spectators around my car. Although it looks very
intimidating, the strip building process is very forgiving. You can easily correct and hide any lack of craftsmanship, and with
the use of fiberglass and epoxy resins, create an extremely strong vessel. It allows for very smooth transitions of curves, it’s
inexpensive and allows for a lot of creativity in the use of various woods.
Basically, you cut forms out of plywood in the shape of the boat and mount them on a strongback (a 2 x 4"
T-beam). Long strips of wood 1/4" thick by 3/4" are stapled into the forms to form the boat shape. Carpenter’s
glue is used between the strips. The strips are sanded to a smooth hull shape and fiberglassed inside and out with
epoxy. Soft woods are primarily used in stripbuilding because of their light weight as well as their workability.
Fortunately they are also readily available.
The strength of the strip built boat comes from the epoxy bonded skin of fiberglass cloth on both the inner and outer
surfaces. Once this skin is cured, the boat is actually much stiffer than an all fiberglass boat and substantially lighter -except
for the kevlar super-light types. Balsa cored construction is commonly used in the boatbuilding industry on more expensive
finer boats. Balsa cored panels are known for their light weight and extreme rigidity. Like the stripbuilt boat, it’s not the wood
that’s rigid, but the sandwich of the hard skins bonded to a thickness layer which achieves this rigid property. These
wonderful characteristics are an added bonus, for it is the total availability of the method that attracts the home builder to this
form of boatbuilding. Building a strip built kayak is a great 4 month project.
Most people who jump into an endeavor like this already like to work with wood, therefore have some experience
and some tools. Most of all they have the desire make something beautiful, and are probably involved in the sport
of Kayaking in some way. The experience of building can be very rewarding as you conquer your various
challenges and see the progression of the vessel take shape. "How much did it cost you to make?" is is probably
one of the most asked question I get as people admire the boat. On my last boat, I kept a stricter eye on time since I
knew I wanted to write about it. I averaged an hour a strip, which translates into about 48 hours of stripping. This
is not counting time to shop for wood, cut wood strips, build forms and a strongback, glassing, sanding, building
hatches, cockpit coamings, seat, other details and final varnishing. In actual out of pocket costs, (1996) about $150
in wood, $170 for epoxy and fiberglass cloth and about $70 misc. (sandpaper, varnish, glue etc.). This is assuming
you have all the tools.
There’s no reason you can’t build one in a winter, putting time in after work and a few hours on the weekend. Working
outside in warm weather is even nicer. Working full time, you could complete one of these kayaks in a couple weeks. There’s
days when you don't want to see it and times when endless enjoyable hours fly by.Many times I visit it before I go off to work.
When it’s done and you paddle it, you’ll truly appreciate your efforts. There’s no other one like yours. This is what all
boatbuilders experience. If you like to work with wood, the building experience is very rewarding. There’s a lot of plywood
strip and glue types available if the strip building seems a little intimidating. I always encourage perspective builders to contact
the other builders who have plans available. If you do want to venture in, try to paddle the boat before you build. Many
builders can refer you to one of their clients near you. Mine is always available in Branford CT and on some of the MASK
There are paddlers out there who might desire an even lower volume boat. It’s very easy to cut half
inch or more through the center of each station plan and tape it back together. You leave below the
water line alone and reduce the volume from the center to the deck. I’ve done this and it works out
fine. I weigh 180 lbs.
The last thing I wanted to do was use the MASK newsletter for advertising. I present this material for your
reading enjoyment. If anyone is interested in further information about plans or a video, I can be contacted at: Jay
Babina 7 Jeffrey Lane N. Branford, CT 06471 (203) 481-3221 Best wishes, hope to see you on the water.-Jay
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by Tom Carroll
The Tuilik’s purpose was to keep the hunter dry, to insulate him from the cold and to provide a waterproof seal between
him and his kayak. The Tuilik was sewn from seal skin. The particular type of skin used is call waterskin. It is a dark, hairless
skin of uniform thickness. This choice proved to be the best suited skin of the seal for making Tuiliks. To properly waterproof
the skin, it was treated with blubber oil, which acts much like mink oil or bees wax that we use today to waterproof boots.
The Tuilik has laces also made from seal skin which tie off the wrists.
The hood was designed so a snug fit around the face may be achieved by tying the cord at the back of the head. When properly
tied, water infiltration into the Tuilik is kept to a minimum.
The cockpit coamings of most Inuit kayaks have round or elliptical shapes and, more often than not, are not much larger
than the kayak owner’s waist. From the reading I have done, the bottom hem of the Tuilik had to be stretched and worked to
get it over the edge of the coaming. Once in place, it was tied tightly on with lace.
In the video, "Greenlanders at Kodiak", which features John Peterson, it takes him a minute and a half to stretch his
Tuilik over his coaming. The importance of this fit cannot be overemphasized. During a capsize a failure of that precious
connection between paddler and kayak meant certain death. With water temperatures at or below freezing, the Inuit hunter
had to stay in his kayak at all costs. It is interesting to note that the Inuit kayaker could not swim. The word, swim, was not
even in the Inuit language. The Tuilik was only effective when properly worn and sealed onto the coaming.
The Tuilik is windproof and waterproof, but has no more insulating properties than a well made waterproof
windbreaker. A wet exit meant water flooding into the once dry clothing underneath the Tuilik. Therefore, I must point out
that it is imperative that the kayaker wear thermal protection under the Tuilik when venturing out onto cold water. No one
has a 100% bombproof roll. I prefer wearing a wet suit and neoprene hood under my Tuilik. When the conditions warrant, I
will even wear my drysuit under the Tuilik. Some will say this is redundant, however, I find it keeps the traditional look and
provides ultra violet protection for the latex gasket seal of my dry suit.
I have seen some homemade Tuiliks out on the water but the majority out there were made by Superior Kayaks of
Whitelaw, Wisconsin. The owners, Mark and Celeste Rogers, have been making them for years now. Originally sewn from
canvas and then treated with a blend of linseed oil and bees wax, the canvas Tuilik had a very realistic feeling. Seal skin is
hard to the touch when dry and sometimes must be soaked in sea water and worked in the hands to make it pliable again. The
canvas retains this feeling. Although I like the canvas, when I heard Superior Kayaks came out with a Tuilik in gortex, I was
on the phone instantly to order one for myself. Mark discussed the options with me: choice of color - black, navy, white and
more; canvas or gortex; rope or shock cord for the cockpit coaming; neck zipper; chest pocket; and most importantly,
dimensions. I felt as though I was being fitted for a suit. If you are an avid roller, when considering dimensions, be sure to
specify having the Tuilik cut long enough so you can easily lay back, forward, and in all other directions with total freedom of
movement. Another bonus of a long cut is that it allows you, in a capsize, to come halfway out of the cockpit. This will enable
you to reach the surface to breathe and await rescue without breaking the cockpit’s seal. This feature has saved many an Inuit
paddler’s life. Make sure you also allow for enough room inside the Tuilik and hood for adequate layers of thermal protection.
Don’t worry - Mark and Celeste will ask all the right questions. According to Mark, the Tuilik, which works best on small
cockpits, can fit up through 24" long cockpits. Some Inuit Tuiliks I have seen have what resembles a pair of suspenders to
keep the lap portion of the Tuilik pulled up to prevent puddling. I have not had this problem on my 22" cockpit, however, on
larger cockpits it may be a useful feature.
My gortex Tuilik performs beautifully and is very comfortable. The seams are flawless and waterproof. I have worn it for
rolling in the summer with no insulation, as well as in the winter with insulation. In camp it becomes an anorak. Mated with a
large heavy duty garbage bag from my survival kit, it becomes an emergency shelter. And lastly, it doubles as an emergency
spray skirt.
The Tuilik allows a sense of freedom because it is worn loose - you feel as one with the kayak and kayaking roots. To see
how the Tuilik is put on, please look at the diagrams that are included here, courtesy of Mark Rogers.
In The Fog
by Captain Denis J. Blaise,
Instructor, Sea School Northeast
This article by Capt. Blaise originally appeared in Offshore Magazine .
Fog is so common along the Northeast coast that we all learn to handle it or else we are forced to spend
many days in harbor. This exercise covers all the Inland and International waters of the Atlantic
There are several books on weather for the mariner with long treatises on the nature of fog. We are
indebted to Bowditch’s American Practical Navigator, Vol II, for some of the explanations which we
simplified and paraphrased from its Glossary.
1. When is fog "fog" or can you differentiate between haze, mist and fog?
a) A dry haze gives the atmosphere a bluish or yellowish appearance. It is made of very
fine dust or salt particles which somewhat reduce visibility. A damp haze is made of tiny
water droplets creating a veil thinner than fog.
b) Mist is also made up of very small water droplets which create a gray veil over the
landscape or the sea. Relative humidity for mist is often less than 95% and it is an
intermediary step between haze and fog.
c) Fog is a visible accumulation of the tiny droplets created by condensation which
reduces visibility to less than 1/2 nautical mile (1km).
2. What is the name of the most common type of fog along the New England coast in summer?
Advection fog
3. How does this fog come about?
It is created by warm water moist air moving over cold water. As the air cools it can no
longer hold as much moisture, and condensation creates the tiny water droplets we call
4. Where does all that warm moist air come from in the summertime?
The summer prevailing wind is SW in New England. That wind picks up its moisture
over the Gulf Stream and brings it over the cold coastal waters.
5. Why are the New England coastal waters so cold?
The Labrador current brings cold Arctic water around Newfoundland and Nova Scotia,
southwest along Cape Cod, Long Island and all the way to Cape Hatteras.
6. What kind of weather system clears the fog off the New England coast?
A good high pressure with strong westerly or northwesterly winds will give you a nice
clear blue sky.
7. In the fall, what may happen when cold NW wind blows over the coastal waters which have
been warmed up by the summer sun?
You have fog again! The ocean looks like a hot cup of coffee with steam fog or sea smoke
rising from its surface.
8. How would you define smog?
Pollution. Visible pollution in the air, with or without fog.
9. What sound producing devices must you have on board?
If your boat is over 40 feet you must have a whistle and a bell. Under 40 feet, boats are
not required to have a whistle and bell but they need to be able to make an efficient
sound which sounds like a whistle or a bell. Many states, however, have their own
requirement list and, while you may be able to convince a Coastie that the sound from
your Key West conch and from beating a pan with a spoon meet the Rules requirements,
your local Watery Bear may not be so inclined! Be safe: carry a whistle and a bell
regardless of the size of your boat.
10. What’s a fog horn?
A fog horn is found on aids to navigation, like buoys and lighthouses.
11. How long is a short blast on a whistle? and how long is a prolonged blast?
A short blast is a one second; a prolonged blast is four to six seconds.
12. What is the fog signal for a powerboat underway, making way (moving forward through the
water, with or without propulsion)?
One prolonged blast every two minutes.
13. What is the fog signal of a powerboat underway, not making way (drifting, but not disabled)?
Two prolonged blasts every two minutes.
14. You hear another boat getting close to you. Can you blow your fog signals more often than
every two minutes?
You bet you can... two minutes of silence is a long time when you can’t see who’s about to
run you down.
15. Now you hear one prolonged and two short blasts on a whistle. What is it?
The only thing you know for sure is that you need to be very careful. It is a vessel with
some sort of handicap like a broken engine, or unable to maneuver because of her work -
like a dredge, or fishing nets, or trawling (NOT trolling however), or sailing, or trolling.
16. When you anchor in the fog what signal must you sound?
An anchored boat must sound a rapid ringing of the bell for five seconds every minute.
17. What is the proper fog signal if you are aground?
If aground, you sound three distinct raps on the bell before and after the ringing of the
bell, three strokes means "I AM AGROUND".
18. Do you hear all these fog signals on the ocean, in the bay, the river, the harbor? Do you feel
self-conscious about blowing your whistle in restricted visibility or ringing your bell when you
anchor or run aground in the fog?
NO and YES you say. Well, you’re not alone, but your self-consciousness is misplaced...
naahh! that’s a feel-good euphemism... let me say it plainly: YOU ARE WRONG. Are
you self-conscious when you put your blinker on to tell other cars you are making a
turn? Of course not, it’s required and it’s smart. Proper signals on the water are the
same way: it’s the law and it’s safer.
If someone runs into you and you weren't’t sounding the proper fogsigs ( or
maneuvering signals, of course), an admiralty lawyer will make minced meat out of you.
In court, they’l call your 16- footer a vessel and they’l refer to you as the Master of the
vessel... and they’l treat you as what you think of as "one of the big boys" a tug or tanker
captain. And if you ignored the Rules of the Road, or claim you did not know them,
you've got problems. So avoid expensive headaches: ALWAYS SOUND THE PROPER
my soapbox)
19. Fog is a common cause of restricted visibility. What else are you supposed to do in restricted
Yes, you must turn your running lights on.
20. Do you ever sound fog signals in an area of unrestricted visibility?
Indeed you do. If you are near an area of restricted visibility, such as a fog bank, the
Rules require the proper fogsigs to be sounded.
21. How fast may you travel in the fog?
The Rules state that you proceed at a SAFE SPEED. So it is your judgment, but if you
ever hit anybody, that was not a safe speed and those admiralty lawyers...
22. May you turn your engine off to listen for fog signals and buoys like gongs, bells and horns?
No you may not. Your engines must be ready for immediate maneuvering. Send someone
to the bow to listen and act as your lookout (another requirement)
23. When you hear the fog signals of another vessel on your port or starboard quarter, what
should you do?
You should hold course and speed, because that vessel is behind you.
24. What should you do upon hearing the fog signal of another vessel somewhere ahead of the
beam of your boat?
You must slow down to bare steerage way: that is the speed at which you keep the boat
on course; or you must take all way off if necessary, and you must navigate with extreme
caution until the danger has passed.
25. You feel that you are going to be run down by a vessel you cannot see but whose fogsigs you
hear. May you sound Danger/Doubt?
No, you may not sound Danger/Doubt in the fog - or restricted visibility.
26. What is the Danger/Doubt signal?
The Danger/Doubt signal consists of five or more short blasts on the whistle.
27. You finally see the boat coming towards you and about to run you down. Now may you sound
Yes, when in sight (with your eyes, NOT on radar), you may sound Danger/Doubt.
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Deceptive but 'Orrible Off-shore Winds
by Paul Caffyn
Wind is the curse of sea kayakers. It generates the bulk of problems that arise, choppy seas, capsizes, wind chill,
weather tide effects, surf and so on.
There is however an exception; a following breeze, or one quartering from astern, can be a real boon in aiding
progress through surfing rides.
A breeze on the beam requires continuous corrections for drift and more concentration on balancing the boat.
A breeze on the nose, or quartering from the bow, generates soul- destroying, tiring, very wet, slogs.
The most deceptive and horrible wind blows offshore. Deceptive in that conditions may appear flat calm
against shore with a light breeze wafting offshore, but with increasing distance offshore wind strength increases dramatically.
Cliffed coastlines or those with marked topographic relief such as dune ridges, or swathes of forest, are particularly deceptive.
Lurking sea kayaker traps are wherever those continuous cliffs or dune ridges are broken by gorges, fjords, steep sided valleys
and narrow entrance bays.
Recently I received a swag of E mail messages from Sandy Ferguson relating to a party of New South Wales sea kayakers who
were subjected to the deceptive but 'orrible offshore winds at Jervis Bay, south of Sydney. I can sympathize with the N.S.W.
paddlers' predicament, for yours truly was caught during the Australian trip a long way offshore immediately south of Jervis
Bay by a sudden, dramatic wind shift, that left me with such a struggle against an offshore wind that I felt like throwing in the
towel and abandoning the trip. Limping into the lee of St. Georges Head I coined the phrase, 'Wind was definitely the
curse of the canoeing class.'
Wind Strength
Above an altitude of 500 to 600m, wind has an unobstructed flow over the sea while below that height,
there is increasing frictional or drag effect between the air and the surface over which the wind is blowing, resulting in a
diminishing of wind speed as the ground or sea is approached.
The amount of wind strength reduction depends on the nature of the surface; over forested hilly terrain
the air flow will be less than that over sea because of greater frictional drag.
Approximate values have been determined for fractional drag: over open sea a wind 500m above the sea
reduces by about 33% at sea level, while over land the reduction is 66%. Thus a 30 knot wind at 500m will produce a 20 knot
wind over the sea and 10 knots over land.
There is where the 'deceptive' description for offshore wind applies, for a factor of 50% can be applied to
wind when it blows from land out to sea. A gentle breeze of 6 knots inland becomes a moderate wind of 12 knots offshore and a
15 knot wind inland becomes a near gale of 30 knots at sea.
The height and nature of a coastline govern the zone width of calm, sheltered water in offshore wind conditions:
a. a long beach with a low sand dune ridge providing minimum relief, dictates a
minimum width with the offshore wind felt at the water's edge.
b. a continuous line of vertical cliffs will provide a maximum width of calm, sheltered
water, naturally depending on the height of the cliffs which govern where the offshore
wind hits the sea.
What is the Problem for Sea Kayakers with Offshore Winds?
The obvious problem with offshore winds is being blown offshore. Where there is no off-lying shelter, such
as a reef or island, and the next continent is thousands of miles away, the chances of survival without a radio or batphone are
zilch. I maintain that once a wind rises over 30 knots, paddling progress into the wind grinds to a halt. With wind strengths
over 40 knots, strong forward paddling is over-come by wind and chop drift downwind, with resultant seawards drift.
No matter whether a kayaker is five meters, 50m, 500m, or 5km offshore in 35+ knots of offshore wind, the situation is the
same. The chance of reaching shore is slim from 5m out and zilch from further out.
Any misadventure such as a dropped paddle or capsize, both occurred with two paddlers off Jervis Bay, result
in instant seawards drift and a greater distance to reach shore after recovering from the misadventure.
By way of example to those who have yet to experience such conditions, I struck diabolical offshore conditions
during my first day in the Bering Sea, on the northern side of the Alaska Peninsula with a gale force wind blowing
offshore over a low dune ridge and flat tundra inland. The sea was flat calm, a low surge against a gravel beach, wind ripples
close inshore and an increasing density of whitecaps with distance out from the beach. Deceptively good paddling conditions,
but bear in mind the 50% increase in wind strength from land to sea and conditions more than 10m offshore were well beyond
my limit to reach the beach. I spent many hours crabbing my way along the beach, the kayak at a 45 degree angle to the line of
the beach to check offshore wind drift, the bow rising and falling against the beach with each surge. I was fully aware of the
risk, realizing the next stop offshore was the ice pack and unbearable polar bear country.
But wherever that continuous line of shelter is broken by a narrow fjord, narrow bay or harbor entrance, gorge, river or
stream valley, the offshore wind is funneled through that break with unbridled force, causing williwaves and violent gusts or
bullets of wind. And it is the violence of the turbulence that can cause the loss of a paddle or a capsize.
Many sheltered bays and harbours have narrow entrances which open back into broad areas of
calm water. Jervis Bay in New South wales is a classic sheltered bay, which has a narrow entrance with tall cliffed
headland on both sides and we have many such examples in New Zealand. Offshore winds funnel through such narrow
entrances with double or triple the wind strength of that inland.
Also where a continuous line of cliffs of steep coastline is broken by a headland or cape projecting
seawards, increasing wind strength must be expected often accompanied by williwaws and strong gusts or bullets of wind.
Weather Forecasts
Marine forecasts relate to powered vessels and not paddler powered kayaks. Offshore winds commonly
knock down the sea state, diminishing swell size and generating reasonable fishing conditions for powered vessels.
Listen to the marine forecast and if the stated wind direction is offshore in your area, be extra
wary before commencing a paddle.
We know forecasts are not always accurate, hence a final decision to paddle or not must be made at the launch
Points to Remember
1. Offshore wind conditions are deceptive, with calm water and light breezes against the
beach. Always look for whitecaps offshore.
2. Wind strength increases 50% when passing from land to open sea.
3. Narrow topographic features funnel offshore winds, with dramatic turbulence.
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notes by Paul Caffyn
Firstly congratulations to Dave for a well planned and executed double crossing.
Strait crossings are much more committing than coastal cruising for three main reasons:
1. straits are generally subject to strong tidal stream flow and some are subject to both
strong current and tidal stream flow.
2. crossings take the paddler a long way out from the security of shore
3. straits between high land masses, are subject to strong winds where the air stream is
funneled between the two land masses.
The three important sources of information regarding straits are:
The relevant volume of the 'Pilot'
The relevant marine chart
A set of tide tables or Nautical Almanac.
In the case of Cook Strait, which is a good example to discuss as it is subject to strong tidal stream and
current flow, plus funneling of the wind between the North and South islands, page 86 of the 'New
Zealand Pilot' (1971 edition) has a lengthy section on the strait with information on the tidal streams and
current. It describes the worst areas for tidal violence, for example: 'As the tidal streams in the strait are
rapid, especially off Cape Terawhiti where they attain a rate of 5 knots and upwards at springs, when the
wind opposes the tidal streams a turbulent sea is raised, which with very heavy gales may be dangerous
even to large vessels...... High water on the western side of Cook Strait occurs about 5 hours later than
on the eastern side, so that when it is high water on one side it is nearly low water on the other.'
Further reading of the descriptions of the eastern and western sides of the strait allow a full picture to be
built up of the tidal stream activity. The important slack water tidal stream times are detailed reference
Wellington, and it is important to note that more often than not, they do not correspond to high or low
water tide times on shore.
Since tidal stream strength is strongest during spring tides and weakest during neap tides, it is important
to consult the Nautical Almanac or set of tide tables to pick a period of neap tides (minimal tidal range).
The marine chart often has more detailed information than is contained in the 'Pilot'. A diamond symbol,
with a alphabet letter, in the strait will be referenced in a tidal stream table on the edge of the chart.
Tidal stream direction (in degrees) and strength (in knots) are given at hourly intervals plus the slack
water times reference a main port or secondary port.
Start and finish points for a crossing need to be researched. Where a strait is long with relatively straight
coastlines, for instance Foveaux Strait or Shelikof Strait between Kodiak Island and the Alaska
Peninsula, the choice is the strongest 'land to land' straight line crossing. Where a strait has capes or
reefed headlands jutting out seawards into the narrowest part, it is best to look for a longer crossing as
these headlands/capes invariably have violent tidal stream activity in the way of overfalls, races and rips.
On a calm day, the paddler may be able to fight through such areas, however with any weather tide
effect, wind blowing against tidal stream, these areas need treating with great caution and respect.
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