Int. Acc 1 Chap 1
Int. Acc 1 Chap 1
Int. Acc 1 Chap 1
Layman’s term: Cash means money Hindi pwedeng galawin (will be considered as
non-current asset)
Money Current liabilities = current assets
Why restricted? pambayad utang and other
is the standard medium of exchange in business purpose
currency and coin
o Cash is not limited to bills and coins. An entity shall classify an asset as
current when the asset is cash or a cash
CASH equivalent unless it is restricted to settle a
liability for more than twelve months
money after the end of the reporting period.
other negotiable instrument (payable in money
and acceptable by the bank for deposit and
immediate credit)
bank drafts a. Cash on hand
money orders (acceptable by the bank for undeposited cash collections
deposit or immediate encashment) other cash items awaiting deposit
Is money in a bank an asset or liability? - customers’ checks
- cashier’s
Money in a bank is a liability since they
- manager’s checks
are responsible to it. Hence, it is a credit.
- traveler’s checks
Postdated checks - bank drafts
- money orders
Future date for future transactions
Not considered as cash (unacceptable for exemption: postdated check
immediate credit)
can be one year as long as it is a future date b. Cash in bank
can only be deposited when the date stated is demand deposit or checking account
reached saving deposit
The entity must maintain cash for use in current Cash in foreign currency should be translated to
operations. Philippine pesos using the current exchange rate.
Deposits in for foreign countries which are not
Any cash accumulated in excess should be
subject to any foreign exchange restriction
for the purpose of earning interest income.
The reason is that there is no payment until the Cash short or over xx
check can be presented to the bank for Cash xx
encashment or deposit.
The cash short or over account is only a
temporary or suspense account. When
STALE CHECK OR CHECK LONG financial statements are prepared the same
OUTSTANDING should be adjusted.
A stale check is a check not encashed by the Hence, if the cashier or cash custodian
payee within relatively long period of time. is held responsible for cash shortage,
the adjustment should be:
The question is how long must the check remain
outstanding? Cash from cashier xx
Cash xx
Cash short or over xx
But where the cash overage is properly The petty cashier generally requires a signed
found to be the money of the cashier, the petty cash voucher for such payments are
journal entry is: simply prepares memorandum entries in the
petty cash
Cash short or over xx
c. Replacement of the petty cash payments.
Payable to cashier xx Whenever the petty cash fund runs low, a
check is drawn to replenish the fund.
The replenishment check is usually equal
IMPREST SYSTEM to the petty cash disbursements.
It is at this time that the petty cash
The imprest system is a system of control of cash disbursements are recorded.
which requires that all cash receipts should be
deposited intact and all cash disbursements Expense xx
should be made by means of check.
While internal control ideally requires that all Cash in bank xx
payments should be made by means of check,
this is sometimes impossible.
There are occasions when the issuance It is to be pointed out that the petty
of checks becomes impractical or cash disbursements should be
inconvenient such as when small replenished only by the means of
amounts are paid or things are hurriedly check and not from undeposited
bought or customers are entertained. collections.
Cash in bank xx
The composition of the fund:
Petty cash fund xx
Currency and coin 1,000
Supplies 4,500
Postage 3,000
2020 Miscellaneous
Nov 10 The entity established an imprest fund of expense 1,500
TOTAL 10,000
Petty cash fund 10,000
Cash in bank 10,000
29 Replenished the fund. The petty cash Petty cash fund 5,000
fund items include the following: Supplies 4,500
Postage 3,000
Currency and coin 2,000 Miscellaneous
expense 1,500
Supplies 5,000
Cash in bank 14,000
Telephone 1,800
Postage 1,200 The total amount of the check drawn is
P14,000 representing the petty cash
Nov 29 The journal entry to record the disbursements of P9,000 and the fund increase
replenishment is: of P5,000.
Supplies 5,000
Telephone 1,800
Postage 1,200
Cash in bank 8,000